Dave installs a new LED lighting system in the EEVblog lab, with 9 x 60W 600mm 5000k ceiling LED panels.
A look at hermaphroditic connectors.
What kind of lux improvement is there on the bench?
Has the colour rendering index (CRI) changed things?
They cost how much?
A look at Lifud brand LED drivers, with mini teardown of course:
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Hi, yes, it's another lead light in video. I've done a whole bunch of videos on LED lighting I've got a YouTube playlist which I'll link in with installing LED lights and lots of LED light theory with my mate Doug and all that sort of stuff. And yes, I still don't have enough light here in the Eevblog lab to shoot video I'm actually rather restricted to summer shots that I can actually do here in the lab because I do not have enough light and I've said this many, many times. low light in quote marks is not at night time so it's like in a typical office environment like this.

and even for professional video cameras, it can be hired in certain depth of field situations to shoot noise free images. So I've done several lighting upgrades before, but I'm going once again even further. probably the whole hog this time. I've got ten of these 600 millimeter square 60 watt LED panels and I'm going to install nine of them and we're gonna install nine today because nine is what fits in an entire strip along here and I'll show you what the plan is.

you've seen these before. Okay, I've got a I've got a remote control thing that can turn some of these LED lights on and I've basically got three at four big sixty watt panels plus a bunch of LED strip. A LED tube replacement flew Rose in there and basically what I plan to do is put nine panels all the way across one continuous strip all the way with LBJ right up to that air vent up there. so one continuous strip of light right across.

Now the reason I want to put them in one continuous strip along here is because this lab is primarily for shooting video. Now if I was just working on these benches yeah, I'd had the lights directly above the benches and I do have those the ones that Doug made along here and I turn those on via remote control. if I want to actually work, they put you know more than a thousand lumens on the bench and you know everything's sweet. So I want one continuous strip here because I set up when I'm working on this bench.

this is where I do my tear downs and you know a good majority of my videos. I got my camera set up here. so I need effectively the lights behind me like this sort of up at an angle so it comes down like that. so then I don't get reflections.

you've probably seen it if I'm if I'm reviewing a product for example, and like I tilt the screen like that you can get reflections of the lights and things like that. So kind of like, you know there's no real best place to put them because how you tilt the thing. but anyway, you definitely don't want to right above you for shooting video stuff like that. And of course on this bench, this is where I set my camera for doing the mailbag and other stuff.

where I have the backdrop with the racks and everything in there. So yeah. so I want one big strip along here which will light up pretty much both sides like that? That's the plan anyway. I've only got four 60 watt panels at the moment plus a couple of those.
As I said those little dagi fluro replacement things I've got from Audi I did a video on those. they're they're pretty crusty then output my output. many lumens at all. So I'm gonna now put in stall nine in a pattern so that I once again I can use an RF remote control and switch them however many off and on that I need because I don't want to have nine blaring all day.

It'll be crazy if I'm just working on here. So I turned like nine on when I'm shooting video or turned on however many I need depends if I'm over at the whiteboard and doing the fundamentals Friday or something I might have a different lighting configuration for that for example, because if I'm on camera like they said, I want to be blinded by light but I want enough to fill in and all sorts of stuff like that Anyway, lights at the moment, they're all matched here in the lab. they're 4200 Kelvin color temperature these new ones I've got imported these directly from the manufacturer in China These are a 60 watt panel nine millimeters thick. Really very nice.

standard 600 by 600 millimeter size. So they just dropped right into the ceiling here and these are 5000 K I Decided to up it. they didn't make 4200, they made 5, 4000 or 5000. So I decide to go up to 5000.

No real reason behind that. 5000 is more. 500 to 5500 is more of your traditional daylight photography, portrait photography, videography type color temperature on these things so you know it's closer to that. But ultimately I do all my white balance in in the camera I have my camera set up specifically for 4200 now a change.

after these, I'll change my camera to 5000 and Bob's your uncle. So before we install them, I'm just going to get some baseline Lux measurements here on the bench. I'm going to have put some post-it notes so I put it in exactly the same spot every time when I measure him before and after and here we go. I've actually got my main for studio lights on here and I'm only getting about.

you know, 600 I like I'm standing behind the camera so if I move away and it might change a bit, ya see, I'm blocking a bit of it. Now if I move directly over the camera standing over it where I normally am, it drops down a bit so we're only talking like 600 Lux That is not a huge amount that is. It's not quite a low line environment, really look like a low light office would be like 300 Lux I believe about 300 Lux is like the absolute minimum Australian standard for office lighting and things like that. But you've got to remember that even professional camcorders like what I'm using or semi semi pro camcorders like I'm using, their specs are based around all the performance specs usually typically based around a minimum of a thousand Lux I'm getting.

Not even that. That's why I have some issues with it. Anyway, let's go around and take some baseline measurements and then we'll install these panels and see what we get afterwards. And by the way, these panels have a light rated lumen output of our 80 lumens per watt around about there.
So we're talking about 4,800 lumens for a normal 60 what panel here. But one of the most important things of course is the CRI or color rendering index. These are fairly typical. they're not.

You know, it's superb. Ly good there. They just say greater than 80 which is you know, fairly typical of a half-decent dark LED panel lighting like this. And the color rendering index is important because if you've got things of different colors like this, then it may not reproduce accurate colors.

That may have you know some sort of green tinge on certain colors or or something like that. But anyway, you do want greater than 80 and I actually paid a bit more to get decent LED drivers for these. These are a Lyford brand one and yeah, well, they're not the absolute best. but they're not like a really cheap no-name one.

So I thought we'd just check these puppies out and like they're they are a big, decent sized one. The bigger probably the longer they're going to last. All things being equal because they aren't trying to cram a lot of power into a tiny space and these look reasonably well designed. Let's take a quick squeeze at it.

So we've got our mains input coming over here. Yeah, we've got input fuse here. We've got ourselves a mould. We've got ourselves the requisite common mode choke and filtering air.

We got ourselves a reasonably big-ass diode bridge there, and that's flapping around in the breeze a little bit. that coil there. They've tried to put some silicon on there, but yeah, this wouldn't Subrata survived a lot of vibration, but I'll cut them a little bit of slack. Their transformer looks decent.

yeah, and those heat sinks look quite reasonable. The output caps though there. Yeah, these is she brand, a Shire brand or whatever. They are curiously a hundred and twenty five C rated.

so that's that's pretty good. They were thinking they're very high temperature rating ones. Anyway, nice and neat and tidy. Also, they've got the Dyer bridge here.

They put isolation slots between the individual pins at. nice touch. Somebody knew what they were doing I don't know what these holes are doing here. Probably just for some more ventilation on the thing I Don't think they're really doing that for isolation purposes.

They've got some of that over here as well. and there's the bottom of the board. They've actually got some must solder code on some of the traces to increase the hair current handling and maybe some martin dissipation and stuff like that. Anyway, that looks so quite reasonable.

I Got no problems with that whatsoever. Clearance is all very nice that looks like a reasonably well designed. Got some spark gaps in there as well. Somebody knew what they were doing so I don't mind that and all That is a really neat and tidy layout.
worth paying extra for. Definitely all right. Finished taking all my light measurements around here. I've got little post-it notes everywhere and I've written.

The value on here ranges from like these two ones are around about 800 Lux on the bench and by the way, you can't don't stand over it like this and measure. You've got to actually get out of the way like that trap for young players and anywhere from 800 in this and basically this hot spot here over where Dave's sitting over there we're looking at like 200. that's a really dark corner where he's got like one strip floor over and more something so not fluo. but LED replacement and I've got three points on this bench here and at the back where I sit there and do the mailbag already talking about 400 lux.

so you know, basically 400 Lux on my face, it's bugger all. and I'm gonna just do an impromptu color chart here. I don't actually have a proper camera color chart I'm supposedly a professional videographer Anyway, don't have one and this is with the old light in here. so I'm gonna this is white balanced at 4200.

K So I'm going to take try and get exactly the same shot. This is auto exposure because I'll have a lot more light later. so I can't exactly do the same exposure. so I've got Auto exposure here.

So I'll try and get exactly the same shot to see if there's any color differences between before and after, but it could be a bit hard to get. I'll do my best and here the exact same shot again, but we've got all the new lights installed, we've got them all switched on and the white balance is now set for well. I use my white balance card it tells me at 50 100. Kelvin that's what the camera said to that.

Anyway, that's white balance. If you can tell the difference you done, that is a shitty job. I Don't know how anyone can do that for a living. These ceiling frickin' panels and boy I believe got all through my hair, getting in my eyes, have to wash my eyes out and it's just like sneezing.

It's just horrible those acoustic ceiling panels anyway. Tada. Oh yeah, well, you can't see them on the camera there. But yeah, this is all the lights turned on.

Come on. do that. It's brilliant all pun intended. There we go.

There's the entire trip. Sorry, it's actually hard to because they're so bright. I Can like turn up a fixed exposure and then just have the lights like completely blow out like that. And yes, they are all remote controllable.

We're having a problem with the remote control at the moment. it's not turning off one of the channels properly. Oh, we thought one of the metal troughs up there was actually blocking the RF but we put it in the center of the tile and well, yeah, it doesn't seem to be going. but let's see what we can do.

Alright, let's give it a bill. I got my remote control which I switch these off and on. but as I said, got a little RF issue. So I'm gonna have to go up to turn the first set in year as you can see I got just two on there.
Ordinarily just when we're in the office here, it's adequate. but go up here. and Tada, there we go. So now I've got every second light on like that and that's pretty darn good.

But then this one actually works though. So the second one there we go can turn them all on Sweet! I Can hook that up to a Knight Rider' LED scan a circuit back and forth. Awesome. Gonna be great and oh I don't know what's the problem.

That's just I'll show you where it's sitting. Actually, it's ridiculous. Here we go, we're up in the roof and here's the panel here. look I'm just sitting on top of this acoustic tile.

There's the two RF receivers and it doesn't. One that works perfectly and the other one doesn't. And yes, I've actually tried swapping them silent. No, what the hell is going on? Anyway, there's all my panels installed there and whoa-oh-oh-oh I up the back.

it's a long way. Here's one thing I Really love about these connectors. Now here's the connector on the the panel itself. and this is the connector on the power supply.

And you think they're identical? How can they mate? Well, look, they're hermaphroditic. Yes. I think that's a word. Well, if it's not I just made it up.

They're actually exactly the same connector. Look exactly the same connector like that. but you can plug them in. Tada like that.

There's six lists. Absolutely brilliant. Love it. And on my teardown bench here: I'm getting an increase of about seventy three percent.

I'm now getting 1372 lumens the cameras in the way a little bit here, but I was getting 792 before awesome and next to it here I got 54% increase. This was the worst one at 48 percent increase over here. 65 percent increase on the whiteboard here I got a 71 percent increase. This is like facing like face on like that so it's not like wasn't flat.

So anyway, over here on the mailbag bench I got a hundred and eight percent. This was my best result I got our double and I got 81% over there and I think almost 70% over there. So there you have it. This was actually a huge improvement.

I'm very impressed with these panels. More impressed by actually the price for the performance I Paid forty five US dollars for these panels plus the reasonable you know, decent quality, constant-current convert up for the things So thoroughly impressed directly imported from China I Ordered ten of them and cost me about two hundred and fifty bucks Courier postage to have 36 kilos worth of panels I think each one weighs about three and a half kilos or something like that. So thoroughly impressed in some locations here. I'm getting double the amount of light and the color balance.

the basic color balance test I did here. It seems to be very little difference actually. So and I have the color rendering index is you know, good enough. It's nobody's complained about color in my videos or anything like that, so these are certainly not worse than what I had before.
So very very impressed. Unbelievable we can price You can get these things for now Wow and I'm sure there'll be a lot of people asking this question, so I'll answer it now. Why don't I just put in work you know, like a studio lights on stands and I can position position them exactly where I want for each shot and it'd be fantastic. Yeah, that's great if I want to dick around.

I've tried that before. I've had proper diffused studio lights here like a couple of hundred watts a pop and set them up like that and it's just annoying to have these things like set up and move constantly, move them around constantly around, and things like that. Yeah, it's great if you've got a week to shoot a video and you don't shoot, you know, two or three videos a week and you just want to get it done like that. You just want a run-and-gun It's setting up lights as yeah.

great for professional studios if you got a light impersonal, that sort of stuff. but around here it's not a big lab and they just get in the way so it's annoying. That's why I just went with one single strip along the top like this. and as I said, a lot of people will ask, why don't I have them over here It's because of the reflections of products when I'm doing product teardown and stuff like that actually want the lights a little bit behind me because if you're shooting in a product like this, you sort of want the light to come down, bounce off the front panel of the product, and come back.

but you don't want it to be at enough angle so that you get reflections. You can actually see those in the products screen. So it's Yes, it's a compromise, but that's what you have to do. You can't always shoot, you know, like set up everything absolutely perfectly as you would in a proper, you know professional video studio.

So I'm pretty happy with that result. I'm basically getting like over 1500 Lux everywhere. Pretty much so you know it's gonna be great. You probably won't notice a huge amount of difference, but some of the you know, if I'm setting real deep depth of field shots to get everything in focused on an angle board or something like that.

I can actually get greater depth of field without getting extra noise on the image because I don't have enough light and every camera works perfect outside. and I GoPros even crappy phone cameras work fantastic outside because they've got tons of light. You bring them inside here. This is much more than what your regular you know, inside your house or inside your regular offices.

and you know I Still might have a few little limitations if I wanted to get really creative with some of my shots. but yet now with over a thousand lumens, I'm sort of operating above. Sort of like the minimum recommended settings for camcorders and things like that. So pretty darn happy.
and for the price? I Can't complain. 45 US bucks a panel beauty catch you next time you.

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20 thoughts on “Eevblog #764 – new lab ceiling led lighting installation”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 1366solar says:

    My homelab is small only 12m squared but I'm going to install to 30x120cm panels of 3400 lumen 4000k each. On top of that I have extra LED lighting above the bench. It will be well illuminated for sure.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Stancliff says:

    we went over to LED lighting in our home, bought the E12 bulbs through Ebay from China… bought over a dozen and over 6 of them already failed… less then 3 months old…. Buyer Beware!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Frank E Davidson says:

    1080 Lux for soldering I designed to working with datasheets a floor/worksurface plan and a bit of trig. Source Space product assurance Manual soldering of high-reliability
    electrical connections ECSS-Q-ST-70-08C5.4 Lighting requirements
    a. Lighting intensity shall be a minimum of 1080 lux on the work surface.
    b. At least 90 % of the work area shall be without shadows or severe
    The CIBSE have recommended figures too.
    There are loads of free lighting calculators on the interweb.
    Cheaper to calculate it first.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sean Zappulla says:

    Everyone would want these in there offices and shops after seeing the video.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Arek R. says:

    125C caps?
    Never seen before…

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Retro tévém says:

    The frames are more distinctive, not as blurry thanks to the decreased exposure time.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matt Burrows says:

    Good job.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Freek Weijers says:

    My OCD is driving me crazy! Just put them in The fucking middle!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars lentmain says:

    Great improvement in lux…    Now I don't have to squint to see you….    2 Thumbs up, Dave….

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mikael Murstam says:

    I believe asexual connectors would be a better word 😛

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Justin says:

    Sometimes those remote receivers don't like being in the same power strip.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thatlinuxnerd says:

    Just make the whole ceiling all lights! LOL

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stephen Low says:

    Separate the 433Mhz units by at least 35cm and maybe have one at 90 degrees to the other.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nik Kershaw says:

    this guy makes the best videos, jam packed with detail and insight… well done…

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sn0wchyld says:

    hey mate, can I ask how much the office space costs you? just curious since ill probably need similar for my own workshop soon 😛 got no idea whatsoever what office space costs…

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matt Aquila says:

    Have you considered mounting one or two panels on the wall at head height to reduce the long shadows on your face?

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vladimir Chebotarev says:

    What are these black and dark red squares near the board? Some sort of heating device?

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jusb1066 says:

    you will be needing to employ makeup next dave…..

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars redtails says:

    I still think you're making it much harder on your camera this way. Bright lights in-picture cause a huge decrease in contrast due to glaring and weird reflections.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Leandro laporta says:

    What the $#&*??? , where is the main cap on the lufus led power supply?, that is pretty odd!, no main cap (HV) on it?

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