Dave gets IoT angry in this Mailbag
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Bolt IoT challenge Dave to get an Internet Of Things App working in 5 minutes. Will he do it or will he lose his collective...
Arduino based DIN rail PLC controller, the Controllino:
Total Solar Eclipse Stamps: https://www.usps.com/stamps/solar-eclipse.htm
Polish 1980's teardowns
Extensive collection of VOIP Media Gateway server rack cards
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Hi welcome to everyone's favorite segment Mailbag. Yes! I'm back. Sorry for the late, but I've been under for the last couple of weeks with the dreaded man flu. It's knocked me about anyway.

sorry - Jason Scruggs Um, I was supposed to open this on the 21st before the 21st of August It's obviously a Kickstarter II Crowd Funder II type thing of some description, so I'm sorry I can't always open them on time. Um, it's just an unfortunate fact of life. Got a lot going on at the moment. and anyway, let's check it out.

Total Eclipse of the Sun Okay, I won't break into song. No, it's a weird package in Total Eclipse of the Sun Okay, no there. What is this? Total Eclipse of The Sun protective sleeve. This sleeve is for step.

what? Their stamps Oh Track of the Total Eclipse across the U.s. Yes, that's why it's not a Kickstarter Please find enclosed a sheet a special edition stance from the US Postal Service printed in thermochromic ink such that the stamps image changes when heated or cooled ie. rub with the finger. Wow Awesome! So let's check this out.

Thank you very much guys, including like Gavin Injuries who were also paid to send these things in. So these are actually from the US Postal Service You can buy these things and here we go look a Total Eclipse of the Sun. They're actually stamps and it's well, completely black at the moment. But let me okay, I'll just stick my fingers fingers under the bottom here and hopefully well say hey, there we go I can see that change I'm sorry I haven't got fixed exposure on now I Have you can see that? That is very very cool? Cool.

It's not showing up as well on camera as it does in real life. actually does work. Yeah, you can really see the difference. You can see the craters and the plains on the moon and come out compared to the one next to it.

That's fantastic. Thank you very much guys. Very interesting. Unfortunately of course I couldn't see the Eclipse because I'm here in Australia and I only went across the mainland Us: Yeah I wish I could have been there to are seen it but I have seen a partial solar eclipse before but idea it's not the same but have to see when one day the next one.

I believe that's total solar eclipse here in Australia is 2028 so yeah more than a decade away. Ah anyway it was fun to watch everyone's eye video of that. Every science video blogger out there I cover the thing cuz it was all over the US and one day next up will do the biggest one. Get it out of the road thank you very much.

Daniel Isaac if I'm pronouncing that correctly from Warsaw in Poland I Don't want my Polish viewers do have a fair sizable contingent. What's in here? Hmm. Anyway, there? Well there are three items. You have, a note across the old phone, just a touch tone.

Think we have schematics of whatever we've got. We always want the schematics. Thank you very much. Oh wow, Is that a Polish multimeter? Is it? Oh Classic.

Look at what is it? It's a stereo. Some description: Magneto Fun. Magneto. Fun.
is that polish? Fair to speak up. it's a young amplifier. A Yeah. I Gave a stereo.

Cheered up. Wow Two-minute teardown. Awesome heavy polish analog multimeter. Look at that thing of beauty and the joy forever.

The Wonka 'mobile thing of beauty is a joy forever. 20 K Ohms per volt. Pretty standard stuff. 50 micro ampere meter movement we've got AC Decent.

No millivolts for DC Oh uh. anyway. um, oh no. 60 micro amps.

How does 60 micro amps full scale deflection translate to 20 K ohms per volt I Don't get it. it's a little bit crusty isn't it? Hmm yeah. I Feel the quality in that? Um, there we go. For those playing along at home and who can read polish a single screw in the center like this was pretty standard fare back in the day.

It's just for these sorts of meters. My first meter the 10 D RadioShack one. Oh here we go. Look at that straight on the PCB Ah, no solder mask.

Thank you very much. All the tracks are a little bit tarnish, but they are. They do have the solder plate on them so let's whoa. What's that? What's that? That's really strange.

It's got copper it like it's just a strap like it. Wow Anyway, we do have a little M 205 ceramic fuse in there, but he's isn't that crusty look at art so it's all come off and it looked. Wirings all crusty. That's that's pretty terrible.

Muriel And as with all analog meters, there's not much in on. There's just a bunch of range resistors. and that's basically it's just got a little trimmer on the Seidel of carbon trimmer. classic.

And it's all. She wrote a couple of resistors in parallel because you've got to tweak that. So overall, that's one pretty horrible analog meter. but you know it's still work.

Like if there's nothing in it, there's a resistor. You know, a couple of resistors, some range switch, and I made a movement. That's all it is in a touch-tone phone. Well, not hugely interested in that, but me, there's made in Poland Absolutely classic.

Yeah, that's what exactly what you expect a a phone of this vintage. There it is. Got a modicum of input protection there. It's a phone.

Classic single sided board construction with the ass. Look there we go. Got the hot snot down in there and the end on end. or is it the end on resistor? I Construction like that, very common back in the day to get the compact size required.

and inside the phone. of course, we've got our touch current tone controller. No idea what that one is, but 50th Week 94. so you know midnight is vintage there.

But yeah, that's all it is. A touch-tone decoder I see and then your phone interface. That's it. Like can you even buy phones? like they said I'm sure you can.

Sure you can check it out. It's a Uni. try a Platoon Ax stereo the Tosca 303 for those playing along at home. Beautiful look at that.
That's pretty yeah. Solid as so. Let's take a squeeze inside and see. Well we got.

We've got the schematic, but it's a bit hard to read. Let's check it out. Oh yeah, Wow We've got some interesting stuff in here. Both are single sided by a classic single sided boards very common in consumer amplifiers and other arts.

Stuff like this. Got a lot all our exposed fuses on the top here. now. mains wiring is held down with a combination of little twisted wire and there's string in there.

and I hate shrink. It's actually that's a rather interesting cable grommet at the back fascinate. And of course our tuna wire. Here is this spring.

that tuning system you can see there's our cap over there, there's our tuning cap and the ultimate goal of this of course is to just change the tuning capacitor so they have the they've got the counterweight on here and that just you can see the what you see the dial moving across there which then shows up on the main display window. so but that goes right across. we leave. This is coming over here like this.

It could easily get snagged on that wiring that's just flapping around in the breeze. they've got. Actually these are just wow. these look like bulbs.

They actually had some ploy. there's nothing in them now. they've actually came out. or are they LED bulb or LED cutouts in there and that's used as a light guide to light up the tuning dial on the front.

but that's pretty how you doing Lucas Just sold it on there. That's hilarious. Oh look, never seen a Polish capacitor. Brilliant.

But look at all this like point-to-point wire in here. There's not like it's just like what is that. that wire was too short so they've tacked on a bit of you know, an enamel wire over there port. that's just oh, it's terrible and the power train is here.

looked here 220. This is kind interest, you know I've never seen this before. they haven't even bothered to bend that leads. it's just going down straight like that.

I'm like looks like they've got a microwatt sure under there and then this plastic spacer Pro held on with adhesive all glued onto there which then just separates the leads so that you don't accidentally short them out. but they're all hand soldered and that's ah, that's pretty how you doing I Don't think I've ever seen a transparent mains transformer like that. Look at this. You can see the two cores on here and you.

they're just. you can see the windings right right through the wrap. Unbelievable. Well, there's nothing inherently wrong with that I Just find it fascinating I Don't think I've ever seen anything like that before, apart from yeah, toroidal transformers of course, but not in this sort of our C core configuration.

We've got more wiring, just sort of. You know it's soldered directly onto the board down there. just hacked in. It's pretty terrible.
and there's the back for those that want to see it and we'll I have no idea what you'd even call that. that's the speaking connector I haven't seen that before. It's like like a two-way prong thing I If anyone knows, please tell us. But the name of that thing, was it a purely a Polish a standard type thing.

Was it used in anything else? So I can't recall having seen that anywhere else. And for those who really wanted to see the schematics, there you go. That's a bit rough as guts, but you can to still make it out. so thank you very much for sending that in.

It is Wow a Polish tuner from the 1980s or there abouts vintage Wow It's it. Did the job I'm sure you know age probably hasn't been a bit kind to it, but not really do-it-yourself construction, but fairly sort of. you know, crudely kind of handmade knot design for proper volume production. That's for sure.

fascinating. I Don't want my Melbourne viewers Melbourne-australia that is. Of course there are other Melvin's around the world I'm led to believe, but no, it's not Mel Borne, nobody worries. All right.

John Thank you very much. John Some of the boards that made up a Plexus Media Gateway Controller region from Teleca which was absorbed by Loosened these were TDM Sip gateways Wow There you go. So we've got serial. We're gonna have some big hardware on here.

Oh yeah, look at that. Wow Jeez, look like Percy's on the back. Jeez, we have a good squeeze at that. All right.

let me show you the boss. He's a whole bunch of him. Wow John Thank you very much. He's sending practically I would assume like the full rack of modules for the Plexus Media Gateway which is basically a VoIP you know, communications type thing over the Internet which switches into you public telephone network and all that sort of stuff.

but we have practically everything that makes up that system. the voice server, the channelized network access. There was some way oh, we've got switch fabric, ethernet network access, more I/o RDS 1 E 1 interface got the compute module which runs it all presumably I quad 10 base T Ethernet and channel switching thing and another one. oh wow, I mean I Seriously, don't have time to go through all these so I'll just show you each one briefly.

but well, we've got some serious network you know, voice infrastructure hardware here. This is amazing. Now what you're gonna see on all these boards is just an abundance of massive custom hardware design for this. this is the connector interface if you want to have a look at that which goes into the backplane there with the power connectors over there.

well that's probably is that more power in the center? I Don't know, but just chock-full of custom hardware. You could you know be an engineer in the industry and spend your whole life just working on whatever that chip is. you know, whatever that one is I don't know and Nv6 double for I Could like just go have a look at them. look at the power modules.
As always with these things, look at this a sin core. Um I guess they specialize in power bricks and these things you would see solder these from the board. As I said many times, you don't roll your own solutions for the DC DC convertors on these boards and they need massive amounts of current for all the low voltage rails for all this hardware. But look at it.

it's just absolutely ridiculous. This is the compute module so whatever it needs to compute I Don't like no. Does it do all the packets and start like I Have no idea. Anyway, look at the denseness of the of the passives on the bottom here.

This is just fantastic. Look at this the PCB layout on this thing. like your space would have been a serious option. They probably went to a 10 or 12 layer board or something just to fit all this stuff on.

This is just ridiculous. and the PCB layout person really didn't like our tented veers I can't see I don't think there's a single nothing else is everything else seems to have access I wonder if they had a isn't for that and this one here is the Ds1 a 1j1 IO and once again, another massive power brick here? I'll show you this actually this is a way to get the form factor down on DC to DC converter modules and I've done this on custom boards. You notice that the ferrets there are embedded in cutouts on the board and what they've done is they've used loops in the actual copper I've used I think I had 12 14 layers board or something like that on one product that actually had so we could get all the turns in there and you clamp the ferrite s' around through little cutout slots in the PCB and that's how you can get the the thickness of the board, the form factor right down to as low as possible. you know I've got some Xilinx FPGA is where got our G R chipsets whatever they're doing I'd P.m.

so I like I've not even gotta try and Google all these and go through what got ourselves a massive daughter board here with once again massive BGA parts under there. So that's just a daughter board and look at the amount of hardware in this thing just to process. these are one packets or whatever it's doing. Unbelievable backside for all your backside fanboys and this board is just for Ethernet network access.

There are no Ethernet ports on the front. It's all done through the racket based system, but this is just the I did. What are they creating? all these virtual Ethernet interfaces I Have no idea of the topology of this thing I Don't know all the telecommunication system topologies and stuff, but it's just ridiculous what this custom chip down in here is a Tundra no idea what that is fancy look in he sent out in there, what's under that some whiz-bang memory hooked up to that thing, some speedy thing and once again a huge daughterboard with all sorts of BGA's on there doing yeah, who knows what looks like a couple of little Xilinx FPGA S or P or DS in there I Can't actually read that at the moment, but they look like they something to do with the interface given their proximity to the backplane connectors. Wow I'm glad I took off the daughterboard I got some very serious hardware happening down here.
There we go: some older school wires I links are XC 2 V 3000. That would cost a pretty penny for those. our vertex back in the day. they might have even been the leading edge were they not.

But up here got a couple of Intel jobbies. What do we got? Some sort of GC ifx thing? I'll have to look at the numbers on those and pull up some data sheets. But yes, I'm heavy silicon in that Wow But if you want heavy silicon, look at the physical size. You thought those things were big and badass.

look at the size of these. Hey Gia, if I'm pronouncing that correctly. Chipsets: Wow. these things are just massive.

How much silicon is in sight? What's the size of the die inside this thing? buddy. 25 millimeter dial? something 30 millimeters? Ridiculous. How much did they spend a spin? It's obviously a custom icing to spin that custom ASIC like I Wouldn't even want to hazard a guess. and this is the switch fabric board.

Once again, there's no connections. on the back are the front, sorry, the rack front. it's all on. That's all through the backplane and everything else so we can go and have a look more.

Xilinx FPGA Action here. more big Xilinx F over Tex FPGA here, which would have been huge at the time and more custom. Ogia Um, who was spun off from Lucent I believe it was um and another one of is that the same chipset we saw before. very kinda similar to what we saw on the other board.

but this is a basic switch fabric board and presumably they used as many of these as they needed for whatever size switch fabric they were looking for for. you know VoIP types which fabric they want to route. you know, 10,000 calls at the time you need X number of cards and it looks like those little Lars I links and the big Xilinx up here needed some big bulk capacitance decoupling. Look, you can see them surrounding.

Actually, they look like 47 Mike's 16 I'm surprised to find such a high voltage on here Wow wonder why they did that? Anyway, they didn't need the same serious decoupling on any of the Agh if sets. Next up, we have a channelized network access card. whatever the heck that is more a GS chipsets more of these power supply modules. This must have been worth a fortune.

Jeez, they're all are soldered in unfortunately. Can't just rip em out. You've got a D solder the pins from multi-layer boards to get all those out. but Wow Just the amount of hardware on these boards.

It's just ridiculous. And this is the voice server. Look at these bad boys. Vertex two Pros: I believe these are upwards of $1,000 per FPGA so surrounded.
but Wilson they've got another one over there. but look at all those shiny packages I'm surrounded by these sent eleum. so I have no idea who or what sent ileum is. Maybe we can I'd it like you won't be able to get a datasheet for this thing right? And these are anyway.

this is the voice processor board for theirs. Yeah, it processes the voice what it actually does to do that. I don't know what that involves I don't know. It takes analog stuff, but once again, there's no connections on the front.

It's all done through the fabric at the back. here. it's all digital I/o It's not like there's in the analog coming into this thing, so it's all. it's digitally encoding the voice mate.

you know, doing the real time compression, doing whatever, digitizing the I do. maybe their direct audio stream coming from the ADCs or whatnot? I Like, have no idea. Once again, a whole bunch of little La Ti Power bricks around here. he was salvaged.

Oh no, these are just some option off-the-shelf memory stuff. But so thus, until Iam chipsets obviously do the voice process in the vertex - pros in here, they're probably just, you know, gluing all that together. You know it's some part of the switch fabric or something like that, but they're beefy FPGAs for doing that sort of thing. So yeah, I really want to find out those? Simenson - Liam's dude gonna believe it I Actually found a datasheet for this thing and there's somebody in eBay he's selling them for five bucks a pop? I Okay, maybe they're often use replacements you know you have to reach if these things.

If one goes bad, maybe yeah, maybe it's worth it. And sure enough, it's a void processing chip set full. II Customized ASIC for just this particular task. So yeah, the vertex two pros.

probably just maybe join in all those together I Don't know how many channels these things are or whatnot, but yeah, heavy-duty silicon. And then we have this Ethernet board. There's nothing but an Ethernet controller on there, so they obviously had these are short form factor cards like this. whether or not they put those onto a dummy like a an extender board at the back.

I Don't know. And then we have a channel noise network quad Oc3 interface. so there's the fiber port. So these these would be the direct the direct OC three fiber links for this thing, but you know it's basically nothing.

There's the fiber transceiver in there, just basically going straight out to the matrix to the backplane on the back. AHA RIA card AHA So these actually sit on the rear like the other ones are designed to sit in the front of the rack. These are designed to plug into the rear and IR a shorter form factor obviously and have all of the I/o type interface stuff. interesting.

And last but certainly not least, it's the Ds1 a 1j1 IO So look, they use these sentronics type. D connectors I got so old school I kind of remember the name. isn't that embarrassing, but look at all this relay, individual relay control for each channel Wow No ice there you go. suck those off if you need some surface mount relays.
and then we've got the isolation interface we've got individually fused on each one. Wow So you know if you blew the arse out of one, you know if you get in there and resold of the furies, looks like we've got some. Maybe you would that be a trans orb or something like that? perhaps for line protection my guess and I think it's a diode and sure enough they are specific little fuse thyristors designed specifically for this application for a line protection transients. this is the bottom of the board.

by the way, we have morph users. we have more little little what there are we and us looking relays. Only little package is that that is a fascinating almost socketed like connection. That is weird I've never seen that lead style before anyone.

Bua Bua Anyway, there's basically are no active circuitry on this thing. it's just protection isolation. switching. stuff like that goes straight into the backplane fabric so that is fascinating.

thank you very much. John for sending in all that hardware. Just the amount of engineering that's gone into these things like you know, it dwarfed some modern. the engineering that goes into a modern PC for example, nothing compared to dedicated custom hardware In a otherwise boring in quote, marks industry like telecommunications, right? You work at one of these large telling me communications companies can make a whole career just designing these sorts of our chipsets.

Absolutely phenomenal amount of engineering goes into love to do the PCB layout on one of these jobbies. Ah, take months. Fun. More fun than a barrel of monkeys.

Thanks John Sorry already open this one. That's what happens when you don't put mail bag on the front if you're going to send something in center to mail bag because they get stuff sent to my regular P o box as well if it doesn't have mail bag. if it doesn't have the mail bag vibe I open it because I forget stuff over orders and things like that. Anyway, let's have a look.

but I haven't actually looked at it yet. thank you very much. Any blocks from our ego, I'll link them in down below. This is the control n Oh, is it mega? Um so I assume it's some sort of I from Austria Hi to all my Austrian viewers.

Why? some sort of industrial paste? Um, didn't Rio melt? Thank you very much. Oh look, see if we got Eevblog branding on it. Sweet, thank you very much. Isn't that Jesse I'm not into didn't controllers? Oh, it's even got AV plug on the end as well.

Obviously they can custom silkscreen these things anyway. made in the EU No, it's made in China rubbish. Anyway, it's obviously I assume um, some sort of Arduino based thing I Could be completely and utterly wrong, but we're gonna have a quick 2 minute teardown. I Love all the Phoenix Contact connectors on there.
Fantastic! I Love controllers. A lot of PLC controls. Still a bit of a ladder logic fanboy myself just saying. Hmm, let's check it out.

So this is the control we know from our ago there we go. Eevblog branded I'm absolutely fantastic little thing are my plugs onto the dim din rail. Of course, there you go. 4c marks all the rest of it made in the EU word design for up to 55 degree operation 12 or 24 volt operation abduction.

Why can't you use 15 or something like that? Hmm. Anyway, um, I do like the mimic panel type interface. These are going to be all individual wire. LEDs for each of the outputs here, we've got.

you know. PWM stuff. There's our ground and power input. Of course it needs to be high power because you can drive high power stuff with these things presumably.

So got digital outputs with Pwms? What are we got here? Oh, we've got analog inputs presumably. Oh, we've got a fix. 5 volt output there do we. And a whole bunch of relays and stuff.

Let's crack it open. see what's inside. Surface mount leads right down in there and you'll wonder. Well, how do we get them right up? Whoa.

Look at those light pipes. A whole bunch of light pipes going up to their cutouts on the front panel. That's great I can't actually get this top board off because it looks to be completely soldered on both sides. Look at that.

There you go. Well, although I think I might have accidentally hit one of them when I tried to prise it out of the case. Oops, better fix that. Thankfully, the top board does come off and we're gotten a team Mega 2560 and all the requisite interfaces to go along with that.

So obviously nothing's going to be hooked up directly to the processor. and of course you don't want that in industrial controller I Don't know what sort of protector I don't know specifically what devices they've used down there, but that would be input protection on each of the channels. So yeah, there have done their job. And here's the bottom of the top board with the Ethernet got ourself a Whiz net Ethernet Interface little micro and little Atmel or micro as well.

that'd be handling the USB interface or the Arduino side of things. basically. um, because I believe this is not - we know interface 7 for Hc1 falls for interface stuff and it's about all she wrote and I can't see what's on the bottom of that book because as I said, I can't get it off. its I sold it in place.

Is that puppy? Yeah. Some sort of battery backup or a super cap for a nut for a real time clock. Anyway, Big Automotive our blade fuse in there so that's nice. So apart from that, they got the requisite high current traces.

Anyway, it looks to be quite nicely designed and assembled. I Like that free, didn't Ryo Industrial Controller It's exactly what you expect and for those that want to see, they realize I can't say I've ever seen those ones before HF 41f HF Hmm. Anyway, Underwriters Lab listed you've got to be good and a high is an open source. They've got a github page for it anyway.
Um, that that's follow the Quick Start Guide shall we and have a look? Isn't this quite nice? Alright, let's plug it in see if we can do anything. There you go I'd we know Boards Manager, it should just show up. Doesn't matter, No board, she'll be that simple in theory. Let's give it a ball now.

I'd Love to show you this working, but unfortunately it's not. Look I'm getting these error messages down here so I don't have time to troubleshoot this unfortunately. I need to get on with it and but it installed no problems whatsoever. The dryer I installed a new Arduino environment.

It connected to the board the JSON file the Board manager it's all there. So if you actually go in and have a look here, you can see that it it is is actually on there. The control I Know they're controlling. No mega mega is selected down there.

We've got Com3 get board information, that's all you know. It's all happy as Larry but then and end it compiles but then when I try and download the thing, it just does not download. So I've got no idea what's going on there anyway. Um, and this look, you can see my fat little fingers are causing those leads to update.

So obviously the high impedance input I am obviously I'm obviously connecting, obviously exceeding the logic threshold there. and it's a treating those as input data. but anyway. um, unfortunately, it's I don't know I don't have time to look at it anyway.

Bummer. I'll link it him down below, but it's supposed to be that easy. So, but I'm probably doing something dumb, you know, do we know? So it could certainly be a pet kak. but I followed all the installation instructions I'm running the example which you get with it by the way, which is examples down here.

the control. you know there it is, the mega and I'm doing the portman manipulation one, but it just it doesn't seem to be working so bug it if I know. Anyway, it's a neat little lock control linked in down below if you want to check it out. Definitely, if you are used to the Arduino environment, you want an industrial controller.

it could be the Ducks guts for you. thank you very much. Luc Valenti from a tiny FPGA hey guess what's gonna be inside from El Dorado Hills in California quite all my viewers in El Dorado Sounds like there's gold in them there hills. Here we go let's have a look like Spoiler alert.

he threatens companies called tiny FPGA um Oh extensive letter, all sorts of prototypes, prototypes, boards we do like Oh Oh wow, okay, looks a little F PG a presumably FPGA to dip breakouts which is very handy because you can get really ridiculously cheap and powerful FPGA is these days, but they almost always exclusively come here pain in the ass little QFN packages and to get them honored to put them into a dip thing is fantastic and you can pause this video at any time to read Luke's letter. but sending a basic bunch of what Fpga boards based on the last mark XO to Fpga is cute little beasties they are and he's also going to show us what's at all the Haas Solar in Hall of Shame some early fires that he did anyway. if you are interested in trying out the vaults, check out the website Tiny FPGA Nice and easy to remember dot-com Thank you very much Luke Let's have a look at them. So I've obviously got some little lettuce mark Xor FPGA is on their tiny little bastards and very easy to plug into your breadboard because they're just on the dip sockets.
also a little tiny FPGA programmer as well that's just a little large, a tag in a face and solder in Hall of Shame Let's have a look wah-wah-wah-wah Anyway, thank you very much Luke for being not ashamed to show us your soldering fails and back are trying to do this. 32 pin pain-in-the-ass QFN packages I think I've done a video on soldering I u FN He started with just an iron in a generic breakout board and it ended miserably as you can see here, but he finally got a sovereign proper, our solder paste stencil which you don't necessarily need I've done a video on that without an electric griddle griddle we don't call griddles in Australia and electric grill I guess he's talking about and a low temperature out lead-free solder paste did the trick and the subsequent ones are done on a control EO to get oven for those playing along at home. So yeah, that one's almost there is it hasn't cleaned up the flux residue, but getting there. oh yeah, that one didn't end nicely did it? Oops.

So it's improved over time to where it's not on perfect. Is it beautiful? And there's the V scored panel for those playing along at home. You like their panels? Yeah, very easy. You would do something like this with our V score.

You wouldn't bother wasting space on there with any routing. I've done a DFM video on that have annoying. just incredibly popular I Think it's one of my most popular videos anyway. thank you very much Luke A Lincoln tiny FPGA down below if you want to get into the mark XO Programmers Oh mark if ya Mark x0 FPGAs and program them Yeah, that's what I meant to say.

Thanks Look, thank you very much Ryan DaCosta ah he's from India Bingo Lura in India Geez, how do want me any of you us? We don't get many from India but I think I have a big contingent I get quite a lot of email from India though. but um yeah, it doesn't India doesn't show up on like the YouTube stats and stuff like that. Um, not anywhere near the top I'm not gonna say the top 20, but um, but yes, they do punch above their weight in terms of our email. Ah, we have a bolt.
Um, that's the bolt Io ESP something or other Internet of Things something rather bored. Let's take a look at. We have a five minute challenge from Ryan from Bolt IO He reckons this: Internet of Things widget I can be up and running in five minutes. Create an account on cloud Bolt common Bob's your uncle apparently.

let's give it a go I have a stopwatch almost three minutes into it and I just figured out that I have to hook up my bloody phone I Just wanted to use my PC to control bloody phone. Huh? It seems to not want to work if unless I give it access to my location. Piss off. Please turn off my mobile data.

Why? six minutes 40 in and apparently I am connected to my boat Io device. After giving him my bloody L-- access to my location, I took one for the team. but screw you and turning off my mobile data. Unbelievable.

Alright, please explain why it shows up as offline. Why is it online sitting there flash and it's blue? silly LED which it says trying to connect like what? So in a follow the guide and go in and create a project Dumbo with let's see if we can flash a lit I have to choose a bloody icon file. Why? So I chose a random bloody image I'm clicking on done and nothing's happening. Ah oh just want to flash a lid.

17 minutes in and I'm getting there. Looks like I can GPIO 0 digital variable name hey lead. Okay so that's the hardware that's the code. I can start typing my code woo and now I gotta go down here.

Here we go: I Can enter my code, lead dot HTML and a Github link. You mean to tell me I've got to go to a Bloody Github and download it and this is all your code for a lead. Gotta be me. Alright so I go to stupid link that you provided in the getting Started guide to your silly Github page.

Freaking Github I Shouldn't have to dick around with github. Just a flash a bloody lead on an out-of-the-box Internet-of-things demo. This is bloody ridiculous. Anyway, lead control.

We can go like there's a test bulb HTML thing. Now we're in. So I'm going to manually copy and paste All this. Do I have the hell do I do that? I Don't know.

I don't use freaking Github. Ah Unbelievable. So I go over there. then I start typing your code here.

Paste: Wow I need to do all that document dot get element What Get element What what? Get element by ID my image source, clicker. Go What clocker? Doctor What? He's only the flesh. a lid. This is a joke right next.

I've got to do some stupid thing about linking the product. well. okay. and then I've got a what generate API cancel enable the API allows you to securely access the bolt for controlling pins.

bugger off. So I've got to go into here apparently. API What do I have to do? Enable my bloody API this API credentials disabled I've got to enable Do I enable the API which allows you to securely access blah blah freaking blah. Okay and then what what do I do with the API key? I Know what I'd like to do with the bloody API key right? So now it tells me to go back to the home page.
I generated my API P key I've copied that it tells me to click on this actions thing page nut-nut without an O not found What? the I'm following your stupid instruction guide and I'm supposed to get some stupid big push button thing which is supposed to let me flush the lid but it doesn't bloody work. Is that? because it's offline? Well it shows that it's offline in here. Look at this like what. it just doesn't work I don't care I'm done.

It's 27 minutes of my life I Want back for this stupid thing. I internet a Bloody Things Go follow the internet of a account on Twitter Very apt. Thanks for sending that in Ryan but sorry, that is a complete and epic fail I'm not going to spend the time to bloody troubleshoot the thing. it just no, no, no no no no we have a random electronic module I'm in becomes from Singapore yeah maybe somebody ordered something on eBay I did get a lot of eBay stuff I haven't opened up what? I actually I'm gonna have to try and find it I Actually what was going to do a Chinese mailbag special like a whole bunch of our stuff just random eBay items that people have sent me in and I did actually shoot a lot of footage from that and it's somewhere the footage is somewhere trust me.

Um, I'll see if I can find it. Oh ah I am a fanboy. Oh I'm a fanboy on the old school ZIF socket that oh it's cool. Ah 3m ZIF socket.

Fantastic Yeah. Genuine 3m text tool. Yep, so a good an LCD and a little it's some sort of programmer. What program is it? It just says electronic module There's nothing.

What do I tell? Well, I could put a 9-volt battery and power up. It'll probably tell me. let's give it a go. So what on earth is this thing? We've got a presumably a programming button and LCD which should show us some info and a little what is it - 14 pin ZIF socket.

Hmm. there we go. Just got a micro on the back. not much else.

Maybe a couple of up there for to do some switching, but well. let's plug in our 9-volt battery and try it, shall we? Oh hello Oh replace the battery. Oops sorry. This is quite possibly the worst LCD display in history.

It's hang on here we go watch this. Emmit testa. yeah, what sort of em know I'm knowin' or damaged part. What the hell's an EM tester memory like tis a test the Li squared problems or something? What? Well, I found this on eBay It's like six or seven bucks delivered or something and it's apparently a Diode transistor tester / LCR meter Only one.

That's just. it's horrid. Like nothing. The LCD doesn't work properly.

can't even read it, but bloody, nothing's labeled. Nothing's hasn't got proper sockets for transistor. LCR testing I Just don't understand why these things exist, right? I'm done. Catch you next time you.

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22 thoughts on “Eevblog #1019 – mailbag”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars groove jet says:

    This feels wrong! Commenting & re-visiting ancient video's, from Young David's early days in showbuisness? Ha ha haAnd Dave? You didnt know it back then, but you were 1 of those "Young Players at Home!" And didnt even know it, ha ha ha

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Peter Sage says:

    Didn't Dave do an almost glowing review of the $7 eBay component tester in a later video? Methinks he was still suffering from Man Flu when he did this mailbag.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Majsterkowanie z Jurkiem says:

    Pozdrawiam dekompozytora 🙂

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Simekon says:

    Poles : hippity hoppety this comment section is my property

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rafal Anonim says:

    Dave, don't be childish! In your age, 50+! I can't believe that you haven't seen this kind of multi-meter or amp, give me a break!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aaron Brandenburg says:

    Hey Dave Jones me again.

    As yoy we're say about that last telecommunications board no active components.

    You are correct however.

    Wood a electromechanical relay an "" active "" component?

    Well the way I see it.

    is it's more active than any solid state components!!😏😏😏

    In a sense that it's actually moving when in operation.😏😏😏😏.

    Sorry couldn't resist electronic humer!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Infev says:

    Wow, this is mailbag from De-Kompozytor. Kto od De-Kompozytora?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Piotr Woźniak says:


  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aleksander Puchała says:

    Kto od De-kompozytora?😂😂😂

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Adam Pudil says:

    It is czech tesla audio connector.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ramonster163 says:

    Yea, those speaker connectors were quite common (at least here in the netherlands) in the 70s. I think they were mainly used by Philips.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mfanto1 says:

    I should send my Chinese mouse with scroll wheel that has no internals just show

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars p says:

    I could send u Polish radio before ww2 but… There was an accident and it burned 🙁

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars A Frog says:

    How many KURWA`s does that meter go up to?

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joseph Massimino says:

    The component tester has the numbers 1,2,3 on the zif socket, and you only had to put one lead on each, or one lead on two for a diode of resistor. Then push the blue button and it should test it and give a reading of what you are testing.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tenmillionvolts says:

    Speaker connectors were 2 pin DIN. Very common on many amps back in the day

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars how dears says:

    PRAWY = right . LEWY = left ????

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars qwaqwa1960 says:

    If the telecom boards are from a similar system I once designed cards for, the BIG boards are in the FRONT of the chassis, the SMALLER boards, in the BACK. Probably plugging into a backplane with common pins between front & back cards. I/O typically in the back, though mine had front I/O too.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stefan Behrendsen says:

    You should have shown how to correct the soldering failure of those QFN packages. You can easily re-solder them by using a hot air rework station and small tweezers to remove the package. You can then wick all of the pads, re-tin them, clean the chip leads if necessary, place the chip in the proper orientation, and used the hot air rework to attach the chip. Covering the entire operation in a paste flux will prevent bad joints, and you'll find that the solder joints surface tension will pull the chip perfectly straight once the solder melts. This is really common to do in board repairs / reworks.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars GraMy TiVi says:

    His channel is De-Kompozytor from Poland like something

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brzechu says:

    Kto z Polski? :DD

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bols says:

    Kto od dekompozytora?

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