Live Keysight Giveaway
πŸ’— Likecoin – Coins for Likes: @eevblog/dil9/hcq3

Am I Live I should be live on YouTube Hmm Love technology Evie Log huh Oh Hello check check check check I'm assuming I'm live I Am live Yes. All right Mute. Get rid of that I Am definitely alive. Give me one second.

Hi everyone I I am live 41 people watching and started streaming less than one hour ago thanks to that Youtube. Okay, give me one second for the house. Some housekeeping here What I want. What I want is to get this chat when I thought I could get my chat window I Thought I practice this I didn't I want I pop-out chat? Here we go Pop-out chat.

That's what I want Alright cool. Alright so all right we have a pop-out chat so we can get everyone somebody wanted that. It was a good suggestion. I'll make that smaller Okay so housekeeping almost done Okay Hi everyone thanks for joining me One am good one Mr.

Soul Black. Ah okay hey you can see it from Germany Now yes some people said that Germany is now able to view you Youtube live shows Anyway, can people give me a thumbs up on the audio and video? By the way. Thumbs up An audio and video? Yes! I'm probably the only one in the building station 240 and take 10 seconds for the delay. Yeah, audio is good.

Yep, thumbs up. Thumbs up. All good. All good.

Video is good audio. Oh hang on there we go. Sorry I forgot audio and video. Okay there we go.

So we now capturing the live chat at the same time as me and the screen which we use to audio is a bit low on Ustream video. Perfect on both platforms. Excellent Yeah yeah. I'm streaming at full HD 1920 x 1080 at 30 frames per second.

I'm letting it choose the bitrate so it should be fairly well compressed because most of the screen is static as you can see apart from just me in the background. Here my webcam is for those technical details for those: I My webcam I Don't stream the webcam in full HD I Don't capture the webcam in full HD Because the lighting here is too low and the frame rate goes like that. it's terrible. so I so the cameras only said too.

Even though it's a C920 webcam, one of the best ones you can get, it's only running it like 800 x 480 or something like that. So I can get 30 frames per second from the webcam and I'm streaming. There's two different things. there's streaming from your camera and then there's actually streaming to Youtube and to ustream Ustream I believe is only 1280 by 720.

It can't do full HD unless I like pay hundreds of dollars a month or something crazy like that. anyway. Wyoming could a mic quite a few from Germany seems. Anyway, let's get into otherwise we'll be here all day.

I can muck around later. So what I want to do is um I want to give away this thing I Found on there we go. just hoping to find this in the dumpster and I'm gonna give this puppy away. It smells yeah, it smells like it's got maybe food scraps on it.

no don't know whether or not works and I don't know it's you know I used dumpster scope you know? So I'm gonna give it away. So here we go. Um well. how many people have we got? Does it matter? Does it matter? really? I don't think it does I don't think it does. / EV blog I put the time up and if people aren't here, too bad see it doesn't As I am, I'm looking at my youtube screen. Ah, because I'm watching and looking at youtubers myself so I need to be there. We go trap for young players that 1 205 watching. Ok so be it 210.

It's still pretty good, but I usually get like a couple hundred if I just start with no announcement at all I start a random thing. then like couple other people show up. It's great. thing about YouTube live is that people just show up because they get announced.

it gets announced on the channel. So there you go. So anyway, there are two hundred and ten witnesses and excellent 233. All right I am I can strain that I've got the bandwidth I've got the bandwidth I can keep that window running in the background anyway.

the good thing is we can see the chat I might actually drag the chat down can I so that people can see it. Romania good I Boo boo hey boo boo sorry that's you, not double. Oh yeah, but anyway. Island Poland geez would come from all over Italy It's all happening Netherlands France Wow Alabama Did it Whoa did someone say Sydney I Don't eyes too many people commenting just whoosh whoosh Netherlands again got a big increase Australia No worries United Arab Emirates Oregon Florida I Know everyone's going crazy now.

Main: Denmark New on Germany Sweden My Ass London Belfast Portugal New Hampshire South Africa Algeria Lithuania I Saw new alien space blah blah like California Manchester Poland right? Well, Dayton, Ohio and you treating Netherlands? I'm pronouncing that wrong. Croatia, Belen. Oh God no, you're killing me. Chilly.

All right, let's go. What I've got is website. So I've got the random dawdle website which will allow us to give a random number if I go integers I will be able to generate one random number from 1 to something or other and pick a winner. Hope everyone's happy with Now What? I've got here Here we go.

I'll drag it in. What I've got here is the list. I've got the list of forum user names and by the way, if you're watching this and you're wondering how you can enter, you can't It's already done and dusted. You should have watched the video like a month ago.

So this is merely a drawing for the giveaway. So if you're not or it didn't enter in the forum thread your night. Now What? I've done What I've done I said I would do something to this list Ok I've automatically ruled out everyone with less than 10 posts. That doesn't mean you're going to automatically win though because I need to check your profile in the background because I don't to give away people's IP addresses and contact info and stuff like that.

So what I've got is a column with forum username and you'll notice that there are of sorry I'm an idiot. ok sorry I'm a live capture new be all right huh? Here we go. sorry about that. I was not streaming my desktop I was not streaming my desktop.
So what I've got is the website which we can choose a random number and now here is the list, the forum list and you'll notice all the forum user names in here. I've I got David to to extreme right a script which extracted all the forum names and the countries and the number of posts and everything else. So I'm not using the contest WOB you later program are having the past because that didn't allow the flexibility I needed. so you'll notice that some names are duplicated and the reason for that is because I wanted to give more chance for those who were in I For those who were in countries that keysight did not give away their scopes Tus Australia and a whole bunch of others right as a whole air.

Belgium You know, so you'll notice that the U.s. actually yeah, Us is not one of them, but there are some many countries like a few dozen countries. I went through the list and if you were in a country that Keysight did not give away a scope to, I duplicated your entry three times. Oh so yeah, you've got three entries instead of one.

So I hope that's fair because otherwise like if you're in America or UK or somewhere else that key site were given away to, they gave way 30 scopes. So you've already had 30 chances to win one of these things. So I just you know, I didn't want to duplicate your entry 30 times. but I figure 3 is like a um, you know a good thing.

So anyway I hope everyone's happy with that. No one's talking about it. Everyone happy with that. Too bad if you're not because that's what I'm doing I got to change it I shouldn't read the comments Yeah, someone's happy all right.

And then I figure if you're a more active contributor to the forum then you should get extra chances as well. So if you've had a hundred posts or more, then I once again duplicated your entry already. If you get so if you were already in another country are then duplicated again. And if you had more than a thousand posts I I Think Oh, by the way, people with more than 100 posts were about half the entries.

So about how there were like seven. For those wondering, there are about 750 entries or something like that and which isn't less than much less than I was expecting actually. Ah, such odds are good. So yes, so about half of those had more than a hundred post.

So if you had more than hundred posts I gave you another entry again and if you had over a thousand posts I gave I doubled your entries again. So that's why some people sinusoidal up here. For example, it is in Canada a country already done by key site only has 13 posts so therefore only got one entry, but some others got multiples anyway. So what I'm going to do? you'll see it.
it's in it all in a big spreadsheet. It goes down to 17 hundred and Ninety-one So 17 hundred and ninety-one entries. So that's what I need to type in here. Seventeen Hundred and Ninety-one So I'm going to pick a random number between 1 and seventeen hundred and ninety-one Okay, so let's and then your and then I'll check your line and then I'll go over on a screen that's not captured and I will check your profile just to make sure everything's hunky-dory So I hope it's in name order at the moment.

so I hope everyone's happy with that. Probably too bad if you're not. Guess that's what I'm running with. So here we go: I'm just going to do it right.

I'm going to do it here. It is. Whoo! Oh by the way, I must say, if you win this thing it is you're going to receive a used Crusty scope in whatever condition it happens to be in and you are fully fully responsible for or import duties and taxes. I cannot help you out there at all.

So if you have to pay 10 million bucks to get the scope into your country, sorry, too bad. and if you don't want it, I'll have to do this drawer again and I'll give it to another person. So yes, you are fully responsible. Those were the conditions I Said that in the original entry terms and conditions.

So there you go here. we go. here we go. I'm just going to push a button.

It's all very non eventful, but random dogs a good way to do it. Here we go, so get numbers. I'm going to get a number between one. Am I doing it right? Am I doing it right? Yep, 1791 was the number of entries here we go and the potential winner if the giveaway after I check their profile is 458.

There you go there it is 458. Hope you can see that on the screen. Capture 458. Let me go and have a look at 458.

I'll bring it in and the winner. check in after check-in 458 is electro What? Electra Peter good onya Pete you want to Israel Lithuania Wow and Lithuania was not one of the country's I don't think that had he's got 779 posts. I'm sure that Elec Peter is legit. A legit forum user has been there quite some time to get 779 post good on your Pete.

Let's I'll just have a quick squiz here. Let me have a look make sure you know he hasn't gone. He joined in 2014 so it's been around for two years. He's a supporter.

782 posts and seven hundred and one post per day average of one post birthday, but that's pretty good over two years. So I yet March twentieth last post looks good. sorry I can't show you all this because it reveals IP addresses and you know other stuff. so I don't want to reveal that but you can look up.

Here's our profile on the forum. Look up its profile if you want and already guy is contributor. Lots of stuff. so I think we have ourselves a winner there.

good on your Pete you hopefully assuming you we can get it to you are the proud owner of this crusty scope. One gig with its not very good, you know it's just mmm. just found in a dumpster. So good on your Pete awesome Jeez how long we were? Yeah I see I this has gone for 22 minutes like this is ridiculous.
Okay, but I found two of them I found two. So um I am going to so let me get rid of that. Entering was dead people still asking about where how they can enter. Someone likes turtles.

hmm congratulations Yes Pete was the winner and yeah Pete had like five entry I think you saw there Pete had like five entries because he had more than a hundred posts and he I believe he was in a country that key site did not give away two so that was good. I I Was hoping it would go to a country that Keysight couldn't give away to for various reasons. so hang on, let me bring this in Tada! This is a list of my patrons my Patreon supporters so thank you very much my Patreon supporters. If you want to support the channel financially, support it.

The best way to the way I recommend although I will accept anything thank you very much. but the way I recommend is using Patreon and the links are always in my videos and on the website and everything else. / Eevblog and all of these people all 924. Some people have asked to have their name removed from it, they just didn't want it, they didn't need it.

something like and that's great to give somebody else a chance. Fantastic! Thank you very much for that. anyway. I've put all in all the names here I've only put first names in so I've got another list with the last names which I'll check.

so I didn't just didn't want to give away. so it's either their first name or their username or whatever. So I mean and I say 790 and everyone in this list gets an equal chance Alice of how much you've donated, over a dollar a month or fifty bucks a month or whatever, you get the same chance I didn't want a sort of, you know, people who pay more, got more chances that just didn't feel right. So 924 Ok, so 924 I need to go back 924 So I'm going to draw another one because I found to win the dumpster.

Do you believe it? Ok, so here we go. I will do it again without further ado. yes, I'm capturing the correct screen this time. Ice I Can't see half the bloody comments because my stupid face is blocking that so that's that's pretty dumb.

That's amateur hour isn't it? I'm still not so not used to all this live blogging stuff. It's complicated, you know. Mmm. Anyway, Ah, here we go.

I How many people we got? By the way, how many people 383 have now turned up 55 thumbs down already because they didn't win? Oh goodness. Anyway, all right here we go: 920 Here we go. Get number Boom. Number 230.

Let's have a squiz who is number 230 Stian Stian good on your stem. is that first name? I Don't know. Let me I've got another list here I've got another list here. ah first, only Stian Sty n its sty n should I say his last name I'm sure he knows who he is.
um I assume it's a he ah stayin I won't say last name because it's a pretty unique name. I Don't think there's two students here. it seems to be a first name. so I just won't say the last name for privacy reasons.

So stay at. Let's say it's no, he knows who he is. Let me check. I didn't have this page open I've got to go check boring housekeeping sorry Berber Berber patron patreon manager I Like Patreon, people ask me why because it it provides.

It provides transparency exactly how much I earn via the system a month whereas Paypal doesn't do that. So I think I'm up to three thousand dollars a month. Thank you very much Supporters or patrons. Okay I'm searching for Sully Yep, Yep.

I've got the email address and always got a Twitter account. It's even got a YouTube channel. oh sorry even going to check out his YouTube channel. ah just some my gaming videos but looks of it anyway I wonder if they're watching was Pete watching? by the way p do one before Satan wins again.

Anyway, there you go. Congratulations I will be in touch with the two of you and we'll arrange it. but once again if for some reason they can't get the scope, mind if we go through this all again and I'll tell you what, Tell us some jokes. I'm not going to tell you some jokes anyway.

All right. Um, just for kicks. I'll give away a couple of these things. my eevee blog meters the BM 235 I'll do this again and I'll run it again.

For the Patriot patron people, a hundred Number 100 Number 100 Sunny, Sunny, Good on your sunny? Yep, yep, Sunny, No worries. Sony's only joined recently, but that's all right. Sonny wins a a EV blog meter. Awesome and hang on ice.

Did I give away the list before? Yep. Alright, I'm back here again. Somebody on the forum I should actually write these names down, right? Yeah as winners. So we have Sunny and oh sorry, it was the other winner.

Forget already Pete We know Pete I'll just watch it again. I'll watch the video. Ok, here we go: 1791 Go back. 1791 Someone on the forum is going to win a meter.

Get number Boom 193 193 Bloody Cactus good on your Bloody cactus. He's a Yank 384 Won't even bother checking 384 post. no worries there Bloody Cactus Great name. You get a meter.

Yay! Um, all right, just for kicks. I'll draw one more from the forum because there's a lot of forum entries. so let's do it again. 1324 1320 No, it's somebody said that.

it looks Rig 1324 1324 Pleasure from Sweden 583 Once again. don't have to check that account. You don't get 583 post without being legit. On the forum, somebody's going to bust you and report you if you're being a dick.

So pleasure, Congratulations Pleasure and everyone. that's it. Borin, it's all over. Sorry and that took half an hour.

That's ridiculous that is. I So suck at this I Really do? Ah, dear idea. Anyway, hope everyone thought that was fair ish. and if you didn't enter too bad.
there was plenty of notice. There was plenty of notice. so high from Portugal I Don't think anyone was actually here. Were they wear any other winners actually here? No.

No. What happened to car rants I Don't drive anymore. Ah, that's what happened during car rants. Cool.

His video stopped. Maybe alright. cool night. didn't look like it? Not not.

That's alright. I Don't mind if you can't You know a lot of people do not have to watch live. It's alright so we'll figure it out. Maybe then maybe the scopes won't go to either of them because they're I don't know, they don't want it.

They've decided they don't want it. I Don't know. Maybe they'll get hit with import taxes or some crap and which happened to a few of the Keysight scoops. A few people actually turned it down.

They that they actually won the keysight scope in one of the 30 scopes. I'll give it away and they were. Yeah, they simply turned it down Anyway, that's it. I'm going to stop now, but I just want to stop this live stream because so it's recorded and I can put it up as a separate live thing so everyone can watch it.

But I will be back in a minute just to do an impromptu live show. Whatever that is, you know? I'll just hang around for a while and maybe answer questions or do whatever. Just shoot the breeze. You know all that sort of stuff.

So thanks for join me all 324 So I'll be back in a minute. I'll stop the stream. but I will be back. So as soon as I stop the stream, it automatically saves to youtube and then everything's hunky-dory so that's you know that's good.

So I'll be back. See ya you.

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21 thoughts on “Live giveaway”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SMR says:

    I would like to talk about the importance of working smoke extractor electronics, as we take care of our health.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars gorgster d says:

    I also didn't see it posted even though I subscribe but that's ok. just the way the ball bounces.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DAVID GREGORY KERR says:

    I have good SPDIF and MPEG data no problem, I cannot watch live streaming using ADOBE FLASH as it is blacklisted so cannot be installed, I was wondering if you had got hold of a HP Prolient DL580 with 1TB of ECC System RAM and 4×36 (144 logical) and (288 Virtual) CPU cores you might be able to stream live at 1920×1080 no problem such is the computing power only problem is the noise of the fans but you might be able to water cool the system and thereby cut down the noise.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dennis Lubert says:

    I am glad I did not win, I could not have afforded it…

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheBenazi says:

    Said Suomi-Finland Sauna

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars T-SHAC says:

    Hi Dave, Could you please shot a presentation about Agilent DSA-X 96204Q, crazy Scope!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ben Leenders says:

    Audio is fine

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hilmi Albums says:

    shittt…….. i miss again. live video.. πŸ˜”

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SaturnV2000 says:

    Thumbs up on both!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars danny blackhorse says:

    it suck to loose

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars danny blackhorse says:

    Wish I was home to see this ,couldn't get the day off from work

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RC Hobbyist Extreme says:

    I didnt see it posted even though I subscribe but thats ok. just the way the ball bounces. I was looking at a Panasonic 5 disc cd stereo radio cassette player at a yard sale but there was no cord to check it out. I have another one that doesnt work right. just wanted it for parts but didnt want another one with same issue. so I said forget it.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Umbra Kinerad says:

    I enjoyed this, if anyone says "it's boring" well they didn't contribute to the conversation did they? haha

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sweet Girl says:

    Love u and good luck gor all

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sweet Girl says:

    love i

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 404Anymouse says:

    I guess I should make the forum account

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chip Guy says:

    Boooo, my nickname was not on the list even though I signed up. I am very disapointed!

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joop Terwijn says:

    Keep practice on the dumpster give away! πŸ™‚ thanks for organizing.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Hawthorne says:


  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars billigerfusel says:

    Jeez, 3k a month and then the YouTube monies… You did it.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars flip says:

    by giving more active members more entries is classed as rigging it, and thus giving people who may have been more in need less of a chance if they are not as active.

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