Dave visits the Electronex Electronics Expo in Melbourne, Australia's biggest electronics trade show.
What will Altium be in for? *grin*

Hi welcome to the Eev blog an Electronics Engineering video blog of interest to anyone involved in electronics design. I'm your host Dave Jones and I'm not even inside yet, haven't even registered and somebody already came up to me and uh shouted out great Scott and he wins a multimeter. It's Phil hey Phil How you doing there? It is there you go. It's uh, not brand new.

unfortunately it is, um uh, it has been uh reviewed so but it it should be. It should be a winner. So you here for the show? Here for the show? Yes, excellent and uh, representing Latro. University Oh okay, you're you're from Latro.

Excellent. Department of Physics excellent and they gave you time off to Sure y Okay, so you work there or student the technician there Excellent. Oh well done. So hello to all the students that are watching Dave Zev Vog Excellent, well done mate.

you shouted out great Scott you weren't embarrassed. you came up and shouted out sh out Anyway, awesome, well done. Thanks See I Ran into an Ow listener Travis here hey Travis hey David how you going and look he was inspired by Carl SE by my little baby San and he's got he's got contact Fantastic! Thanks Travis Enjoy the show worries all right and say hi to Chris hey Chris How you going Huge n fan! Great stuff Yeah I and I'm here at the Emona stand with my mate John South Hey good and what do you guys carry? G GW insti Yep, we've got the the Rle range obviously, but we've also got some new product from GW which is the Um New GDs which we'll take a look at in a sec. The new GDs Scopes um other new product that we've got here is a little new non-invasive Um current probe system from TPI which we can show some new active differential probes as wellos Scopes and obviously our general purpose range.

All right, let's check them out. The new range of Um GDs 3000 Uh BP Celos Scopes Um 2 and four channel from 150 M to 350 M bandwidth Um got a very high update rate coupled with intensively graduated display. This is basically a video field signal yep that we're seeing tense graduated display on them. Um, they've got a range of Um Advanced trigger facilities including some serial bus trigger Um.

They've got also some power measuring capability as well as Um land interface USB interface standard. Yep. One of the unique features on them is they've got a split window mode where they can basically display multiple signals with uh, different Triggers on them. So got basically two signals on here and we've got so you can separately trigger both channels independently that's correct and have different time base.

Yep, oh, different time base on each time base on each y. And if we had a four Channel model, we'd be able to do four independently triggered signals and time base and vertical attenuation. So I've got a if you see here I've got a video trigger Yep. I'll just change that to Pal So to channel one, no signal.

Okay, so I've got this one triggering off video Andel This one's an edge trigger which is basically if I toggle down to this one we can see we've got our independent Edge trigger control. The signal we're basically displaying on the bottom one is we're displaying a um new current probe system which is a nonas current probe. it's from a company called TTI TTI Yep UK company. Yep.
so it's brand new where we can basically display um current measurement on circuits using the eyer. So what's the frequency range of that? This one's 5 MHz 5 Meg Yep. Yep. um display down to milliamps up to up to the amps range, right? Okay, and it also comes with adapters to do um, basically normal current prob measurements.

Yep. but the main thing that it does is a noninvasive current probe non contct current probe rather. So the update rate of this is probably somewhere between the tech series and the uh agilant. That's correct 2000 series.

It's probably not quite 50,000 waveform updates per second of the agilant. Yeah, that's cor it would be. it would be close to that getting up there and there it is. Up close, it's quite a thin unit.

I Rather like it doesn't weigh much I like the uh, huge feet on the back of it I've never don't think I've ever seen uh feet quite that large and on the back side here. if you can turn it around, we have all the ports as standard. we've got uh LAN USB post and uh video out and all the Cal and Trigger and the Go Noo outputs and there is also a fan in it. Um, is it loud? No, no it's not loud.

There you go. that's the new GW Inc it's not uh TTI branded. No, it's aim at uh conjunction product combination right? A at TTR Okay, right. so uh so uh what? TTI own aim or I believe? So yeah right.

Okay, that's the story all right. John We've got some Uh infrared. Yep, these are a Um thermal engine camera from a German company called Trch. TR Yep, that's right.

So they're a German made product. Um, basically they're a high resolution camera so they have the ability in electronics we be selling. Electronics is the ability to resolve very small SMD components. um for design manufacture, repair rework.

Um, so it'll it'll do thermal. They're basically designed for thermal profiles of components is that they can do thermal. basically any heat. any heat of any product um based that they will do let you get that set up.

Okay, there we go. so we can basically see R the LCD he around the LCD. there'll be heat around the LCD and if we're looking at um say for example, the little PCV over here. Yep, we can turn it upside down and we can easily resolve what's hitting up on here.

Nice. That must be some fine uh temperature resolution because yep that there wouldn't be much temperature differential in those in that probe I would assume. No, they have a very These have a basically a 001 de temperature resolution differ. Best best way to show that is the old handmark trick.
So we put a handmark on there. we can see the handmark. Yes, you can probably can't get that on camera, but you can see the hand Mark Fantastic. That's brilliant.

How does that compare to like the Uh flute FL ones. Are they in the same Market or FL Concentrate more on either the very low end. which is like a 60x60 resolution because all thermal imaging cameras have a certain array resolution. Yep, Um.

Trch. start with 16010 array. Um, these ones are Uh 340x 280. Um, so that's 110,000 OD temperature points so you're able to see smaller components.

Um, the similar fluke and flu. Like about double the price from what these are currently. And how much does this go for in Australian dollars? These range from roughly around the5 to $9,000 Mark in the product family that's in there. nice, but we start out at $2,700 for a 16120.

but the more resolution, the smaller the component you're able to see and resolve. Excellent. And is that like a drop proof? It looks pretty rugged. They do have IP ratings right? Yeah, nothing's drop proof right? Okay, got it.

but they do have U They do have certain IP rating and we've got the Ryol Spectrum analyzer. Yep, they've got a range of spectrum analyzers from Um 2 gig to 3 gig. This is that top of the Range model. Uh.

features things like a 10 HZ resolution bandw Um, very good noise for specifications, range of automated measurements. Um, it can run off a battery pack. Oh nice. Be F filled portable? Yep, Um.

Price: These ones are around $5,000 and they also have a slightly lower end 3 gig one for around $4,000 So it's very competitive pricing for the price. Performance Specification: Um, yeah, and this is the 6,000 we looked at last time we were here. They still. are they selling? Well, Yeah, they are.

They're selling well. We sell them typically into areas that would have only ever bought Agilant or Tectronics, right? Um Government research departments University Research Places like that that need a bandwidth of 600? MHz Yep, Um, without having the budget to pay, you know, $5 $20,000 600, Meg or one gig, right? Bits Have they dropped the prices since Agant have come through? Well, they don't really compete with the Ulent because they're a higher bandwidth. They're higher bandwidth. Yeah they what? They start at 1 gig or is that the they start at 600 me 600 Meg Which is higher than the Agin 3,000 Yeah, they're not really competing with the Agilent 3,000 series.

Yep, but the price has come down. They start out now around 5,700 for 600 two channel Nice. Excellent Thanks John No thanks. All right see you I'm here with Kevin from Upton Australia Thanks for joining us Kevin No problems today.

What do we got here? We got a pick and place. We have a pick and place machine from a company that was previously known as APS Novastar now known as DDM Novar They've recently had a buyou they're made in Philadelphia in the USA Yep, Um, this machine is specifically designed for people doing prototypes. small RS low volume. so it's not really high volume thing.
just in terms of speed. or in terms of speed. It's um, in real time. 32,000 components an hour.

We'd um uh, be able to dispense solder paste down to 0603 dots. uh we can do Micr Bgas we can do O201 uh packages we have we have uh Vision option. uh for the machine. this machine.

We've just got it set up to run. um, a fairly basic board. y uh. just to give the people at the show an indication of what's going on, let's run it.

Let's do go all right. We just, uh, you might see that the screen is a little bit, uh, fuzzy STI right rather than solder po which we would prefer to do. Got it? Um, but we've got sticky tape so there's the yeah You can see the sticky tape on there. Yep, it works.

It works good all right. We just gone to a Fiducial U to make sure that we're located where we need to be. We go to the other one and uh, again, sure that we're positioned where we need to be. So now we're picking from the feeders yep and placing components to their designated area.

Nice. It's had a u misfeed there. So uh, the reason for that is that the tape hasn't peeled back okay, sufficiently to release the component. Got it? Just reset that we have it running in a number of modes from slow to fast.

Yep. But Main Just to give people an indication of what we can do with a lowc cost pick and place machine from DDM Novar A machine like this is in the vicinity of around $25,000 25 which is not. uh, soell your house to uh to to get up and running. And how many feers is that? A? Is that a usable machine at that sort of level? Or we, uh, can have up to 64 feeders on this machine.

using a bank feeder, we can increase that 50% so close to 98 mm tape feeder. We can also pick and place short strip from um, the super strip feeder. The super strip feeder allows us to put a a length of 20 uh, discrete components um and any number of those we can pick in place from Matrix tray and uh from tubes. Excellent! Looks like a nice bit of Kit I like it.

Thanks I'm here with Mark from Uh Techark Australia and he's going to show us lots of cool Tectronics stuff. Let's go Go! Mark Uh Relatively new from tectronics is our Uh Realtime Spectrum analysis tool. Um, slightly different to the traditional Spectrum analyzer where you have a swept Uh analysis swept analysis uh using a resolution bandwidth filter. What this does, it takes chunks of data uh, um, 85 Meg in this case or 110 Meg in the next unit up and it does up to like 50,000 toet foral Transformers a second uh, up to 60,000 um waveform captures and then overlays those uh in the display which we call DPX but it's just not a pretty colored waveform.

Each color indicates spectral intensity intensity based on based on all the captur. Yeah, it hits and that type of thing here. So what we've got here is just a very basic Uh frequency oscillator that's drif sh in and we can see through the peak hold that it's got a center frequency of about 2.4 gig and it's shifting backwards in time and shifting up and and coming back. So now that you've seen that, you can set up the appropriate frequency domain capture or time domain capture and then go in and analyze that a bit further.
Ideal for Puls radar type applications. Um, uh, just general purpose Spectrum analysis type work. Um yeah so that's where the tech tech side of gone in with the Spectrum analysis tools. yeah is is this you? This been been out for a while.

the the theory has been out for about 10 plus years. Uh, it came out of the old Sony Tech Alliance uh and then um with the changes in the Spectrum analysis Market Tech came out with a what they wanted to do was a something to differentiate themselves uh and came out with this realtime uh Spectrum analyzer that started out with the 3,000 series and then we progressed to 5,000 and the 6,000 up to you spin into the newdo. It's funny, you should say that yeah yeah it has. it's sort of yeah.

Leeching across you might say. yeah. So obviously you're paying quite a few bucks for this one. that one, it's down a bit and yeah, it's a good good little analyzer on the Mdo.

Um, but yeah, this one does a little bit more application. The price we talking about in Aussie Dollar in Aussie dollars we starting at around $60 odd th000 for this the basic um RSA 51,000 uh up to the 20 gig unit. you're probably looking about $110 odd th000 so that's every home should have two. Yeah, but uh no, they're quite a good.

very good um dynamic range. um yeah, so competes well with you know the Roden Schwarzes and the Agilant. uh and each has got their own little niche. Uh, we're not saying that this is going to beat theirs or theirs going to beat ours.

just looking at different ways of as I say skinning the onion. Still going to get tears, doing your measurement. Still going to be fun, but we're just do it a different way. Yeah, I'm at the Agilent stand I'm here with that.

CK What's new? We we got a latest launch of the 20 gig. Spectrum Analyzer. Yep, yep and uh, that is really hot and wooo wooho Here we go. Yep there it is.

handheld Spectrum Manal. What's that? What's that worth? How much is that going for? Full feature? you're looking about about 25 ke, about $25,000 Yep, Yep. Bargain specs. Come on.

So so it's one make to 20 gig? Yep Yep. We have other models starting from 3 gigs y a 7 Gig and a 13 gig. So so four models and this is the highest and 20 gigs? Yeah. Excellent.

M Very nice. Is it? uh is it rugged? Is it? R it's it Looks sort of. you know, nice. Is it drop proof? Uh we we did a drop proof on on the dance and it's still working.
still working and and I've heard you got a special on at the moment? Yes, look at the look at the poster. Oh posters Tra there you and more! SC and you get 15% discount from there. And unbelievable when you buy either 7,000 Scopes Infinium Scopes You get a free 3,000 scopes for free for free! Yes, you got to be kidding me. You guys must churn these out for a couple of bucks each, giving them away.

What? What we want to generate more interest on on the 3,000? Scopes Yes, definitely that's the way to do free 3,000 series scope. y Awesome! All right, Thanks! CK Thank you! And the best thing about these trade shows is the freebies you get. Isn't that right? CK You guys have got freebies here? Yes we do! Awesome! What a score! See you! Hi on track technology and you have a very cool solder machine? Tell us about it. here.

it is. Um, well. this is just one of of the new free access soldering robots that we've invested in. Um, how much does this baby cost? That's what everyone wants to know.

I'm not too sure, but it'll probably be around $3 or $4,000 Okay, right. um, they this is. this is only just a little baby model. Yep, there is larger models that we're planning to invest in in the future.

probably more inline automated sort of process. This is more of a semi-automated process. We're just tring this little baby out. Okay, um, we just want to see how much productivity we can improve just by using these sort of machines.

And have you found it in? Trials Have you found that it's actually usable? Yes. Speed wise? Yes it is. Um, it is. it is.

It is a lot quicker. Um. but for this show, we've actually slowed it down considerably. So you just so you can see it and you can see all the all the sort of functions that he can do so he can.

And naturally it's limited to a size of this size of the sh here. so you can get larger versions. That's that's the sort of versions that we're trying to to, um, evaluate to see if it's worthwhile. Um, like, even like our plans, is to try and get one of these on on each of our hand soldering work.

VES If we can do that, Um, it means we can improve the productivity of our soldering hands. Our Final Hand soldering process? Um, naturally, final hand soldering always going to exist cuz it's all those components that we can't get on our pick and place machines or our wave soer. They're physically difficult to access. or if we have like, very, uh, temp, temperature sensitive super caps, that sort of thing or batteries that can't hand solded, it's got to be hand solded and with heting possibly even on the soap y ready.

Go for it. There you go. So normally it runs 10 times faster. just slow it down so see the process.

All right. Okay, normally you would. you wouldn't put the boards on angle, you put it stra bang bang bang. Thank you A lroy a wave runner 640 Zi tell us about it.
This year we brought the Lroy Wave Runner. It's a it's a new new model from Lroy covers anywhere from 400 MHz up to 4 GHz Yep, um uh. the The Wave Runner used to do up to 2 G gig. but um, because frequency demands are are under eyes they thought hey we we better address a need in the 4 Gig and enhance the unit.

Um, the uh. The wave runner also comes in in 12bit front end resolution versions, right? And what bandwidth? 400600 MHz 4600 Meg in 12 bit? Yeah, exactly. So for those Industries like medical, um, and other industries that require less noise uh and a better resolution on end, we're addressing that right now. Nice work And what's with the screen here? It sort of pops out.

Give us glad. glad you asked that. Yes, let's have a look. so let me let's look around the side here.

it's got yeah, it's so. The screen yep, flips up and down. okay so tilts up and down. But have a look at this for ergonomic reasons.

Have a look at this. Let's say you've got data lines and you've got a stack of them and you want to see them on the same time. Uh, time base. So what happen? Bingo look at that portrait mode.

It's not exactly a everyone's going to slim lightweight ones these days. So I Guess that's the uh price you pay. It's the price you pay. for that nice screen and uh yeah, it's It's a bit bigger.

uh because it's catering for bigger frequencies and there's more of the Um acquisition boards inside and the pro processing is is a bit more complex. So yeah, it needs the space. Um, it's got very good ventilation as well. and for stability.

Um, and what sort of price we talking about for? well, well, they're They're very very, uh, well priced. Um, for a 4? GHz you'd be looking at around $40,000 so that's top of the range in this in this model. Hopefully get. And here we are at the Afterparty You probably can't hear me cuz it's complete nerd rabble where everyone's uh, turned out for the free food and the free booze.

I think it is. So here we go, but it's only for people who've got a red tag on their thing. So yep, I think it's only uh, not Joe public. It's only the Uh vendors that's pretty much it.

I think it's pretty exclusive. see you and I've stuck around. The part's still going on I've snuck into the Uh exhibition Hall and there's nobody here. not a soul I'm the only one.

This is absolutely brilliant. I'm the only one here I Got free rain of uh, pretty much anything I Can uh, play with any toys H What can we do? Oh, we can do some. uh, we can have some serious fun here. Let me tell you got any ideas I'm thinking a few things.

play with some agilant gear. maybe if we, uh, swap, say the agilant gear for the uh gear on the road and Schwarz stand. what do you think that' be awesome? It's kind of spooky actually. it's uh, there's nobody here I Love it ala might be in for a bit of a surprise at tomorrow's show.

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27 thoughts on “Electronex expo 2011 – eevblog #207 1 of 3”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Terrence Kuchel says:

    @EEVblog Couldm't agree more, for people that cant make it to the how this is the next best thing

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars truhlikfredy says:

    Loling at 9:58. Usually when I start laying I touch my cheek with 2 fingers, cross another 2 and start to pet them with my last finger, but usually it's seamless nobody can't see it.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars papalevies says:

    LeCroy scopes look so sexy -.-

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AntiProtonBoy says:

    Some really nice gear in there. That Tek spectrum analysis tool gave me a stiffy.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CampKohler says:

    @sabamacx From Tek specs: "Control your Tektronix TDS Series oscilloscope from any networked PC. Check on its status or capture waveforms any time you want from your office, another site, or from anywhere using WaveStar application software or your own software. Or command your TDS Series oscilloscope to print to a networked printer." Or tell if your mother-in-law has flatlined.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EEVblog says:

    @ae4se Downunder we don't have ANY apart from this one, in the whole country.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CampKohler says:

    Speaking of spectrum analysis, I wonder what the difference would be if you looked at the audio hubbub from the afterwards party and compared it to that from, say, an insurance convention. Is there such a thing on the display as a "geek line?'

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CampKohler says:

    @ae4se I like seeing this stuff. You can aways learn something.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CampKohler says:

    "Nothing's drop proof" = Keep away from Dave. 🙂

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CampKohler says:

    "Reviewed," which means thrown down a well and run over by an 18-wheeler.

    Dave, for those of us who are not married (or at least you could use that as an excuse), you should give the girls you happen on to an embarrasingly slow and obviously-sexist scan from head to toe.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sabamacx says:

    What would you use a LAN connector on an oscilloscope for? Remote monitoring of signals?

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars turbochargedbrick says:

    haha, I was waiting for your visit to the Altium stand! OneHungLow

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NP. Life Apologist says:

    Machines can do the work. While humans have time to think.
    Humans can do the work. While machines have time to think.
    (from a song, I just had to 🙂 )

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Randy Lott says:

    @EEVblog Boo! Worst decision. They lost people like you! You can't find that anywhere you want.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EEVblog says:

    @WakkoXtreme Unfortunately not!

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars militantmindset says:

    @EEVblog i liked it, people that go to these shows like looking at the new gadgets its not really advertising so much as geek pr0n

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars xng14 says:

    Haha I noticed the "Altium China / One hung low"

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EEVblog says:

    @ae4se Then don't watch it. You knew very well from the title and description it was a visit to a trade show. Some people like to see this stuff because they can't make it to such shows.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mitpatterson says:

    I assume that the altium thing was a after edit? and what color was your badge? orange?(and you said red was invited to party)

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mitpatterson says:

    That on-track guy didn't seem to enthused about being there, lol

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EEVblog says:

    @biltonschool The once great Australian company Altium packed up and moved to China.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gameboygenius says:

    23:12 That WaveRunner thing has audio sockets? Looks like the standard mic/headphones/line in/out colors. It's just a PC motherboard, I reckon.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gameboygenius says:

    @ivaneduardo747 Dave's standing joke is to call cheap China brands One Hung Low.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars rainbowsalads says:

    clever stuff : )

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars pappkopp says:


  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ivan V says:

    Why does the Altium sign at the end says "Altium / One hung low"? What does that mean?

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JumperOneTV says:

    Thanks for the video! Awesome!

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