Dave got hit with seven Copyright Content ID claims for background music used in his video, from a company called Adrev a.k.a "Adrev for Rights Holders"
UPDATE: A response from SmartSound. It is NOT their fault and they are doing everything they can to combat this problem they that is affecting them. So please do not put any blame on SmartSound.
Thank you very much for bringing this to our attention. We actually do not use AdRev, or any other company, for Content ID, but we do work with them to release incorrect copyright claims. Since all of our music is royalty-free, flagging our own music would be counter-productive for us. These claims do come up for some music in our library that was originally licensed from the original composer on a non-exclusive basis. This music is indeed royalty-free when purchased from us, but the composer may also be selling the music through other methods that are not royalty-free, and YouTube cannot tell the difference, so it flags the video. These claims are quickly released using the methods listed on our website here: http://www.smartsound.com/support/supportFAQ/ #RFM_youtube
However, the music tracks that you reference in the video, "Clear Vision" and "Wild Chase", are actually owned exclusively by SmartSound and should not be in Content ID at all. In fact, these are 2 of the 5 free tracks that are included with our Sonicfire Pro software that anyone can download for free. It seems that someone has taken these tracks and uploaded them to Content ID and claimed them as their own and is now trying to collect revenue. We take this very seriously and are already working to remove the fraudulent claims for these tracks. SmartSound music is 100% licensed to be used on monetized YouTube videos, and even though Content ID will flag first and ask questions later, we have found that AdRev and other similar companies are usually quick to remove the claims when they are incorrect. Disputing the claim through YouTube never seems to get very far, but using the advice from the link above and notifying AdRev directly through the link in our FAQ should resolve the issue in a timely manner.
Again, thank you for bringing this to light. This is a case of someone fraudulently claiming our music as their own, and we will get to the bottom of it immediately. If you have any questions please feel free to let me know.
Best regards,
SmartSound Software, a label of Eins Medien GmbH
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Hi yes, its copyright dispute time again on YouTube and this has been going on since well, day dot. Really copyright claims on YouTube videos and it used to be that the YouTube automated algorithm many years back would like falsely identify just or even regular speech and the algorithm wasn't that good. and there was a spate of you know if false copyright ID claims for content producers like me, but you just disputed it and went away no problems whatsoever. If you'll follow me on Twitter just a couple of days back I got a copyright ID claim for one of my arm older videos and I thought ok well they've matched it somehow it like you know it's just a false match and I'll dispute it.

Sure enough, I disputed it and they said yep, Ok, no worries, we drop our claim and everything was hunky-dory but then I got another one and I disputed that that was on my Chronos high-speed camera view here and then I got the email back saying the dispute was not approved ie. copyright claimant was going. Nope. We have reviewed this manually and we own the rights to it In In In it.

We're going to demilitarize your video and take all future revenue on all views of that video from you. Here's the email that you get after reviewing your dispute ad Rev For rights holders, this is the company which we'll take a look at has decided that their copyright claim is still valid. They're the ones who get to make the decision. Video Title: Chronos High-speed Camera View The copyrighted content is clear vision which we'll get into that is actually correct.

So they have I did the correct thing and claimed to buy a drive for rights holders view claim details blah blah blah. Your copyright owner might disagree with me. The reason gave for disputing the claim may have insufficient or invalid. They're just basically saying bugger off.

No, we own the rights. Well, this morning I got another. There's only four here, but I've got another five emails. so seven total of five different videos.

seven different videos that have been flagged by this same rev for rightsholders for basically the same content A copyright owner using Content ID claims some material on your video. Don't worry, you're not in trouble and your account standing is not affected by this yet. We'll get into that. There are either ads running on your video if the revenue going to cooperate I Know the copyright owner is receiving stats about your video views.

Your video was manually reviewed on behalf of the copyright owner. so it's been manually reviewed by the copyright owner or on behalf of the copyright owner and once again it is found Wild Chase Fugitive and that is correct which I'll show you in a minute. Once again ad Rev For rights holders Now you can go in here as a content producing. Here's one that they've claimed: ads might appear in your videos copyrighted content was found the claimant is allowing their content to be used off.

Thank you! So generous I'm not worthy. However, ads might appear on it and they get the money from any future views until I dispute it and win the dispute. So Wild Chase Now where this is coming from: A lot of my videos. Anything that includes time lapse things I Typically put in a soundtrack in the back of it just to you know, keep people interested while they're watching a time-lapse I've done a few videos like that I don't normally have audio in my videos, but I get that from a program called Our Sonic Fire Pro which I have purchased and I owned the rights to.
It's a royalty-free music thing and here it is: Wild Chase down here and Clear Vision. These are the two that I typically use in my videos and you might I don't want to go. this video might get flagged, but so let's play a quick thing to do it. and Clear Vision sounds like and you can do all sorts of things.

You can change the variation of it, you can change the mood whether or not it's more background D and stuff like that, you can sort of mix it yourself kind of thing. It's quite cool. It's a company called Smart Sound I Purchased this software a couple of years back. If we go down and have a look at the license comparison chart, it says monetized videos on YouTube Vimeo Facebook etc.

The extend both versions of the license cover that I am fully covered I paid for this software I am the rights holder I have a license to use this and that's what I wrote in my dispute claim for one of them my first video and they accepted that the second one I wrote the same thing and they didn't accept it. So I've got another five videos that I have to dispute for this. Now who are Ad Rev for rights holders, you might think there's some copyright troll. Um, I don't think that they are because what they do.

If you go into the website and have a look and they call themselves ad Rev for rights holder. So ad Rev are not the company who is claiming the rights to this copyright, falsely claiming the rights to this copyrighted content. It's actually they act on behalf of the rights holder. So they're like a service company you know.

Are you an independent musician, label or publisher? Our self-service system allows you to easily protect and monetize your content and your copyrighted content on YouTube. So ad Rev have a deal with YouTube where they can upload supposed copyright material. It goes into the YouTube see Id algorithm with the Content ID algorithm and like little snippets of it and then I believe it's a If it's longer than 20 seconds, it usually gets our flag anything under 20 seconds. it usually doesn't get flagged.

That's a bit of a rule of thumb on YouTube but may or may not be correct. It's probably changing all the time. They're not claiming the rights, but they're acting on behalf of somebody who doesn't tell you there is no transparency in these emails. Whose the rights holder who's actually making this claim? You can't actually get this detail.
So I have no idea who's actually making this claim I mean smartsound? They shouldn't be making the claim because they that's their business model. They sell software to produce royalty free music for Channel 4 platforms like YouTube So I don't think Salmon's but it has the same name Wild Chase and Clear Vision. so they someone somewhere has claiming rights to this even though I fully own and have a license for it. Now the other thing is, check this out.

Okay, this is the one that I disputed and it was. My dispute was rejected on the Khronos High-speed Camera one. the claimant has reviewed. Bla bla bla bla bla.

you may be able to appeal this decision. Here it is, appear or reject a dispute down here. But if the claimant disagrees, if they disagree and of course they're going to disagree right? Because they've already reviewed it manually before with your appeal, you could end up with a strike on my channel. Now, if you're not aware, Youtubers If you get three strikes on your channel, right? If it's copyright claims, if it's abuse or whatever it is, your channel gets shut down.

There's no recourse, it just gets shut down. They lock you out. You can't do anything. you're out of the Youtube business like five other videos I have to dispute.

You know if they reject the dispute and then I can appeal, but if I appeal all three of them and lose the appeal, my channel is shut down. They're like holding the gun to my head. It's like they're relying on the fact that YouTube is going to be so scared to do this to actually appeal this dispute that it's not going to work. and I believe you've only got a time limit to do it as well so that I can't just leave it like do maybe one appeal because your strikes disappear after a certain amount of time like a month or something.

I believe I've never had a strike on my channel I Don't think. but yeah, they disappear after certain time if you only got a certain time to appeal all these things. So I believe Anyway, it's just nuts and here we go. We can actually play the matched content in here.

So dude, that's the clear vision song. Like there it is, right? I've got it in the background there and so it matches so it's not like a just a mismatched algorithm thing. Somebody is claiming rights to this smartsound stuff on the smarts system. So Smart Sound should be really pissed about this because they their business models selling this software to Youtubers like me who can produce this sort of music Anyway, it's just nuts.

It's just absolutely nuts. And they rely on the fact that they can just upload so much content in this Content ID system. It could affect thousands, tens of thousands of Youtubers or whatever. Depending on what the content is, they're relying on the fact that people aren't gonna sue them, right? They're just not going to go to the effort.
They're just going to have to take it up the ass. and I go. well. Okay, I Lose all you know future revenue on those videos Anyway, So they're They're basically this ad.

Rev for rights holders. They're a service company, but they're basically anonymizing copyright trolls because I have no idea I have no clue who the rights holder actually is so it's just like unbelievable I I Could contact every ad Rev maybe and try and figure this out or try and sort it out. but like it's just ridiculous. So I and I've got probably a lot of videos with that time lapse are stuff in it.

so I probably expect a few more claims to come through, but obviously I'm gonna have to stop using that I'm gonna have to find some other background music, but then that could get flagged by somebody else and it's just. it's a ridiculous situation that Youtubers are put in like this: Oh, we got a gun to our head. You appeal this: three times. you're out of business.

If you lose, you lose the appeal. You can end up with strikes on your counter. It's just unbelievable. So there's basically a penalty for content producers like me.

It could be a channel ending penalty if you get three strikes on your account for appealing these disputes that you might lose. But there's basically no downside for these companies because there's no recourse. There's nothing I can do. They don't get a three strikes system for you know, incorrectly flagging things or something like that.

You know why can't there be some sort of system like that that if they get more than I know they're a big with lots of claims in everything and they represent lots of content producers. But like if they basically get you know X amount of false claims per day or something, then they should. you lose their license for this Content ID system because obviously it's causing too much issues for content producers. they're basically abusing the systems.

but there's no recourse to that. There's no penalty for these companies at all. So I'm going to go through now and dispute these five new claims and see what happens. I'll keep you updated in the comment and comments and down below and also on Twitter and stuff like that.

So follow along to see. I'm not going to appeal any of them. Well, maybe I can do one and then take a strike on my channel. You know, take one for the team.

Maybe I don't know. But anyway, keep following along. down below. Absolute.

So yeah. ad Rev Unbel it. Like who knows how many copyright like clients they've got uploading all this copyright content. but it's just anyway.

there you go. That's just a little rant of what us Youtubers have to put up with something that I own the rights to and I try and prove it to them and they go. No, sorry, we have to sit. We've deemed that we still own the rights.

Tough titties. Take it up the ass. Thanks. Anyway, if this has happening to you, you know of other channels that have been hit by.
you know this: ad Rev mob on behalf of some anonymous. It could be some anonymous copyright troll we don't know. Unbelievable. Anyway, if you know of other channels hit with the same thing I think I'm in down below.

Discuss down below. Catch you next time.

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23 thoughts on “Eevblab #37 – youtube copyright trolls”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheTheatreOrgan says:

    Adrev is currently planting their flags and shitting on public domain songs

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ddpxl says:

    Got multiple claims from them for CC 4.0 Licensed songs from freemusicarchive (2014). They just bulk add free music to their system. It's sickening.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars KorAllRBare says:

    "Addrev" Trolls my channel consistently even though my channel isnt set up for advertising revenue "Mind you it's been a while though since a False Copyright Strike has been slapped on my Content" I guess they finally woke up to the fact I will never set up advertising revenue, Because my channel mainly airs just my Live Gameplay, and if I do get a strike, I just edit out the time they have their filthy mitz on it my content, to which I point out the copyright troll in the description, I suspect Addrev along with the other umpteen Copyright Trolls much like them, eventually will be shutdown if not already by YouTube.
    I also heard a rumour that YouTube Creators May one day seek retribution from Incorrect Copyright Claim/s, which I think would force the current Copyright Trolls to rethink and reconfigure their money grabbing Bots to be a little more accurate..

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Basonboygamer says:

    they need to block people like that because they are trolls

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LOVE-STAR says:

    adrev is for musicians. its easy to understand. people misuse it by claiming royalty free content & bam. its not adrevs fault. its the misuse of adrev.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ALIZEE LILLY says:

    There is a company called BELIEVE MUSIC that is also a big scam. Why youtube is allowing this, is beyond me. Its basically Youttube's fault for allowing this

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars son-Of -dubya says:

    Bang on mate, it should work both ways, 3 false claims and you loose access to content ID and claims system

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tripcore says:

    Copyright strikes last for 6 months

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tripcore says:

    Take them to court and send them to jail for fraud

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dee Gee says:

    Get FL studio 12 and make your own music.. 🙂

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars madcockney says:

    Getting somebody to compose music for you isn't the answer either. Those that teach music and compose and have Youtube channels have also been hit. It appears, as Dave indicated, that there are trolls out there that will claim anything hoping that they succeed even if before their existence. A bit like those that claim they own the rights to certain intellectual properties when they don't. The problem is that there appears to be know way to force the complainant to prove that they own it, it is left up to the recipient to prove that they have the rights to it.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sukapha says:

    Once I was claimed by two times for a track made by me using tracks from garageband which comes free with Macbook. If some artist is using apple loops to make the music they have no right to claim parts of a track created by me. My videos have barely any views but I cant accept anyone claiming some random track I created using loops. I just choose some free track provided by youtube and I was done.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michał Gawron says:

    If they don't tell you on whose behalf they work, one should assume that they are claiming the copyright, right? Of course, that's just hypothetical, who'd really want to waste time going to court over a claim on Youtube… hmm, unless someone makes a living from Youtube? 😉

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars pcrengnr1 says:

    Dave thx for bring light to this. Getting the word out on this kind of thieving is the beginning of removing this kind of activity.
    Cool, the US Salem Witch Trials 2.0. When these were going on, the accuser was given all the property of the person who they accused of being a witch. Hmm a land grab under the guise of a witch hunt. So analogously here the claimant gets the videos royalty until the channel owner can clear their name just like in the Salem witch hunt. I doubt the channel owner gets the lost revenue back after a successful defense. So for the claimant even if their claim is totally false they receive revenue in the mean time. You multiply this by thousands and Bob's your uncle you are making a killing even if you falsely accuse a channel owner. It's upside for the Trolls with no downside.
    I think I better get started trolling to make mega bucks. Na, I prefer to:
    a: Have a clear conscience.
    b: I'm not a thief.

    Actually a few lawsuits will cure the trolls of their misguided thieving. After they shell out some bucks or have to go out of business this will be a self-correcting scourge to the Youtubers.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Hope says:

    This is why copyright is BS

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matteo Pascolini says:

    I hate all the stupid repetitive advertising youtube throws at me, If i ever see Karli Kloss i am going to punch her, hard, for being so annoying…. same with the stupid otravin ads, if your that bad maybe you shouldnt be kissing people or go see a doctor for christs sake…..

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars bestbattle says:

    Youtube has transformed in a shitbag owned by big companies. In a world where open source should be the future, yt is sucking the big companies' dcks.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Nicoll says:

    The claimant should also be subject to the same 3 strikes policy, that would force them to be 100% sure before randomly spewing claims.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Nicoll says:

    The claimant should also be subject to the same 3 strikes policy, that would force them to be 100% sure before randomly spewing claims.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars IGWTS says:

    Should be a penalty for them

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Richard Gates says:

    Look at all the money these people make from music who's author has been dead for 20 years or more. A scam to make money doing nothing at all.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Count Zero says:

    Adrev (or Adrev for rights holders, as they seem to want to call themselves this week) certainly ARE copyright trolls – they have a heinous reputation for going after content creators based on false positive matches and other highly dubious activity. Here in the UK, they're what we call "ambulance chasers" – opportunistic wannabe law firms who CLAIM to be acting for rights holders (usually they are not – their entire business model is based on speculative claims, rather like all those so-called anti-piracy trolls a few years ago (ACS Law – we're looking at you and your foul ilk)

    The bottom line is that the more that Google entertains these dubious claims, the more they undermine their own business model, not to mention the loyalty of their content creators. Whichever way you dress it up, Youtube was WAY better before the Googs bought it…

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Greg E says:

    What about all the creative commons music that is available in the YouTube library?

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