What does the famous YouScope demo look like on a digital scope?

Hi Welcome to the Eev blog! an Electronics Engineering Video blog of interest to anyone involved in electronics Design. I'm your host Dave Jones Hi No. I'm not in the lab today I'm in the lounge room. Why? Because I've got my old Uh analog Hmeg analog oscilloscope hooked up to my desktop computer.

As you can see, there's the probes up there, they're connected to the Uh sound card output uh signal from the desktop which is is Um which is actually my media center. it sits in the cabinet behind there and I'm running the famous Uscope demo which gets some pretty funky displays on here. As you can see, it's got scrolling text and really uh, funky images. Check this out.

there it goes. unbelievable and you can get this on an analog oscilloscope. Now this Uscope demo. it's not new.

It was uh developed by a 15-year-old kid I believe as part of an Assembly Language programming contest in 2007 and everyone Um has played with this before. It's really fun! I Highly recommend you download it. What it is is a sound file. It's just a wave file that generates Uh signal that generates waveforms on the left and right channel of your audio card and they're fed into your oscilloscope into the XY mode and as you'll know so the left channel into X Y into right or so for and uh as you can see, you can generate text and uh scrolling images and all sorts of you know rotational cubes and really funky display in XY mode.

And if you don't know how XY mode works, basically the X Uh input controls the voltage on the input controls where the dot is on the screen um, across the x-axis and likewise the Y input. Uh, down here the voltage on that controls the dot in the Y axis so there is no time base anymore. It is a direct correlation if I take out the input signal here as you can see, it's just a DOT on the display like that. and if I plug in the Um, X and Y inputs as you can see away it goes and it generates the image based on that.

Now um, it's really funky because it doesn't. There is no way to blank that signal. Okay, normally some oscilloscopes have a z axis input uh and that will actually turn off the dot for a brief period so you can move the dot around. You can draw lines like a vector-based display, but then you can turn it off.

but this use scope demo is great because it doesn't use that. Um, so hence if I turn up the brightness here you can see the lines that are used to actually draw it. so you've really got to get your your intensity just right so that you don't see those flyback lines. all you see is the actual animation.

Now there's nothing new here but I Thought that I'd try and get this working on a digital scope and see what happens. So let's give it a go. And the reason I'm using my desktop computer here is that uh, you really need a good quality sound card with a line out it I found it doesn't really work on the headphone uh, outputs which is all my notebook computer's got. So and here you go.

as you can see, it works and which is isn't really surprising given that uh, this is $50,000 waveform updates per second on this Agilant scope. You can actually quite clearly see it, but it actually works too good because you can see all the flyback lines. Now if I vary the intensity, if I drop it down. you can still see the flyback lines on there, which is quite annoying.
I can turn it all the way up of course and get maximum intensity and uh, but you can still see those flyback lines and it, You know it. It really is a little bit, uh, really is a little bit annoying so you can't really get rid of that. It's too good. You can't sort of drop the intensity right down and see and that's like zero.

You know that's with the intensity right down. I Can see the display quite nicely, but you can still see the flyback lines and I want to get rid of those? so let's see what we can do. So here's a little trick we can use to get rid of that display. Now what I'm going to do is I'm going to turn on the uh, infinite persistence.

So I'll go into persistence mode and turn on infinite persistence. And okay, what I'm going to do is I'm going to let that fill up the display. There we go, it's filled up the entire background display with that color there. Now as you can see, we're left with uh, if we turn it back down to scale, we're left with the uh, the actual image we can see quite well.

But what happens is you actually get to a point where if you change your intensity over here, okay, if you turn it all the way down, then you can still see the flyback lines on there, which is really quite annoying. But if you take it all the way up, there will be a point where those flyback lines disappear and they become the same color as the background. Watch this and Bingo there it is. It's A at about 84 or 85% intensity for this particular scope and setup, and if I turn it past that as you can see it, you know the flyback lines become completely, uh, completely visible and they're hopeless.

But it reaches a point where it goes from that negative to the positive and it matches. and I think that's about 84% So I'm going to leave it at that and Bingo! We've got our nice U scope display on a digital scope. I Love it And and I know what you're thinking. What does it look like on the Ryol on a like less than sub 1,000 waveform updates per second scope.

As you can see, it's pretty darn crap and there's not much you can do about it. uh, at all. It just it just can't cut it. You can kind of sort of.

There's that animation display on there. it just really can't do it. It's hopeless, so that's no good. Let's watch the full version of the Uscope demo on the Agel scope in En Joy I I I A.

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23 thoughts on “Eevblog #153 – youscope demo on a digital scope”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DD2020 says:

    I was looking for a reason why to buy expensive Agilent, now I got it…thanks !

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Keegan Dent says:

    turn up the phosphor por favor

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Richard Some Times Wrong says:

    Amazing. Could qualify as Geek Porn.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Teth47 says:

    I'm guessing outputting it from a phone is the reason I can't get it even slightly clear. All the lines are wavy, as if it's tracing out circles to approximate straight lines. oh well.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars godleyanchor says:

    BUT the Rigol DS1054Z has both a variable intensity display AND a firmware hack, is it enough to accomplish this?! Good thing I just got one in the mail! >:}

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Skyfox says:

    I really like the music!

    I tried the "Beams of Light" demo on my analog scope and there was nothing I could do to make the flyback lines disappear. No matter how low I turned the intensity, they were still visible even though the main pattern display was getting quite dim.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Digiphex Electronics says:

    How do you make your own custom texts for this?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars fiddlestickz muzik says:

    Cool finally I have found out how this is done, now to find a second hand scope and the software…anyone..??

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars frotwithdanger says:

    Whoever invented that Youscope thing is gonna be the next Aphex Twin.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars web1bastler says:

    it souns quite freaky, if you listen to it with headphones, instead of feeding it into a scope!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RetroGamerVX says:

    Just discovered this Youscope, nice to see an explanation of how it works :o)

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars OH6BPL says:

    AWWWW idiot it is not assembly language… assembly is demoscene / lanparty in finland.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew says:

    This is cool and all, but nothing beats gathering around the old analog 'scope to watch green pictures.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EM 0J says:

    What impedance do you have the x & y channels on? I noticed both channels where at 500mv/div. I tried it a while back on a Tektronix 2465 scope and got crap. But I think as you said, the output from a laptop is crappy. You inspired me to give it another go using a better sound card. Thanks for the post!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars fknrdcls says:

    @EEVblog should check out the rest of the "Demoscene" those kids with unnatural programming talent are all over it!

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars zazaphoto.ro says:

    damn… I just ordered the RIGOL scope from China :))

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars floydiangreen says:

    you need a dual channel scope for this?. it looked best on the crt

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars joe72205 says:

    Looks like agilent should include a brightness gamma adjustment or custom brightness curve ability.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ubuntututorials says:

    @EEVblog Very interesting. I will have to figure out how to switch our scopes. Analog would be better for high frequency in this case because these scopes at college only manage 100 MS/s and alias on any signals above 50 MHz.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Xeno VJ says:

    Can the same sofware maybe run two galvos for X.Y laser control?

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EEVblog says:

    @ubuntututorials No, you can switch it into a digital storage mode, then works like any other 200MS/s digital scope.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ubuntututorials says:

    @EEVblog Interesting. So the 200 MS/s is only for measuring wave features (like frequency, amplitude, rms, etc.) and capturing that information?

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew says:

    @EEVblog i actually have a 1 channel scope that this works with. 🙂

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