Dave goes through his original 35yo component draws before tossing them out!
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Hi just a quick second channel Blab video I thought I'd show you some of my original parts drawers. In fact, the original parts draw the first one I ever got when I was a kid and I'm I think I'm gonna finally toss it out. We're talking probably 35 years old or something like they're well over 30 years old. Let's have a look.

I still got them and this is my very first ever part straw I Can't remember how or exactly when I got it, but I was extremely young, way under 10. Let me tell you on there, some of my hand-drawn stickers still on there. Amazingly, they still work I probably like a redrew them later at a later point I don't think I like a wrote those when I was that doesn't look my hand like my handwriting for when I was like seven or eight or something like that. Anyway, let's have a look.

There's nothing left in there I lined them with aluminium foil. good old our foil and let's just have a look at some of the parts, shall we? We've got some my salvage don't tip 32. So the tip 32 transistor I think it is. Yep, tip 32 bees and just miscellaneous transistors.

Unbelievable. Like oh yeah, got some Trinis up in there. We've got some LEDs I there probably a there's probably a few originals. look.

you know I mean D soldered right? You know I've D soldered that? That's right. You know, probably one of my original scores, some more, probably some more recent ones. But as you can see, lots of D So the parts in there because that's what you did back in I've no idea why I have a draw of foam regulators. Got some old regulators in there once again, like you know D soldered we you know have a look at the date code on that.

Can you see it? I can't see it, but jeez, it's probably going to be fairly old I'd say I can't see that on the LCD Anyway, Ah, look. miscellaneous caps once again, just all dese old. a huge big green caps tea soda, a couple of our super caps by the look so don't you worry about those from but you know these would be absolutely ancient. but yeah I am would have do so.

Love these from online store rubbish that you've got these days. Anyway, that was so you salvage parts. that's what you did anyway. that was my very first ever parts drawer I think this was my second one.

It's a little bit crusty as you can see, but let's uh, let's have a look in here. I don't know I've got a buzzer on a couple of batteries. not sure. Hello hello we have today.

that folks is an original FM bug. An original FM bug would have built that when I was a kid so the microphones going off it and that that would have been yeah, oh geez, isn't that crusty? yeah Wow Unbelievable. There you go anyway I made FM bug with God knows what else in that drawer I don't know. old solder annoying sponge connectors.

Geez did I just old of those? No, no some more caps Wow look at those made in Australia you bloody Ripper Duquan that was from the Duquan Australia plant Wow Mm MFD none of this, you know. New rubbish. It's good old. Emma Capital M From Micro, we've got some standoffs in here.
What else? We've got various diodes and couple of ridges in there are there I Don't know what the hell was that? We got some feet. I've got a tight audio tape head. there's a solar cell. Welcome last couple of solar cells.

there's some motors I was obviously taking apart some sort of old tape recorder. Got old really old switches, limit switches, micro switches Wow slide switches once again, all salvaged. Hey There you go, You've got to have some AM ferrite rods. Yes, what a ripper.

and yep, so that's a oh I know I know what that came from that came from one of those old-fashioned not photo guns? You know those games used to play the photo sensor with the gun that you'd hook up to your TV and I think that came out of that? That was obviously the sensor out of it, but that was the original thing. What the hell is in there I Got no idea. Some sort of yep, oh, it's a counter. let's counter Wow that type counter.

There you go. the resets probably. You never know when you need a tape counter. Yeah, what a Bobby does lie.

Alright, but sadly, it's all going in the bin. Calculator keys: Why do I have calculator keys? Don't ask. Old 9-volt battery snaps you used to I get those out of the batteries. when your battery failed, you'd take apart your battery and you'd get the tops out of them because you can use them as battery snaps.

You never had to buy them. so and geez, what the hell. no idea what that is. anyway.

so you've crusty old chips in there. but that's about it. It's about all she wrote. This one's slightly more modern.

I Probably would have got this in my very early teen. so I think I think that's probably where some of these these labels originated from. That'll be very early teens I've already taken out some from here I did have some NPN transistors I'm putting them in two. by the way, they're all going into my new cabinets that I've got and these are all much better.

So I'm just sorting them and they will go into my component carousel there so that's the plan. but yeah I don't think they anything left in here anything. I've cleaned it pretty sure I cleaned it all out. some hex screws and just a bunch of miscellaneous resistors.

I've actually got more component drawers down here which I still have to sort through. This was a very early one. Here we go. This was my original resistor drawer and I sorted them into I'm a 12 values so ten, twelve, fifteen, eighteen, and twenty to thirty nine thirty Oh Now to order up and right up to eighty two so each well values so you know 22 for example would have you know two point 2 K to 2008 when t 2k to 20k all the values in 22 and I thought that was a really good way to do it and I really had no problems using that I still do that today actually.

so you know I think there's a good sorting method or you might do you know E 24 or something today. but I think that still works quite well. These are a bit more recent I've still got lots of hardware and stuff in these ones and haven't sorted through. But anyway.
Power: Okay, look at that. it's an old power Wow Jeez, they are ancient I salvaged those BD x 65 80s hooli Dooley 1978 There you go. the 51st yet forty ninth week 1978. So I would have salvaged those in the late 70s.

Kidding me man. a couple of crusty pots, fuses are all gone I think everything you know but drawers have changed so much over the years and being chopped to change. geez. Got some bought connectors and some or they regulators or something I don't know.

Anyway, a whole bunch of stuff has changed over the years so that's about all. She wrote. Another one behind there that's more recent by the looks of it. but anyway, just some memories that my original component roar and I think I have to get rid of it or should I should I hand it down to Sagan Should that be Sagan's first component drawer? This one's like going.

it's just it's just crusty as look at. this one's still actually in reasonable condition. I Can't believe it. that has got to be 35 years old.

It's got to be So yeah. Should I hand it down? I don't know. maybe I maybe I might keep this one as a sentimental, but I think this one's gone. That was my second one and these ones are just.

they're just real crusty quality. Anyway, there you go. That was just a little trip down memory lane. Hope you liked it.

Catch you next time.

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28 thoughts on “Eevblab #18 – old component drawers”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Adler says:


  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Djordje Blaga says:

    That foam is probably ESD foam for storing ICs 😉
    I have a foam drawer aswell haha 😀

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David LeDoux says:

    Old component cabinets never die . . . they get better with age. I buy these used whenever I find them and they never cost more than a few dollars. Call me weird but I like to re-sort the hardware in them and clean them up for my own purposes. I like them as much for nostalgic reasons as well as practical. Newer is not always better in my book. I know this comment is way past the expiration date for this video, but I think you should have passed it on to Sagan or had a contest/giveaway with the "winner" paying shipping costs. There's my two cents. Thanks for enjoyable video!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars A M says:

    The coolest thing (to me, maybe a weirdo, anyway) about finding an old trove from your past like that is going through the organization scheme and trying to figure out what the f*** you were thinking back then. Obviously you had a whole system planned out, and you probably knew where everything was at the time, but nowadays it looks like an alien is trying to communicate to you through a complex system of esoteric organization schemes.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CESAR GABRIEL Achar says:


  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars yeme says:

    ah I used to love salvaging components outve things from the tip. got some choice parts from dismantling old tvs and anything else I could take apart. back then it really was worth it too, as a kid before ebay etc existed no way could I afford to actually buy that stuff.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Felenov says:

    I have drawers that I got when I was 6 and I still have them. I store old crap components in there

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve Rojas says:

    Dont throw them away!! Sell them, or give them away..

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AIO inc. says:

    Hand the original down to Sagan! I'd say to keep the parts, but a lot of them have probably been severely outmoded by the rest of your collection.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars God 420 says:

    keep them

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Patrick Briggs says:

    So strange to see Dave talk about his first parts cabinet and instantly recognize it's the exact same one I have and it's also my first parts cabinet. Mine says Akron Mills model 10-109 and I probably got it around the mid 1980's. I see a few for sale on E*BAY. I don't remember where I got it, it might have been Radio Shack, or it could have been a common department store item back in the day. Mine has some junk in it as well. A few RS-232 connectors, an old light bulb, a few MM74C90N decade counters I used in my first school project.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars adiero says:

    Wonderfull! I'm just starting all this and I must say – storage – is very daunting! Do you think you could do a vid on 'organization' – perhaps a tour of how you've set it all up? Cmon mate — show us yer drawers! <gets smack in the face> – sorry. Don't underestimate the value of these old bits. I did a full music synth in my teens with scavanged bits – including a keyboard made out of paper clips. How I wish I had this now, for my kids at least. Cheers and thanks a lot!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Simmers says:

    My Dad tossed out his drawers, and now that I'm into electronics, I always lament that he didn't pass them down to me. You'll never guess what stuff of yours your kids will cherish.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sparky obrian says:

    Put them in the Dave museum,

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Maskddingo says:

    HA! This looks like my old parts box too. Definitely a tape head in there… and of course some AM ferro-rods.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stephen Borst says:

    Thank God I am not alone

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Skyfox says:

    Ha! That looks like the contents of my old parts bins! I have that exact same solar cell (maybe two of them), from one of the old Radio Shack Science Fair kits. I think it was a 30-in-1 and was powered by solar cells instead of batteries, if I remember right. I also have a couple of those tape counters and at least one cassette tape head, plus nearly ever component I have was desoldered, salvaged from a board.

    I hope you ended up giving that stuff to Sagan because that would make an excellent starter set for learning electronics, especially the old school through-hole stuff. Get him a breadboard, soldering iron, and maybe some prototyping board and see what he can make.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christian says:

    I bought raaco-cases too last autumn, "made in denmark" seems fitting after we made holidays there. 😉

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dim Sum says:

    keep it,its a part of your past .Nostalgia factor over 9000

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Autistic Engineer says:

    "desoldered, because that's what you did back in the day".
    that's all I can do xD.
    being in school, no car, having to get rides from friends in order to even make it to school, AND turning 18 tomorrow? I think that it a pretty difficult to keep salvaging parts (especially when you sit there for hours on end just hoping for the solder on a heatsink to melt so that you can remove a transistor/FET (Still can't tell the actual difference, always tried to learn from various websites and YouTube videos. Too many mental disabilities too be doing this shit probably, but I try to do it anyways.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chuck Legg says:

    I believe us early electronic guys (age 10 for me in 1958) were all the same. The stuff we saved and salvages for who know what reasons. Thanks for sharing, it was fun.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars senohpi says:

    My old drawers looks exactly the same, all sorts of junk happily re-used three times or more 🙂

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Peter Walker says:

    My first draws had salvaged 'tag strips', germanium transistors (OC71 etc) and air dialectric tuning gangs. Even rosin solder flux crystals.
    Today's stuff still seems a little like science fiction occasionally.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Stewart says:

    Hi Dave, how did you sort your resistors again?

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eric Haney says:

    With the exception of the electrolytic caps, some of those components are still useful. I can't seem to part with my older components because I still use a few now and then. Very cool to go down memory lane with this stuff, though…

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Astbury says:

    I have those black component draws exactly!

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Billy Hudson says:

    Send me your drawer of foam I'll use it!

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DeDaMrAz says:

    Well who didn't made that bug should not consider himself old 🙂

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