Digikey are checking orders against the US Denied Persons list and holding orders until you can prove your generic name is not that person on the list.
Also, Element14 doing a similar thing.
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Hi yes its US government time again. I'll go back a few years now to a text blog I Wrote back in February 2014 when I was kind of doing text blogs didn't do this as a video but I am now this has happened again. But let me recount an old story ahead back in 2014: I Bought some parts from Element14 / Fardels here in Australia to be picked up at the local trade counter here and you know I gave him a few hours. normally it takes them, you know, not much time at all but I gave him a few hours or whatever.

Then I drove to the Trach Annex I needed the parts that day and they said I know sorry we don't have them ready and I went well you know I've given you like you know at least two or three hours. normally you have it done in no time at all. Maybe no, let us check. they check their system.

they went ah it's been put on hold and here's an actual screenshot that I got of the their their ordering system at the time and sure enough it was put it was on hold and they went oh we think this might be well I don't know lettuce I don't remember the details but anyway let us you know Check! So they went away and checked it and said oh yeah you will automatically put on hold because your name David Jones not my full name, not my three word fault, not my middle name and it just my name. David Jones there it is. Order placed by David Jones was on a US government watch list and I and my order was automatically flagged and put on hold until they could clear it and I thought you've got to be kidding David Jones how many David Joneses are there in the you know, like it? So anyway, that was just like ridiculously mind-blowing in its own right. And by the way, the CEO of all the Managing Director or whoever it was of Element 40 in Australia actually confirmed that they do actually check orders against this US Government Watch list.

And as I wrote on my blog post here, let me get this straight: an Australian subsidiary of a UK parent company listed on the UK Stock Exchange has an ordering system that automatically matches generic names against the US government watch list for parts that most likely don't weren't manufactured in the U.s. that are stopped in Australia for an Australian customer and they still have to flag it against the watch list. like oh, why? this is the overreaching of the US government like the U.s. is not involved at all in any of this and yet my name was on a US government watch list or at least David Jones's IDI That brings me to anyway.

that was a bit of history from 2014 and by the way, that was as far as I know, they're probably still doing this and they said oh yeah, we just manually clear it anyway. whatever. but it just happened to me again, but not element14. Turner Digi-key I Ordered some digi-key parts are for my new micro current and I had them instead of being shipped to me I have them shipped directly to my assembler here in Australia because I get them assembled locally here so there's no point double handling parts, get them automatically shipped.
So I put the adjure the name who shall remain anonymous I've plated out here of my assembler and here's the email. They just got the name blank on your sales order is a close match to a U.s. denied party. This is it.

A pro like this. So effectively the same thing your watchlist, denied party list or whatever it's a I believe it's the same system that's in place here. Please provide the full name, date of birth, and year of birth of blank as it appears on a government-issued identification card. This information is for internal use only.

We'll make a note of the information on your record for our future reference. In order to having to contact you for this information, we'll keep the information confidential it and well write. You'll keep it confidential, but why the hell are you like doing this for like parts exported to a stronger. This is ridiculous.

Unbelievable. Anyway, I actually checked like it's not him like it's not Joe Bloggs name the name is kind of, you know Spanish mix in the Mexican II type name. sorry to the person involved here I don't know your you know background but it's like you know it's a very common sort of Mexican name or whatever. something like that.

but anyway like but it's not like you know a summer bin Laden Mohammad Right, It's like even if it was like like orders from DGK should not be held from like this generic names. this is not the person's full name. They haven't done a cross-match they're just doing generic. You know, first name, last name and it's like a you know I actually checked how many of these this full name is in the US.

There's over 2300 of them. not as common as David Jones but like it's not exactly a unique name. so it's like potentially 2300 other people would be caught in this same. I Unbelievable I Have not had this before, but I did order under a Maya strain and usually I order under my Digi-key US account this time I ordered for some reason under my Australian U.s.

account. So I'm not sure if I've done that before for my local supplier, but anyway is complete and utter overreaching government and like Digi-key will come out in defense. Well we have to do. It's a government requirement.

Well how do you screw you? Screw the US government, Screw the whole system. It's ridiculous. Anyway, end of rant. If you've been caught up in this sort of before, then please leave it in the comments down below if you and comment away.

If you think this is right, you know it like should they cross reference generic names like this and for parts that are being exported to Australia and we discuss get in the comments catch you next time.

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30 thoughts on “Eevblab #38 – digikey the us government watchlist!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kenny-Excel says:

    Fuck them! They not the Lord God or His Holy Angels to be feared.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Donna Andersen says:

    Hey I can't afford money to join your group becoue I'm be stalked and rober everyday can you please tell me how to get a list of people on watch list really just me and can you potion the government to get off of it

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Donna Andersen says:

    How do you potion the government to get off of it

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Donna Anderson says:

    You know some of the watch lists if you get put on it you have to fight for your life everyday with people breaking in robbing you stalking you can't even get mail they get it first and no I haven't been up to no good I have done anything wrong g I have no ideal why

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Donna Anderson says:

    Yes I'm in America I'm on that bull ship watch list and it sux

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ArumesYT says:

    So, what did you do next? Still tried to get the parts like you did with Element 14? Complied to their demands? VOTE WITH YOUR WALLET and order somewhere else! If they don't want your money, why bend over for them?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Xavies Rodriquez says:

    It's old video but I believe that the out source to private entities that's separated from the states and it would be easier to fan things under the carpet and they'll just shut it down if anyone ask questions but it is a separate. So they can deal with other foreign private entities under the radar

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Keith DeForest says:

    After fukken ruining my entire life and their lack of ever considering a apology I feel they have fed me a poison designed to destroy my liver After discovering I had hep c . I had been cured of the disease and one night while using street drugs I was fed something with a high hydrochloric base and basically killed me . One of my most recent stays at the hospital they brought in a team that shoved a tube down my nose and I truly feel like they were going to induce me into a coma and place me on life support telling my family they should pull the plug. They will kill you to keep their dirt a secret.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Debra Parker says:

    I just did a background test on myself, just playing around with a website and found out that Iโ€™m on the government watch list. Like why??

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alive and well in Israel says:

    Wonder if they're still doing this. If so, I bet Mouser does it too lol

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars rgarito says:

    I used to write aviation software and we were required to check these "terrorist" watch lists. (they quickly grew to "people that any government agency didn't like" watch lists). They are simply lists of names. Nothing else. And terrorists love pseudonyms. The funny thing is that as soon as a terrorist finds out their latest name is on the watch list, they just pick another name… And many companies/industries are required to check the lists (for instance, cruise lines must also check all passengers).

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tedd says:

    Interesting to note that Premier Farnell is now owned by Avnet, an American company as of October 2016.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brian Streufert says:

    Reason? Global war on terrorism and the UK and Australia are both tier 1 US allies. Like it or not, it is what it is. While it might be seen as overreach. Its only overreaching until their system misses one time and people die because of it. Supporting NK as well is a big one lately. Lots of technology support for NK is being funneled through Australia.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Roger Clark says:

    I've had to order a few things from Mouser, and on each occasion, I was asked to fill in a written declaration that I will not use the item for untoward purposes (my words not theirs), and fax it to the USA. (Luckily they accept scans of printed signed documents)

    I've no idea whether this is done for every single device they stock, but one item was the Nordic Semi, Power Profiler kit, which is just board used to accurately measure the current taken by their Bluetooth devices.

    Quite what harm I could do with that, I don't know.

    The other as an STM evaluation board for a rather outdated accelerometer. Nothing high tech or new…

    I now avoid buying from Mouser or any other US company, and try to source else e.g. far east, etc if possible.
    Much less hassle.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tripcore says:

    Stop making bombs! *waves to c.i.a.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shawn Henry says:

    I freaking got flagged for my order and I happened to order some relays 2 days before with no issue. Definitely something wrong with the DigiKey website functionality.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hrnek Bezucha says:

    1000th comment. Woohoo!

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars protonjinx says:

    I almost ordered from digikey, but once they started asking for "what are you going to use these logic chips for?" I just went FUCKEM!!! and ordered from china.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars D.E. Sarcarean says:

    Dave: its worse than you think. The U.S. government believes its power reaches over the entire world and it tries to enforce its laws and regulations abroad. Not just with electronics exports, but also banking and weapon sales. And it uses influence to illegally force other companies and countries to "comply" with its own illegal B.S. Also the list you are speaking of (AKA the No Fly List, AKA The Terrorist Watch List) is already illegal in U.S. and the U.S. constitution, but they do it anyways.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars WebOSM says:

    I had this happen to me when i order a STM microcontroller which had a crypto engine in it. I did not need the crypto but it was the only one available. I had to disclose a huge amount of info and i thought F it. Canceled the order and went to the local electronics shop and got one in a blister from the display. I wrote about it on a forum and someone in France put one in the mail for me as he had a few more then he needed. Now the reasoning is actually straightforward. Criminals are a stupid bunch, catching them with easy means is not unheard of. It is still such a nuisance that i just don't order stuff anymore with that company. Companies that are not in the jurisdiction of the USA should not have to put up with that, maybe they have to grow a pair.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cheezy Dee says:

    Stop complaining about US govt overreach and complain about how YOUR govt allows this "Special Relationship" to go that far.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Sandy says:

    You need to be careful you understand. That 100k resistor could be used in a nuclear device.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TickyTack says:

    IED's are made from cellphones and washing machine parts, but none of those are blocked by the US government watch list… What kind of madness is this.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars maddog187killa says:

    I worked at a company that did SOA firewalls, and I had to fill out a 200 page document to ship the network appliance from Canada to Columbia because of the US government cryptography laws. You cannot even ship Linux to a ton of different countries because it uses cryptography that the US government cannot crack.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Geoffrey Feldman says:

    I worked with a guy Named Kevin Smith – he endlessly got checked or took aside. Now I should mention that he was of Irish decent and there was an Irish Nationalist with some nefarious activities that had the same name but really? My colleague had a US Passport, had spent his whole life in the Boston MA USA area. I think that the more generic the name, the more likely it is to match someone concerning. Yes, it's bullshit.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FableBlaze says:

    Well the US has no way to identify people properly… no personal identification numbers, only SSN which has a huge array of issues

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Kaiser says:

    I said it in 1915 and I say it again. America must be abolished. It has clearly outlived its usefulness.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars rgarito says:

    Reminds me of the "I agree" stating you are not from a terrorist organization or country that supports terrorism, when downloading software that contains certain advanced features or encryption code. Of course someone from one of those countries would NEVER lie and click "I agree." SMH. I'm from the US and our government is becoming more and more screwed up every day.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Eastmond says:

    Yep! All I bought was a rubber stopper! We're talking the rubber cork that seals the neck of a flask with a hole in it so a glass tube can pass through. No other lab apparatus, just the stopper! Literately, the thought was we're building a bomb! With a rubber stopper?!

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PocketBrain says:

    You could call it Monkee business.
    I'll let that one steam for a minute…

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