Dave uncovers that has to be one of the world's biggest and most meticulously sorted collections of vintage electronic components!
And all this sold for $405 on ebay!
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Hi guys, I'm out on a rural property here at Maruta in Western Sydney and I scored something on ebay just here to pick it up and I thought that's pretty much all they had. but uh, which is, it's pretty good in its own right. I was very impressed to get this, but check out what else is in here. Wow.

You will love this guys. You're right. you'll love this. They're ripping it all apart.

but uh, this was all owned by a guy named David Sparks and uh, that I tried to get or Silicon Chip magazines and things like that. but they're Oh, they're Ea. I didn't know they had Ea archives. Anyway, I tried to get a Silicon chip one, but look what I scored.

This is this is what I've got. All these tins. All of these tins, full of everything and you're not going to believe what I got them for. 30 bucks for all these tins all labeled look, collar clamps, all sorts of screws, support hinges, all sorts of stuff.

and so yeah, it's just like absolutely crazy what I got. So this guy was absolutely meticulous in how he sorted um, stuff, nuts and bolts, he types plain washers, all sorts of, and all sorts of screws. So fantastic and everything in here is is going. They haven't listed everything yet, but what I really want to show you is in here.

This is gotta be the ultimate Electronics Home Workshop. Look at this. look. Pots.

all these pots, caps, all sorted. Wow how much time and effort went into this Like there's all these are capacitors I haven't looked at all this yet. All these capacitors. All these are capacitors, potentiometers, resistors, resistors, resistors trimmers.

Oh, look at all this. I mean, this is just crazy. Like real old-school trimmers. Unbelievable.

What the hell was this guy into? And there's more. What do we got? We got switches. We got micro switches. Look at this.

Crazy. Well, we've got Tube sockets. Well, I've got connectors. battery connectors.

Like just crazy. Wow. Wow. I remember some real old-school but all tons of switches.

Look at this. Tube sockets, connectors, connectors. So real old-school stuff. Obviously into vintage repair and things like that.

But then we've got headers and stuff like that. Absolutely incredible. And then look, are these all tubes. And ah, Mullard Phillips.

Oh, all tubes. Look at this. This is ridiculous. And more connectors.

Crazy. Have you ever seen a more sorted collection of this like this? is like old school electronics store and this is in this guy's own home workshop. Wow. Do this.

Resistor networks. Crazy inductors, inductors, Transformers. More caps. There's more caps than you can poke a stick at.

Unbelievable. So ceramic. Look at all those ceramic caps. Wow.

I mean, and they want to get rid of all this stuff too. They have no idea what to do with it and I'm not surprised. So they're happy to take offers on all this stuff. So relays, Electro mechanical, Or hundreds of different.
Or dozens, at least dozens of different types of relays, Crystals, inductors, crystal filters. Look at that. Wow. Oscillators, delay lines, display modules, Vfd display modules, crystals and filters, indicators and lamps, resistor networks, fuses and breakers.

Wow. And that's just that wall there and it looks like we've got more. uh, tubes and stuff. Or your old school guys transistors Bipolar.

There we go. Look at that Tt series. Wow. Separate into all the series: 2 Sc 1800s, the 2sc 1900s.

Wow. Two and Three Double fives. This is the mother lode. It really is.

I've never seen a collection like this. It's just absolutely stunning. Absolutely stunning. Small signal mosfets like each individually bagged.

Look at this: Dual gain N channel mosfets. Wow. Got to be kidding me. Chips 7 7900 series Cmos Micro memory control display controllers, Read amplifiers.

What? 4 000 series Tda or Linear series look. Tda audio amps, Bipolar logic, all your 7 4 series stuff. Wow. Just like hey, I'm stunned like I have never seen a collection like this.

This is in his home. like he's back at workshop. Like what was this guy into? Where'd he get all these parts from? Maybe you bought out an old electronics shop or he used to have one. Um yeah, his name was David Sparks.

I ring the bell. I'm not sure why, but hallelujah, This is just ridiculous. And they haven't listed this stuff yet. They have not listed it.

so it's like like kind of like make an offer kind of thing. It's just oh, what do you do? How much would you offer for something like this? I got no idea what's in these. Like rotary wafer switches. Like, where would you even store all this stuff? It's just wow.

Has anyone ever seen a bigger or better collection than this or better sorted or any guarantee you haven't? This is insane. Wow. And oh, there's more stuff. Hang on.

Almost forgot about this. Look at this. This is his, uh, test gear room where he did stuff. and apparently, um, ultra violet lights apparently.

So yeah. look, it's got ultraviolet lights in here. There we go there, we go switch them, order. That's just it's hang on.

Let me see if I can get all this back on. There we go, We're we're back on. But check it out. All this old school.

Top off. Five Six one. Tektronix, Five Six Four five Four five that was obviously collected. Something's gone horribly wrong on that.

uh. 475 transistor curve tracer. Look at this. a 576 curve tracer.

They're pretty rare here in Australia. They're uh, you don't get too many of those Wow. Pcm test set. old school.

don't know what's in there. Hmm. they haven't even heard of that company. Wow.

So 10 Aaron Bs601 Old-school stuff, analog meter and uh, yeah, so he's had a this is obviously where he did a fair bit of work and I think he's like going overseas or something. I don't know. They hired, um, somebody. um, to sell all this stuff on Ebay? Like one of these professional, um, companies who who sell it? So who sell gear? Wow.
I don't even want to know what's behind there. Well, yes I do. It's unbelievable. Anyway, guys, that is the mother lode.

That is the best workshop collection of electronic parts I have ever seen in my entire life. Please if anyone can beat it, post photos or videos or whatever down below. I don't think you can. This is insane.

Anyway, I am very happy about the Um Nuts and bolts thing I set up, so I'll do some video when I have that back. I'll set those up in the bunker or something like that. But and check this out. We found this in a box.

It looks like my first guess would be a mercury rectifier. Um, can anyone confirm? Look at that. Wow! England Gibbs and check these out. Looks like we have some older Crt tubes probably.

uh, tech. I'd say don't know what that is Early late, no idea where that's from, that's from some other weird bit of gear. But yeah. whole bunch of scope tubes and all these valves in here.

These are all. uh. all original. Mullard Phillips.

Look at Millie Watts and uh. they were all the ones in the colored ones. They're all original and uh. all the ones in the whites.

They're all refurbished like, you know, generic brand ones or something like that. So and apparently he's got all of these parts. All of them in a spreadsheet. A huge master spreadsheet knows exactly you can see, they're numbered, knows exactly what's where, and uh, yeah, it's just.

have you ever seen anything better organized than this. Unbelievable. where the guy got all this gear from. I have no idea.

Oh, look at this. Enamel wire, cable, markers, sleeving heatsinks. Hey, heatsinks. Look at that man.

He's just like salvaged. He must have got these salvaged out of gear. He must have Ferrites input if Transformers, rotary wafer switches. Ah, massive inductors.

look at that. He's I. I thought like he must have like bought out a shop or something like that or had a shop to get all these parts and individually bagged. Like each one is individually hand written and bagged with all the same.

They must have all been done. it. You know, Like they couldn't have been done years apart because all the labels and everything else there are. They're all totally consistent, totally consistent, and like every one of them is like chock-a-block with parts and stuff.

It's just. ah, it's it's mental. Absolutely mental. The really amazing thing about all these parts? They are all second hand.

They've all been. actually. those those ones might have been somewhat new, but they've all been desoldered. In fact, that was the only one I found new.

These are all desoldered parts. All of them. Everything in here has been just desoldered. Like seven.
Four Double O's Look, look there we go. if you know everything has been desoldered. And that's the absolutely amazing thing about all this. They're all.

I mean, he's got some sort of packets of new stuff and he's labeled on some of them if they're new, but um, otherwise, they're yeah, all just savage parts. Unbelievable. Must have spent his entire life just de-soldering parts. Absolutely ridiculous.

And check it out. Look just like packets of diodes. Just desoldered diodes. Unbelievable.

And look just all individually wrapped and individually bagged and labeled. Everything desoldered. It's just absolutely crazy. Wow.

and it's all through-hole I haven't found any surface mount parts here yet at all. It's just all old school and there's all magazines, books, server racks, all that sort of thing. But ah, I'll just leave you with that shot. look at that, catch you next time and check it out.

I managed to transport them all back to the bunker in I think one piece, maybe the antenna's falling down at the back there. but and just a quick follow-up to that video. sorry about the video quality. I think I might have had my uh camera set to the wrong uh setting.

I wasn't expecting to go out there and shoot any footage so I just got what I got and I actually ran out of memory card there. so yeah, sorry about that. But anyway, I hope you got a good idea of what that collection was like. It was insane the first time I saw it.

Wow. This is like the Holy Grail. You know it was like walking into a mouse or a digi-key warehouse. It was absolutely incredible.

But the more I looked at it and the more I thought about it looked, uh, off camera, look through some stuff. It was all, or, uh, it was all through-hole stuff there was. I couldn't find any surface mount stuff at all. I didn't search every draw, but it looks like it was all pretty much.

I hate to use the word obsolete, but it was pretty much all, uh, through whole parts. and most amazing of all, it was all. The vast majority of it was like desoldered, salvaged parts. I, this David Sparks guy.

my hat off to him. Absolutely. He must have sat there thousands and thousands of hours of de-soldering parts and and individually bagging each one. If it wasn't enough that they were all, uh, you know, use those, um, takeaway containers to store each one inside each one of those.

Almost without exception, they were. all. the parts were individually bagged as well, in little tiny ziploc bags and all itemized with their value and part number and everything else. I mean, there were, I don't know, You know, a thousand plus takeaway storage containers and then each one of those had, you know, could have up to a dozen bags in them, all individually categorized.

Wow. And it's just a shame that it wasn't all sort of new parts. It was new parts. It'd be worth an absolute fortune if it had all you know, modern smd uh, stuff and things like that.
But that's obviously what this guy was into. He was into, you know, vintage, um, stuff and and salvaging parts. And anyway, I was absolutely blown away by that. I have never seen or heard of a better personal collection than that.

Maybe there might be ones bigger, but I doubt there's anyone that is more Pers: Perfectly organized and categorized than that. It was just stunning. Anyway, I did get some photos of almost all of the drawers and things like that, so if you're curious to see exactly what was on the labels, hopefully I haven't reviewed them, I think I got them all in focus as opposed to the video. Anyway, they'll be linked in down below on Eevblog.com so check them out.

But there you go. If you know of a bigger or better personal lab component collection than that one, leave it in the comments. I think people will be struggling too. I'm going to claim that is one of the world's biggest and most impressive collections, at least of salvage components.

Wow. Catch you next time you.

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20 thoughts on “Eevblog #737 – world’s biggest collection of electronics components”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Light Science says:

    It's one thing to buy, but how do you salvage this much!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nick King says:

    Makes my collection look like shit

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars beboploo says:

    were would one start listing all that on ebay. good luck to them

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars skeggjold gunnr says:

    I would like to have been there in Chicago when Zenith closed shop.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shane E says:

    PARADISE! <3

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert B says:

    Astounding. Must be worth thousands.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Carl says:

    When someone passes away their life all comes down to his or her possessions and memories.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dingalarm says:

    David Sparks…an appropriate name for an electronics hobbyist! 👍👌😂

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars P A says:

    awesome save

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nano Atom says:

    Anyone know where to get plastic see thru containers like the ones he has stacked. They are perfect what I need, I can't find anything close on anywhere.. EEVBlog any ideas?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Prabal Pratap Singh Rawat says:

    electronics paradise here!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Barbs FPV says:

    This strikes me as more of a "collection" of parts than his home workshop supply.
    A home tinkerer would never be able to use all that stuff, and half of it was beyond obsolete.
    He was a hoarder with OCD, lol.
    Still amazing stuff though.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Brenton says:

    ThoughtI had a good setup but this takes the cake.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars univera1111 says:

    You should create a website for this and distribute world wide.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars justicelut says:

    The guy certainly loved Chinese food!

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bodăgănel says:

    You've just sorted out the world’s chip shortage Dave!

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Randy Havard says:

    The quantity isn't even the most impressive part. The organization is amazing.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sid'istic Atheist says:

    Reminds me of my old College Storeroom.
    Theres a lot of precious metals in there. They obviously don't realise the recyclable value of all that electronics.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike McGuire says:

    Anyone else watching this while actually desoldering?

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dexter says:

    I couldn't help but notice in the comments below that envy is eating away at many people watching this video. hahahaha

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