Dave cuts loose on Digikey (or Bourns?) for providing dodgy resistors which made their way into his µCurrent adapters.
Have you had dodgy parts from Digikey?
The part in question is this one:
And practical demos on how to do 4-Wire resistor measurements

Hi Welcome to the Eev blog an Electronics Engineering Video blog of interest to anyone involved in electronics design. I'm your host Dave Jones Hi I've had a bit of a problem with my micro current project and I'm a bit pissed off. Quite frankly. what's happened is I uh kitted up for a new batch of these and I uh tested them and shipped away a bunch of them and then I found.

oops there's a slight problem with them. Now the thing with the microcurrent project is that it's a little Precision current adapter and it basically relies upon the uh, precise nature of the .1% resistors in here to give the accuracy that this unit actually has. And you know those resistors are usually very, very reliable. You either get the right part and it's spot on within spec .1% or it's not or it's you know, the wrong part or something else.

So I don't fully test every parameter of this thing before I send it out I just do a couple of SP I just do a spot check on each current range to make sure it's working and I check the first build to make sure it's okay and then you know I just do some spot checks and ship them out well after I shipped out a batch of them uh, the uh second lot I started to test it and it looked a bit looked a bit funny. The readings on the um on the microamp Range were slight off and I thought I'd investigate. Now here's what typically happens: Okay, I've got the microcurrent adapter here I've got the output hooked up to a Uh to a Precision meter. Here the Metr hit extra I switch it on and I've got my uh Keithly current Source here which um I generate a constant current into the input.

Now this is on the nanoamp Range and I've set it to 99.9 nanoamps on my current Source here and as you can see, it's 99 7. It's pretty darn good because it's not. This isn't Uh, this isn't like 0.1% or lower accurate, but that shows me that I've got the right value resistor installed and everything's hunky doy with that and I switch the current range up to the milliamp range. Here we go.

so it's 99.9 milliamps and check it out. There we go: 9989 Pretty darn close to 99.9 Not a problem, but let's Swit swi it down to the microamp range and switch it over. and here we go. It's 101.2 M volt.

So it's saying it's 101.2 milliamps Now what we need to do. Okay, that seems to be a bit out way out, um of spec, but what we need to do is whack a current meter in series and actually see what current's going into here to confirm that. Okay, so what we've got now is we've got a second Metr hit meter. The Metr hit energy.

Nice precise meter I Love it. Haven't done a review of that yet, but uh, it's me now measuring the input current to my microamp range and the um other metr hit. um, extra meter is still measuring the uh output voltage or what the microcurrent is measuring. Okay, so I'm actually feeding in 99.76% So you might think that that's you know it's pretty darn close.

but if you punch that into your calculator, that's like a 1.4 1.5% error. it's hopeless. I We expect around 0.12% or better accuracy. So it's you know, it's almost an order of magnitude.
uh, worse. Really. So something is wrong with the microamp range on this meter. Now we know if you look at the circuit, we know that it's not the two uh gain set setting resistors or the three gain setting resistors.

because uh, the other rangers which share those resistors, the Nano amp and the Milli ranges are spot on. So there's nothing wrong with those resistors. So it must be the Uh 10 Ohm Uh current shunt resistor used on the microamp Range something sus with it and I found that it was like this right across the board with most of the units I measure they were above. Um, they were over spec.

This one's saying it's 3.28 microamp with 99.7 microamp input. It's crazy. So let's investigate a a really bad case board. This one's about 3.5% out now based on these Uh two readings here.

if you punch in the numbers, we instead of that 10 Ohm resistor. Uh, being 10 Ohms, we calculate we should get about 10.35 ohms. So let's actually measure this resistor and see if we get around about 10.35 where we're just ignoring the other resistors in the circuit. We're assuming this spot on.

so there's going to going to be a bit of play there, but let's actually measure it and see what we get. Now because we're talking about a .1% resistor and it's a low value of 10 Ohms. .1% Uh represents 10 milliohms or .01 Ohms. So uh, the Tesla When you short out the test leads on your multimeter like this, we'll use the Metr hit energy for this.

Okay, then you're talking. You got to zero out the residual resistance in these test leads when you're doing something like this. So it's. 29 Ohms 29 Ohms.

Let's zero that out. Okay, it's pretty close to zero and we're after 1035 or thereabouts. let's have a look. 10.33 34 There you go.

Bingo The resistors about 3.3% out of Tolerance Unbelievable. Now of course we can't just leave it at that. Let's try another meter, just in case you know something might be happening with the meter. I've got the fluke 87 here.

Let's zero out the test lead shall We 0.15 There We go and let's probe this resistor here. You've got to really have sharp when you're talking. um, this lower resistance you got to have really sharp probes. So the ones that come with, um, say the uh, the the Metr hit energy aren't very sharp at all.

They're You know, really thick ones. So you've got to actually get really sharp probes to get in there to, um, get through the oxide coating on the solder joint and all that sort of stuff. so you really need to make a good connection. But there it is.

10.35 34 Ohms. It's exactly what we got with the other one confirmed. Hey, but I'm still not convinced. So let's get the Agilant meter and give that a go.

Shall we null that out? and there it is. 10.34 Ohms gotcha now. Thankfully I Just so happened to have some resistors left over from the build. and there's the part number.
Okay, you can clearly see it's the correct part number. I can go through that on Digi key. but um, I've got some leftto over resistors because who knows, they may have been damaged during soldering or something like that. They could have drifted.

who knows. but these are brand speaking new from the packet. I've got one here on the bench and let's check it out. It's really hard to probe a little 0805 resistor, so bear with me when it's not on the board.

it uh, can be a little difficult. 10.23 Ohms, there you go, you saw it. and I've tried a few others and similar thing so nothing to do with the solder in at all the ones out of the packet that are supposed to be 0.1% It's hard to see there you you think it says 1% but there's actually a decimal point in front of that .1% Are you know, a couple of percent? It's crazy. Just as a sanity check.

I've got one of my original units from my very first batch here and let's measure that and see what we get. Let's measure the 10 ohm resistor and what do we get there? It is 9.9 10. exactly what you expect within .1% Not a problem. So there's something seriously wrong with this new batch of resistors.

And here's my original unit. hooked up measuring as you can see input current 99.74 microamps and the measurement out of the micro current is 99.76% .1% spec. So these new units are rooted okay I Know what you're thinking I've only done what's called a two terminal measurement with a regular multimeter. What about a four terminal measurement? I'm glad you asked.

Now, if you don't know what a four terminal measurement is, let me explain or a four wire measurement, it's a special resistance measurement. You got to have a special meter that supports four wire. I Happen to have my Hiller Packard 3478a bench multimeter here that support regular two wire and what's called four wire measurement and this is how it works in. if you have a regular, you try to measure a resistance like this.

what it does is it has a current generator just like it has in a normal multimeter but instead of reading back the value right in here, What it does is it actually has a second set of wires. uh, second set of inputs that is a Voltmeter. So you're measuring the current and the voltage. but you're measuring the voltage right at the point of the resistor.

So you're not measuring the extra voltage drop along the resistance of the wires of of the wire that's actually carrying the current. So what you do is you probe it directly on the resistor itself and you get a very, very accurate measurement, effectively nulling or zeroing out any effect due to the test leads whatsoever. Now this shows it. two separate Uh leads like this, but often, well, usually they.

they're actually Um. They're actually the same set of test leads, but they'll have instead of just one wire, they'll have two wires running in them and they'll be connected right at the tip of the actual Uh probe. and that goes into the multimeter like that. But you've got to have those special four- wire resistance Uh probes now.
I Don't have one of those. So I Decided to make my own and it's real easy. It's it's pretty trick trivial now because it's pretty hard to hold four probes at the same time. You've pretty much got to solder it.

So what I got is Uh is one of my microcurrent boards and I solded just the 10 Ohm resistor on there. As you can see, there it is there. the the 10 Ohm resistor and I've got two wires coming in which is comes from the Uh from the current generator basically. and then what's called the sense wires are connected directly onto the resistor like that, then solded directly on like they should be.

because the microcurrent layout. the board layout already has the wires actually going directly onto the resistor, but you normally sold of these sensor resistors directly onto the contacts of the resistor and let's see what we get now. Hopefully you can see that it's not that great in the light, but what I've got it is on is I've got it on two wire measurement and as you can see, it's 10.22 7 Ohms basically. but let's switch it to four wire measurement because I've got the Uh two current Uh ones here what's called the input and then you've got the Uh Sense wires here.

So let's switch to four wire measurement and that effectively takes out any effect due to the Uh test leads. and as you can see, it's 10.08 Ohms. So it's actually 0.8% out. That's no good at all.

It's supposed to be. 1% or better. So we're expecting 10.01 or better on this display and we're not getting it so clearly. Um, it shows that there's something wrong with these resistors.

This was just a random one picked out of the brand new batch. Now, if you actually want to do your own full terminal resistance measurement at home and you don't have a meter which supports four terminal resistance measurement, that's fine. You can actually do it with two multimeters, one to measure voltage and one to measure current. and you use Ohms law.

Simple. And here's an example of using two multimeters. I've got my full four terminal board again. I've got my constant current generator.

If you don't have a constant current generator, that's okay. You can just use the voltage source generally with a series protection resistor. Um, because you don't want to blow a low value like this, you don't want to put 10 volts across 10. OHS Okay, so um, you need a series dropper.

So we're measuring the current we're putting through 9963 milliamps. There it is. and we're getting. We're measuring across directly across the resistor, directly probing it.

100 .43 M volts. And if you whack that into the calculator, you get 10.08 Uh Ohms. Which is exactly what we got with our H packo up here. We got 10.81 actually, so near enough.
Okay, and that's how you can do a simple four terminal resistance measurement with two multimeters. And one of the main benefits of this is that you can measure actually really very low values of resistance. You know, down to milli Ohms or there whereabouts which your regular multimeter just can't measure on its Ohms range no matter how good it is. Um, you know you can have a real super Precision bench meter like this If you try and measure the resistance, your probes are just going to swamp anything under.

Generally about you know an OHM or 10 Ohms or Under. you really should be using a four termo resistance measurement to get accurate results. Okay, let's use our little Xtec uh microscope here to take a look at the one from that we actually got from the batch. Now it looks to me it looks pretty close to my original ones, but we'll have a look at that in a minute and there's the identifying mark on it.

There you go: 10 r0 which indicates that it's a Precision resistor so that looks pretty good. Now let's uh, do a comparison with the one on my original board. Now as you can see there it is, it's a bit harder to see because it's mounted on the board I can't quite uh zoom in as as well as I could on the other one, but it looks like it's an identical resistor. So I think it's actually the correct uh type, but why? it's um, several per out? I've got no idea.

So there you have it, What's going on with these resistors from Digi Key? Now these are actually from a company called Burns Uh, Who manufactur some pretty good resistors. They're world-renown. They're great manufactur great resistors now. So either dig are at fault here, they've shipped me the wrong part or burns are at fault because they've uh, sent them to digi key incorrect I don't know who's actually at fault here, but if you look at the part number, the part number is here it is.

Let's look at the Digi Key uh website. it's the B Ct805 B-10 r0f and the Digi Key website says that's 0.1% uh 0805. And if you look at the data sheet here from Burns you can see that the uh, the B in the after the Um 0805 there the B stands for 0.1% and the burns. This particular CRT series of resists is available um, up to anywhere from 1% tolerance down to 0.01% tolerance.

So, but clearly I've had some that are greater than 1% out. so it's it's almost as if they aren't actually this CRT series. They? you know, they've actually screwed it up Beyond just giving me the wrong particular uh type. they uh, the wrong, the wrong tolerance they've actually gone for I think it's a totally different type of resistor Anyway, I'm not happy.

not happy with Digi key or Burns whoever damn well fault it is I don't care I've been screwed over and yeah, it's my own fault I should have tested them a bit more thoroughly before I send a couple of units out. but jeez, you trust these things to be. You know when you buy 0.1% you expect .1% Now if they if I got the wrong part, odds on I would have got the wrong value or something like that and it would have been obvious. but in this case, no I got the wrong tolerance and that can be a real pain in the ass when you're rely on that tolerance in your design because sometimes unless you do exhaustive testing, you may not notice it.
It's a real pain in the ass. Not happy at all. Digy: KY What's going on.

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25 thoughts on “Eevblog #133 – dodgy digikey components”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars pcfreak1992 says:

    I'm already triggered by the ".1%" notation. Is it that hard to print the extra zero? What if the ink is low and the dot gets lost in the print? "01%" is quite obvious and you at least question it, rather than "1%" which looks perfectly fine.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John West says:

    Having once identified numerous problems on a stack of newly manufactured micro-controller boards to be due to a bag of 5000 1N4148 diodes with the cathode band printed on the anode end, I never trust anything going into a new build. Now that we are in the depths of manufacturing, labor, and shipping shortages and difficulties it becomes ever more important to verify EVERYTHING.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Adler says:


  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars reddog says:

    So, I assume the lesson is – do spot-checks on batches of supplies? I mean, not that genius a thought, but I guess sometimes you really do need to get burned once to avoid this happening in the future

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Startobytes says:

    2010 I was 4 jears old, now I am 14 jears and make YouTube Videos about electronics!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pibbles-a-Plenty says:

    Olde maxim says, "if you can't build it and make it work with 20% parts it's a poor design."

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pibbles-a-Plenty says:

    Well I'm sure Digi-Key will hear about this. Hah! Their buyers thought they knew how to avoid being snookered by Chinese alleyway manufacturers of fake components. Reminds me of Radio Shack's replacement semi's in the '70's. They were Texas Instruments culls. Just like then, and as it has always been, the QC department is right on your work bench, Dave

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stan Burton says:

    Obviously this is an old post but this is precisely why the practice if removing the leading zero from values is a dangerous one. Ive fought this problem for years with purchasing agents, inventory clerks, engineers. Etc. That tiny little decimal point vanishes far too easily. But that big fat Zero doesn't.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tom Restis says:

    I would just like to add to the explanation of the 4 wire measurement.  One key benefit of the 4 wire (kelvin) measurement is the special 4 wire clips actually make 4 separate points of contact.  in contrast to the statement that the wires join at the very tip of the probe.  The difference is that the contact resistance is negated by making four separate points of contact.  This can be significant for high precision measurements. In the two wire delivering the constant current source, the contact resistance does not matter.  It is a current source after all.  This leaves the sensing wires circuit, which has a very low current due to the high input impedance of the meter.  So the voltage drop due to the contact resistance of this circuit is V=IR  ….  = almost nil current times what ever the resistance equals almost nil voltage drop and high accuracy.   If the proper 4 contact points are not used then the significant current of the current source times whatever the contact resistance is equal to a non negligible voltage drop.  A second comment for everyone out there that does not have a 4 wire ohm meter is that just use a separate current source and a standard volt meter and you can make 4 wire kelvin measurements.  Additionally depending on what you are measuring, you can use a higher current to improve the signal to noise ratio and get better accuracy as long as the current is not enough to heat the parts under test.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Atomic_Sheep says:

    I recently (2019) purchased a component that was an order of magnitude out. Banding was correct, packaging was correct, part number was correct, but the thing was not what all that said. Always check your components prior to installation.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bang Thumper says:

    This sounds more like the typical lies that continually come from China. Overstating battery capacity, tighter tolerance on resistors, misleading adds to make you think you are getting five pieces instead of one and the list goes on.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Kaiser says:

    Dodgy Digikey components again?!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars orsmplus says:

    After watching a bunch of these videos from almost a decade ago, its just dawned on me how amazing the video quality was in these videos, considering it was 2010…. Even in 2019 this is great

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tre bushett says:

    100% inspection is the only way to go – sth I learned many years ago !

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul F says:

    Anything do do with the zero missing before the decimal point. Someone may have read them as 1.0% tolerance. (P/N matched exactly though…!)

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Hinde says:

    What is Digi-Key? and what is TEC1 – 12706?

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dr. MoLoToV says:

    DODGY video used to exhibit two multimeters at 1500 euros each. This guy bends to the one who pays him. Holy child of fucking.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark Lowe says:

    Yeah, I'm not so agreeable with this video. Digikey is can't be responsible for this but this video potentially harms them way bigger than the problem really is. Would be much better just to do the video without the name mentioned and warn people to check component. Of course feedback to Digikey so they can fix with manufacturer. Digikey are a really good supplier. If you gave feedback and they ignored then sure.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chuck Patten says:

    You are the problem that you are complaining about. As the manufacturer you have the responsibility to perform quality audits on all of your parts. The reason that crap gets out to customers is that too many manufacturers delegate the responsibility for auditing quality to their lower tier suppliers but abdicate their own responsibility to check the effectiveness of the lower tier quality systems. You are your own worst enemy…

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars laernulieNlaernulieNlaernulieN says:

    I would absolutely love any one of those really bang on meters, Dave’s got about twenty of the things just kicking about in his lab! The man’s got some kit!

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nigel Wright says:

    I got caught out with some resistors from Farnell that weren't even the right value ! The bag was marked right but the resistors were wrong. Farnell didn't want to know, they just said they would remove the wrong resistors from stock. Had to remove a few resistors and put in the right value.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chaos Corner says:

    OK, late comment. Possibly these were bootleg or fake-labelled looser-tolerance components. Not sure how digikey sources their stuff.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RavenLuni says:

    Bournes – I remember paying through the nose for the right pots to restore my dad's old guitar – things failed after a bit of light soldering

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jardel Lucca says:

    How many multimeters do you have?? I'm currently accepting donations in my workshop

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars circuitsmith says:

    George Carlin joke: "Everybody worries about all hell breaking loose. What if just a little piece broke loose and nobody noticed?"

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