Dave and other video bloggers have been getting paid-for targeted
dislike thumbs down on their Batteriser related videos.
Also, nasty accusations from the Batteriser fan page.
How your Youtube channel and videos can be easily ruined by a disgruntled person with some money to spend. Paid Likes, Paid Dislikes, and Paid Views, it's all available, just pay some money!
Forum: http://www.eevblog.com/forum/eevblab/eevblab-13-batteriser-how-to-buy-youtube-dislikes!/'>http://www.eevblog.com/forum/eevblab/eevblab-13-batteriser-how-to-buy-youtube-dislikes!/
And the endless Batteriser forum thread:
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Hi Now I Didn't want to have to do another video on batter Iser and this one does not justify one of my regular Eevblog numbers. So this is just an Eevee blab. but look at what? I Found another video blogger posted on the EEV blog forum that they were getting a huge number of dislikes on one of their Batteries Er videos and they were coming from: Vietnam So I thought I'd actually check out my videos and see what's happened. And sure enough, here is into my account.

Here here are my videos: look my recent batteries: A Monkey Busted Video: 44 thousand views Two thousand One hundred Seventy Three thumbs up. That's fairly common for a video of this magnitude, but look five hundred and sixteen Thumbs Down and I swear these thumbs down weren't there the other day when I looked so I What's going on? And these sort of numbers like five hundred sixteen Thumbs Down on a video is a massive number that I virtually never get on my videos. Look at some of the other comments: sixty here, but that's a Blab video Apple Teardown 32:28 for you know, like really like small numbers the Power Mac Hundred and Fifty three You know, like really quite small numbers and look at this: another Batteries A Video: how to measure the cutoff voltage 1159 Thumbs down I Have never got such an incredible amount of thumbs down except for maybe that time that I poured the beer down the sink. That's probably the only other time.

And look, it's only the batteries of videos. Let's jump look 804 Dislikes: Inventables X-carve video where I did like a an impromptu batteries I rant at the front of it and look 1172 How to calculate wasted battery capacity I didn't put batteries in the title here and it wasn't really a direct response to batteries ER but it was. But it's like appropriate to the batteries because it's about calculating the wasted energy at the bottom of the battery. So it was.

You know it's completely appropriate. Somebody is targeting my videos with this huge of thumbs-down and if we go down to my original, let's have a look at my original look even for when I you know busted the anesthetist at it called wristbands only got 79 thumbs down for that. And but if let's go down to my original batter eyes a video. Bingo! 1160 thumbs down.

Why is it? So now because this stats are typically lag on like new videos that are uploaded, let's go down to the next one that got a huge number of thumbs down. Let's go down to this one. my last major one that we would have stats on. Let's have a look at this now.

here's my stats page for this and you can see the likes a big number of likes at the start when I release the video. Of course that's when every all my almost what 280,000 subscribers or however many I've got get announced that there's a video. Huge number of initial views. You know if people like it, they thumbs it up.

If they don't like it, they thumbs it down. And look at the number of dislikes. There is a sudden spike right here. So let's go and have a look at the stats for this dislike.
You see how it's not right at the front. It's only happened like in the last week or so. So here you go: I Can actually look at the likes and dislike stats for this particular video and you notice this massive spike here. 133 dislikes on the 24th of August There that was look like for the rest of the video.

like I get one or two sometimes zero dislikes in a day. But all of a sudden there was this massive spike here. and we can actually compare that metric with the views and we can see that there is. Even though there was a massive spike in the dislikes, there is no spike in the number of views.

so someone is clearly targeting my batteries of videos with dislikes. In this particular case, because they're not even viewing the video, they just go in for a second BAM and click dislike and then vanish and because YouTube have got quite complex algorithms that determine what a view is so it's harder to actually falsify the views. You've got to stay there for like 30 seconds or a couple of minutes depending on the length and all sorts of other metrics, but they don't have a similar rigorous system for the likes and dislikes because it's not as in Fortin But it gets better of course. look at this.

we can actually sort instead of sorting by likes United States has the most likes Here we can sort by dislikes and look what comes up first. Vietnam Wow, there you go. Just like the other video blogger who also got a huge number of thumbs down recently from Vietnam It all happened on that one day. And look at the dislikes versus lower views here: 131 dislikes for only 65 views proves that they're not even watching the video, they're just going in there targeting my dislikes.

This is the first time I've ever seen this happen to any of my videos in over like, you know, eight hundred plus videos. and that includes like other ones like solar roadways and other videos where they've got like a huge, you know, massive fanboy base where they'll come in and they'll dislike my video on. they'll comment and all sorts of stuff. I Don't get these spikes which are clearly coming from some form of paid service, but you would have noted that this video had over a thousand dislikes.

So why only 135 in a day? Well clearly look at today's date is the second here in Australia and it the stats simply haven't caught up yet. There's a quite a few days lag on these up stats so all those there's been another massive spike in the last day or two. And if I go into my Inventables X-carve video BAM look exactly the same targeted dislike campaign on the 24th once again, coming from Vietnam mostly and BAM exactly the same thing on this video as well. the 24th of August once again from, you guessed it Vietnam and on my original 800% Baloney video, look, there's the recent spike there.

So the stats are starting to catch up here in the recent days. once again, the 24th and you guessed it. Vietnam And check it out. If I compare the metric of that video, look here's where it started over here.
there's the initial art views. There's a couple of dislikes right at the start. A few people didn't like it. Hey, fine.

that's normal for all my videos. But look at these targeted campaigns and it's even worse in the last day or two. Stats just haven't caught up yet. So there you have it.

Someone is clearly paying one of these companies to target my videos with dislikes. How pathetically sad. And sure enough, there are companies that you can buy likes from. Look, how to buy likes on YouTube videos.

Purchase your YouTube likes calm and you can buy our views as well. Two thousand YouTube views for four bucks deliveries within half a day And they they actually have real humans who do this. A lot of these companies advertise that they got real people. They'll pay them a commission to sit there, briefly, open up your video, and either view it, leave it running for a bit to get the view, or they'll just hit the like or dislike button whatever you want to tell them.

So not only can you use companies like this to promote and increase the apparent popularity of your own videos, but you can also do it to target other people as videos that you don't like, as well as long as you're willing to spend the money. And if you're wondering, well, why are they all coming from Vietnam Well, not a very rich in a well-off country. There's a probably a lot of people there who are willing to sign up to these sort of companies to get these sort of commissions. I'll just use their time and they probably make a half decent living from it is a Vietnamese company or they've got a whole bunch of people signed up in Vietnam to click dislikes on your videos.

Pathetic. So whoever's doing this is truly sad. Attacking all of my batteries of videos and other people's batteries or videos. by the sounds of it, paying for all these dislikes.

How pathetically sad do you have to be? Really, but check this out folks. It goes from sad to downright nasty personal attacks from the clown who is running this batteries a battery supposed fan page in quote marks. Look what they're posting. This comes from some clown calling himself Brad Jones but he also goes under the name David Parrish as well.

on my videos. he's been posting under different names so who knows what their real name is. Anyway, look at this trash they're posting. They're basically acute, flat-out slanderously accusing me of actually doing exactly what I've just shown here.

This clown is claiming that my views, likes and fifty percent of all of my comments are paid for and claims that I used software to manipulate the YouTube homepage and that I have to maintain my fight, falsified rankings by manipulating my channel. Unbelievable. This is laughable. So let me educate you on how a successful YouTube channel works.
I Started five and a half years ago back in April 2009. There it is, and you can see my views slowly slowly increasing like this and you reach a couple of levels where you know you might level up in YouTube rankings and things like that and you slowly get more successful. more successful, more successful, more viewers, more viewers, and it kind of starts snowballing and sort of. You know it starts to get a bit more incremental like this until you get to the point where you've got almost 50 million views.

and what have I got? Two hundred and seventy four thousand subscribers built up over five and a half years. And look at the number of views per day. Seventy-five You know, like over seventy five thousand views per day every day. Why on Earth would I or any other successful YouTube But like this, need to pay for views or likes.

When you've got when you've built up an audience of like, you know, over a quarter of a million subscribers, you're going to get a couple of thousand likes for each video that you upload. That's just the way it's going to work. That's how YouTube works. You slowly build up successfully Like this.

The only people who have to pay for likes and views and things like that are companies who want to. A lots of big companies do this. They've got a pathetic Youtube channel and they want to get their views up to make it look like you know they're successful and people watching it and it's that whole psychology thing where you know if people see that a lot of people other people like the video, then they might like it themselves, etc. and it kind of.

You know they try and like, you know, bootstrap it like that by buying all those views. But successful youtubers like myself don't have to do that. We get seventy five thousand views a day. We have an audience of a, you know, over a quarter of a million.

it. It's ridiculous. No. I have never ever paid in my entire life for a single view, a single, like, a single dislike, a single comment, or anything else.

I Don't have to. It's stupid to even accuse someone of that unbelievable. And if I overlay my subscribers on here look: I get like 300 400 new subscribers each and every day. Why would any successful Youtuber want to buy subscribers and stuff like that? It's just ridiculous and it cost me more to actually buy these views and likes and and subscribers then I would get in revenue from each video.

It's as ridiculous and know as if I have to even answer this. I Don't get paid by the battery companies or anyone else to do these videos I'd do it because it's interesting technically and people might learn something from it. There are educational videos I Get paid by YouTube for the Adsense ads I Get paid by my supporters on Patreon thank you very much I Get paid for the ads that appear on my web page and my forum I Get paid through you know, sales and my t-shirts people just donating through PayPal people buying my microcurrent and other stuff and that's basically my only income source at all. I know I shouldn't have to defend myself against some idiot on some fan page somewhere.
who's you know sprouting this nonsense. But here it is for the record there, because well, this batter Iser things seem sort of turn into a big deal and I'm not sure why. Geez, just it. A bunch of you know engineers discussing the technical merits of a product on a foramen and YouTube page cheese.

Get over it, you know? I've tried to be civil in all the batteries of videos that I did. I've tried to make them educational. Keep the facts and all sorts of stuff. I Don't resort to personal attacks and all that sort of thing.

and this is the kind of stuff I get in response to get targeted thumbs down attacks and all sorts of you know, trash-talking comments from there. It's sort of like you know that their fanpage that almost represents them and their brand and image. It's absolutely disgusting. Really pathetic.

So yeah, you claim to have evidence. Go for it. Post it. What a joke.

Really. So whoever this clown is, they're doing massive, irreparable damage to battery and battery Tzer's name. and this is like the almost the de facto official Battery YouTube channel because not only does he have used their name, their logo talks in the first person as if he is them and works for them even though it's supposed to be a fan page. and for more or less people are going to think this is the official battery webpage and he's going and spewing all this garbage attacking people including if you look on the Eevblog forum.

Oh A innocent thirteen-year-old a video blogger who did a batteries a video with all sorts of horrible, nasty threats and things. Absolutely awful batteries. Anita Do something about this is doing irreparable damage to their company. So there you have it.

That's what's been happening with these batteries a thing. and it's truly reached a sad and ridiculous point. And well, you know they're just shooting themselves in the foot by allowing all this fan page rubbish to go on. It's it's just disgusting.

And come on, the targeted dislikes wherever they're coming from, give me a break. So please if you're going to leave comments on this video or on the forum, on the blog or wherever, or on the Google+ page where this guy's posting and all sorts of things. and please keep it respectful. Don't go for the personal attacks and everything else.

stick to the facts and and you know, try and talk about and discuss this product. From the technical aspect as I've been trying to do in my videos, that's the best way to do it. Don't go down to their level. Catch you next time.

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19 thoughts on “Eevblab #13 – buying youtube dislikes! – the batteriser”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars I Tinker with Things says:

    Desperate people do desperate things…

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dj Mohamed says:

    Hello there, i know a trustworthy service to enhance your views naturally for thousend is at 1.85 so the service is called RazorViews

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars camille veret says:

    Hello there, i know a trustworthy service to raise your views naturally for thousend is at 1.73 so the service is called RazorViews

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PrinceDu TeVe says:

    Hi there, i know a trusted service to raise your views naturally for thousend is at 1.67 so the service is called RazorViews

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Diego RVP says:

    The good views for 1.44 is at RAZORVIEWS COM

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Olivia Lambert says:

    I like the way the Batteriser Batteroo account both says he is only a fan of the company and isn't affiliated, but has also often lets slip that he is a part of the organisation. I have to think that the same person who would create a bad product, lie about its performance, and fake tests would also create a fake fanpage, slander any criticism, and load opponents with fake dislikes. It makes a lot more sense than Dave spending literally multiple millions at the time this video was recorded in daily fake views with an immense amount of view time.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars il biggo ࿓ says:

    Those batteriser guys have a point, though. A youtube channel with actual contents by somebody who actually knows what they're talking about, and you're getting subscribers and likes? UNBELIEVABLE. I bet you've made 651K youtube accounts and pass your day watching, commenting and liking your own stuff.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MrRedstone says:

    You bet Batteriser bought those dislikes. No doubt about that. But they can't drag you down! You're strong.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DavidArmenPhoto says:

    Using kickstarter money to buy dislikes from some shady vietnamese company LOOOOL

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Outlaw says:


  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars wraitholme says:

    That one guy in Kazakhstan who disliked the video.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars moonmoonbirdcpt says:

    looks like 311 viekons didn't like this video again :^)

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tim Laursen says:

    When you debunk dishonest, borderline criminal people, sooner or later you will get a borderline illegal response.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars prismstudios001 says:

    FCC and UL approval only mean a product won`t electrocute your, or interfere with other equipment. They are not endorsements of how legit your claims are.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars prismstudios001 says:

    China now outsources to Vietnam.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mini GP Racing says:

    Wish Google would stop this garbage, pretty clear by your stats that it is phoney feedback.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brad S says:

    LIKED!! already subscribed.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vibrantly Brantly says:

    Dislikes promote a video just the same as likes, luckily.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ngô Quang Đức says:

    I'm from Vietnam and i don't thing my country did this. I thing that Batterier's company faked the id to my country.

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