Dave compares Dailymotion to Youtube to see if it's worth uploading his videos there. How does the CPM compare?
Can you make money uploading to Dailymotion?
How many views does Youtube get compared to Dailymotion?
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Hi I've done a previous video rant on YouTube Multi-channel Networks click here if you haven't seen it and I explained how much I hate them and how I continually get emails from them. Even now it just never lets up. Every couple of days I'll get an email from one of these bloody YouTube multi-channel networks and it's often the same ones again and again. And I just delete their emails.

Now it's just it's no fun anymore is to point them to that video anyway. I Just got another video which looked like this and it was from Dailymotion. You've probably heard of Dailymotion right there. this big video YouTube competitor kind of thing I don't know.

Anyway, so I read the email and here it is: Hello ha ha. Nothing says personal attention and we just love your channel so much than a just a generic hello interface. it can't be a forum mail. No.

I'm sure they really have seen my content and they really do love it. Congratulations on your amazing YouTube content we here at day on Dailymotion. Love it! Thank you very much Team Dailymotion! Awesome! My name is blah and I'm their content manager at Dailymotion. As a Asia-pacific region, I'm contacting you to present Dailymotion Calm, which is the second largest video streaming platform in the world with more than 300 million views, viewers and 3 billion views per month.

Wow That's actually a lot and on average. Content creators and distributors and producers like me increase revenues by 15% when they simply duplicate their YouTube channel onto Dailymotion. and at this point I thought oh ok, this is not a YouTube multi-channel network thing. I don't have to sign away from Youtube I Just duplicate my content on dailymotion I Can increase my revenue by 15% It sounds reasonable.

No skin off my nose, right. Just duplicate my content. If people watch it, they watch it. If they don't, they don't.

Yeah, and they can show me how they can help me protect my content, increase my reach, and boost my revenue at no cost. And well, Ok, I'm sure they can, but how much? Give me some you know quantitative data on this and they're obviously not going to give it. These say up to you know, increase revenue by fifteen percent. They don't even say up to, so that's a typical figure.

Okay I wonder if I can check this out? Hmm so I Thought: hey, the easiest way to do that is just check out another channel. Let's take the Nerdist channel for example, a very popular I'm nerd slash tech type channel. much more popular. Me: they've got one hundred and forty seven million views.

There we go. Fantastic! 1.2 million subscribers. so they're a lot bigger than me. And as it so happens, they have a dailymotion account too.

They've uploaded a hundred and twenty two videos and well, how successful have they been on Dailymotion? This is a very popular channel with a much broader audience base than mine. They've gotten eighty one point seven thousand views, 81k views, 915 followers. That's over after uploading a hundred and twenty two different videos. What? What? What? Muah.
So now we'll try and get ajust a back-of-the-envelope I Returned monetary return calculation, shall we? Um, let's have a look at Dart notice. Let's go to their Social Blade account over here which gives you all sorts of stats on pretty much any channel and their monthly views, average or daily views down here. Look, you know the average in like hundred hundred and fifty, you know, a thousand views per day. And I've said in a previous our video, you probably need around a hundred thousand views per day every day to make a decent.

Really, you know, a decent full-time living from this. And if you go up here, they give you an estimate of their yearly projection for their you know, estimated yearly income. It's going to be somewhere between that and if we take the sort of like the ballpark industry standard figure of two dollars, fifty per CPM for our Adsense So for just you know, real generic I'm Adsense type stuff. CPM is cost per mil or cost per thousand views pretty much per thousand impressions.

It's an old advertising term, so multiply that by a hundred. Okay, and we get ourselves 250 bucks a day times 365 days a year looking at Ninety-one K and let's round up to 100 K Err, they're easily doing a hundred K a year in ad revenue. That's not just generic basic stuff that's not including, you know, special campaigns and other sponsorship deals and other things. They might have said, it went pretty well.

So if we take a look at say 10 of their more recent videos, let's take a look at the number of views. 22 views or 1400 and 60 views at once. Going Gangbusters 28 views 106, 569, 256 nice round binary number there 4329 7 G's 15. So if my math is correct, that's 253 views on average for those 10 videos.

And we get it. they're a popular YouTube channel here. look 21,000 30,000 400 only got 3000 on that one. Nobody liked that one.

14,000 36 you know? actually I just did the math again and an average of 20 2345 views per those same 10 videos. So you get the percentage figure of those two things and the views on dailymotion are only about 1% I Calculated 1.1 percent of the views that notice get on their YouTube channel 1% Wow So by my calculations and hopefully I've got them correct at the rough figure for the Nerdist YouTube a channel of say, let's round it down to a hundred thousand views per day is what they're getting and they're making roughly say a hundred K per year in Adsense revenue at that early rough rule of thumb: figure of tools: 50 per thousand views or CPM So with that one percent view figure of YouTube, we'd have to take that hundred thousand views per day would suddenly become a thousand views per day on average. Foot across there our channel here. Sure, they haven't got as many videos, but that's the figure that we're getting from though.
Ten videos because there's only a thousand views per day 365 days a year, they'd have to be paying about $41 CPM compared to two dollars 50 per arts CPM On average that what you get on YouTube Adsense that's a hell of a lot more to earn you 15 the claimed 15% that they're saying. So how much are Dailymotion paying per CPM Well, it'll depend on your channel and everything else, but it was hard to find some info on this. I've just got some like you know, random people on the interwebs. One here says 7 or $5 to 750.

Another one over here is saying you know, pre-roll CPM $5 that's sort of, you know, so similar sort of figure. but far from the 40th you know Plus dollars that we're talking about. So what's the bottom line here? Well, they claim like it just upload your videos to dailymotion and you know 15% um extra and it sounds really good. But when you go look at say a popular channel like our Nerdist I have no reason to believe I'd do any better than they would almost certainly not.

The views on dailymotion are only 1% 1% of the views that they get on YouTube Yet they say that you can get 15% of the revenue. Yeah, Sutton doesn't add up And of course you could say well you know there's no skin off my nose I'll just upload my videos on there if I get money I get money if I don't I don't people watch their they watch. If they don't they don't What's the big deal? Well, in theory that's true, but in practice what happens if you want to be successful on a platform, bit, Youtube, Dailymotion, or any Vimeo or anything else, you have to keep up interacting with your audience and doing everything you know. which includes reading all the comments, responding to comments, being proactive, and you know stuff like that all look they got 5 comments on this one.

You know you've got it. Spend time to go in there and manage this and time is money. It's it takes that time away that you would devote into YouTube before. So when you try and split your content between all these different channels, it just takes time and is it worth it? in my case, I can't possibly see how it's worth it.

So yeah, thanks for the offer Dailymotion. But I think I'll stick with YouTube So it's just interesting to see the massive difference in the view numbers. I mean a hundred to one, You know YouTube get 100 times the views that dailymotion gets for a typical channel like this. It's just incredible.

That is the incredible power of YouTube being the dominant platform. and well, it's It's not surprising that I know something like Dailymotion. they throw out those fantastic numbers which they had. you know, billions and stuff like that would sound impressive.

and yeah, it might be true. but for your average channel, you know every successful channel like this. It's their bugger-all. views at all.

So yeah. so if you ever approached by a company for something like this and they throw some impressive numbers at you and we'll just try and go do some basic you know checks and verifications to see if those figures are going to be in the ballpark or not. In this case, nah, don't even think they're going to be close anyway. I Hope you found that useful.
Catch you next time.

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28 thoughts on “Eevblab #12 – dailymotion vs youtube cpm revenue”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ninja Pirate says:

    Youtube is better because on dailymotion I couldn't even watch whatever video I want

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FerretsCantGame says:

    Hmm. for how shit youtube is becoming and how impoosible it is to use and grow these days, May as well get an early start on dailymotion, coz almost guartee people will start wandering over if there isn't a new website created to be youtube direct competition. daily motion isnt very good either. but views and follower shortages will change if more and more people switch over. All it would take is a few bigger channels to just quit youtube and move their fanbase. Thats all it would take for overnight change. Coz once one large channel does it, they all will. And early bird gets the worm…

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars cargarlic says:

    I love dailymotion because i can watch all 95 episodes from jackie chan adventures as well as .. back at one (official music video) bryam mcnight … When in youtube you just can't)..

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mary Ann Vitelli says:


  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Crafty Arts says:

    all these years later and it seems worse. How would you get more revenue with less eyeballs on the videos.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michel says:

    You forgot something. if you would do a new second YT and mirror your videos their – you also would not get same number. u would get 1-5% ๐Ÿ˜‰
    you cant compare a channel with 100 000 subs with a new channel.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PredatorKingdom says:

    People use Dailymotion for backing up stuff from YouTube or uploading copyright material. I think Dailymotion is worth if you have a website like a streaming type site where you can embed those files to your site and bring traffic to it and make money off of those videos it really is the second best place after YouTube to monetize YouTube videos.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Skipidi says:

    I use Dailymotion. Com for the shows and oldschool cartoons

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Duck says:

    I use dailymotion to watch tv shows
    I dont on yt since its not a full ep

    I watch gameing vids on yt and I might upload on dailymotion

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars APEX Ideas For Good Life says:


  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Must Rรคstas says:

    as long as i can watch for free in daily then im all right with it hehe…

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hayleyโ€™s Comet says:

    So could I start a gaming channel or manga channel on dailymotion? And it would work?

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nick Williams says:

    Dailymotion is the worst

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars james j says:

    999 like

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brianna Sims says:

    On Dailymotion I got a 3 minute ad that I couldn't skip.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars INVALID USER says:

    You don't get lag on dailymotion

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars farziran87 m says:

    I switched to dailymotion. I love love love it. Much better quality and less crap.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chocolate Fondue Pondue says:

    So, you're saying you LIKE having your content heavily censored by YouTube. You don't want to help Daily Motion get started providing YouTube some much-needed competition? Why?

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars silentmajor says:

    Well give dailymotion time and it will happen. I'm going there just because I'm tired of hearing youtube video makers complain about being censored for their content. Sounds like youtube is playing politics and In a biased way.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shoukat Ali says:

    i see it

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dunkindonutmaster_09 says:

    Am I the only one who thinks that Dailymotion has a nicer community then what Youtube has now?

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MJ Gaming says:

    The only problem is that not many people use daily motion but I would still trust that %15. You may think they are lying but itโ€™s all about how many people are watching.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve C says:

    I had a Dailymotion channel had over 50 views within 2 days
    I closed it down and stayed with YouTube
    Perhaps I should have a DM channel again

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris Petrick says:

    Good on you Aussie, thanks for doing the maths for us.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vin D says:

    Dailymotion actually shows the show, not the usual cock teaser. Youtube may mean well, but many are just assholes trying to sell shit for gold.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cat Tales says:

    I just discovered dailymotion today. I was really hoping for an alternative, because adsense/youtube has taken away my ability to monetize my videos. They won't explain why. It's just gone. I'm happy to know there are alternatives.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars slap_my_hand says:

    I have heard that daylimotion is a french website. Are there some english channels too or are there mostly french videos?

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MrEpicDB says:

    Do you plan on doing another version of this video when they relaunch the website in a few weeks? They are reporting that they are doing a complete overhaul of the site in April 2017. I would assume once they relaunch the site they will spend some money on advertising which will bring in more traffic to their site. It's a LONG SHOT that they will be successful with this relaunch but WHAT IF?! lol Great video dude!

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