Another look at finding a $50 analog oscilloscope on ebay.
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Hi can't believe it's been over four years since I did my original Eevblog number four nine, eight how to get a fifty dollar oscilloscope on eBay So I thought I'd Revisit this because people keep emailing me and say hey, I found my fifty dollar oscilloscope although I can't find one or whatever it is so I The original idea behind this video was that I've always said on the foreign and the empower and other places that I look you can just if you want a real oscilloscope you can buy one for fifty bucks on eBay an old analog oscilloscope. you know the old classic dual channel 20 megahertz job and a lot of people say oh I can't find one So I did a video where I showed that there was no shortage of you know $50 class as Scylla scopes available So I thought that's four years later. let's revisit this. see what's available So here we go I'm going to go to it now so this is the American site sorry I know this varies hugely depending upon what country you're in.

specially here in Australia it's more difficult to get tests get like this. it's pretty easy in the US I know this but I can't possibly do a video for every single eBay country I'm sorry I just can't But the whole idea behind this video is that you can use the techniques and I'm going to show you here to not only search for but also set up search queries for a particular scope so you may not be able to get one straight away. especially I realized once I do a video, everyone rushes out there. It's the it's the Eevblog effect as some people call it where I you know mention something and then a thousand people go out there and do it and the prices double or whatever or you can't get your oscilloscope cuz somebody else has snapped it up.

but just keep at it. Keep on the watch list and you'll be able to get one. So let's go out and have a look. Now there is still a place for these dual channel analog oscilloscopes.

The only disadvantage with analog oscilloscopes is that they don't do storage. That's what a DSO is digital storage oscilloscope. But apart from that they're in readily useful and if you can pick one up cheap free. I've always said you can get them for free from universities you ask on forums.

other places people often give oscilloscopes away. so if you can score what I've given the Sila scopes away free for myself before I even had the blog on the I think it was using it at the time. you know people ask hey, I need a scope? yeah I've got an old one Here you go and people give these things away because they don't need them anymore. but they're still incredibly useful oscilloscopes not analog one.

So let's go and take a look. Start out with the basics oscilloscope or let's go analog oscilloscope shall we? now? eBay Have these hang on eBay Have these stupid categories on the side here, which they're always changing and depending on which country you're in, they don't match up. It's a pain in the ass when you list things. Look at this: I'm in the industrial business and Industrial Electrical Test and Measurement and Test Measurement and Inspection equipment.
If we go back to electrical and this is how you can do it. You can either browse categories for stuff or you can search for stuff generally. I Search for stuff I find something that I might like and then I'll set up a search term for that. Okay, so Electrical and test equipment.

So test measurement and inspection equipment, electrical and test equipment. where in electrical and test equipment that's got all these weird - wholesale Lots That's where you get, you know. auction Lots a whole pallet load of oscilloscopes for example categories and it's just like analyzers and data acquisition. vector scopes.

There you go. I Found it There you go. See all oscilloscopes and vector scopes? Okay, so we're in the oscilloscope category and once again, you can search by brand. I Don't necessarily recommend doing that because a lot of people who list oscilloscopes will not list them in.

We will not put down the brand when you list something. There's a little drop box or check box or whatever you can choose which brand. A lot of people don't do that so you can miss bargains if you just search. Oh, I'm looking for a Tektronix scope.

You can miss bargains. Okay, you search terms and things like that and don't go and same thing with bandwidth for example and start a number of channels and all that and the type analog oscilloscope. Just assume that the person listing the oscilloscope is dumb. Ok, they don't know anything about it because that's where you can often get a lot of the bargains.

They just list this thing they and they found it in their parents you know, garage or something and it's like I don't know what this thing is. They might even spell oscilloscope wrong. and that's when you can also get bargains because a lot of people won't find it on their search term. so that's a good reason to browse.

Anyway, it still isn't where in oscilloscopes and vector scopes. So I'm going to search within oscilloscopes and vector scopes for analog. I'm going to assume they put it in the right category. I Can do a broader search over all of eBay for analog oscilloscope, but let's just go analog shall we? And what we want down here is we don't want new.

Of course there's 169 of those celery furbished you can get ok one seller refurbished 64. Well Ok let's let's put celery grew up I have sorry I have to choose multiple ones selling refurbished and used. Ok now you do not want for parts or not working you do not want to buy. If you're a beginner looking for a fifty dollar oscilloscope like this, you don't want to buy a non-working one.

You want to at least see a trace on the screen because otherwise, how like, how are you going to fix it right? You don't have an oscilloscope to fix it. Yeah, you can fix it with a multimeter, but generally no. You know the whole idea of getting one of these is that you should be able to buy one that's at least working. Ok, it may not be.
Caliber might be a little bit off or whatever, but if it can display traces stabili, then that's what you're looking for now on. That being said, if you take four parts are not working, you can often find that because a lot of sellers will tick. Four parts are not working even though it's working just fine. So I wouldn't rule that out at all.

In fact, well, we can include that in our thing here. Let's just include it. then we can sort them out later. Okay, well, no, actually no.

I'll disable it and let's just go for the let's just go for the gold shall we used and sell a refurbished okay and also our 4-part when you tick as a seller for parts not working. That also absolves you of seller liability. I Believe in terms of like there being something wrong people people wanting their money back sorry, Soldered is not working, you know? So even though it's working, they can sell. it is not working now.

Hi Tektronix 465 an oldie but a goodie at 227 bucks. Anyway, we're going to search for price plus shipping lowest. First, if there's an option to exclude shipping in the price, do that because the best way to get bargains like this is to get one locally and pick it up. So what you can do here is it an option? here? it is probably if I log in.

but I don't have an eBay Us account an Australian eBay there is. You can search for local within a postcode. so I can find things locally. And by the way, eBay is not the only other way to find this.

There's Craig's List and all that which isn't very big in Australia Australia We have like Gumtree which is owned by eBay You're often fine. you can set it I don't know if you can set up search terms in there, but you can search regularly in there and I've seen the occasional oscilloscope on there and stuff like that. There's many other places, there's auction houses and various stuff, so I'm only going to concentrate on eBay with this one. Here we go.

GW In, Stick here, we go. So let's I've got an auto plugin for my browser which shows me high-res photos. By the way, I can't remember what the plug-in is called. Someone will no doubt post it.

so I don't have to, you know it just automatically loads up which is just a handy way to loot view high-res photos without going in there. So we've opened up wine. Okay, we've got some garbage. We've got some garbage.

a Hitoshi V2 one two beautiful scope. if you can pick up in a Hitoshi V2 one Two nice sharp trace on the Hitachi's look. This one has a trace. Let's have a look in this one.

it's it's they've discounted at 23 percent off 55 This is take out the Philippines I was looking for like I should have ticked the local stuff but you can get you know a hundred and two bucks. standard International shipping because it knows I'm in Australia This is just ridiculous going on to the second page now because we had a lot of junk there because we'll sort him by price. We had a lot of parts and stuff so let's go up to the top and have a squeeze here. Just search in working.
We stand there you go. Hitoshi Oscilloscope There you go, That's in Michigan So if you're in Michigan I'm making offer, make them an offer of like 45 bucks or something like that. 50 bucks They say it's working. They do show a trace.

Okay so no worries, you can at least you've got a trace on there they they don't show. Is that a camera artifact of that tracer? Is there All sorts of garbage on there? It's set to 0.1 volts per division I don't know what to make of that one. and I have the trace looks clear there? So yeah, I would take a chance on that. You know you can offer him 50 bucks.

There you go, they claim it's working. I add two of these but recently sold one. this is my last one. There you go.

Very good condition. no probes but hey, you can pick up Pros for less than $10 delivered from China and they're there. Okay that for a $50 oscilloscope is fine. Okay, look at this.

This one's just showing up Tektronix 2201 to channel I Died. That's it. That's one of the that's the digital one. That's the old digital storage job' Oh, that's just digital storage only.

You don't want to touch those because they've got very limited memory in those I Don't think that's one of those combo scopes I Think that is digital only. So yeah, let's not. let's not touch that. But there you go.

there's another one. Is that? no? Is that the same one? No, yeah, it's another one. Plenty of Hitoshi V2 1 2 s. So that's the thing.

once you start searching for the things like these. note down model numbers, brand names, and stuff like that. So Hitoshi Oscilloscope, you know another one old brand might be Kenwood for example, which made fine scopes back in the day. Kick-ass suey.

I Owned a couple of Kicker Tsui scopes with the first scope I ever bought was a Kicker Suey, You know, quite nice scopes. There we go: Skill scope: V5o 950 bucks or best offer that's an older one, but that'd you know that's an older model but nothing wrong with in that cute small I haven't seen that model before, that's that's pretty cute. But another V triple - 480 bucks. Buy it.

now. You wouldn't pay 80 bucks for one of these scopes 6960. Look, there's no shortage of scopes in here and you should be able to offer them under 50 bucks. There's no shorter the V double 65 that one's got.

like the on-screen readouts and stuff like that. so that's a very nice scope. If you could pick that up cheap enough, you might add that on the list and you just build up a huge list of oscilloscope, model numbers and brand name brand names and stuff like that and put them in your search criteria. Like because up here, if you've got Hitoshi oscilloscope.
Okay, you just do save this search and you log in. You've got to have an account log in and it'll automatically email you when these new search terms come up. And of course, you can localize it. So what you do is you search and then you localize the search down here.

If you want us only or within a certain state or postcode distance or whatever, you do that and the search actually saves all that information so you can find. you'll only be alerted, email alerted for local oscilloscopes when they pop up and that's the way to nab them. that. there's certainly just in Hitoshi alone just looking at the Hitoshi scopes there.

If you couldn't pick up one of those for 50 bucks, you're not trying I mentioned Kenwood for example. Well, it's Go Can What Oscilloscope and see. Well got. Once again, we're limiting our search to oscilloscopes and vector scopes category.

It may not be in there, it could be I've seen them the medical devices category I've seen them in all sorts of other weird and wonderful home you know, knick knacks category or whatever. So you can search all of eBay is a just a broader catch because you know the word oscilloscopes not going to come up. You're not going to find a well. you might find a book on oscilloscopes or something like about.

It's generally not going to come up much. So once again, and we can go price plus shipping. Louis First, it used to have that option for just price I might depend what category in Gees Tartan three bucks. Tell them they're dreaming for a twenty men can would.

Geez. Anyway, there's a can word forty Meg Three channel. It's got a trace up there. There we go.

The three channel is often the external trigger and you can get a trigger view display or you can use it as a third channel often with limited analog bandwidth. So let's go in here. They don't have zoom photos I Hate people who don't put in zoom photos if you're trying to sell stuff on. eBay The photo is everything upload.

high-res clear, framed, properly and properly lit photos. seriously and makes a huge difference for parts not working. Unit is used with signs of cosmetic where it is pulled from a working environment. Okay, so a lot of the time that's but this is where you can pick up bargains if you search for non-working scopes.

If you see there's a trace on the screen, this might be a classic example. We can see there's traces there. they haven't bothered to feed the waveforms in. They may or may not know they could be, you know, but someone calling themselves.

Triple A Portal Right with Thirty three, Thirty thousand feedback, right? You can go and have a look at that seller, see what other stuff they sell, and if it is, if they're not a test equipment dealer, then you probably know that they're not bushing. It's like we don't know what this thing is. We have no idea, We just turned on the power and you know, but some dealers might actually try and you and say it's for parts not working, pulled from a working environment. but you know there.
They know it doesn't work and they're just trying to get more. so just beware of that. But um, this one looks quite reasonable. So that one's in California You know it.

So if you're in. Cal I Would you know, make them an offer for 50 bucks? It's probably been their sale ends in two days. It might have been there for fifteen, thirty days or something already. So you know I mean you'd make him an offer for your fifty bucks or whatever.

especially if you can go pick it up. Um, and that would make a perfectly fine oscilloscope. I'd Give that one eighty ninety percent chance of working because once you see the horizontal traces like that, don't worry about how it's bright like that. Sometimes even that's the camera.

or it's the delayed. Does that have a delayed sweep? It looks like it may have a delayed sweep mode. Yeah, yeah, it's got dual layers on the horizontal time base there, so don't worry too much about that obviously. Look, you know this one.

They know what they're doing right? This is sponsored. Okay, this is from a our dealer so you can tell this is from a test equipment merchant. Look, they've got proper lip photos. This is how you do it.

Okay, They're fed in a sine wave. You can set express auctions I Know sold as-is unit powers up for parts not working. There you go. but at least they're feeding in a sine wave.

This mob know what they're doing. See if they've got a whole bunch of them. Is This It looks like the same background? Yeah, how many of these leaders have they got? Wow A 50 meter oscilloscope. They've got a whole bunch of them and that's a that's a nice little um scope.

They're like. nothing wrong with that at all. It's got the dual time base that you can see with the the B time base there with the B trigger. That's a nice scope.

It looks like they've got a whole bunch of them. Obviously you wouldn't pay 95 bucks but make them own offer. You know why not? There we go. You never know your luck in the big city.

look at that nice hot La they give you a ton of photos. Isn't that nice? Now you can see just for even a more relatively obscure brand oscilloscope like Kenwood There's no shortage of scopes here, some of the a very expensive like there just dream telling there jurymen. For those who know the castle, highly recommend watching the castle. it's a movie by the way.

Australian Movie Absolute classic now right ones with a dot like that. Now you don't know whether or not it's faulty, whether it like the horizontal time base has just died on it, you don't know whether or not they've just simply set it to a very low slow sweep speed. You can often see that in the photo. Yeah, I know point one second per division there by the looks of it may so you know 0.1 Yeah, Okay, so it might just be the camera is just captured that at a slow time.
By night. there we go. Yep, they've turned up the time base. It's got a trace.

Okay, but that's 112 bucks. Don't worry about that. But yeah, just be wary of the ones that just have a dot. look for the signs of hey or have they put it in XY mode.

For example, look at the position of the switches and the horizontal time base to see if it's potentially working or not. So some of those Kenwood's are pretty pricey, tell you what? Wow So another one I Mentioned Kicker Sooey Oscilloscopes Let's look for the Kicker so yourself. Scope There we go. Cos 5021 is still perfectly fine or best offer Cmp labeling.

There you go. Tested, working, Tested working. Hello McFly Now here it is okay. Tested Working dual channel scope.

No were like oh, do they even show, Are they going to show you traces I Don't know, but they say tested working Maven Technologies Sounds like they know what they're talking about, right? That's an older one, but there's absolutely nothing wrong with a scope like that that is absolutely fine. It looks in reasonably good. Nick You know it's basic, doesn't have a dual time base, but they do you just fine and dandy if you're in. or Rochester New York No worries whatsoever.

Now this is an auction. It's not buy it now, But there's not going to be people falling over themselves to buy one of these unless it's just after I release this video Maybe. But like it's fine. put in a bid on that, see if he can nabber it.

For 40 bucks, there's no reason why you can't NAB these things under 50 bucks. Test it and work in G's You know, like you can't ask for any more than that, Get some 10 buck probes with the theme. Now we've saw that we're still sorting by a price here. By the looks of it, they start to go up because some of the Kicker Soui ones are 60.

Meg 469 is pretty pricey. Come on, getting into the Dreaming territory. but 449 bucks for the COS 5060? Unbelievable. Ha Dreamin! So we'll search for the classic Tektronix oK We've got a lot of probes showing up here, but well, it was our first scope.

we might be able to. we're getting a ton of parts, but we'll get there eventually. But like Tektronix you're going to be fairly lucky to pick up a 50-buck Tektronix because there's a lot of people's out there searching for Tektronix You're just better off with one of the lesser known brands as I said Hitoshi Kicker Suey Leader Panasonic used to make them there. You know there's a whole bunch of, well, let's let's search for Panasonic shall we? Hey guy? They're relatively be skewered.

They weren't big. Oh, that's the old classic digital. Scott You don't want one of those. It's got a calculator.

It's a larious. Wow You don't want any of those? Don't get any of that. But there you know there's an older classic Panasonic Powers On but marked as war. Yeah, it's pretty how you're doing.
You don't want that one. Phillips Phillips is another one. Phillips Phillips Make good Scopes are acquired by fluke. Phillips don't look particularly modern these days.

None of them do. They're very like old-school the hell. What does this thing? 60 bucks? Buy it now. But what what model Automotive meant to Moni Me Bloody hell.

I Can that's why I was 60 bucks. They've listed there jewel listed. This is a thing, which these, as some sellers often do, is they will list us so that they'll show up multiple items. You can do this as an advanced, as a reputable seller or whatever year they've got a hundred and some odd million feedback.

Wow A million feedback. Yeah, so they'll put both lists both in there. So it shows up sixty bucks with the photo of the oscilloscope and they can trick you just like I got tricked there into going what the hell? Digital scope for 60 bucks? like I Like a brand new like digital and you got sucked in. It's because of the drop box.

It's actually a four hundred dollar scope. So there you go. That's just you can get sucked in on stuff like that. Bingo! Finally found it shipping too.

I Just put in a random postcode 94 to 200. that's somewhere in near Silicon Valley or something And Bingo we get the option. Within there you go, within a hundred miles of you can set the distances of your particular postcode. So there it is.

That's how you search. and once you've done that. Okay, so we can search for within ten miles of that postcode, right? Do we get anything? There's one? Phillips No. Zero Zero results.

Okay, but that's okay, right? You get zero results, but you found something that you absolutely want. Save this search. Click on Save This search and it will save not only the search term Phillips Oscilloscope. It'll save the distance away.

so you'll get email alerted when one pops up within you know, walking or driving distance or public transport distance of your particular where you live, so that that's a real great way to find bargains. But look anyway, this one is I Ten miles from that postcode. It's 50 bucks powered up okay. Limited testing controls worked correctly.

Whatever. I Know here we go, we've got some. Whoa. what's that? lool.

Oh No That does Not look good I Don't know what that is. but yeah, no. okay, fail. But look just for Philips scopes.

Okay, 50 bucks. 65 bucks. You know, making off 50 bucks. 65 bucks anyway.

Like no shortage of stuff. but if we just type in analog oscilloscope. oh God we've gotten we've gotten the little kit. Things are: God Come on please, please can we have used there you go? Use -.

Thank you very much. Look at this. Look at this. Hitachi V21 - somebody's showing their hand.
Thank you very much. But look, they're showing like oh, the compensation. That's just the trace rotation. You notice how it's tilted.

that's just the trace rotation. Get in there and fix that. No worries whatsoever. 30 bucks A Buy It Now from Connecticut If you're in Connecticut 30 bucks, buy it Now by a couple of probes on, you know, cheap ass probes on eBay for ten bucks and it's all yours.

I mean Wow By the way, here you go: Oscilloscope Probe Search by price. Twelve bucks including thirteen bucks including shipping for two switchable times. Ten hundred Meg probes. They will do you just fine.

They're not gonna be good quality, but for a 50-buck scope, no worries. Just get a pair of those. This one. Ah, is that a pair for eight bucks.

Eight dollars for a pair scoop switchable scope probes. That's insane, right? Eight bucks. There's no reason to spend any more than that on probe. so don't worry if your scope doesn't come with probes.

Check this one out. Tektronix Double to one Five Five Sixty Meg Take a look tested for electronics. Let's take a look at this classic 60 megahertz dual channel job and it's sold as used powers Up looks okay. let's have a look the photos.

jeez that looks clean. Done that that looks like a bought one. Wow That's in great Nick And the line. let's have a look.

What is to say here here is a to channel and see it Powers up I Can get two lines to come across the screen. Also there's two shorter lines that gonna make it go up and down on this channel. Not sure if they're dirty contacts and does not have a second line that is missing a little knob. Who cares? That is going to be the dual time base that's most.

Yeah yeah. look if you look what mode it's in horizontal mode. It's this switch there is in the B mode so that's why you're going to get your traces like that. so that's just fine.

I Have high confidence in buying that one in given the physical condition of it. It's fan-freaking-tastic by one nice man. I Know it's 77 bucks, you wouldn't maybe you wouldn't pay 70 70 bucks for it. but making offer seriously if can't get an analog oscilloscope for 50 bucks you ain't trying.

but hey I know this is the US so hey let's try be by Australia the backwater of test equipment. Let me tell you now, one thing to be careful of is don't always put analog in the title. In fact, you can miss a lot of scopes cuz a lot of people selling these things unless they know about oscilloscopes and they may not. Even if they do, they may not put analog in the title, they may just put oscilloscope.

So definitely just be careful that you can do with that. Add analog as a first pass, but definitely that shouldn't be your be-all end-all look. Now here's another brand GW in Stick for example. They're a bit more modern, but they basically they do make digital scopes these days, but you don't even have to put analog in there and just put Ggw in stick.
and let's go in and take a look at these puppies. Now these ones here I Think we saw these before we can go in. Look they've got like you know, huge pallet worth of these things. They're just stacked if we go down and have a look.

12 Used six units in good working in conditions. 6 units need repair. There you go. So I guess it's our first in best-dressed there.

but if you give 25 bucks, make a bid. Okay, one person is bid but you know. look you're going to be able to pick those up pretty easy. Now a lot of people might be thinking hey, what about HP / Dajjal in /a key site you won't find a key side YB you could search for Hewlett-packard but really the HP ones you know 1740 a I've done a repair video was at that model I think it might have been and look, they're probably too old.

You know you don't want something from the 70s, preferably something from the 80s for these. and I mean that their final analog scopes by all means. If you can pick one up there, you go. There's one for 15 bucks, but it's a 1707.

Is that only a single channel? I Know no, that that's a dual channel. There you go, that might work fine and dandy. You know, if you're into that sort of thing, you can pick up a slightly more modern one. but hey, 20 Meg dual channel is the basic sort of bandwidth you're looking for, but you're generally not going to be able to pick up the you know decent bargains on the HP.

Once again, there's a lot of our people they're looking. But here's a HP one of the 54 600 models. So this is actually one of the digital HP scopes and you can go in and have a look. Love a big font there and I don't know where there this unit works.

It looks like it. You know it gets a trace up and it might work. but these digital ones, they usually lack the memory. They're very small memory on these things.

A couple of kilobytes might be okay. Hey, you know if you can pick it up cheaply, If you can go pick it up and offer a mile they can't offer. But you know if you can get a cheap old digital storage scope for 50 bucks, maybe I can do a separate video on digital storage scopes because that's probably a whole video on itself. But they might be worthwhile.

But generally I'd say just stick with a dual-channel 20 megahertz plus analog scope 50 mega if you can get it as nice. Now here's another obscure brand for you. Hung Changer Yes, our Chinese Oscilloscope. They don't even know if Hong Kong originally made them or whether or not they're RiRi badged under many different names and things like that.

B can often pick up these old 20 Meg dual-channel hung chains there there. Okay, generally almost any analog oscilloscope is going to be okay. There's really, you know, there aren't really any crap ones. They're all pretty much gonna do the job and you might be able to pick up one of those.
There's not many of them, but you know you might throw that on your search term list just in case. Now check it out. I Searched for the venerable Tektronix triple to five. That hands to the very nice five hundred micro volt per division range 75 bucks.

All best offer. Let's have a look at this thing and the parts are not working and it says the item has not been tested off. Power Light Nothing on the screen but nothing on the screen. If you actually go in here and have a look, you can actually see the trace there so that could be just hunky-dory You might take a chance on that, you'd make an offer, but anyway, there are.

you know, like there's a fewer Tektronix triple to five? There you go. 100 bucks, 79 for parts of Israel Now we're getting the ones from Israel But here's a Here's the other thing. if you search for sold listings, you can see how much they've been selling for. look.

this one here with a trace sold for $49 That one she's 225. Somebody made an offer on that 119 but 85. so they're getting towards like that one sold for 50 bucks. They were the only bidder.

there was one bidder. nobody even bothered to bid on that and it looks like that one was probably working right? So you know, use Mason's but overall structurally sound and working condition. A Tektronix triple to five five hundred micro volts per division, a dual-channel 50 Meg for under I 60 bucks Canadian Oh, that was Kenneth that was in Canada Mission British Columbia Canada But there you go. Like you can get these things, they were the only bidder.

You've just got to bide your time and build up. As I said, a list of automated search terms geographically narrowed here is a better and within a certain price range. So like say Hitoshi Suey Philips Kenwood Panasonic Even the likes of hunching GW in stick ones, these are all there's There's many more analog oscilloscope Barbara Now they're Philips just search for these, build up your search terms and that's it. So if we just go back to the Hitoshi ones again for a second and we don't include we just Hitoshi oscilloscope or just Hitoshi in the oscilloscope section like one bitter at 19 bucks might be the only one.

looks like it works just fine. There's a whole look the same seller. It looks like they've got multiple units down here. looks like they're in decent working condition and they're only 30 bucks postage even if you had to if you could maybe pick one up for.

you know if you're the only bidder on that thing like people aren't gonna bid Crowell that one's got six bidders cuz that's the is that the 16 either. Yeah, the 60 20. that's the 60 megahertz version, but there's just no shortage of those There you go: 50 bucks. Buy it now.

tested to power on but sold as-is 40 meant like that's just Hitachi's Come on. Oh now we're getting to be a pricey, but you get the drift. so there you go I Hope you found that useful. You can still easily find very useful and valuable 20 or 50 or even 100 mega Hertz dual channel scopes for 50 bucks on eBay I Know it's different in other countries, but in the US there's no shortage of them.
You can even get them in Australia Occasionally there's none on there at the moment, but they have certainly sold for 50 to $100 range generally. But as saw we found one in Canada, then no worries whatsoever and even an awesome one in Canada. So anyway, let us know your experiences in your country. with your eBay's and stuff like that I know I'll get taken to task over this and I get them at all.

Well okay, maybe you can get some of them offer reasonable international postage companies in Singapore test equipment, merchants and stuff like that. Occasionally you can get a reasonable one there. You know it might be a $50 scoping. You might have to pay 50 bucks postage generally.

I Don't advise paying more than 50 bucks for an analog scope. you're better off saving up the money and buying a you know, a 300 to 400 dollar modern digital storage scope. They're just so much more valuable in terms of bang per buck for your usability. But old-fashioned analog scope beauty.

If you can get one for 50 bucks and you should be able to, if you're patient and have good list of search terms and you just wait, you'll get one anyway. I Hope you enjoyed it. If you did, please give it a big thumbs up because that always helps a lot. As always discussed down below, catch you next time you.

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26 thoughts on “Eevblog #1022 – how to find a $50 oscilloscope on ebay – redux”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars calholli says:

    The biggest market for me locally is facebook marketplace, by far.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Falkreath Guard Gaming says:

    Tenma makes some pretty good scopes as well.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 3dsmax rocks says:

    Speaking of oscilloscopes…..I bought a Marantz ST-8 Esotec tuner with built in scope at a flea market for 40 bucks about 17 years ago. Was in mint condition. Looked online for any info and didn't find anything…….because that tuner was so rare! Ended up selling on eBay for 1200. Should've kept it.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vintage Tube Amps says:

    Always ask older friends & relatives. I got a Tektronix 2235 scope with the cart and all probes for FREE! because he was tired of it taking up room not being used. Just ask around and be patient.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chad Bergeron says:

    Been on the lookout for an inexpensive scope for about a year now. Finally found one for $40 hitache v1060 yesterday on Facebook marketplace 6 miles away from me. The seller picked it up at a garage sale along with some fishing equipment. The person who sold it to them thought it was part of a fish finder, but they couldn't find any of the sensors for it.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Donald Hoot says:

    I just snagged an old Good Will instruments GOS-622G for 21 dollars US! It's branded Energy Concepts inc. 20 Mhz and it works great! Someone had "wonked" all the settings and thought it was dead. It's perfect for my old C64 and Amiga stuff!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bill White says:

    Hi, Do you have any recommendations for a entry level automotive oscilloscope?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ๅณไฝ‘ไฝ‘ says:

    better than expected.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrey G says:

    4 years more and here I am

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Keith B says:

    I sell everything as parts/non working even if it works. To sell anything as used/working I must guarantee it for a month. Only a fool would guarantee that decades old gear performs to original specs as required to list as used.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Deepak says:

    I hope I would live there ๐Ÿฅบ
    I am searching for a oscilloscope

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marc Draco says:

    And Dave is a fan of The Castle! I can't love this guy any more. Classic movie about a bloke who really loves his wife and family. What a top guy!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marc Draco says:

    Four years later (again) and in Europe the prices are so high they ask if you know a good surgeon because you're going to sell a limb. It's even worse (thanks Covid!) for classic Heathkit stuff which I'd love to own.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Streaky100001 says:

    I wouldn't discount those old digital storage scopes so quick. I've got an old Tektronix 2220 that I very much like. Admittedly, what I do in the electronics world is as a pure hobbyist, but I'd say it's not a bad scope. And I realise you say that there isn't much memory on them, which is true enough, however I'm guessing people here wanting to get a cheap scope wont be too fussed about the storage capacity, I you're primarily looking at scopes that have no storage, so I think it's fair to assume that limited storage space isn't an issue.
    In terms of the function of the scope, ignoring the storage stuff, I like it, I will caveat that by saying I acquired mine for free by saving it from a one way trip into a skip, so obviously can't really talk about weather I think it's worth what I paid for it!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! yauwohn says:

    I ordered a $30 Scope off Ebay as a parts scope….My Jaw dropped when I opened the box, well packed and the scope looked brand new, no scratches, no dings, couldn't believe my eyes!! Put her on the bench and plugged her in and switched on, HOLY OSCILLOSCOPES!! It fired up, perfect trace on the two channels!! So instead of a parts scope, it will get used. It's a Tektronix 2213 60Mhz two channel scope.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars e8root says:

    Recently I got my first scope Tektronix T922R. Massive rack beast but works beautifully. Not very expensive and very nice trace

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars C O says:

    Nearly March 2021. Time for an update?

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dan Black says:

    americans are so lucky, here in serbia that hitachi goes for like 200 usd xD

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars pojcharapol tosukowong says:

    Quite hard to find a CRO that shipped to Thailand in reasonably cost. Although it is possible, I just got the Leader 8042 dual trace 40 MHz Analog Oscilloscope locally in reasonable prices (with free shipping!). My personal advice is to keep monitoring the forums, especially in the HAM radio and audio community. I find it somewhat easier to find one there. Good luck hunting!

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars max factor says:

    Being a university lecturer a great… Got my entire range of mint agilent product for free

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Monnig says:

    Just received a quote for $3442 for a Tektronix 2225 with $595 calibration fee for a total of $4037. Ouch. ( Equipment is refurbished and includes a Parts and Labor Warranty. This Quote is valid for 30 Days. )

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alex Stone says:

    well with shipping of $90 i could just buy a new one

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Storm8873 says:

    I managed to get a Sampo SSI-2360 (analog) for free. It's a two channel 60mhz model. No instructions of course. Anyone know anything about these scopes or if they are any good?

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars uiop uiop says:

    favka wavka oscillo scope backa

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Voldy356 says:

    $200 shipping.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew Fisher says:

    I got one for 50 dingos.

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