The announcement of the Renesas RX Design Contest at Devcon 2010.
Dave makes a BIG appearance about half way through.

Hi Welcome to the Eev Blog an Electronics Engineering Video Blog of interest to anyone involved in Electronics Design. I'm your host Dave Jones We're going to announce um and launch our RX Design contest tonight. In fact, right now it's the official launch. It's one of the biggest and best contest we've ever done.

It's going to be global, have uh Europe and parts of Asia Participa in this contest and what's interesting is for the first time our alliance partners are joining this and uh, supporting and sponsoring this concept. So it's very powerful having the support of these Alliance partners. And and what does this partnership or sponsorship by these great Alliance Partners means it means that together Renaissance and these Partners we have put up 0,000 in cash on FS for the winners. That's amazing.

You know recently at BSC Boston one of our competitors uh announced a contest and I think it was $15,000 $155,000 So uh, you can compare it. it's it's amazing1 $10,000 in cash and PR and it's going to be distributed over for month 30 opportunities. Of course the awards first and foremost will be based on technical merits originality. They have to be useful.

you know, like those beer mugs we had last night with the AL lights going on but useful. They have to be cost effective and uh you know these days Documentation: If you want to use video or typ a good stear documentation be for and most of we're going to Ose Public Interest for voting. so it's going to be online. it's going to be.

You know we're use social media to be U public In well you will have or the content. contestants will have until March 4th 2011 to submit your design and we will do the final judging live at the upcoming and Better Assistance Conference in San Jose which is they call it the Spring ESC 2011 Now for us to enable you to submit those original and useful designs, we would have allocated 1,3 Renaissance development kits for the rx681. So uh you we're We're really going to enable a lot of people to try. Participated in this contest for the $110,000 in cash and prices.

Now to talk about this board. We have a special guest here: Mor Wright Most of you know him as Dr Micro on our Renaissance Rules blog page. He's here to share with you uh, the importance of this work. Please welcome Mor R thank you! My name is Moring right? Although it's been uh Dr Michael have answer to most of this week, it's been very gratifying.

For those of you been ask me if I was AFF Dr M the and classrooms and uh I appreciate you reading the blog. I'm uh really excited about the contest and exciting about the RX architecture in general. It's been a lot of fun for the past 6 months getting a chance to investigate the AR architecture and provide about it on a regular basis and now, um I'm excited about the opportunity to actually participate in the judging and to continue the the Dr Michel blog and among other things cover the progression of the contest. and I Want to talk a little bit about the board which you see on the screen: I think it's just a outstanding platform for a contest? Uh, the the contestants will probably for the most part get their hands on the RX 62 in mic for the very first time with the full complement of communications oriented peripherals such as Ethernet, USB and can.
But the platform is way more than that because it has a host of other good stuff on the board from third party. Uh. from Analog Devices we have three N sensors U three AIS accelerometer Um, a digital thermometer, a microphone. There's a fantastic Graphics display you see there.

It's pretty small, but it's amazing how much you can put on that Graphics display. There's also a flash device. There's an Ethernet P from Nationville Semiconductor and great for Sager So it's it's a platform that I think will allow the Investments to really come up with compelling applications for and something. I I Really look forward to judging I I'd Also like to just mention the demonstrations that come with the board because I think those demonstrations will both uh, help the design contest entrance, don't start their project and and probably will inspire ideas.

Uh, for example, there is uh, motor control demonstration that comes with the kit and that motor control demonstration uses that circular area of LEDs that you see to simulate the different phases of motor drive. So I look forward to seeing how creative all you can be and to participate in the judging and also to block about going forward now. I Want to introduce another engineer that's going to be involved in the process as well. You may have seen him around here with his camera this week.

you probably know him best or his presence on the internet. his Eev Block Please Welcome da Jo Hi I'm D J and my secret talents have been unusual every week. I Educate, Entertain NS Like Me on YouTube and trust me, that takes a lot of talent. Roll the tape.

let's blow some up. Cy What is that? Check out the input circuitry. a isn't that sex on a stick? Why? They probably went back to their cubicles and just started bashing their head against a desk. It wins the E B product of the week award CRA Look, this is actually a real fan flying here.

Watch this. Oh Jee no, go away. I'm a professional design engineer I Don't need design advice. It's all over the shop.

It's messy I Don't like it. It's so let's have some fun. W So that silly horrible springing sound in that like you just the Fantastic new technology that can make it work well. I Smell.

One person, one hobbyist, one hacker, one maker can change the world. Thank Can't believe a L on my own stuff that's terrible I've never seen myself on such a big screen. I'm so used to watching myself on YouTube on a tiny little YouTube scen uh I don't have any speech prepared today I'm off the cuff. um as I already introduce myself, my name is David Jones I'm the host of the Electronics Engineering video blog.
uh if you don't know the accent I am Australian from Sydney I'm not New Zealand or English so please don't get mied up. and uh I basically do a weekly Electronics engineering show which should be of interest to most electronic Engineers out there. If you like my style, that's pretty much a summary of, um, some of the wacky stuff I get up to I do product reviews uh, product tear Downs design tutorials and I like to rant about bad product design. Basically, if something's crap I'll call it crap.

that's something I enjoy doing. Um, so if you want to see the show, it's um, it's on every week. it's on so that's a little plug for myself if I can get away with that. Now renesis have asked me to be uh involved in the RX design context I've got one here and I'm super excited.

Really, this is a great design contest! I've been involved in a lot of design contests over the years, both entering and watching. and there's even I know somebody in the audience who's won a previous design uh contest and a lot of them are pretty lame. They even got U Um, you know they might be $5,000 total prize money. We're talking $110,000 It's massive I've never seen a D contest this big I'm excited from that respect.

um from that aspect. and also, um, uh, there are just so many prizes involved. Really, it's just unbelievable. If you don't win a prize in this, I mean you can always get something for a lead flasher.

There's that many prizes involved. There's not just one major prize, so it's fantastic now. I'm going to be involved in this several ways. Uh, the first way is I will be a judge at ESC along with B Mory who introduced me uh along with several others here as well and um, our job is to I guess go by the Contest rules.

but um I do like stuff that's cool. so if you design something cool that it doesn't quite meet the criteria, it's going to get up there. so guys make some cool stuff. Okay, I'm sure you can with this you amount.

the power on this RX board is phenomenal. The amount of the feature set here get um, all the stuff filled in and glor went over. It's just incredible. So um, you can do anything you imagine with it.

Um now so I'll be a judge at ESC I will also um have a regular video Vlog it'll be both on the Eev Vog and on the Renaissance Rules site. As the contest goes along, uh, I'll be uh, tearing down the board and doing some, uh, probably some examples and showing you how it works and uh, giv new ideas and things like that and I'll uh, thirdly, I'll most likely be uh talking. um I'll most like to be reviewing some of the uh, some of the entries so if they're no good, well, you might get a the serve. So make sure they're interesting, make sure they're creative, make sure they're cool, and uh, have some fun with this RX design contest.
and uh, I'd like to thank everyone Uh, who's been involved in this cuz it really is fantastic. So get to work guys! Get one of these. it's free! Can you believe it? If you haven't picked one up, okay, see one of the Renaissance people I'm sure they can hook you up with one. It's a it's got 99 bucks written on the back.

There it is 99 us. You don't have to buy it, they're going to give it away. Unbelievable. So so enter the contest and I hope you do well.

Thanks Thanks a lot.

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12 thoughts on “Eevblog #122 – renesas rx design contest announcement”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars fender7802 says:

    Dave, you're fantastic. Great job filming this conference and awesome presentation. The man!!!!!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars gbowne1 says:

    Ok, so what are we on for Blog #125 and say also #150?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars scancool says:

    GO DAVE!!! it was amazing to see you there on the big screen, every clip from that video takes me back to the topic of that day, Congratulations!!!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 0000mastermind says:

    lmao, smells like bullshit, dave your so funny.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EEVblog says:

    @TheWelly888 It's not great, I know. I had my camera 100ft away across a room of 700 people eating dinner. I can hear myself fairly clearly with headphones.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EEVblog says:

    @sanjaac Thanks. Getting me on stage with the video and all was a last minute thing, I didn't even have the video on my notebook, I had to leech it from Youtube!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sanjaac says:

    Hey Dave,

    You brought us the day to day of the DevCon, which is something I and many do appreciate. An now you on stage, the EEVBlog really rocks!

    Just can say: keep up the good job!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ForViewingOnly says:

    Yay, go Dave!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Xeno VJ says:


  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars artifactingreality says:

    I love how all you can hear is cutlery clattering.

    "what did he say" "i dunno just keep eating nom nom nom"

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Russell Jenkins says:

    Dave keeping it real!
    Nicely done

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gameboygenius says:

    Hahaha! Bashing the PICkit came in handy NOW, didn't it?

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