Dave answers some question from his 5 hour live show about getting help with editing video for the blog, a co-host, slow Youtube uploads, and big productions like the Ben Heck show.
FYI, the latest Kodak camera teardown was 6.1GB of raw video data.
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FYI, the latest Kodak camera teardown was 6.1GB of raw video data.
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Eric Morris Somebody always brings this up. Eric Why don't I get someone to edit the videos for me and help me with the production. There are very good you that sounds great in theory, right? In practice, it doesn't work. Why? Several reasons.
Uh one. I shoot in full high definition, right? So a um, you know my videos are typically 30 45 minutes, right? long, right? An average of at least 30 minutes and that is several gigabyt of raw video material, right? So um, uh yeah, you know, like some ones might be be you know, 6 or 8 gig or something like that of raw video clips if it's over an hour something. I forget the exact rate I film at 12 megabits per second. Um, no, no, no, no.
Uh. 17. I'm shooting 17 megabits per second now, right? So anyway, you end up with many gigabytes of raw footage. Now to give that to somebody, how do I how do I actually give it to them to edit I can't upload it right? It would take a week to upload that to some internet site or FTP site to give it to someone I could mail it to them.
What am I going to do you know, put on burned on a CD mail it to them so that they can edit it and then they can. You know then I could download the video coming back and it's just it's impractical from that aspect. Um I physically have to carry the SD I take the SD card out of the camera here when I'm finished shooting and I go home to edit it because there's no way I can actually transfer the files to home. There's no way I can Network between the office and the home fast enough to be anywhere near usable for any sort of HD content.
It's just not possible. So um, so yeah, so the person would have to physically be here. they'd have to physically be here to edit the videos. All right.
I'd have to. or I'd have to drop it off to their place on the way home. They'd have to be close by have to physically give them the SD card, right? So that's problem number one. Um, uh, problem.
number two Is that? uh oh yes, quck sorry. problem. Problem number two is that they don't know what my intent was. All right.
They would have to be a as knowledgeable as me on the subject and B be able to read my mind and and know what I was thinking. You know, there's a quite a few. Some clips are obvious. You know I might do a duplicate clip or something like that, and even someone who doesn't know much about Electronics knows oh I just said that before in the clip before.
so just delete that and chew delete the one before and choose the latest version. But then, um, uh, they, um, wouldn't you know they? They don't know my intention of when I was doing that. So when I'm Ed in the video, I'm I'm watching the video, just to see if I said something wrong. If there's annotations I need to put on top of the video.
for example, correct it, get out and erase the duplicate material. All that sort of stuff. Um, you know, to hide stuff that I got wrong or you know I didn't mean and I corrected myself later. I might do a little technical edit to get rid of that. They won't know any of that right. So what will have to happen is yeah, they can edit the video. They can stitch it all together, maybe take out some duplicates, but then have to sit there for a full hour if it's an hour long video and watch it anyway. Watch that hour long video and concentrate and write down and note all of the editing mistakes right.
Then I'd have to give it back to them and then I'd have to sit there and watch the whole hour again. right? Whereas so it's pointless, I may as well edit I may as well spend that hour editing myself if it's an hour worth of raw footage. or let's say it's an hour video and there's an hour and a half worth of raw footage. it'll take me an hour and a half to edit that, roughly because I sit there and generally watch each clip and then I trim the start and the end and it doesn't.
There's not too much overhead there. Um, in terms of editing. So uh, that? you know. So I may as well spend that hour, hour and a half just editing myself and then I know I'm confident I can add the annotations I can take out stuff I could even maybe even occasionally go back and shoot some extra material if I forgot something.
Um, that's not easy to do when I edit at home I got to come back to the lab Etc Um, but still. I I had the luxury to do that. So to get somebody to edit it for me I'm not saving any time at all. In fact, it probably takes me more time to actually get the video from them to and from in terms of physical media transfer and then the edit time to actually and to to watch that thing.
I Can't trust them that they I would for me to save any time with somebody else editing my material I would have to trust them completely that they catch all my mistakes and know my intentions and stuff like that. It' be impossible to find someone like that I think and and trust them and you know Really? I wouldn't save? Yeah, I might save some, but that's what I'd have to do I'd have to completely trust them to produce the content and I don't I can't I can't see how I can physically do that. So no, I can't get out of editing myself. it's just not going to work and having some here helping me like behind the camera, making sure the audio is right and stuff like that that'd be more of a distraction than help.
I think I mean it's not hard for me to press record you know on the on the camera and I'd have to talk to them and interact and you know with I'm andr and would go back and they'd add suggestions and I'd go well yeah maybe I don't know. Should I do it again and they you know they' it just it to take probably twice as long to shoot a video with somebody here you know, pressuring me I like just being on my own and just not having the pressure of somebody watching me and trying to help you know, um, shoot stuff. So in the end, it is absolutely pointless as far as I'm concerned. Absolutely pointless to hire someone to edit my videos or hire someone to help me regardless of how much money I make. you know if even if I could afford it to have somebody here fulltime to help out I I think they wouldn't be of a benefit W So there you go. Maybe I should add that little and break that out from the video and um, put that as a separate video for people who keep saying that you know I can point them no, there's the reason why. But anyway, yeah, I hope that answers your question. No, it sounds great in theory doesn't will not work in practice.
I'm absolutely sure of it. and I don't even need to attempt to try it to know that it's not going to work. Um really? So n getting somebody else to edit my material. um, not going to happen I'm stuck with it I think unless things drastically change I mean the look and I think the look and feel of my channel would totally change if somebody else edited if it ended up being like a Ben heck production for example, it would end up like a Ben heck production, right? It' be so highly produced and Polished and all that sort of stuff it just you know it just wouldn't be me anymore.
It wouldn't be what people signed on for. um oh can other companies next door hear me in the lab? Yeah. I think they can I can hear them so I'm pretty sure they can hear me cuz I'm pretty loud so that's why I don't do I try not to do like huge ranty loud you son of a videos you know? Um, you you know because I know that you know my neighbors here can hear me. I mean the walls are you know there's a corridor here.
Um, there's a corridor at the glass door. but I know that there's people either side of just behind that wall where you know there's uh, somebody. So I I'm pretty sure they can hear me. Um, so I do try and keep it down and that probably affect affects my intensity level on camera I Guess sometimes.
Um, it's really annoying. Actually, that tees into why I wouldn't want somebody here watching me. It's bad enough knowing that other people can hear me next door. That's really quite disturbing, you know.
I don't like that I Want to I Want to shoot in total isolation with nobody knowing what I'm doing and then a magic pops out and the magic final video pops out the other end I Don't like having people who can hear me? Um, it's pretty annoying as a video editor. I've edited video on all sorts of things. You learn to understand the content quickly. Having general knowledge helps.
That's what video editors do. Yes, that's what video editors do George But how do you know? like my intent, How do you know technical content? How do you know that that wasn't a slip of the tongue that I just did there? You know you don't Unless you, you know. Yeah, you might be able to understand. but unless you're an Electronics person and you actually understand the material, you know I might have called this a capacitor I might called this a resistor instead of a capacitor or or said the current flows this way instead of that way I made might have made a mistake and if you don't know you, you don't know so you know I as I said I would have to trust them 100 % to produce my content. Otherwise, it's not worth it. Um, it's It's absolutely not worth it because if I have to review their video editing work before I upload it. well I might as well edit it myself cuz it takes just as long. so that's the catch.
That's the catch with video editing. So yeah, I'm you know I'm sure it wouldn't be too bad, but you know I but then you know I think more things would creep in. more things that I you know I just once again. and then there's the physical requirement of getting them the video.
They'd have to be working on site, right? they'd have to be practically next door. It have to be have someone walk across the hall and give them the disc and then get it back. I Can't go sending you know mailing out DVDs You know, um, to people, it's just crazy. Um, no, it's just no, it's not going to happen.
It's not going to happen as much as you think it can happen George and others. um, you know, unless you've been there and you've done it, um, it's hard to understand when am I going to shoot in 4k. No thanks, it's bad enough in full. HD So yes, I'm sure you do a good job.
George I'm sure you could do a good job of you know, editing technical videos, but you know, would you understand everything I said and uh, my intention and if I missed anything or if or if there's a better order to do things occasionally I might shoot something after like a in a fundamentals Friday I might shoot after and I might think oh no, that's actually better placed here and a couple of people have caught that. where I've actually you know things have magically appeared on the Whiteboard before I've actually talked about them, you know, and stuff like that. it's because I've magically I thought that oh, this is actually more appropr. This comment is more appropriate back here if I insert it back there.
so I move it back and I think the video is better for that and a video editor is not going to be able to catch that. No way. no way. If they were, they'd be running their own Electronics video blog and doing it better than I would.
Yeah, I could edit myself and then mail a SD card to someone who has better. Youtube upload. Yeah, um, yeah, possibly that'. save the Youtube upload.
but the Youtube upload just happens on its own and it seems to be throttled in this country. Um, you know it, it's It's not just my limited upload speed um, it's actually YouTube or actually capping the limits somewhere along the line. Um, so that's a big problem. So even if I get the national Broadband Network even if I had 100 megabits upload, my YouTube uploads wouldn't be any faster. So it's crazy. That's where I do the radio um show. that's where I do the amp hour if I'm not doing it from home and uh, well, yeah, that's it. It's not exciting.
I've got some cabinets in there I've got the Um magazines and some old monitors. There's the electronics Australian magazine collection down in there. So yeah, it's not that exciting at all. It's a bit of a mess.
I really need to. uh, really need to tidy up in there. It's a mess. but yeah, it's just like a little office.
I I do some editing in there. You know if I got a short video or something and I you know I don't want to go home yet. Um, because often when I go home, it's hard. Um I have to edit at night after Sean's gone to sleep.
Otherwise Sean wants to play with me. You know it's not like I can go home at 2:00 in the afternoon and edit the video for the rest of the afternoon. Um, because you know San Just just you know, he hates it when I'm locked in the room and you know editing and I've got or I've got headphones on and he just just hates it. He wants to come in and play and you know, and the poor little fella.
So um, yeah, most of my video editing happens at night after he's gone to sleep. like you know, 6 7:00 or something like that? That's so yeah. So occasionally I'll do some video editing here if I got the rest of the afternoon I know? Well I want to edit the video? you know? I'll edit it here and then take it home on a USB stick. Um, maybe to do the final rendering at home or something like that.
Or the upload. Uh, I don't do much upload. Here is the video editor software the bottleneck of my production throughput. No, it's not.
No, it's not. Most of the time is spent shooting video. Well, it takes about the same amount of time to edit as it does to shoot because I shoot in sequence and uh, you know, and I just trim the start and the end. If I've got an hour and a half worth of material.
yeah, it'll take me, you know, an hour and a half 2 hours tops to edit. um, even less. Sometimes sometimes I won't watch the whole clip through cuz I knew what I said I'm absolutely sure. or I'm pretty confident that what I said in that clip was spot on.
and you know not errors. See? That's another thing an editor would have to spend all that time watching and understanding material. Me: I know sometimes I know what material in there and editings can be quite quick? I've got it down to Fine Art I really have? um, so no editing the editing program and the editing is not the bottleneck. It does take time to render to do the two-step rendering process, but you can leave that running.
you can just leave it running. Um, it's not like I got to sit there and watch it render or upload to Youtube I can just leave it running over overnight. so no, no the the you know actually shooting the video, preparing the video and uh and shooting it takes takes some time. but yeah, it all adds up. Like as I said, you know at best I'm only going to be able to produce and edit one video a day. So if I only work 4 days a week at best without spending time on anything else, I'm only going to be able to do four videos a week. That's it. You know that's you know, that's it.
I can't do more well I You know it could. It depends on the type of video, but ultimately yeah, there is the continuous pressure to produce videos. so fast enough. will using an external portable hard drive be better? Um yeah.
I I do have an external portable hard drive. it's been used at home though on the our media box. um I just yeah, it t actually can take a long time to copy um stuff to USB stick like if I've got like eight gig of worth of video and that I've done some editing here and I want to take it home to finish the editing, then I've got to copy that you know, 5 gig or 8 gig or whatever over to the memory stick and that can take like 20 minutes or something so it's not like I can go quick Copy and then head out I've got a plan that oh I need to be home in 20 minutes I better start copying the files now to get it to the um thing. but maybe yeah, I should.
the hard drive would probably be quicker in that respect. I think for writing too. So maybe I should have a second portable hard drive uh, pocket drive just for transporting video. but I don't do it that often.
it's not. It's not that it's a little bit annoying, but um, most the time I finish shooting the video here I physically take the SD card out of the camera, put it in my pocket, and I go home with the SD card. So I don't have to copy anything. don't make my show look like Ben Heck yeah, it's it's Ben heck is produced to the hilt.
Um, good on him, you know I don't mind his content, but yeah it is. It is massively overproduced and well, that that's what they were going for. I mean the um farell element 14 Spend a buttload of money I know how much money? I'm not going to say, but it is a buttload of money to get each episode professionally produced and edited. Trust me it is.
You would be shocked at the amount of money they spend on the Ben Heck show. Um, you you would be Gob smacked. Um, but that's big business and big you know. um Big Money Video Editing When you pay a professional company to edit and produce your videos, you know it's not cheap.
and they and they're taking them for a ride they man. Yes, the amount of money that uh, they spend on that is phenomenal. Do you walk to the lab? No. I want to but often I'm lay always got an excuse to drive the 5 minutes to the bloody lab instead of taking the 15 or 18 minutes to walk here.
and add in winter it's not that Pleasant In The Heat Of Summer it's not that. Pleasant So there needs to be that. You know we're probably coming into that period where we'll start walking to the office more. So um yeah I I Deliberately bought it so it was close to home I could have got a much bigger lab for my $200,000 than I got than than I got here that's for sure if I bought somewhere else but I wouldn't be to walk there I would have no option. but yeah I can walk here 15 minutes if I'm really hauling ass. Probably you know, 70 minutes on on average or something to walk from the lab to home. so it's pretty good. I Think a few people have already mentioned remote editing already.
The raw gigabyte files don't need to be transmitter, only the controlling commands and the screen signal. Are you kidding me? No, doesn't work like that doesn't work like that. That's crazy to say that you can't transfer. How do how do you render the final product? How can you render the final product? No.
The to edit, to render and to edit and render video. You have to use the original content video. You have to use the 5 gig worth of files there. There's no way to avoid it.
It's impossible. Oh well. okay. maybe you could stream a lower resolution version of it.
Stream a lower resolution version. Edit the lower resolution version. Yeah. I know what you're talking about and then it time codes.
No, it's just. no. it's not going to work. Yeah.
I Do use a Usb3. Um, stick. It's not that it's not a huge amount faster. It's still that bottleneck right into the flash drive and uh, yeah, it still takes a long time to copy.
Um, three, You know, 5 gig or something. Worth a video. Goofy Just to clarify the remote Video Editing originally sitting in front of a video editing computer and click the mouse to do the thing. There is a way to control the machine remotely too.
But yes, video in real time. We're talking. You know, look A, It's just. you know.
No, it's just. not. It's not going to be workable. It's just silly.
It really is. the same limitations. Come back in terms of video editing. Uh, Lovan had a question: Do I ever record my audio separately from the video? No, almost never.
because then you have to resynchronize it and that is just you know there's no reason to do that. Um, it's just crazy. No I do all my audio um in in camera I make sure the levels are right and I make sure everything's done in camera. so I don't have to dick around syncing up external audio.
Can't think of anything worse that would kill my uh production um, efficiency than to record external audio n not going to happen. Fantastic! If you want to do a Hollywood movie and uh, documentary and you've got a month to edit it, go for your life. Absolutely. But otherwise nope.
Do I get sick of this. You should have done this. You could have done this. Why didn't you do this? Gary Heick does this.
Stalemates Yeah, it's it gets monotonous and you know like and I know people are well intentioned. You know they're just trying to help um others A Serial pest. Like there are serial pest who will just you know always bag you regardless of what what you do and you know I've had to ban some of them. They're just. they're just you know, idiots and no fun and it you know it doesn't help at all. There's nothing I can do about I've got to put up with it I'm a video blogger and I read feedback I can either I either read feedback or you don't there some who just refused to. they'll shut off comments on their Channel and they just won't read anything or they'll get moderators to moderate out everything. So you either choose to read the comments or you choose not to and I choose to.
So I've got to the the burden of that is that. I have to, um, take the bad with the good. Um, in terms of people, you know, um, like you know I get death threats for goodness sake, right? I Mean that's how bad it gets in some of the comments. Um, and you've just.
it's just got to be Waters off a duck's back. otherwise you go crazy and you'll do a photonic induction and just give it a throw in the tow. So yeah, it's it's tough. It's a tough business to be in.
You have a teler cable as well and you're very happy. Am I expecting the NBN to see be substantially better? Um, good question. Yes, because the teler cable is incredibly good. incredibly reliable, but not everyone has access to it.
and I would like faster upload speeds. That s like, you know, 100 megabits is plenty download speed I mean I'm I'm You know, even 50 30 20 megabits is plenty download speed I'm quite happy with that. But the thing is, the uploads. The upload speeds.
Um, you know that's what I really want? So I can I can live stream full HD you know and and do other stuff and upload my video content and stuff like that. Even if you know the YouTube capping thing aside, Yes I want cuz in this country you get there's no choice in your uploads. It's basically nothing. I'm not kidding.
When I say if I want 10 megabits upload I've got to pay like $8 a month for it I'm not kidding. It's like it's that bad. it is that bad. and uh, yeah.
so I'm hoping the NBN will solve that. Once we get five at everyone's house, they'll be able to choose the upload. There'll be a whole slew of upload plans, hopefully that actually take into account content producers like me. So yeah, that's what I'm So yes, I expect it to be.
um, better in the upload aspect. My upload speed here at the office is megabits. Um, at at home it's like 2.4 or something 2.4 megabits. but I can't get that speed uploading to YouTube YouTube's probably on average probably 800k per second.
It's like8 Meg per second. It's not huge. Um, so YouTube is capping somewhere.
No need for an editor. You made the right decision. Trust me, I am an expert.
I have a fast entente speed but yea YouTube uploads so god dam slow I 4GB upload took 10 hours wtf
Keep doing what your doing I like they not so professional look of your videos. If it was done professional it might look nice but it wouldn't be you as you said.
like your vids and your style greetings from holland.
Dave, also, how did your new editing computer work out?
Dave, I see the same youtube upload speed here at work (Northern CA.) with 20 Mb/s uplink bandwidth available. Apx .8-1 Mb/s.
i got an idea, you get a file to text converter. print out the files over 9000 pages, fax them to a friend, he converts it to file, edits it, then convert it to text. print the files again, fax them back, you convert them to file again
Dave can you do a tour of your office?
8:30 absolutly right about private space when shooting. It is so abuse when somebody hears you and after all ask you what did you do, who are you talking to and so on, …. i hate that feelings… agghh!
I recommend Listerine.
Great points Dave, and well made. Reminds me of something Yogi Berra said: "In theory there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice there is." That's the long and short of electronics, editing authoritative no BS videos about electronics -and life I suppose. Keep up the good work, you strike exactly the right balance and provide maximum information with the minimum of tradeoffs, be those tradeoffs mind numbing boredom, insipid fluff or inaccurate crap.
hope you could compile some bloopers of your videos…
Dave, how can I get such a T-shirt like yours?
What's the story @ 22:25 with Photonicinduction "throwing in the towel"? He is still uploading videos as far as I'm aware.
I recommend Pholcodine Linctus for the cough.
I like it the way it is. No to "Ben Heck" product placement and advertising. If I want adverts I would watch ITV. Your doing great as it is, don't change for anybody.
I like the editing the way it is with the no bollocks approach. Feels like I'm hanging over the workbench myself, but less likely to spill my coffee. No change required!
wow internet in australia is expensive. in estonia 100Mbitsdown 10up costs 24€
I get a gig a second up and down, gotta love fiber optics
holy crap i havent had an upload speed that slow since 2004 i think… i feel really bad for you.. i mean i get 2-4 up and 6-12 down on my cell phone… depending various things…
Nice! I am under 30, and my training in electronics is *coming up* to vacuum tubes. I am filling in my intellectual gaps preparatory to designing and building instrument amplifiers. Having been on the bleeding edge in my (relative) youth, I have a deep appreciation for this roughly 100 year old technology.
Have you any RCA black plates you'd like to donate?
Yep, I like the channel the way it is. It's more time for you, but it's grade "A" content with no frills.
Yeah, that!
You don't want this to be a Ben Heck production style video? You mean you don't want to shorten all of your videos to <15 minutes and spend 3 minutes plugging element 14 with a 1 minute intro?
I get your points Dave, but you could mail 2.5" Hard-drives.
I think they lock the "head" when turned off, so they should be fairly safe to send in the mail.