Dave reflects on 200 episodes, his full time video blogging, and talks about some stats and the future of the blog.

Hi welcome to the Eev Blog an Electronics Engineering Video Blog of interest to anyone involved in electronics Design. I'm your host Dave Jones 200 episodes you Beauty! Yep, 200 episodes. Can you believe it? I can't jeez. it's been almost 2 and A2 years since I started the Eev blog and back then, well it didn't even have a name.

really it was just a Blog a video blog lame ass thing. 320x200 crusty old webcam in my study. Who would have thought 2 and 1/2 years later I would be at not only at 200 videos, but I've probably done a bit more than that actually. but eh.

nice round numbers good enough. 200 video blogs and I'm a full-time video blogger. Who would have thought unbelievable L if you asked me 6 months ago whether or not I'd be when I'd if I'd be able to do this full-time I said yeah, maybe 5 years down the track, but nope. As it turns out out, this is actually my full-time gig I'm one of the lucky few in Australia that I'm aware of anyway who actually make a full-time living out of video blogging? I Can't believe it.

It's unbelievable. basically. U and I do it in such a niche area of electronics. Unbelievable.

So just wanted to say thanks I don't have anything special plan sorry, just a huge thank you to everyone who's watched, everyone who's supported, everyone who's contributed with comments feedback on the Forum all that sort of stuff. It's helped build the Eev blog into what it is now and it's hopefully it's just going to continue to, uh, get better from here. So I thought I'd share with you some stats of where we're at now because my videos are all based on YouTube that's where all the Uh stats center around for the views. apart from the Uh podcast version which I'll mention now on.

YouTube I'm up to uh, 2.9 million views. and that's remarkable for a niche little video blog. but in the scheme of YouTube it's it's nothing. you can get 2.9 million views like that.

if you have some silly little you know funny cat video or something go viral. It's crazy. Anyway, it's like a steady increase I get a steady number of views on each video. you do 200 videos.

Next thing you know, you're at 2.9 million views. Fantastic! There's Sean crying in the background if you can hear him and I've getting uh, around 6,000 views per day. That's not uploading. That's not people watching new material, that's just people searching for my old you material on YouTube it's incredible.

6,000 views per day consistently just for that mindboggling stuff. And a lot of people ask how many viewers do I have and that bit of a difficult question to answer. really. it's um, I have 11,000 subscribers on YouTube now, but that number's you know, bunk as everyone knows.

but I've got around 7,000 regular viewers on YouTube As far as I can gather, it varies depending on the video. uh, pretty much, but there's a solid 7,000 there who watch it either via YouTube or via the blog. the embedded video on the blog uh website and there's about another 3,000 or so um, that do the iTunes podcast thing or the RSS uh podcast version of the show. so that's pretty much around 10,000 total viewers.
Unbelievable for a niche Electronic Show Thanks guys! and the Eev blog.com site, it gets around 6,000 Uh views per day, around 180, 170, 180,000 per month. And the Forum The Forum is going gang busters. It gets uh, almost 34 of a million views per month page views per month. Absolutely incredible.

And that popularity has basically forced me into now getting a Uh dedicated server just for the blog. and the Forum cuz you may may have noticed it's getting pretty slow. uh, recently because it's just CPU throttled. it's just Flatline 247.

Pretty much uh. so hopefully soon, a uh new dedicated server will come online and then I will still have um, three other servers or two. one doing the Um Ampow just dedicated to the amp hour uh radio show which is a side thing I do if you're not aware of it, it's with Chris Gaml. It's a Uh weekly, uh, engineering Electronics radio show.

Um, just a different Avenue from the video blog. But if you like my rants on the video blog, you'll probably like my rants on the radio show too. So tune in to that one. And there's another server just dedicated to my other Uh websites and the uh streaming video as well because they're too much of a strain on the main server which is too busy serving up database queries for the Forum and the blog.

It's crazy, but it's a good problem to have right too many viewers. And one of the neat things is from day one, I've pretty much been seen. Just a linear uh, growth up and up. It just doesn't seem to end.

It's crazy, it's nonstop. And here's a couple of graphs. Here's the uh YouTube uh graph of that's a a Rollin 30-day uh average since the start. and as you can see it's it's pretty linear all the way up.

and uh, here is a um one from the blog uh, website evev blog.com once again monthly, linear, fairly linear growth like that. Amazing! So as I mentioned, this is actually my full-time job. I've got a little uh Consulting do a little bit of Consulting on the side, but basically uh, my bills are actually paid just uh by the blog. So all of the advertising you see on the website and the Forum um, that pretty much uh, pays um for for all of the bills.

it's quite remarkable I Still can't believe it. So big thanks to the advertisers who stick with me and the sponsors and the Forum uh sponsors couldn't do it without you. if I didn't get that I'd be back to a 9 to-5 job and I you know, with San in the house I probably wouldn't have uh much time left over at all to do the video blog. but hopefully I can continue to do it uh, fulltime if the money keeps coming in and uh, keeps me afloat And that's the plan anyway.

Um, but I do have actually, uh, plans to move out of the tiny space I've got here. Hopefully it's still in the works. Uh, don't know whether or not it's going to happen yet, but uh, that could be some exciting news. Um, so hopefully all of this will be relocated, uh, somewhere else because we are running out of space here in the house.
I've got 2 m by 2 m. so hopefully I'll be able to get some uh room off site within walking distance of uh of my home here and that will be great. At least it'll be an adventure if it works. it works.

if it doesn't, oh well. you might find me back here in the garage and there's no plans to change any of the Uh content at all. It's still going to remain the same. It's going to remain off the Cal I'll be doing reviews tear Downs rants, Uh, just uh, tutorials and just a whole bunch of random stuff.

Really? Um, cuz it's as I've always said, it's impossible to please everyone I Can't always do tutorials I can't always do reviews I can't always do tear Downs I Can't always do rants which everyone loves so it's just going to be a, you know, a mix of uh, things like that. nothing's going to change. So once again, I'd like to say thanks to everyone who watches. Whether you're one of those, uh, many thousands of Silent uh, viewers out there who just I just see my numbers go up or you're one of the uh, regular contributors.

the forums and uh, things like that and comments on YouTube appreciate everything. So here's to another couple of hundred or maybe what. Ah, probably won't do this again for 300, maybe for a th000 yikes. I'll be old.

sorry guys I don't have any multimeters to destroy. No marching bands, dancing girls, nothing like that I'm afraid. but I do have Sean Sean's in the house Hey Sean Say hi to the EV blog audience Hello there we go. say thank you because if they didn't watch then Daddy would have to get a real job and he wouldn't be able to stay home with you all day.

No, oh there we go. He loves being in the lab here. It's great fun isn't it? Yay! Look, you can even walk on the bench. You can walk on the bench.

What do we got a solder in? IR down there couple of solder Ires Nillos scope power supplies, moldy meters. oh wow Yay! Component cabinets. Wow! You'll have your own lab when you get a little bit bigger, you're only what? 17 weeks now? 17 weeks? Oh what a big boy. Say hi.

Look, there's the audience. There you go. There's about 10,000 people out there watching you and they all think you're adorable. don't they? Yes, Thanks guys.

San Says thanks too. See you next time. Here's a bit of a retrospective of the last 100. Hope you like it.

See, you don't turn it on. Tear it apart. Let's go. No.

Now, if you want to get a little bit more tricky and theoretical then I've drawn some capacitors in here. Once again. The Electri electrical thermal analogy. Tip Number one: Don't even think about a painon.

Don't spend a cent on them. It will almost guaranteed to result in a waste of money and time with no benefit whatsoever. It's got an 800 by 600 screen, which is about 150 or 160 pixels per inch. but it looks.
oh, it's pornographic. It it. it really is pornographic. It's phenomenal.

You know what we say here on the Eev blog. Don't turn it on. Take it apart. Don't blame me.

Check it out. It looks complicated. Okay, it looks really complicated I Admit, but it's not. Stick with me.

And if you are going to try this at home, remember kitties, wear protection There We go. Tell us about this new Um Infinium mix signal scope. Check it out. Isn't it sex on a stick? Look at the size of that screen.

What's the size of that screen. That's like 12 12 in, 13, 13 in screen? Okay, uh. you get a crap looking manual folded paper thing I Don't particularly like it that much. It's got the specs and most things you need, but yeah, it's a bit crappy, but that's it.

So oh, isn't that retro porn for engineers? Oh, brings a tear to the eye. Really does. It's been cut out and they've flipped that chip up. They've flipped it on its back and solded it on the underside like that.

It's brilliant. It's absolutely brilliant. why they've done that is because it makes the PCB layout uh, possible using a double-sided board. Usually when you get the generic industry events, they just like a total wank because well, they're just a whole bunch of rabble of companies trying to fog you sh sh the paper moneyy, this funny money us stuff, and how it's just crap quality paper.

it's just garbage. The print looks awful and somebody commented that it smells like, well, a combination of feet and ass. Go figure that don't smell like real money to me. It's been one hell of a conference, but time to head out of here.

See you almost forgot the video camera and how much does Jeter cost? Jeter cost? Nothing. Completely free. Maybe a penny if you have to pay for your ISP how do you make your money volume volume. Thanks! This time around I thought I'd give some advice cuz I'm full of advice.

Oh yeah, wow, this is a real traditional surplus store I Love it I haven't seen well I've never seen anything like this in Australia that's for sure. It's like a boy in a candy store I Love it. Oh there we go. There we go.

NASA Check it out. That is just beautiful. So don't fall into the free sample cycle. You get what you pay for.

not always going to get it. even the professionals don't always get it right the first time. you know who I hate. You know who really gets under my skin the bloody United States Government So it's basically a credit card thin uh, scientific programmable scientific calculator.

Why? Well, why not? I'll give you just one guess where I want to shove this sucker anyway I'm not happy. not happy with Digi key or Burns whoever damn well fault it is I don't care I've been screwed over Bingo It is not random data. there it is in plain asy. uh.
Copyright 1995 Motorola Corp You got to be kidding me. Where did this come from? So Myth busted. Everyone's got a tub of multimeters, right? Catch you later, so save your money and give yourself some screw you money. You won't regret it I promise you.

and that forms a basic boost converter for multimeters working from this 9V battery and its cutout voltages. you know 6.5 or 7 volts as some of them are or even higher. Then they're just pissing away a ton of capacity in the battery. So as the cell voltage drops like this, the current will increase like that and you may certainly recognize the name.

Tada It's me. Yay! This is one of my most successful test gear projects I Had published but I've got a world first. Nobody else has this. I'm the first to review it.

So what is it? It's the brand spanking new Agilant 2000 series oscilloscope. Oh check it out. Is there any circuitry inside here are ageline just ripping you off? Is it just the connectors and all the circuitry is still inside the scope? Well, what do you get for your 400 bucks? Good question. Let's find out.

Oh look at me. I'm a Digi key catalog. Woohoo! I've smelled that a million times in my career. It's just I Reckon something went poof.

that's $112,000 Magic Smoke Love it. Oh man. Agilent where everything's optional extra H Are you thinking what? I'm thinking absolutely. Canyon Road Trip time.

Let's beat the hell out of this thing. Woaw there he is. Ain't he beautiful? He's having a what's he doing there cleaning himself, having a feed I don't know, but uh yeah. nice looking spider.

the old Huntsman If you take it all the way up, there will be a point where those flyback lines disappear and they become the same color as the background. You got to be kidding me. I Thought this was the greatest thing since Slic bread. Heaven forbid did nobody in the marketing department realize that's just an epic fail? Hey HTC Here's a dollar.

Go and buy yourself a clue. You're probably used to hearing some Wildlife noises in the background surrounding my house here in the suburbs. Well, I'm trying to shoot a Blog at the moment and it's just impossible because of the noise. It's just crazy.

These birds just won't shut up guys. As you can see I goofed it I didn't have my head screwed on and I drilled the hole on the wrong side of the device. That's just a way that you can get trigger in on a complex waveform using trigger hold off. It's brilliant and that's what it's for.

Look at this thing. Okay, look, look, there's modulation on there at 55.5 khz 555, you'll know that I Couldn't resist myself I did a triple 5 timer scam and yes, it was complete. Of course there is no secret hidden Easter egg in the triple 5 timer. Look at that effect.

I'm just gently tapping that probe on the desk there and you can see that there is an an actual Uh shock response. A stand. A pretty standard shock response that is picked up by the probe. There you go.
We've got our Uh our board with our solder paste dispensed onto the individual pads. Now all we need to do now is take this to our pick and place machine. You look at it. There it is.

It's still drawing 6.5 watts. Are you kidding me? God You fly to the damn moon on 6.5 w What? and Tada we did it. Check it out. Almost forgot one thing.

In case you weren't aware. I'm now a full-time video blogger. This is my full-time gig. There we go.

it's coming. Tada Wa yeah, the problem is I haven't held my board but there it is. Bingo. You're going to need a bin for throwing in all your fail projects cuz that's how you learn.

Electronics You build stuff, you fail, you toss them out and you try again. Too white and nerdy? think I'm just too white and nerdy I'm just too white and nerdy. Really really white Andy at MIT Got skills I'm a champion D Andc that's my favorite MC Keep your my R spin to the contr. you'll find it they quite stationary I'm not sure if it's something I did in the tear down and if it is, well, quite frankly it's crap.

but occasionally it just locks up and does something weird. A lot of garbage. So overall, I'm very, very impressed with the layout of this board. Uh, layout, component selection, choices.

Soldering is first class. There's no soldering residue the design I I Can't really, uh, fault it at all. And for the fabric I Got two types yes, naturally wife approved and check it out. This brings tears of joy.

We've got two high sensitive 53 Vol reays on here. Real manly reays that you switch stuff with. none. This electronic switching stick in a relay I Love it.

When you turn the rain switch and you hear that click of that relay, you know you just know it's designed and it's going to measure properly. Happy to say it's completely Wife approved. Completely Wife approved project. Can you believe it? She even lets me get up in the middle of the night.

and Tinker with this thing, What is it? Here it is. Check it out. Super cool. I Call It Project Sean Check it out.

Isn't it awesome? It's my first neuro electronic project. It's just great. Oops. I Think the power supply stting the hiccup.

It just woke up out of sleep mode just randomly and the power supply is going now. I've tried debugging this thing, but quite frankly the probes just don't stay attached properly and I read out is gibberish anyway. So if you know of any good books on the subject for debugging these newo Electronics projects, let me know. Wait, byebye, it's time to enter sleep mode Sleep mode.

Want Mommy to put you into sleep mode. Okay with when you've got a past transistor like this, you can make it operate in constant current mode like this by determining the voltage drop across that current that shunt sense resistor. There you can keep it at a fixed current and then when it switches into another mode, it can work as a linear voltage regulator And we forgot the tray didn't we? But let's sit you on here and see what you weigh. Okay, You ready? 3.2 55 What a champion! Beauty Ooh it's your first visit to a N Cow lab, isn't it? Yeah, You want to go check out the gear? Absolutely.
let's go. Come on. Companies just don't seem to get it. They spend millions of dollars to these PR agencies telling them oh, how do we deal with social media? This is how you deal with social media for goodness sake.

Oh, it's not rocket science through the magic of the Eev blog. Snap My Fingers I've got one here in the lab? Really, it's here. Check it out. Taada the Mitsubishi IMF This is the biggest tip I can possibly give you for getting good quality soldering results.

Use the finest solder you can the smallest diameter. check it out. made in Australia you bloody Ripper Don't use uh, too high a temperature, too high a temperature. just burn the flux poof Goes Up in Smoke flux is everything.

So let's take a quick look at my Dave CAD drawing see would have come up with. and remember, if you're going to try this at home, wear protection. give it a go. There we go.

It's not necessarily the cleanest result there. Um, because there's probably a bit too much uh solder got on the on the pins, but we can actually clean that up. You can actually drag the iron back out like that and get the solder off those pins. No problems at all.

But rest. The layout is just I Don't know who did this? The work experience student. Here we go: I've got my mouse trap or it's actually a much larger rat trap. It's The Eradicator I Love it.

And uh, and really it. It is quite a nice symmetrical rotational design I Like it brings a bit of a tear to the eye really Beauty And it works both ways. If you do it for them, they'll do it for you. Somebody else will do it for somebody else Etc and it'll just be one nice big happy sharing Community Awesome group hug just relying on your Ryo you know digital scope.

It's not too bad, but they're noisy and you know they're just not as real time as a good analog scope. Highly recommend you get one. So there you go. That's uh, Eev blog Raw I should probably call it quits and uh, that's it.

So if you like the raw, it's not a regular live show. it's just me doing whatever in the lab. Today it was building microcurrent units and there they are. Aren't they beautiful? Oh, all lined up there look it's lovely.

Things will go pretty much the same as they always have. You won't notice much difference except better products at lower prices. Oh, here we go. This is exciting stuff.

This will be pornographic. What's under here? Oh, you don't do a Big D solid diecast metal thing like this. on, uh, on an RF spectr metalize without having some magic under here. Let's lift the skirt up, Taada.
Oh beautiful. Now, Tonics were originally quite reluctant to let me do a tear down on this thing cuz they were afraid that I might break their precious $30,000 oscilloscope. But they finally relented. So we've got a tear down coming up.

Check it out! But they didn't say I Couldn't do a drop test and we love doing Drop tests here on the Eev blog. So why the hell not? let's drop it. Oh uh yeah, don't try that at home. Yeah,.

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25 thoughts on “Eevblog #200 – retrospective”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Samantha Denisse Aguirre says:

    dave jones baby

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Samantha Denisse Aguirre says:

    good job dave jones

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MVVblog says:

    This is what happening to me right now. I'm very close to 40K subscribers, and i did this in only 3 and a half mounts! My channel start in 2017 and I only had 3000 subscribers at the end of 2019! I remember back in the day i was just like "WOW" watching you on your channel, wondering to be an youtuber, what that mean, some new hopes for the future, but now I am! I am sorry for the name of my channel MVVblog, too close to your EEVblog. Is all started like a joke, but now is real and it keep growing!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Radha Krishnan says:

    Dave jones is the steve irvin of electronics

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marco Franceschini says:

    Greetings from Italy Dave…

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marco Franceschini says:

    Greatings from Italy super Dave…a little electronic engineer here…follow you.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Reesey Me says:

    lets support him by disabling our adblock.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Δημήτρης Ηλεκτρολόγος says:

    good job

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Heriberto Mendoza says:


  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Johnny Gunz says:

    omg,he is so cute lol a few more years and you will have a assistant in the lab lol

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PIXscotland says:

    Slowly working my way through the lot of them after finding you via your FTDIgate video. Only another 500-ish to go.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Harry Haefner says:

    You have done a wonderful job for sure!  Keep the good stuff coming for all our

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Giu says:

    You're simply crazy. But that's what we've to be!!! 

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tentis2 says:

    Your videos are amazing, keep it up !!!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tentis2 says:

    baby in lab 🙂

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Squarepusher says:

    Jr. looks just like you. Nice.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Squarepusher says:

    love the rants.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars paraescucharrap says:

    Greetings from Mexico, Dave!!!

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MiniButMany says:

    I live about 10 miles away from his old house in Ithaca, NY.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars greywolf271 says:

    Nicely done, Dave. Here's to many more.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars greywolf271 says:

    A surplus store like the one you were in used to be in Richmond in the '80s, near the Town Hall. Alas now no longer.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars whiskeyify says:

    I'm not an engineer just a repair tech but enjoy watching this stuff…I've always wondered how things are designed and built. .

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tentis2 says:

    Good job, keep it up !

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeremy Hall says:

    Well Dave, Ive watched every episode from 1 – 200 now. Its been great information and a fun way to pass time. Your now at 342nd episode and I look forward to watching the next 100.
    So Yeah, You Know, Bingo, Its Like Magic, There You Go, Dont Turn It On, Take It Apart !!!!!

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zachary Scott says:

    Your lucky son 😉

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