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Analog meters + VTVM's + Dave's first multimeter.
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Brady label maker teardown
SushiBits M193v2 Arduino PCB
2DW233 Voltage Reference Zener
Fitbit Teardown
i-Extruder Solder Paste Dispenser:
University of Bristol UB20M Zero Power Standby chip
Silego Reset IC:
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Hi welcome to everyone's favorite segment Mailbag. Let's get straight into it. Thank you very much I think it's Patrick's and Quest sorry if I've got that wrong. it's sort of the runaround signatures a bit hard.

Look at this. This is probably the coolest thing. the package that we've ever had here on mailbag. This is great.

Look at this laser cut wood Awesome! and yes I can't use this toy but we actually need a screwdriver so let's go. Thank you very much. Wow it's like environmentally. oh that's hot.

Wow! there's self tappers with the small ten are ten point stalks or ten ten or whatever it is. Um here we go stuff. what's going to be in here? it is a Kickstarter um oh yeah. why do I buy our Finnish viewers? this one's from Finland Deliver to this guy or that crazy Aussie bloke I love how this Australia in the kangaroo is laser etched into this thing.

but yes so then fantastic. Of course you would want to send all packages like this quite environmentally unfriendly to send the wooden package, but I can reuse this of course so it's jeez. How do I I might need to get the knife in there too. Yep to lift that up if I gotten all my there.

We go there, we go. we're in like Flynn I've got a note and I got laser cut make direct laser fail screencap shot. you can mean that one. um that's great.

All sorts of laser-cut Wow all I couldn't it like a cut? like an absolute metric? That's the Raspberry Pi thing is that their Raspberry Pi sticker II they've got three em that'll smell good when I take it out. Um Evie Bond PI Supercomputer Cluster I'll have a very nice badge for my three Pi Supercomputer cluster I'm just getting it. Wait, yeah. Anyway, whether or not it's a raspberry, fire, and orange fibers, all these little laser-cut thing above, um, their little shape, a little digit like a 7-segment digits, and all sorts of stuff.

I'm gonna have to read this. that's all. We got a pie case, laser cut and our coal phaser coal phaser since 1891 made in Finland I got finished chocolates. Ah, thank you very much Ha Know what I'm having for lunch today and a whole bunch of laser cut stuff.

thank you very much. Frank Patrick and Joe come from CNC design. Hope the sign is holding up. yes it has.

It's still on my front door. The Evie look side. if you come to the Evie was lab, you'll see their side. Awesome.

some. oh it's a yeah, it just it's a Um circuit. like a leather wristband. I don't know.

I'm not into wristbands, not like a skater dude or whatever. Um, Shamoto. There you go. They do like laser cut CNC and stuff like that I'm like wow.

leather armband representing the LC filter of the human body? Well it's LCR Actually see a resistor in there as well. Hmm, that'll be a sweet name play from Supercomputer Cluster. If ever get the damn thing then finished. or anyways, like I actually was in my house going to put it in there.

Gee. Mac Mac what is it the Macintosh G5 case? um I Thinking about maybe redoing it to put it inside a G5 Macintosh screen. One of those screen based ones. one of those monitor based things I was going to rip the guts out of that maybe.
And because it's like got the you know, like the screen. you could have it like or just but sitting there as like a monitor kind of thing. Anyway, cool. Thank you very much for all that stuff.

And they've got like an open-source Creative Commons, a Raspberry Pi case and stuff like that. So anyway, thank you very much guys. I'll link it in down below. look at the look at the raspberry.

Awesome! Anyway, that's got a long genuine 3m - have a good sniff of that Anyway, don't sniff glue kitties. um with anyway. um yeah. I'll link them in down below for all your CNC stuff.

Check them out in case you're wondering if this video looks different. it may because like I am actually a little bit back. Sidebottom backlit. At the moment we thought these: I've got two of these.

These are a Aperture studio lights. a little small ones that come upstairs. Really great quality dual battery. I Want us to do like a teardown video.

they've got adjustable to open. turn it on like that I can adjust the color temperature. they've just got the different colored LEDs in there of course and they can expand Landsat right there. They're really nice quality and of course you Jesse output Just some fuel rights for here in the lab.

like I've got old big soft box ones, giant things in there in real pain and about the court of these are battery-powered rechargeable. um and they're just really super quality. so I'm just trying that to see if is back white. You might see it like it accentuates highlights.

you know, maybe I need it anyway. Oh yeah, give it a go anyway. I don't know it's going to look like haven't seen on the Edit it could suck. if so sorry, thank you very much Derek Verona from Oviedo in Florida father all my Floridians I knew Floridians like to make this crap up Um so anyway I know what my view was in Florida been to Florida didn't spend long there I thought I was in last Mexico cuz everything was in Spanish let's have a look from our TCS Ah so thank you all Ah yeah we like this old school old school.

Oh well, hang on. Oh it's got like late 60s early 70s written over it. Alright come on outta here. Wow that was how beautiful! Ah Precision! I'm from Precision Apparatus code Inc Glendale in Made In USA I'm Zero number 1543 Awesome Termina 1000 Vacuum Tube Volt Meter Model 68 Wow Ah Gold to set up.

Check it out from Precision Apparatus Co. incorporated the Precision Model 68 Vacuum Tube Voltmeter or VT VM as they were right knowing not VT Vo V TVM Back in the day and less fancy-pants you look at their Center Zero. That Sena 0 scale is great. It'll move them needle to the center here and then you can see the positive and negative excursions.
wiggle-wiggle-wiggle and it's yes, fantastic. So there you go. They've even got a center zero scale like that just for that. That's nice in Glendale Li New York USA Hmm.

Most interesting thing about this. and not only is it have one of those weird-ass American plugs, but it's actually mains-powered Known as battery powered rubbish. And the probe connector though this four millimeter banana plug and plug? rubbish either? Look at that. Um, yeah.

I don't even know the name of that. Hmm anyone. Bua York: These puppies were designed for servicing. Looks: single screw on the back number figure Phillips Rubbish.

and then it looks like just the hinge to swing the back off because you've got to change those tubes or tubes. Zero Number 1543 Fantastic. Want to proceed? Whatever happened to Precision Test Equipment? Hmm. the standard of accuracy? Me: wait, let's crack this thing open.

By the way, I did actually pair it up and it didn't work. So yeah, wah-wah-wah-wah and we oh oh oh no, you can. This can put a battery in the thing that looks like a single D cell. Wow there's our tubes.

Whoa! jeez, that looks a bit. oh wow. Classic stuff. this is how transformer up the top there and those are three tubes 6al Phi's for those are playing along at home and a 12 a u7 as well.

Wow and look at Lisa with the most treatments Wow Unbelievable. And in any old-school instrument like this, you've got to have capacitors in MFD None of this new letter rubbish, but yeah or just point-to-point wiring stuff. and the switch and I would probably like still worked if you fix the tubes and the capacitors is yeah, not much I can go wrong in this puppy, but yeah, the older tag strip Fantas got mains coming in right just through the rubber grommet. oh yeah, fancy pantsy sorry plastic grommet and then the age-old tradition is just tying the knot in the main scorer, then just sobering onto the exposed tag strip.

That's hilarious. Yep, they don't make them like that anymore and for good reason. Anyway, a VT VM which was a better than well depends who you ask. Better than your our standard meter back in the day your analog meter because it was an active component because I had to choose in there.

it had would have had a high input impedance I Don't know what the input impedance of this cycle would have been, but it would have been high just like your traditional 10 mega ohm digital meters today. So that's why they had tubes in them or back in the 70s and 80s when they transitions away from tubes. You could buy a set Vollmer a field effect transistor bomb so it would simply replace the valves with the with a fit in. There are a couple of fits and it would give you the high input impedance and it was active, but of course you had to have the battery in there or in this case the mains or whatever to make it work.

whereas your standard analog meter jar just draws current from your circuit under test to drive the like 50 micro amp full scale deflection. But of course your VT VMs and your FET Vaughn's back in the day. They could do that without you know drawing in a much of anything from your circuit under test. You've no doubt seen this before.
There's the modern equivalent, the FET and a lot of meter so that one of course you had to have a battery in there. hence why it's got battery check on there and it's got look jewel that's fantastic. Thank you very much for playing and once again this also had a center zero because you could do that when you've got a power in there to power the needle. You can put it, put the needle anywhere you damn well want, so you just adjust it to the center like that, and then it can get the excursions either way, whereas your standard analog meter is the you know, the taut band movement, it's got to be.

Yeah, you could offset it like you could offset your zero position manually like that, but you generally couldn't move it all the way with LBJ right in the center like that, so you just didn't have the adjustment range, only had a little adjust range to adjust for when the meter was flat on your bench or whether it's killded like that because the needle would move a little bit and hence why the mirror on there To avoid any parallax error, this one doesn't have a mirror. Hide all my San Jose viewers more USA Um, thank you very much Anthony Lever who has sent him some interesting sounds stuff? Let's go. Alright, how's that backlighting working? It's supposed to make me pop. Um, you know it's supposed to like.

highlight backlight from behind, highlights your outline, and then you're supposed to pop from the background or whatever I don't I don't know I Haven't done any tests to set it up? No. I did so. Anyway, it did because of the extra light on the background of my camera. Oh, you do use auto exposure on this camera usually I often on my bench stuff.

I use a fixed exposure, but for this I just set it to auto and it's gone an extra 3 DB It's like this. It adds like dropped an extra 3 DB site has to have it had to gain up an extra 3 DB sorry note Um so yeah. I do I get a 3 DB improvement I know what I'm saying your 3 DB improvement in the what it thinks Oh jeez, things can get lost in here. Hang on some ROI and a packet I think I think they did I Check the newspaper again.

So we've got lots of interesting items. We've got a Brady label. We've torn down those before, but we can do a 10-minute teardown. Ah no way I know no, no we haven't No I haven't gotten one of those.

I'm sorry I was just very excited. um I thought I said that Know that old calculator the Freud and 130 electronic calculator 1964 Job Nhb 65 from 74. It was the second all electronic calculator way 42 pounds costing 2195 bucks. first programmable calculator.

earth endows OHP 65 of course. Anyway, um that must come from the HP museum which I've been to San Jose's Monument to Progress the Electric Light Teller Cool! Ah, images of America Silicon Valley Oh oh oh thank you very much. I'm going to enjoy reading that I'm a history buff let alone a tech Silicon Valley History Wow thank you very much. Ah, it's a join it I can smell it a giant California shaped chocolate so I can remember I Bought Mrs.
Evil because she likes her favorite animals the Platypus so I got her a giant custom for Easter once a giant custom platypus. Um it was like there was like this bit bigger than this I think and it was just yet. It was awesome. Took us ages to eat that.

Okay that's great Anyway why don't we got in here. that's a look looks like a eBay thing as you can tell by the the China post we can do. Ah here we go there we go spot anybody China post stuff a mile away more chocolate thank you very much. So we've got chocolate chocolate and like sure is fine chocolate.

mmm eBay chocolate I'm assuming yep from Yiqiang they're from Aliexpress Warehouse chocolates with the our League Stress warehouse thank you very much Tony for the stuff. let's check it out. Oh wow, images of America Silicon Valley by Sam Tsui something like that I'm fantastic I'll have to link it in down below. Oh look at the ah ah ah this is my bedtime reading tonight.

Fantastic! Wow it's available on Amazon if it is I'll link it in. check it out in the USA San Jose is monument to Progress the Electric light tower I've heard of this and the best I don't know where it is more Custer linked it in. there you go. Is it still there? so still there? Can you still visit the visit the tower I Don't know.

Mmm chocolate. it's the colorful scent Jose California bah ha ha thank you very much. You're as fine confections. Ah, Titans is the details for those playing a lot of home but I'm sure what I'm going to do tonight, but it's going to involve chocolate and a book.

Mm-hmm two-minute hair down I Suspect there's not going to be much in this puppy Wow Didn't expect so old school. look. we've got an ST micro there. What is that exactly? Sure that doesn't ring a bell.

We have to look for that and we got ourselves an Atmel. ATC 31 are there you go? Because this one had a label on it. so I presume that was a programs, but yeah, old school. PLC see packages arm soldered down to the board.

so what's the date code on that? Oh four. So 2004 vintage by the looks of it and there's not much else. There's some power stuff and it goes up to a motor in there that just drives the tape feed and then the data going out to the printhead and that's basically it. Very exciting is it? By the way, if you want this cool triple five time, a t-shirt and why would you hand drawn by me? I'll link it in down below to the teespring store where I continually run the campaign for these.
but once it hits 15 shirts orders for 15 shirts then it gets printed and shipped out. Check it out from Shanghai with love. Thank you very much Max Chen you should have noted and should remember the name. He's been on the log several times, had several sucks of the staff which this one could have been City therefore ages because if I see that you have several sucks of the South's before and I pretty much is going to leave your stuff there.

We can't have people consolidate into the mailbag anyway. Oh Sushi Bits 3 no Jay tags Oh Anyway, that's what we've got some sort of custom Arduino Li board and some processors. Let's check it out and I'll let you read Max's extensive letter here for all the various our whatnots sent in. Thank you very much Max! and this is a Sushi Bits Board.

Ha! Thickening down below is the sushi bits of threads of obviously an Arduino were compatible interface. Maximus To know why the four wire JTAG interface stopped working? sorry I Have no clue whatsoever. Um, it looks to be all hand. You know it looks to be hand done, looks to be hand soldered, so doesn't look to be machine assembled.

So yeah, maybe I don't know, but I Had a look at the solder joints under the scope and they look adequate. So yeah, I don't know your guess is as good as mine and this 40 pin dip is apparently a super duper cheap Chinese 151 processor 3.3 volts from the FTC 15, F line, 61k a flash and/or a 2k of SRAM and all the you know usual peripherals and stuff like that. So apparently to program it you just need a key or micro vision serial port plug in so you just connect up the serial port to two of the pins on there and Bob's your uncle apparently wonder how much that costs? like another 10 cents in volume or something? probably? Hmm. The reason why the 805 one is still popular is because there's no royalty to pay on it anymore.

hence why China can just that churn out 805 1 variants until the cows come home. The items in the transparent bag or a 2 DW 2, 3, 3 jewel 6.3 volt Zener died from Shanghai 7008 that Radio Factory Um members on the A Trilogy section of the Eevblog forum presumably they're so fond of. they claim it has lower noise figures in the LM 399 or LTZ 1000 reference chips. Well, there you go.

I have no experience with the 2 DW 2, 3, 3, so 8 and I'm not going to so measure noise now for a mailbag. But yeah, the important thing not necessarily noise depends on what you're after. Really, it's the main thing with a temperature reference like the 399 LT is at 1000 is the temp code, the drift of the thing temperature coefficient, and they claim that there exists a current point where the temperature coefficient of the reverse bias Zener and the forward bias they're not cancels out. Wonder if I can figure out some way of testing this claim? Well, yeah, obviously not on the mailbag.

That would require a lot of work that would require thermal chamber work I over different current ranges like I'd have to sweep I Don't know what the usable current range on this is in the datasheet. If we can pull up the data sheet, we'll put it in here. but I like if I do. If you don't know what that point is, then you have to sweep it through the entire range at current range.
So you have to get characteristic curves of at each temperature point. you have to at each current point, you'd have to get different temperature curves and that is a metric buttload of work. Um I think I might leave it up to those someone on the on the EB blog for one of the volt nuts to do that one. Yeah, thank you very much.

I'ii make a balloon from Davidson in yourself Wales, That's where I'm from. Sydney New South Wales Australia Not Austria Thank you very much. Nice look. Oh whoa.

Jesus Tiny. That's a 10 out of some little piddly thing with some little piddly one, huh? My brand lithium ion lithium polymer battery and what is it's got some transducer on it. Hi! Dave Here is an IR Fitbit Flex to the battery and the battery died on. There you go so we can have a look at the Fitbit flex.

Wow Can't forget my macro lens out. It's ridiculously tiny and that's what's inside a fitbit. And it's of course they're usually sealed shut, but this one battery on this one's died apparently. Is it gone all puffy? No, not really.

But yeah, that's inside the Fitbit and as you can see, there's I think we're torn down. These are little fitness trackers before. It's pretty much a knife all in them. Oh jeez, what? What's on the top of that isn't what's happened to that.

What's happened to that chip there? Wow. What is that? like? Some of the plastic or something? The plastic case that they were. Maybe they'll getting some thermal or you wouldn't need only coupler. Wouldn't be taking any bugger.

all power. So yeah, maybe it was just attached to the plastic and that's what's well that's what. Yeah, let's just it just stuck on to the chips. That's what you get we and try and take these things apart quite all my French viewers especially from Leon Lovely! I've been there and this is from Art Line International I'm not sure to like yes company name so let's let's crack it open.

Smart solder paste and it has is dispenser. Cool. Alright, he can place function for SMB Yeah and a footswitch for it because it's important. You're sitting there, you know, manually dispensing your solder patient.

What a footswitch to go like tooth you know and it dispenses. One little dots were so you dial up. Usually like dial up. how much paste you want based on the pad size and everything is just going to do and it can be actually really quick.

Um, going around doing that so that's great. Okay, let's have a two minute turn out at all. Wow Well, that was pretty good. The AI Extruder: Oh wow.
Okay, it's all in bits. Like to figure it out, but this looks pretty groovy. Let's check it out. So replace dispenser the I extruder.

Smart solder paste, adhesive, suspense of a piece of e. prototyping in assembly, do-it-yourself and crafts and projects. Pick-and-place function for SMD Component placement. Um yeah, let's have a squiz that that looks Jazzy Government So ah so in English homescreen pic in place.

Oh, it's all fancy pantsy. It's got little OLED screen on it. Anyway, it does look pretty jazzy. look at all that.

I got some contacts up in there. they go from the button so that's actually quite well designed. I Like that. Wow And you screw your? that's got a threaded coupling on there, but that plugs in there like that and presumably that screws on the well.

You've got to put your your syringe or whatnot in there, so that's that's really quite well designed. I Kind of like that. Anyway, it feels feels pretty good. Feels pretty solid when you screw that on.

Obviously, this has to be replaceable because of course you know you're whack your syringe in there. Here we go. Yep, there we go. we can work it.

Oh and yeah, well, yeah, we've got to take the thing off. I won't do that now. You take that off, stick that in there and presumably that shaft will just push out a set amount. Do we have a a like a flat plate on there - I'd like to screw on to that - I presume that's what it would need.

Some sort of like big flatter plate that goes in there like that. and then of course you'd have a stepper motor in here that just drives that worm screw driver I can never remember the name for those stupid things and and just you know, shoots it out by a set, pushes it out by set about each time, and then pushes a syringe. Wow And of course you put your regular right needle on the end and it should dispense a fix them out on the individual board. that bats me I like it I Wanted Ludie Silly Yankee things probably one of those fake 5 volt power adapters, crap and orgies that's a tiny beginner rights to the 5 volt.

USB Go. Why can't you just I know? No, No fail. we should had USB on the end and plug USB directly into it. Why have the adapter with the little Fano plug? No, don't like that.

Oh wow. Check it out. Got a whole kit and kaboodle and there you go. There's the plunger that.

I was looking for I Knew it needed a plunger. so you screw that under there and that is what goes down into the syringe and pushes that down. see testicle like this I extruder. Oh, Jesus that's a bit tiny.

I Think this greetings a little bit too small. It might look decent on camera, but yeah, it is teeny time so we can go over their menu. RG Yeah, you have to really read the manual to know what all the settings are. I'll tell you what.

that's sort of everything. Look at this. You can set the pullback amount because when you set them when the plunger goes in like that, you probably need to pull back just a little tad. Just you know.
hold your tongue at the right angle, pull it back just a little bit so it doesn't keep oozing out. You might be familiar with that When you've done it with a you know, a caulking gun or something like that, it just keeps coming out. You have to sort of like pull it back a little bit to stop the flow going out dose in mode extrusion. or there's the pin outs.

By the way, for those playing along at home. um, all 3.3 volts out that. I though that's for the trigger, of course, the foot trigger. If you don't want to do it with your finger, you can do it with your foot.

Fantastic. And you can set the extrusion amount of core. and you can set the extrusion speed so that's terrific. Wow A lot of functionality inside this puppy.

They thought of everything. so yeah, if you want to operate it, you just plug the foot switch in there. Yep coming out. I Can feel it.

It's screwing out a tiny bit at a time. You can see it getting longer and longer there. so you just press it once and you can. trust me.

I'm not sure if you can see that but it is actually pulling. It does a little pullback there so it's default so straight out of the box it goes out and then pulls back and you can physically feel it. and I yet you can see it too. You can see so you just dispense, dispense, dispense, any dispenser set amount of you know it require a bit of trial and error to you know, a little bit of setup to get the right amount of our pace.

but when you want to dispense the paste onto each pad, Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam and it's going to be super quick. they include some lead-free solder paste as well. tenth of April six months shelf life on that puppy. So just assuming that you've got your nozzle light installed there, you just go around going dab dab dab and you push the little.

push the little button there. Or as I said, you can use the Foot Sweetsies Coach. It probably might be that quick. You know, like a couple of seconds per pad if you get it down really right? you know this is great for prototyping small you know and assembly a small boards and if you don't want to, you know if you haven't got a solder paste stencil or for your board then something like this.

Pretty jazzy. Hmm. If you're doing a lot of SMD work, you probably should have a controlled solder paste dispenser. So this was actually a kickstarter late last year and there was a hundred and fifty yard thundered.

They did a really good job. They showed like a 3d printed the case in the campaign but of course the final product is a really nice case. It goes together well. Very professional, our quality you know.

pretty impressed by that 5 volts 1 amp it needs. There you go. made in France I'd all my French viewers. Geez much stuff made in France anymore? Thumbs up! Check it out! You can set the dosing mode to pick in place so it's met.
It's dotted manual or pick in place so what it can do is it actually comes with a couple of the little attachments, their usual pick-and-place attachments that it will pull back and then of course given that it's got the there you go inside the tube. like the inside. the syringe like that's got the o-rings It can generate a vacuum in there and suck up your part. Let's try it.

Alright, let's give it a buzz of there. So 14 package there so let's stick that on. I Got a reasonably large head there and well, there we go. You could bend the needle of course to get better.

I can feel it really moving. There we go. You can't actually pick it up. It tells you to grease the o-rings in there.

I did not grease them up. So yeah, you know, but there you go. it does. Actually where does the pick-and-place machine? So I'll include a photo of some my typical like line and dot dispensers with this thing and it goes for about a hundred and ninety euros.

I Believe it is which is pretty pricey but it's good quality and I don't know if there's another one on the market that is not a vacuum based system. This is like a motorized one and it's a you know it's a decent form factor and you can stick it in a you stand as well of course and then you can move your board under. That's probably a better way to do it than doing it by hand hold the gun. Did some people prefer that? Others prefer to leave this in the stand and then move the board under it like that.

Umm yeah, whatever floats your boat. I'm going to try that out in anger and take a bit of if it. maybe a separate review video or something like that. I do have another don't I have another solder paste thingy video to do I have to find one somewhere trying to do a lab cleanup I'll try, maybe combine the two or something like that.

but yeah, it's expensive. but I think it's going to do the business if you're after a year and nine vacuum based solder paste dispenser. Anyway, are we getting down below? Check it out. they've done a really good job with that I like it right.

All my sweeties for you was in particular Roman Val Damira from Stockholm Sweden I had a full tab key lever. Okay, so look tiny. whatever it is, we've got a little plug-in module. A little tip you're going to make you're going to send a module with little exposed breadboard pins like that then yeah, make sure you put it in like some foam padding for something.

Otherwise the pins and a little bit bent in transit, but they can get really really been in transit so just be careful that what this does look hi Dave I Received my sample UBM at Twenty Board barely two days after my video on it. that whilst I do agree how wrong the marketing was with the chip I'm curious to see what an experience II like myself can achieve with it. Well, honey, so much you can do on a mail bag as usual. For those who don't know, I'll link in the video down below of my video taking the University of Bristol to task on their arm UBM 20 chip which is designed.
they claim something about no zero power standby television something like that and it was really exaggerated marketing. So I took their marketing to task and they admitted, yeah, you know, look, it wasn't the best and they re shot their video and stuff like that. So yeah, interesting that I've now got one of these puppies and you might be able to do a video playing around with this. Um, because it is like a ridiculously ultra-low power I Forget the specs, but yeah.

great. We've got a little eval board that we can have a muff around with, but with this sort of stuff measuring ultra-low currents, it takes a while just to set things up and do properly and you know, and you know you fired halfway across the room and you're going to be ten less significant digits out. Novice Succubus Ave from SIL Ago technology. that's how I pronounce they're still Lego silly yo, you know, whatever.

Alright, thank you very much for FedEx You can tell it's a custom thing. Press firmly to ensure a secure seal. Oh yeah, I thought I had a rip tab on it. Let's have a look.

Obviously it's a Dev kit. Yep. Green packaging, configurable mixed. I See, we're seeing we're seeing this wonderful green.

I've seen the green fat and stuff before. This is configurable mixed signals I say with some quick squid. Now silly go as I like to call here on the Eevblog. it's probably said Lego or sell ago or something like that.

but yet silly Go. Sounds better are they keep sitting in their green pack stuff? Well okay, you know this is like the third or fourth suck of the SAP anything. Oh Yawn reset I see. But you know reset ICS are important.

So they've actually sent in a demo board for their reset. I see And if you're developing a product that needs reset capability when you get voltage brownouts and stuff like that, you want to reset your processor gracefully and you know do do proper system design. Not just you know are whack five volts or three points, three volts on your micro and our she'll be right mate. Use the internal reset and stuff like that.

You know if you want to get a complex system and you need to reset a lot of complex stuff I choose in and implementing a reset IC is really important. So yeah, it doesn't do anything, you just drop the voltage and the resets and the LEDs turn off and on and not terribly excited. But they are a critical part of electronics system design and there's tons of reset ICS on the market and you know you might think I know what the hell's going on, but this one looks a bit more complicated. Got 1 1 output push-pull 1 times 2 outputs push-pull It's got switch inputs one of the block Iraq Oh Crikey look at some damn, that's just nuts.
the configurability inside this thing Wow So yes, this thing is that looks like it is programmable, so presumably you can have a little programmer you can hook it up or get a factory programmed I would presume to do is you know pretty much any sort of delay. It looks like we've got a huge table in there and I can't even see details on this sub printout. It's probably the printouts. Probably not good enough, but wow, what a lot of complex capability.

Unbelievable for a little research. Chippy thank you very much Unknowing person from the old dot hide almost using the old dot which is England For those who don't know, it's the what we call it. So what do we got here right? Oh the two millimeter probes. Fantastic Two millimeter probes.

My first. Where is it? Yes this is the very first multimeter that I ever own. Saved up my pocket money Hank Got this handy slasher my contact 22 201 you for those playing along at home and that years yes it still works and that use the two millimeter jacks. No, it's four millimeter banana flag rubbish I'm fantastic and I used that for years.

that was my main multimeter Co Remember how old I was? Saved up my pocket money from collecting aluminium pens and she can get a fortune for Alitalia Minions and second, today is one Ketchikan - she cares. Lots of fun to do hey kids! Empty aluminium cans are worth real money at Alcoa Kashuk And sentence so every aluminium can you collect means extra pocket money for you Ketchikan Kashyap Can make lots of money too. So let's have a look. what are that are beautiful? Edge on Nam Oh no.

hang on what the that was like I thought that was some sort of light sensor on the back. don't even know it brand that one is. Anyway, oh it's pretty Jersey Wow and aha trainee Tessa I'm seeing a trainee tester for a while. You make this transistor.

check a TC one that doesn't even have a brand? Well, classic stuff. look at that. Who uses the transistor tester? Still, but these are transistor. Tesla's were a very popular project in the 70s and 80s in the electronics magazines.

and yeah, two biggest transistors were expensive right back in the Sega or 70s and stuff. so you suck them out of. you know you reuse transistors out of you, salvage them out of our products and stuff like that, and you check in with your transistor tester. Check the game.

Check the HFE Hmm. Fantastic. I Had an analog meter A Tricky Dick one Tricky Dick Smith 100 K Ohms per volt. Beautiful.

This one was only 20 Kos per volt hundred K It was all about the K ohms per volt and more. the better Hungry Keynes provoked. And so if you feed in a volt, then it has a hundred K input impedance or a 20 km putting pins feeding 10 volts. That's 10 times more than that input impedance, not the fixed 10 mega ohms that you're familiar with the current multimeters.
Anyways Wow Tim to tear. Now let's go. It's a singer beauty. Look at that.

It's a TTC who's TTC models see one double-a one made in Japan All the best stuff made in Japan Anyway, 20k ohms per volt. You can always tell you don't even have to have that on the screen to know what the sensitivity is. You basically just look at the lowest current range and the lowest current range is basically directly on the meter movement. There's no other shunt resistors or anything like that, so 50 micro amps corresponds to 20 K ohms per volt DC movement.

And likewise, if you had say a 50 K is 4 volt which was fairly common for a high sensitivity 1 or even the extreme ones like I had there are 100 KS per volt, you'd have a correspondingly smaller current. a full-scale current range you know, a so must take that up. And what the bloody ball on the backs doing? Honestly, what it's designed to prop the thing up on a just yeah. They wanted to tilt it, see that someone's doing yourself tilt stand anyway or taped up and the screw on the bottom, but maybe it's not.

Doesn't take anymore. Oh yeah no. I Still have to do it. Here we go.

Oh wow, it's a standoff. Come on. and we're in like Flynn And of course that's all that's inside an analog multimeter. You have a single wire double a battery for the Ohms range.

but of course you don't need the battery to measure the voltage or the current because it's the meter movement draws power from the circuit to deflect you meter movement. Then there's a bunch of precision resistive little range switch that's decent. Still good beauty. Well this one was pretty novel that I had a two point five kilo volt range 2500 volts and you can see they've got a four-team egg dropper resistor there.

No, that's not 40 milli Farad's or 40 micro Farad's that's actually a resistor and it's 40 Meg Wow Check it out. Transistor Tester Tc1 Not actually sure who manufactures that, but it's got a Diode art mode as well. High power look at that. Fantastic man.

But but not only can it measure the beta or gain of a transistor, can measure the Alpha as well and the Alpha is the factor. but the multiplication factor by which you've got to multiply the emitter current to give you the collector current. So it's the formula is I'm Alpha equals beta on that beta. Absolute beta plus one.

and there's other ways to get it and it can measure the collector current as well. Fantastic. That's a center off switch less I'm not sure what happens in the center, but yet. NPN PNP See there to swap it around? Fantastic! And it's got an internal shield connection as well.

Who are fancy pantsy? There you go as A scales for your scale aficionados. Beautiful 50 micro amp full scale IC o---- and only goes up to 300 beta. So yeah, if there's more than 300 A, she'll be right. it's more than 300.

No worries. What do you need to measure it for? And because the way the formula works, the Alpha of course is going to be a non linear scale like that. So this is yeah, just like a the Ohms range on a multimedia analog multimeter will be nonlinear. So yeah, there we go.
Cut the homes range there and whereas the other ones, the beta is linear and so as the collector current as well. But yeah, bases don't make them like that. Well, they don't make nobody makes transistor testers anymore, do they? I Don't think so. Anyway, so look inside Aa 9-volt battery.

Oh, is this like a kit? This is going to be a kit, right? Is it like an old like magazine project or kit project? And it's really how you're doing the old 9-volt Just a clip with the battery snap on there and that's all just yet hand done. I Did put the heat shrink around, put insulation tubing around there, but that can actually slide off with that. Cut it too short the tubing. Yeah, it works there, but you slide it off there and oops I Can just issue short out there.

Anyway, this is all out. That's hilarious. Maybe someones made that themselves. That's great.


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26 thoughts on “Eevblog #1013 – mailbag”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Monchi Abbad says:

    You could have used the tip of the knife to unscrew those screws..

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve Tobias says:

    That flux dispenser is a bloody rippa mate. Not your run of the mill crap but real precision worm drive motor operation says it all. You must get a lot of crap along with the odd nugget.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Kaiser says:

    "A metric buttload"?
    That is quite a lot!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christopher Diaz says:

    Oviedo sucks Orlando will always come up on top

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jlucasound says:

    The "LI" is Long Island, NY.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Opinionated Bastard says:

    Yeah try living in Silicon Valley it cost 1000 bucks to rent a room

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars alun roberts says:

    I still use transistor tester to match transistors for Pre amps an class A Amps

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars xConundrumx says:

    You powered it on ?! Seriously !!! You know you should get rid of those capacitors before ever even trying to turn it on!

    Don't turn it on … take it apart! Except when it should be taken apart first so it doesn't blow up, then turn it on first.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tom Jones says:

    'Floridians' is correct! And, it looks better with the lighting, more professional…keep it up!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mario Sandoval says:

    w i g g l e w i g g l e w i g g l e

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Hawthorne says:

    If your agenda tonight is going to include Chocolate and a book, I think Mrs EEVBlog will be a bit upset… lol

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Peter Sage says:

    All I can find on that VTVM probe connector is "Amphenol 75 series", but I'm sure it has some other nomenclature. Bueller?

    …and the worst part about of the old meter is the PIO caps, but you already have been pointed to Mr. Carlson's Lab, so you know this already.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Roberto S. Chiandotti says:

    remarking: we are waiting for Apple Pi part 3 ๐Ÿ™‚

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jason ols says:

    Somebodys gotta send this guy some cocaine, its gonna straight up his nose before he knows what happened lol

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yogsoggeth says:

    I didn't find the link to the shirt on the blog.
    I kinda want one of those.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars qwaqwa1960 says:

    Silego, originally Si Lego. What utter geniac figured they could just steal Lego's trademark? Mind boggling.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tripcore says:

    Can notice the grey hairs more

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PoodlePuncher says:

    I'm curious about that LED light… what Brand/Model was it?

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dennis Lubert says:

    They don't make them anymore? Certainly not like those, but look on ebay for transistor testers, they do them in digital, a ripoff from some DIY project, they are really pretty nice because they can identify and measure various things, imho quite nice for the DIY person who is on a budget and has to scavenge things for old parts, or even for repair jobs I occasionally use them to test 3pin devices for which I can't find any info about.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SharpEnuff says:

    I remember that Friden 130 & 132 trying to develop a pocket calculator broke the company which was defunct by 1965

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Grant Rennie says:

    On the aluminium can cashing there used to be in Australia and the UK, I had a place in Boston Massachusetts for a while and when I was over there I found that all cans and bottles had a deposit on them and it was almost impossible to cash them in anywhere, nobody wanted them but the state/county/council would happily take them for free in the recycling bins that were everywhere.. They are trying to bring in compulsory deposits in the UK and I can see it going the same way, nowhere to get back the deposits, just an extra tax with the state collecting the cans/bottles to sell on for recycling

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kenneth Scharf says:

    What did they call the VTVM in the UK and in OZ? Valve Volt Meter (VVM)? Anyway the battery was only for the ohmmeter function. I wondered why there were TWO 6AL5's, and then I realized that the second one was for the rectifier function in the power supply. Most VTVM's used a selenium rectifier or a diode in a half wave rectifier. The other 6AL5 was the AC signal rectifier for use on the AC volt meter functions.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lyle Wyant says:

    Now that's a knife. That should be Long Island New York.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Henrik Andersson says:

    A rather abrupt ending this time. And a shirt change.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MethewsEmbeddedSystems says:

    Not perfect but you do pop

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars burrito rustler says:

    DAVE —> L.I. = Long Island

    also, replace all of the caps and it will work fine! – the tubes are likely OK!

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