XMAS Mailbag
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Tritium powered nuclear battery from NurdRage
Blackberry Playbook Tablet Teardown
Sony Video & Audio Editing System 1990's style
TinyLabs 125KHz RFID keyfob cloning device
0603 Resistor Kit:
Telematics Gateway (Dodge Charger 2011) Teardown
Cicso GLC-SX-MM Multi-Mode fibre optic module teardown
Tesla vs Edison T-Shirt
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Hi Welcome to everyone's favorite segment mailbag. Let's get right into it. Thank you very much! Alex Mitch De Zaak I Think from the Netherlands height of all my Netherlands Our viewers don't know what it is with the crocodile clip. Dundee But yes, this is a Crocodile Dundee knife.

so let's crack it open see what we've got? All right? hang on. It's supposed to be vintage, but there's no pungent smell. Yes, maybe the Oh Go card. I've got a menu.

What's over foam? peanut things? Whoa. What is this what? Oh Sony Family Studio Wow What is it? A video editor console? But Family Studio did people like? Was this like a Sony consumer thing that people could edit their own tape Replay: Start here. Stop here. It's very, very consumer.

e Wow, that's fascinating. Who is Popup hood? Wow So cider This did this let you? I Mean it looks very late? err, probably early 90s maybe? perhaps? So yeah, it's no real. Yeah, that's not an 80s smell. real.

like there's hardly any smell to it. This is another Family Studio video sound effect. Ah, Wow Tape CD So this is for ya. This is like a consumer level audio and video editing system.

Interesting. Who knew. Two minutes, teardown? nothing else. I Note: Here we go.

we got one. Sure enough. Lex Found this in the Attic a video editing back in the day. Um, when the day was, we'll find out anyway.

Um Lex has a YouTube channel Linux acid Lee not Lex on acid. so I'll link that in down below. Um yeah, hope your software is capable of decoding this message. I Wrote this in a hurry.

Okay, my software your software up here. The wetware. hmm um. foam peanuts love crushing.

Let's go. So we have the Sony family's to do video editing controller Rme 33 F for those playing along at home and comes with some advanced command modes. stuff up here and I don't know, Is that sort of color like faded? yeah I think it has it looks like yep, you can see where possibly it's like being in that shadow of UV light and it's discolored stuff like that. So anyway, that's the bromine in the plastic and we've got this uh, video sound effect er as well so we can do various sound effects.

oh look a cow. Moo Woof meow Eddy gunshot ahh like oh my goodness and I was are pretty much on the money that it didn't smell 1980s. Copyright 1991 Sony Corp Whoo! We've got everything but English So Oh was this a thing ever sold in English-speaking countries under what? assumed it was, but we certainly haven't got the manual for that. But oh man, no.

early 1990s video and sound effect processing? terrific and it still works. Listen to this. I'll plug in the external mic. Let's plug in an external mic.

Here it is here we go. Voice Change Now let's try some Echo Echo Check Check Check one Two Hello world, Where's Changer Where sound like Darth Vader I'm not sure right now until the fifth Effects: Oh how crazy old school is this? I designed for home mixing of your VHS tapes cuz it's a VCR input here. None of us are professional. input rubbish.
Oh Fancy pantsy high quality has got this video and then VCR output here. so you play from one VCR and then you can insert all your video and edit stuff and a video on. or in this case this is our audio effects and things like that. You know, pew, pew and you can fade things.

You can mix them between a tape and staff. You can external mics. they can do voiceovers and and things like that tear you know your home wedding video or something like that. So like completely lossy.

And are you going to feed the app of the VCR into here into here and then rerecord an analog style and year? it's not. It's not terrific. It's not digital like we have these days. and then of course we've got some video editing.

I Won't demo the video edit in here. it's too long to set up, we're going to set up capture devices and actually, where are the inputs on this? Um, hello McFly How does this one work? The others got all the requisites stuff, but this one doesn't have anything. Well, it's obviously designed to hook up to something. These are infrared windows by looks of it.

So what is this designed to hook up to Wow I Have to try and get the manual for that. So yeah. I don't think we can trial this out anyway to annotate him. All right.

So let's pop this one open. It's got the older, the old Sony arrows on there for taking out the screws now. I have actually done a full teardown of a professional rackmount Sony Video editing system. so I'll have to I remember to link that one in down below, but this is obviously a consumer thingamabob.

Here we go. Got the down there. Is that? what's up? Why are they okay? They're just doing that to why I Said that's just an isolation plate, Is it? Yeah, for the exposed mains wiring, that's kind of. Its kind of groovy.

Don't mind that at all. And of course this is classic made in Japan All the best stuff made in Japan classic a Sony design and construction double-sided load here. this is the bottom side Zorbing Moon. We've got Sony chips which is exactly what we expected Sony make a ton of custom stuff themselves.

they're one of the biggest, were one of the biggest mo. they still make their own stuff anyway yet and typical. Sony stuff got all their own branded chips. the amount of silicon, different silicon that they churned out during the 80s and the 90s.

it was just phenomenal. Um, you know I'm not sure it's the same pace these days, you know, as technology gets harder and harder and more expensive to spin new chips and stuff. But anyway. um yeah.

Classic. Got silkscreen stuff on the bottom here and it's like wave soldered on the bottom. Yep, sort of. Even there you go, you can see that those in ends of the pad there have got the larger solder fee.

So when the solder wave comes across this, which direction does it go? Do we have a direction arrow? I'm not sure. Usually we have a direction arrow showing which way it goes in the sold above. Anyway, when the solder bath bubbles over here, bubbles, bubbles, bubbles. These ensure that you don't get shorts across pins.
It's just a you can see it on there as well. So yep. I've mentioned that many, many times. but let's look at the top side.

Well, that's interesting. On the top side here, these two main chips upside down. all the electrons are going to fall out. These are Oki part.

There's an M60 for 22 - our 49. so these like a specific sound effect chips or something perhaps? Hmm. Anyway, Classic single in line of a little light amplifier / our transistor arrays. Stuff like or arm.

Yeah, based on the caps, they're doing some audio amplification. Got ourselves some crusty faders here, a couple of tactile switches, and lots of caps as you'd expect in that audio stuff. but that's about all she wrote. Not a huge amount up here with us, some regulation using some mud discrete there by the looks of it, and some bridge rectifiers.

but check it out. You see the original color of the case here, this gray because I had had this a quick reference card on the bottom and that just slid in there like that and that protected all of that from fading. And inside the other one is exactly what you'd expect, having no video inputs at all. It's simply an infrared controller.

and sure enough, what are two infrared LEDs over there? So it's hooking up to some other system. There's no mains, it's just a six volt. DC Plug back in and that's all she wrote. Oh, we've got another infrared receiver here and well, that's like that's it.

There's nothing on the other side. really. it's boring as badboo. Oops, Somebody goofed look at that tiny little footprint there for a tiny cap and they went.

Nope. we need a much bigger cap in there. How can we fit it? No, let's just bend it over and silastic it down. Thank you very much.

Mmm. There we go. Um, but that's about all LCD came off zipper strip I'll keep that zebra strips Like hard to buy zebra strips just on their own. Worth keeping these puppies having a drawer in your jumpring just for those zebra strips.

Very nice anyway. Ah, Mitsubishi Yeah, Mitsubishi Mitsubishi It's a Mitsubishi fest for you Mitsubishi area fanboys out there, but it's basically a big glorified a TV remote control. That's pretty much all it is. Hmm.

Oh by the way, if you want one of these t-shirts then I've actually re-enabled the teespring campaign so you can order the negative feedback t-shirt the triple five timer t-shirt haven't had that one available for a while and the warranty void if not removed t-shirt as well link down below. Anyway, Next up, hide all my Swiss of viewers. This one's from Adrienne no read Oh Raid Oh thank you very much and I believe this one is a present. Hang on huh? What's going on here? Okay, let's have a look phone oh and photo taken in Switzerland Our salute Dave So first of all, thank you to the staff I know it's not so.
Anyway, yeah, we send you our two t-shirts thank you very much in different sizes I'm generally a small or a medium size t-shirt and we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year thank you very much I'm from Adrienne Michael Gyan Gyan Frank who took the picture Michael I'm at an tween and and Tony Oliver and Julianne not in the picture of Rideau networks in Switzerland There you go! Thank you very much guys! What's that white stuff I do not understand? Um yeah oh I love the anesthetic. it's so aesthetic. shielding bag um oh oh oh I'm liking this. Check this out.

look at it. it's Danny numb the acadec a style of course at Tesla Edison I Don't know what the Teslin versus Edison five. it's a YouTube video I'll link it down below I Have to check it out but thank you very much. that is awesome Wow Pay up our by III Meetup.com Acadec er ACDC get it Hi Dan almost Carr Goines Chicago Heights in Chicago I Haven't been to Chicago but think your ads Ryan Rudin um I'm not quite sure the description of this things like why? um I guess we'll find out.

So let's have a bowl and we have a note which might explain what we've actually got here. If I can do a two minute teardown, oh yeah, probably could anyway. What? that won't show you up close? Ill will in a second. There little fiber adapters so it looks like they plug in fiber modules for Oh Cisco one gigabit per second that SFP optical transceivers up to 550 multimode fiber and the other ones for 70 to 100 kilometres Single-mode fiber.

Jeez, that brings back memories. I'm working on that multimode fiber stuff I worked on multimode fiber stuff for seismic exploration stuff. of course the multimode was good for short-distance aren't like you know, hundreds of meters like this 550 meters, but single mode fibers were used for like the long distance telecommunication. you know, underwater links and stuff like that.

So cool. 2-minute teardown, hopefully I Think we can pry these open? Hmm. and here's the multimode a module for those playing along at home. Let's take a look inside.

this. it's only a class one laser so don't get all excited. Tada, we're in like Flynn Really interesting. We're going to have a laser diode and then a photodiode over here for receiver.

So once transmitted. so we're going to have a laser diode driver. I'm not sure which ones what, laser diode driver and photodiode transceiver. Curiously, they look very similar.

Have a look at that, but this is rather interesting. What's these? Used to join it like that? Look, it's you know I like off the board there, but it almost looks like that's a chip. I'm going to have to read the part numbers off. that is that just a pass through or does it do something else as well? Anyway, that's really interesting is not much in it.
of course these just plug into the Sisq you know router E type things and this is like a thousand base. T you know Ethernet type our fiber module but that's all she wrote in them. There's not much but I'll link in the datasheet down below. there's your two chippies for those playing along at home as well.

Hide all my Canadian viewers. This one is from a person unknown, but I think I might know who it's actually from. possibly a fellow Youtuber you may know. Um, so let's cuz there's not many Canadian youtubers in our field is that? Anyway, Um, he did say he would send this to me and this is ridiculous.

Oh Actually, it's quite dead. Well, is it delicate? Nah, it's anyway. it is from thought ah, doesn't have his contact details on it. Nerd Rage with a you thank you very much out Lincoln Nerd Rages channel down below and he did this awesome video on Gnar Tritium Powered Oh a Tritium power source that would last for like 50 years or something.

Whatever the half-life of Tritium is and stuff like that, and here it is. This is the one and only prototype that he made that was in his video and it uses these little tritium vials video. It's excellent. I'll link it in more probably at one of those YouTube card things somewhere here or pop-up there may be around about there.

Click that little info button on the card or whatever and it will pop up. hopefully. um, a tritium battery. You can buy these little tritium vials that like glow-in-the-dark vials.

You can buy them on eBay and Alibaba and Aliexpress and all that sort of jazz really cheaply. And of course Tritium will just give out constant life life for the life of the vial. Um, you know, what's the half-life of that tritium Anyway, so he got to thinking what if I coupled these two solar cell so he put a solar you know Aiden standard are amorphous I Think because the morphus solar panels are going to work better in low light. That's why your I don't know solar-powered calculator here over there.

No solar power calculators use a more facility solar cells because they're more efficient at really low power levels and stuff like that. You know they're crap to put on your roof for large-scale energy production solar energy production, but they're better for the solar cells like this. Anyway, you set this to me. so I'm going to see what I can power with this puppy.

He's already done extensive our characterization of this and got the efficiency curve and the power curve and everything else. so that's in his video. So very cool. Thank you very much Nerd Rage! And oh, we can see what we can power with this puppy.

It's really interesting. It's only a tiny amount of power. It's microwatts. I think it's like like 5 micro watts or something like that.

so you can pair a calculator or something else with it, but not much else. But the interesting thing is the solar cells are actually looking at the light come in from the tritium. so you could power like a watch or something. real low-power watch or a low-power calculator or something like that.
You can buy these commercially, but this one is much much cheaper and actually gives a higher output than the commercial one. I'm not sure if it's higher per unit volume. Umm, but yeah, you can make your own tritium nuclear battery basically because it's the decay of the tritium itself. What it does is that the tritium emits and there's a phosphor coating inside the tritium vials.

Inside the vials in here, there are sealed vial or tritium inside and that's what. and they hit the phosphor coating and that's what makes them glow. And of course then you just like in this case I believe they're green and green is are around about the optimum wavelength are for amorphous silicon efficiency so you want the green. you can get them in different colors, buy them in different colors on eBay but it's really cool.

I Mean it's but the problem with this is if you compare it to like a CR just to CR 2032 battery which is much smaller than this that will basically at 5 or 10 micro M that this thing is going to give you out, that Cr2032 will last the shelf life of the battery. So 10 years. So yeah, this might last 50 years or something like that if nothing goes wrong with the solar cells don't deteriorate and stuff like that. but you know, yeah, just a regular off-the-shelf Cr2032 battery can do the same thing in much less volume for at least 10 years.

So yeah, yeah, they might leak before that, but they're generally pretty good I mean or a silver oxide cell or whatever you know, long low power so you want to use so they're not very practical. but they're just cool. You know the fact that you can get take these tritium vials and convert them with solar cells into power? I Love it! Brilliant idea and there it is. I'll have to do a separate video playing with this I don't want to do it in the mailbag Oh like uh, you know, plug it into some various things and power them up.

but anyway, let's I'm sure it still outputs a voltage. Let's try it. and sure enough, if we wrap it up in some our foil which we have to do of course because these are solar cells. So any light residual light here in the lab and you got to have light to film this video, then it's going to generate the voltage.

but I Trust me like you know, I put my hand over that and like put a dark turn off lights. everything else it's going to give me. it's giving one Point Six five volts out from one side of the solar cell. the earth solar cell on the other side is going to give out a similar voltage because they're those round little lar vials in there.

But anyway, very cool and of course it's not going to give out much current at all. and actually we can measure that. go over to micro amps over here. it's generating bugger or like point Six micro amps our short circuit current.
Yeah, so yeah, that's not much, but oh, you can run a little flea powered modern ARM processor like a gecko from something like this. so show this in a future video. Stay tuned. So there you have it.

That is a nuclear battery using Tritium as a power source. Well be it through some fluorescence on the tubes and then a stock stand and amorphous solar cell. But yeah, it's pretty cool. Oh yeah, look at that nuclear glow.

Oh Next up, Hide Almost Sandy a guy in San Diego in Viewers Know San Diego Viewers from: San Diego Oh What do you call yourselves I Don't know Um and thank you very much I Elliott Boy who said this thing is let's have a look what it is. We have a note with the ziplock bag for our protection. It's Key Fob. It's an RF key fob with an RFID card from a tiny Labs I'm linked in down below, down below Tiny Labs dot IO It's a device to that Elliott created and it's funded via Kickstarter It's called the Kisi Ki Sai allows the user to clone nearly any RFID credential that operates at 125 kilohertz.

Ah for building Access Control I have RFID Our control 125 kilohertz for the Eevblog Lab built-in here I'm going to test it out. Will it be able to clone my card? We'll find out. Awesome! Alright, let's have a look at this puppy from Elliot from my tiny labs I Like the name Tidal Labs I Couldn't get tiny labs , I Guess Um, and this is a smart key fob for cloning these cards so you know here's a blank one. but I've got these access to our both of my both the lab and my office as well.

So I'm going to see if I can clone this puppy. They're only works on 125 Kilohertz cards which is your traditional ones for your building access control. Anyway, uses a Gecko Tiny Gecko Energy Micro with you know? Anyway, Cortex M3, Efm32 and generates a 75 volts ALC tank circuit from the Cr2032 and it you can program for individual buttons to clone these cards. Brilliant! Alright, so let's give it a bow.

I Got the instructions. hold down a button for 10 seconds. Jeez. Okay, okay.

Red LED will start to blink once per second. Where's the red? LED I Assume we're gonna see it somewhere after 10 seconds. Come on, you can do it. You can do it.

What? So that was a big fat fail armed. Is the battery dead? I'll have to measure the thing anyway. There's our coil. Beautiful.

How many turns in that couple under turns? FM Gekko and all the just the smarts in there. and the battery. That's that's it. I Like it.

Sure enough, that battery was dead as a dodo measured absolutely nothing. Um, so I don't know. Let's uh, hold down a button. Not sure which way it's supposed to go? Is that the lid there? I didn't see it.

Come on, twiddle your thumbs. There we go. Okay, it's blinking. Put it on the tag and we'll blink faster while it's reading the credentials from the card.
I Think it's blinking faster and it should read successful. You'll see the green LED for two seconds. Note: we saw a red LED So it was not successful. Don't there we go.

Blinking green. It works with my other card for the office, so it didn't work with this one. Well, so yeah, it may be some sort of a compatibility mode why it could read one and not the other. that is a working card.

I Keep that in my wallet every day to access the lab. So um, anyway, we'll go try it on the garbage room of my office. It read that key. So the neat thing about this is that you can actually palm this.

you know? And if you had access to somebody's card, then you could, you know, secretly press a button and oh yeah, I'm swiping the card or whatever. You know, if you're really good at palming stuff and you could copy somebody's card by just holding it for 10 seconds or something like that without them realizing. So that's kind of. That's neat.

This works just to keep Don't work. It does not work. Hide all my Swedish viewers. This one's from Grothman Bill Bill Ruffman I think I Don't know.

Is that a company name or is that a person's name? I'm not entirely sure, but let's check it out. Wasn't sealed, it was just sort of like folded over. Oh What do we got? We've got some sort of module thing. It's a magnet Morril egg I Have no idea what that mod.

Oh yeah, there's some connections on that looks very automotive. Um, very automated like connection. Recent replace this telematics gateway on a 2011. Dodge Charger There you go contains a pretty serious boil it.

um. info from the service manual displaying information in the integrated centre stack screen module. What? Anyway, our Frederick Graffman thank you very much. Frederick 2-minute teardown automotive stuff.

Always interesting. The automotive stuff. They're built like a brick in the proverbial brick dummy and they're you know, real high quality construction. Let's check it out there.

We have it inside this integrated centre stack. a screen controller module for a 2011 Dodge Charger I'm not sure what type of our screen inside it does charger, but that's why it needs a big beefy ARM processors. Probably maybe running some, you know, embedded Linux or something like that to display all the stuff on the center console. So I'll get all sorts of power stuff around there.

These would be top-notch caps. everything else. So and that's an interesting package. Look at that.

ST It's a power. It's got some power tabs on there, so there's going to be a thermal pad on the bottom that's obviously part of our DC to DC converter. here. It's a dead giveaway by its proximity to these inductors.

It's just a big ass, over-engineered package, but that's all she wrote. Of course, you're going to have some bypass in big BGA However, they have many hundreds of pins that is. That's just a classic example of a real high quality automotive board. There's no were conformal coating finish on that, but you know it's real high-quality a fiberglass and you know they're really well engineered and they're using top quality paths.
Everything else automotive stuff is very well designed and very expensive for a reason. I Don't like an ad in viewers in particular Ryan Oakley for pronouncing that correctly from Timmins in Ontario in Canada Love Canada Jeez, it'll be a bit chilly this time of year, wouldn't it? Ontario Canada It's summer here in Sydney You didn't know? Um, just fantastic. So let's I got another button. Oh, hang on.

Protective tab was easy. It was easy. That was easy. There we go.

That was easy. just press it once it's in to add to my collection of buttons. Um, what heavy? What's this? Oh, it's a bird's a blackberry tablet I Didn't know Blackberry made tablets? Um I wasn't into the whole BlackBerry thing but duh that looks. No, it's not broken.

It's a blackberry tablet. Does it work? It's a BlackBerry PlayBook tablet. This came around about the same time as the iPad if your record I at a high hopes true, but it was lucky it was Canadian Canadian Design was it? um I assume not Canadian Manufactured possibly but it was like in a few ways such as: poor Wi-Fi lack of apps and stuff like that. Okay, interesting.

Maybe two minutes tear down our looks I don't know, it's not over mold. it's got a little thing. but yeah, we'll have to, you know, open it up like any other tablet sort of prise it open. Hmm.

so did anyone have one of these things? Let us know in the comment: anyone still using the BlackBerry PlayBook sorry for the reflective screen this I Hate. Do we know videos for these sort of real reflective screens like this? You know you've got to have a proper studio set up to do it hi and we're in like Flynn Now that wasn't too hard, the back just prized off there. we're going to go. a little antenna there, a couple of little antennas there and we've got our battery straight up.

All of our processing is going to be under here. Looks like it's under a metal shield. er Can I believe it's low? Thierry TI OMAP Processor Nice little screws holding and board holding down the ribbon to board interconnect for the battery. there.

Twenty or twenty odd watt hours? Um, this is interesting. Why have we got a second? It looks like a second battery here, but what as a peek under the hood? There's our own map process of the L pider chip there that's actually got the integrated memory and the processor built into one, but there's another 16 gig SanDisk one here. We've got some power management around there. can tell it's power management because of all the well inductors around the outside.

there. dead giveaway, but that's about all she wrote. So yeah, that actually looks like a two part battery in here. if you get the board, not sure if you can see that I won't take the whole thing apart.
this is only a mail bag teardown, but yeah, yeah, we've got some our protection circuitry under there and also under there as well, but you might be able to see a little ribbon with some power traces coming out that's going to sneak over to this side here. so they're basically like paralleling those two batteries up and I guess that counts. Not sure if it's to 220 watt hour batteries or or that's just the total spread between the two, but that's interests. You know they've got the main processor board in the middle of that.

Fascinating. Hmm. I Love this recycle. Does anyone recycle their old lithium-ion batteries in stuff which are in practically every disposable gadget these days? I Don't think so.

it's a real shame. Hmm. thank you very much Christopher name'll no mala anyway I don't want my German and Vo is is from Deutschland Um, doesn't know. didn't say where I think I scribbled it out with my pen.

Anyway, Ah, let's open this puppy up. let's hope not from the bottom. let's be a bit rebel like and tongue angles important. All right.

let's see if all the electrons are gonna fall out. Oh yeah, I shouldn't have done that. Oops Wow Oops. Hang on.

This looks suss doesn't it? Ah, they're out of order. I'll put them back. There actually are surface-mount resistor vials. It's a surface mount resistor kit.

um I'm going to assume that that's kind of like laser cut. Um, you see, Shop de douche? Um I'm assuming that they made it. That's kind of cool. I Like that it looks kind of very laboratory like with the vials and these are various resistors.

and then you've got other ones over here, but you've got two twice. sorry. umm yeah. they'd be ours.

um Oh zero ohm jumper links cuz you got to have zero ohm jumper links. That's really kind of cool I didn't It takes up a lot of space, but um, that just looks very laboratory light. So I'm going to assume. Ah cool.

Sagan's gonna love these thank you very much LEGO City LEGO City Terrific. And OH Vintage vintage. Hold on your hats. Vintage Four-banger a Centron Bio later.

Oh I Think we've got some biorhythm action. Biorhythm action. Look at that. Biorhythms were the thing in probably what the early 80s or something like that.

Um, so I think this is a cap. This is actually a dedicated calculator for you, but yet a date button. And for your biorhythms. Oh goodness, what a shocker.

Oh man, yeah. Biorhythm. Does anyone still did biorhythms anymore? I mean geez. We got the original manual and everything for it.

Wow Here you go. Beautiful! What else we got? Ah, Chocolate. Thank you very much. Well Eagle Vole Milch uh Ritter it's a Ritter chocolate.
Awesome! And more vials, More vials. Oh okay. this comes from digi-key So are these: e Can you get the vials from Digi-key Oh no. I'm sorry, they're just empty vials.

Okay I didn't know you could get these empty vials. Oh sorry, no, it's not. No, it's just a wireless starter kit. It's a bag for something else containing all empty vials so you can put your own um, oh and a little um, gummy bear type things.

Very eclectic mix. What on earth is that? Hang on. Play the wobble board. No.

I'm not. Rolf Harris Yes Christopher does a kits are linked to? This is website down below for this. the other thing is a titty. Also does this something tiny grill.

It's a prototype. Oh no no I think it does. Do it. hey.

edges are very sharp. Oh yeah, no kidding. Um, it's a small insert for regular coal barbecues. You fill it up with car, light it and start grilling fast.

Ah, it's an insert. Interesting. I'll link it down. boy, maybe even try it on the Barbie this.

Christmas So there it is. That's a cool way to hold it. just it looks very Liberace Like there's the little chip resistors down in there and you can have chip caps and chip inductors or whatever and that's it you you see, shop dot de link down below. It's kind of sort of neat I Like this thing has got what they written all over it.

I mean look at the sin Tron BIOS Bio liter. Um, it's a basic. It's a real crappy four-banger calculator, but you can know, can you change modes? what the hell's going on there Anyway, you can enter dates. is it I'm not sure what's the story there.

Um, yeah. anyway, it does sort of work as a four banger calculator, but oh my goodness. Ah, we've got the original manual art not in English so if anyone wants to translate this, go ahead. and yeah, let's hang on.

Where's the interesting stuff? Let's get into the biorhythms? Here we go: Ah no no, no, why did does anyone still do biorhythms these days? Come on. I mean it. It's like it's not even worth opening. There's no magic foo in there.

All right, you know. I Had to open it just to play with the nipple. Oh you loved the nipple. So that's the last mail bag for 2016.

Thanks to everyone who sent in stuff. it's been awesome and if you like mail bag please give it a big thumbs up. I'm sure it'll be back and next year and everyone have a happy Christmas and New Year's I'll catch on the other side but I still got a couple of more videos to come I think I haven't shot him yet but yeah you know I don't take a break I live a sad life. Catch you next time you.

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26 thoughts on “Eevblog #958 – mailbag”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars eric moeller says:

    That white stuff is probably a chemical or biological weapon

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Donald Sleightholme says:

    is it because the light isn’t moving? maybe that’s why there’s no current 🤔😐🤷‍♂️

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mglmouser says:

    The Dodge/Chrysler center console infotainment system run on QNX operating system. Especially the Harman Becker systems.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NoSaltiesAnd RoosHere says:


  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars josh brock says:

    thats a knoif

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Henderson says:

    That's not really an 80's smell 🙂

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars plazmotech says:

    We're called San Diegans!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars pyrographic says:

    what did the 80s smell like

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Donald Sleightholme says:

    maybe it could be used to make a very thin piece of wire get hot then put a Thermoelectric generator onto it and make it work that way? 🤔 😐

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul D. says:

    Edison ripped off Tesla and murdered a elephant. No respect for Edison

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kyme32 says:

    it should be edison-tesla

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Braňo Gago says:

    hello really battery have 1,65 V ? not mV?

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ludwig Temmel says:

    You would need that knife in csgo

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars herauthon four says:

    i fear… a lowbatt

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Haricot Vert says:

    Is this biolator the modern day enigma to decode secret alien messages? Find out more in the next video. 🙂

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Leston Yearwood says:

    Thats not a knoife. Thats a machete.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Donnerfuß says:

    I really like old sony products

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zia Rahman says:

    Master YODA hmmm?

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Save the earth Don't give birth says:

    Your voice is terrible. You need some bass in your voice.
    Sounding like a prepubescent kid.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Manchee says:

    why is it a half-life if it is how long it lasts?

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Richard Smith says:

    12.3 years. That is the half-life of trittium. The vials will glow for much longer than that. 25 years and it will still be glowing at 25% brightness.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Clinodev says:

    Did you ever get around to finding something to power with NurdRage's nuclear battery? The future of Commonwealth nuclear cooperation could depend on it!

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MAdzz says:

    magnet mareli sucks :):):)

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MyMagicSigns says:

    And I wanted to ask you what do you think about Don Smith generator and Gerard Morin generator?

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MyMagicSigns says:

    It did not work because the antennas of the card and the reader were not aligned properly….Duh

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ricardo Schuchmann says:

    Both units of the Sony video editor can be connected with the little cable stored in the bottom of the main unit (the one with all the connectors)

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