Dave programs a PIC 24F chip on his uCalc with the new official AVR Dragon firmware.
Part of the new Microchip-Atmel tool collaboration agreement.
Also, news on the new Microchip PICkit 4 which will have official support for all Atmel AVR parts.
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Hi! You may have read in the last day or two some news in the PIC and AVR camps. Microchip and Atmel, for you fanboys out there. Pretty Exciting stuff. As You may know, Microchip actually tried to buy Atmel like 3, 4 years ago or something now.

But It all fell through and negotiations didn't work out,. the financial crisis happened, somewhere or another partner pulled out, blah blah blah. But The two companies have been talking ever since then,, and they've finally announced what is a cross-platform technology sharing agreement between the two companies, where the tools from both companies are going to support the other company's products! What The?! But As it turns out,, it's not as silly as it sounds, because they're now sharing fabs,. the two companies are co-operating on various levels, so it makes sense, I guess, for the two companies to offer support for the individual products.

So What? Atmel, first cab off the rank, they're going to have a new AVR Dragon, almost identical to the current AVR Dragon, but it's going to support the Microchip parts. And vice-versa There will be very shortly,, if not already,, a new PICkit 4, which will also have device support for Atmel parts. Now Atmel have-- they don't have the new production hardware ready right now,, but they sent me some firmware upgrades for my existing AVR Dragon board, as you may be familiar with, that allows it to program Microchip PICa-- Pa-- parts and be compatible with the MP-- the new MPLAB X environment! So Woohoo! Give It a Go!! Now This is actually rather clever and possible because of-- not too dissimilar programming interfaces between the two. If You know the PICkit 3 and the ICSP interface, 6 pin single inline header of course,, but the AVR ISP interface is a 6-pin dual inline header.

But Nothing you can't fix with a adapter cable of course. But There are, of course,, you know,, protocol and other differences between the two.. And Of course, a lot of the PICs require that high Voltage programming source, that VPP source, which of course, the AVR Dragon you can do the high voltage programming part on there. But I Believe that the-- you have to wait for the new version of the AVR Dragon to get that capability, they will have the Microchip ICSP port directly on the board so you can just, you know,, in a pin-- you don't need the adapter cable, just plugs directly in.

But I Don't have the new hardware, I've only got the new firmware for the existing one, which you're able to download. for owners of the old AVR Dragon. So This old version of the board with the new official firmware will only support PICs with the low Voltage programming-- LVP Programming mode. So We're going to actually try that today.

I've got the new firmware programmed in. We're going to bring in an old friend, the Micro Calc project. You May remember this from quite a few years ago, I did a video on this, never finished the thing unfortunately.. World's first credit-card thin scientific calculator.
Really Awesome little project. Those Bodge wires, if you remember, that was a silicon bug. Did a video on this silicon bug inside the PIC24 series chip. Real Pain in the ass that one was.

So It swapped the ICSP interface. We'll-- Anyway,, this 24F PIC supports LVP mode, so we should be able to program it with this new firmware. Let's give it a try. And As far as I know,, Microchip are not going to release firmware for the existing PICkit 3 to support the AVR devices.

But you will be able to buy the new PICkit 4, which will support, I believe-- What they're telling me is the full range of AVR chips. Awesome. Because Really,, it's just a-- apart from the high voltage programming stuff,, it's really just a protocol difference between the two, because you're just driving logic I/O pins basically. So, you know, that's how they're able to do this.

It's actually rather cool. So It's got to get power from the actual board itself, and it does that by--. there's a second VCC connector up here. If you're familiar with the AVR Dragon, you can supply power through to the board, no worries..

So I've just got it hooked up to the ISP, I've got the new official firmware in there. Let's see if we can get this thing talking. I Mean we're plugging it-- plug it in and it doesn't auto-detect. What I've got here is the PICkit 3 programmer software, but it will work inside MPLAB X or whatever software you want to use.

So It doesn't auto-detect. Let's go into Tools and it should check communication-- it should identify it as a genuine PICkit 3. It shouldn't know the difference. Tada! Hey, PICkit 3 connected, ID, no worries! Alright Now let's give this thing a go, shall we? We've got it connected.

No Device detected there yet, because we haven't chosen our device family. But Once we choose our device family-- 24F, hopefully it should auto-read, and let's give it a go. Yep! And... Bingo! Look at that.

PIC-- woohoo! We Have a winner! PIC24 Device found. There it is! 24FJ256GA106 Alright We've got all FFs at the moment in that chip. So If we read it, let's give it a go. I Can't remember what's actually programmed into this thing.

You know, I-- as far as I know, it doesn't work, there's nothing on the LCD, I was in, you know,, debug mode or whatever, I was mucking around it with last-- many years ago. I don't know. But It should read in something, we should be able to read in some data. So Let's give it a go, shall we? Read.

There We go, hey. Our Light's come on, it's reading, it's reading... Come on. It's taking its fat time about it.

Oop, done. Look at that! Beautiful. And Now we have-- what do we have? Yep, we've got data. It's no longer FF, it's all 1670, whatever that is,.

Config done. But There is. Yeah, there is data there. So I Don't know what program I had in this thing, but it doesn't matter.
So There you go, it reads-- there you go! We Have a-- we have an AVR Dragon now supports PIC chips! Awesome. And We'll try that same thing again,. let's just write the same data back because I don't have the original program. Who cares,.

let's just see if it writes. It reads No problem at all. Program Memory, also the configuration, fuses,, everything. So We'll just write that.

Writing device, program memory... yeah,, could take awhile. Come back when it's done. Well This thing's got like 256K of flash, it's got a lot of flash in there so it will take a bit.

Woohoo! There We go. Programming successful. Bingo! That works a treat! I Declare that to be a winner. It's not running of course,.

nothing actually runs on this-- firmware-- I powered it up before and-- before this, and it doesn't run at all. So. We have a winner! I like it. So There you have it, that worked.

An absolute treat. We Now have the AVR Dragon programming-- well,, in this case a PIC24F part. No problems at all. Reading And programming, that's just awesome.

And Apparently they're going to now support-- Atmel are going to support all of the Microchip parts and Microchip are going to support all of the Atmel parts officially in their various development environments and on their programming platforms like the AVR Dragon and the PICkit 3. So Watch out for the new AVR Dragon version of this, which has the ICSP support on it, and the new PICkit 4, which is coming out shortly. I have been promised one. I Don't know, it could be in the mail, but I'm definitely going to do some more videos on this when it arrives, because this is a big historic announcement.

I Like it! It means that you can choose either of the company's development tools to support each other. And It makes sense. Companies Like this. Have to team up like this these days, in order to survive.

So It-- I, you know,, it's probably going to piss off a lot of the fan boys, they're not going to be happy. "Aww, the Atmel fan boys I can-- I don't want my development tools polluted with that Microchip crap, ", they're ranting in their mother's basement. Goodness. Anyway, I like it.

I Give it a thumb's up, it works. I haven't-- don't know what happens with the compiler support at the moment, I haven't tried that. But All the details are on the Atmel and Microchip websites, and I'll link those in down below and you can check out the announcements and stuff for yourself.. So More videos coming soon.

If You want to discuss it, jump on over to the EEVblog Forum! And If you like the video, please give it a big thumbs up as always. Catch you next time. captioned by Sen.

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23 thoughts on “Eevblog #448 – new pickit 4 avr dragon”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Razak Janjoun says:

    So now PicKit4 are all-in-one tool to program both PIC and AVR parts (Microshipts)? Anyone can confirm, as I cant find official information about that, maybe I'm googling it wrong.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TriniRobotics says:

    Here we are in 2021 with a PICKIT 4 that DOES program both PIC and AVRs lol

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sandeep Kumar says:

    Fell for this 8 years later

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jack Katogh says:

    And then a few years later the PicKit4 came out, and started bricking Pic16s

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars KSK Technics says:

    Hi EEVblog.

    Could you tell me if the PICkit4 supports the PIC16F716?

    I can't find a cheap programmer to program the PIC16F716.

    Thank you very much and greetings.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nick Sokolov says:

    "winner winner chicken dinner" 🙂

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ReverseEMF says:

    Hey Dave: the PICKit 4 is out, and the Microchip video [and literature] is crap, because it doesn't answer that one big question [at least MY one big question]: did they go the extra mile, and make it as nice as the PICKit 2 was — e.g. automagically detecting which device it's connected to. So, help me Obi-Dave, you're my only hope!!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars robert w says:

    I’m still saddened by the merger, predicable that there has been almost no innovation in the uC world since and prices remain far too high for the current market space. Hopefully they keep the tool chains top notch and free as that is basically all they have. I started as a PIC fan and migrated to AVR because of little to no decent support for C and JTAG. Motorola was king, then Freescale and now it’s what NXP. What a mess, at least they’ve managed to be smart and keep the product lines separated. And now the FPGA space is a real mess, tool chains aren’t maintained unless you invest heavily in tools, seems Xilinx is totally dependent on military contracts so they’ll fail with one canceled defense contract. Intel has Altera… most of the new stuff is so buried under NDAs… ah I’m just glad I was around in the golden age.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eng. Simoes says:

    Sadly, I was brought here by the release of Pickit 4, after the merge of Microchip and Atmel, so maybe Dave should consider to "repurpose" this video. As mentioned elsewhere, I watched this on a smart TV, and April's fool is not a real thing in my country. Besides that, it is not funny.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matija S says:

    And this came true… Atmel and Microchip are now ONE….

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Skynet Cybernetics says:

    I was lapping this up like the young player I am then I read the comments. I TRUSTED YOU DAVE!!!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars slap_my_hand says:

    this is uploaded one day before April 1st, so it can't be a joke. Sorry, but you gave us false information.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Seth B says:

    It says posted March 31, and what day comes after that?

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Иван Иванов says:

    I cant believe that i fell for this in October…

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars somepersonwithid1 says:

    let us see the other side of the laptop.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars somepersonwithid1 says:

    How would this work though, because avr (3×2) header uses SPI, Microchip pics use an i2c type interface. So actually dave saying that PK3 hardware will not be upgraded makes it somewhat more believeable. 

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Leonelf says:

    Imho aprils fools joke videos should add [april fools] to the title after april the 1st is over…

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ysakhno says:

    I don't like these April jokes in YouTube. It may be funny when it's just released (i.e. when it is still April), but considering it stays on the channel forever, someone (like me in this case) can come and whatch it in mid-July for example. Makes you check whether you are being fooled all year round, which is not funny at all.
    And to those who want to tell me there is a date under the video, try watching it on SMART TV (where there is no date).

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Edo Rinardo says:

    good shirt

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MREinJP says:

    Considering I just bought a new pickit3, this idea of pickit4 only sort of pisses me off. Especially since its only a firmware issue.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Roberto Becerra Bravo says:

    dude, just lost some credibility! good shit anyway, any newer review on microchip vs atmel?

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars propheccy says:

    great vid as always dave, thumbs up!

    entertaining AND very informative!

    keep em coming!

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars veddie007 says:

    I watch the video and was very happy!! Then I saw the top comment saying it was a joke… then I was very sad. So which is it?!?! You shouldn't toy with a man's emotions!

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