The IEEE Maker contest has turned into a complete joke!
Rampant vote rigging & ridiculous overunity & BS energy harvesting projects.
You won't believe the latest project!'>
UPDATE: They removed all the dodgy entries a day after this video!
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Hi check this one out. Not gonna believe this. It is hilarious! Thank you very much for Harry for emailing me this one. I Just got it and I looked at it now I Just had to do a video.

You're not gonna believe this is great. It's the I Triple E Make a project. It's a contest that the I Triple E runnings been running since like many months or something and it's got a couple of weeks left to run in the thing. and okay, great.

they're run the contest awesome. You know? I Love industry contests that prizes aren't begets like 500 bucks first prize like Amazon gift voucher or something like that. It's not. You know it's not huge, but anyway, a thumbs up to the I Triple E for running a contest.

but unfortunately it's turned into an absolute sham Mazal A joke. Check this out. Harry Pointed out the fact that this particular entry here. here's all the entries down here.

and this mobile phone without charger? Hang on. Yeah, can you smell what I smell Anyway, there's several levels of hilarity to all this and he basically pointed out that look how many number of votes this has got. Forty eight thousand and eighty two and all these other ones have got like 37, 27, 2014, 3 and 11. that one's doing well.

So you know there's lots of good projects in here that you know I get in bugger all votes and that's how it works. Basically, now even me with like the world's largest engineering audience like what? three hundred eighty thousand subscribers or something I could not generate that many genuine votes. Forty Eight thousand votes Because it's you know, I can do a video and even if all of my audience watched it which they don't and they don't watch every video, only X percent are going to bother to go in there and vote for me and all that sort of stuff. And there's no way I could generate forty eight thousand genuine votes.

But that's not even the one with the most votes. Look at this if we list them by most popular first hundred and Eighty Four thousand votes. look at this for distributed monitoring and control of building utilities, remote trol, industrial devices, blah blah blah blah blah. And this mobile phone BS is down here at 48,000 so there's many with more than that.

But of course, most of them only get you know, hundreds of votes. Tens of votes, you know, like genuine sort of votes for people that don't have a large social, you know audience kind of thing. So you automatically know the numbers are rigged. But check this out.

This is the funny part of this rigged voting system. and it's obviously readwrite something. These people are cheating. Okay, there's no way they can get this many genuine votes.

It's just not possible. If you know anything about, you know, social networking, you know it's social voting and things like that. It's just not possible. Only a very small percentage of people are actually going to action take an action to a vote for you.

even with, you know, I've got a great, huge passionate audience, but only a few percent are gonna bother to actually vote for me in any particular thing. I Do It's the same thing with only so many people will leave comments. Only so many people will give your videos a thumbs up. Whatever.
Well, only so many people will click on your tweet or whatever it is. so there's this is obviously read. and this is the funny part. Look, check it out if you sort by newest.

First the latest project is Auto Like for I Triple E Maker Projects good on ya I'm a COO Chandran who obviously thought this contest is a complete joke that they'd actually do a video showing you how to generate auto likes or you had to write a script. Here we go. Look. they've actually captured how how to generate how to generate auto likes.

You know there'll be like a script thing in a minute. Here we go: Loop Start like URL Go to loop that's echo Lowell and that's how easy it is to generate auto likes for your project and these it and then you run it and look. It shows all the different tabs opening up, running the script and generating Auto Like So obviously here it is up. it's up to 109 Good on ya Akhul That is absolutely brilliant and if they actually published it as one of the official project entries, this is great.

Oh, you can't write comedy like this. It is absolutely brilliant. So obviously all these votes are completely fake and it just makes an absolute mockery of the entire process. Obviously they're not even checking doing basic, you know, IP check-in or something like that.

So yeah, the contest is a complete folly. It really is. So yeah, they just have to cancel the whole thing. Scrap it, it's just.

it's just ridiculous. Anyway, and there's lots of good projects in here like you might be familiar with Radu Motor S'en who did the micro red monitor that I've done in the mailbag in a separate video on I think and he's micro read projects in there and there's lots of good project. So I would like just kill all the ones that are obviously getting the fake votes and things like unfortunately you could get anyone can fake vote your video so it may not actually be the person running the contest in theory, but you know. Hey anyway, so that's hilarious.

That is the first thing with this project. Now the second thing is right. this is the I Triple E that one of if not the most prestigious engineering organization out there, right? And look at the projects that they're allowing to enter here. The one that Harry was talking about to begin with.

this mobile phone without charge. A piezoelectric charging using just speaking into the microphone will charge your mobile phone Oh Like I don't even have to explain like I've done videos debunking crap like that. Yeah, like it's just ridiculous and look out hard. just down here.

if you look at the comments, is going in there and saying yeah, this is any engineer with experience in energy have We'll tell you this is simply impossible And then the project creator comes Bhagu Nanotechnology blah blah blah nanorod sheets, blah blah blah and then Harris just goes, you're right. yeah, did you even check the numbers? Go and look at Wikipedia Anyway, it's just an absolute joke. Look at some of the other projects. energy-efficient sauce for interstellar travel and space colonies.
32 thumbs up! Um, and I don't even want to go in there and watch the video cuz I don't want to kill any of my brain cells and then we've got oh look, Tesla somebody had to do it to Tesla coil. Of course our objective is to transmit energy in the form of energy packets just like data packets, blah blah blah. Once again, I'm not going to go in there and kill my brain cells and another one generate electricity in a different way. Blah.

We've got some little stick diagram here of a generator and a turbine or something. I like come on I Triple E This just makes you look like an absolute joke. This contest is turned into a sham. Mazal folly mockery.

It's ridiculous. Anyway, there you go I You had a good laugh at that I mean the auto like project. Everyone should go and give that run that script that the auto like project has run the script with that URL and up vote this thing like into the Stratosphere? that would this project needs to win. Seriously that anyway I Triple E Want wah-wah-wah Catch you next time.

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20 thoughts on “Eevblab #25 – ieee maker contest extreme fail!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alphonse Ellis says:

    This video never gets old.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeff Bourke says:

    crying laughing! one of my all time favorite vids.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars A. Lithia says:

    lmao XD

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Renaissance says:

    There's a reason why you get so little money for entering this competition.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AstheaTV says:

    made my day xD

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Benjamin Esposti says:

    LOL that free energy one … they TOTALLY don't understand Newtons 1st law … gee whiz!
    And don't get me started on those idiots who think they can "multiply" energy by stepping it up with a transformer … gah!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kris Bendix says:

    And dumb enough to go over the top with votes and basically give it away… (facepalm)
    And what is with the site? In this day and age… Isn't there some systems available to prevent boting?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Metasonix Metasonix says:

    Just posted on their official website, this pop-up window:

    We have identified a small group of users who have
    violated the contest rules and regulations.
    Our process for evaluating votes has a safeguard in
    place to validate votes before the final round. All submissions and
    their respective votes are manually authenticated before moving forward
    to the judges. The users in question tampered with the voting
    functionality to increase their votes, and as a result, have been
    We would like to thank all of our contest
    participants for their hard work, and encourage others to join in by
    submitting projects by Saturday 17 September 2016. Our team of moderators will continue to closely
    review each project entered to ensure that all submissions meet the
    contest terms and conditions. Thank you for being part of the IEEE community! "

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars iRdMoose says:

    Am I the only one that gave a thumbs up because Dave said "only a small percentage will give a thumbs up"?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Josh C says:

    I've been subscribed to you for a long time and only recently did I start watching every one of your videos. You're super knowledgable and very entertaining. Keep up the teardown videos

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ravi Vashatkar says:

    Thankyou EEV blog for getting this out ! haha .. that's crazy !! .. love your videos buddy 🙂 keep doing 👍👍

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HDXFH says:

    Lol rigged to buggery

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Da A says:

    The space turbine one is actually hilarious and plainly satire, just read the subtitle the Newton comment next to space turbines is pretty funny to behold.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Scott Adams says:

    The IEEE has a major problem in that it is run by a lot of old "men" who dislike change and the old guard rules.  Yes, I was a member but dropped out and I am past 70.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Greegor47 says:

    Google script kiddie and read up on their abilities, intent and behavior.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NetworKing says:

    Wow that is just nuts. I'm more I.T, but electronics is a hobby. IMHO they really should make this so you have to sign in tie to twitter, FB, etc or even a captcha for the votes. Although I guess captcha don't always work as I heard of some site using it, but it was a static captcha so a person just added in the script enter this code in this box each time and it worked.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Miroslav Molinek says:

    Actually, the system may be working correctly. They may be using Honeypot method to hide the security of the system and make the system more secure by not making it a challenge for programmers to hack it.

    My voting systems even allow you to press a back button and vote again, displaying new votes… And behind the scenes rather complicated database query shows all the favourite types of cheating in a form of nice statistics. 🙂

    I even get a lot of responses that my systems are absolute shit and I keep on maintaining that image during every voting, saying that all participants share the same voting system and it's their decision to use it to their advantage or not.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dave Bender says:

    Currently a small windows opens when visiting the site:

    We have identified a small group of users who have violated the contest rules and regulations.
    Our process for evaluating votes has a safeguard in
    place to validate votes before the final round. All submissions and
    their respective votes are manually authenticated before moving forward
    to the judges. The users in question tampered with the voting
    functionality to increase their votes, and as a result, have been
    We would like to thank all of our contest
    participants for their hard work, and encourage others to join in by
    submitting projects by Saturday 17 September 2016.
    Our team of moderators will continue to closely
    review each project entered to ensure that all submissions meet the
    contest terms and conditions.
    Thank you for being part of the IEEE community!

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aggropop says:

    Too meta.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Axel Haar says:

    Dave for President! I will vote for you!

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