Dave looks at the Digilent Open Scope MZ Review, an $89 open source oscilloscope, logic analyser, and function generator.
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Hi, We're gonna check out the open Scope M-z today from Digital and thank you very much. Did you lend for us sending this one through? I Didn't know they were gonna do it, but it was a Kickstarter project which raised a hundred seven thousand dollars I think and they got just over a thousand backers. and I guess this is one of the first production run. It's an open-source professional, open-source instrumentation for everyone, so let's check it out now.

I Have actually reviewed the Analog Discovery before, which is an excellent little unit and it's very popular and rightly so. In like, especially in like education sectors and stuff like that, it's more high-end than this one. This one is actually a two channel 12 bit 2 megahertz bandwidth oscilloscope front end. so well, just an ADC There's no actual I Don't believe there's any actual analog front-end circuitry on there at 6.5 Meg samples per second.

so that's good. That's good enough for the 2 mega Hertz I claimed bandwidth and it's got one one megahertz bandwidth, 10-week sample per second generator and it's got 10 GPIO pins on it that can be used as a 10 channel logic analyzer as well as output and just general purpose stuff. And like the Analog Discovery, it's got a PSU in there power supply that can do 50 milliamps at plus minus 4 volts. I Would have liked or seen that go to five, but you know me, it is what it is.

Obviously they're takin the 5 volts in from the USB and only giving our Plus Ones 4 volts out because they haven't put any boost or a Sepik converter in there or anything like that. And of course the differentiators. This one has Wi-Fi built into it so that you know you can use it and couple it to your phone or whatnot if you're out in the field. or if you want to put this on like a portable device and then monitor remotely.

that could be good. Users power it from the thing that you're mounting it on to, so it could be very handy. Anyway, let's check it out, shall we? The Open Scope: MZ It is $89 and by the way, that is a good price compared to the Analog Discovery which is $79 It's not cheap. The Analog Discovery: I'm not sure if they still have the educational discount for that, but it is.

You know it's worth it because the software. The Waveform software is very good. They have new software for this called Waveforms Light should no doubt check out. today.

We have our just our probes. in quote: Mike Good for logic analyzer. not any good for any sort of, you know, oscilloscope type function only. Hey, that's neat.

Yeah, they've put a cutout in there just for the jumper. So there you go. That's all we get. That's all she wrote and there we go.

That's a neat looking board. Don't mind that at all. purple. Oh, and of course the big thing about this Open scope because it's supposedly open source.

whereas the Analog Discovery is not open source. so we'll check that out later. I Don't see any open source logo on here at all. They're not using the regular gear logo or My Gear logo, which.
I Highly recommend. I Might have to link it in at the end of this, which is gaining some traction by the way. some people are starting to use that so we don't know the degree of openness. they're just calling it like open source I Don't know if it's fully open source hardware or open source software or whatnot.

We'll find out. and they promote this as a, you know, a portable, you know, instrument portable measurement instrument. but like, quite frankly, with just these sort of interface leads, it's not really very good as a scope. I Mean at least the Analog Discovery has the proper case around it and it's got the BNC expansion thing so you can actually put regular probes on it and stuff like that.

I Don't know there is a 3d printed case for this, which is kind of cool. I Guess you can just download the files and 3d print your own case, but like you know, I but I don't know with the point one each header interface and just the leads like this I Don't think it's hugely useful as a portable measurement tool. It's more like a bench type thing, so if you've got that, well, why not just use the Analog Discovery. Okay, well, one's a bit cheaper, but if you're using, you know if you're out in the field doing measurements and you're using the Wi-Fi or whatnot, then well, you want to be able to probe stuff and it's just anyway.

I mean I'm sure a lot of people will find it useful, but let's take a look at some of the chips on here. Now here's a change. They've actually gone for a pic 32 Mzd recently. Powerful little 32 bit processor.

but why they've chosen that one I don't know I'm the analogue discovery of course. head I think was a Xilinx FPGA in it. probably something running some soft core thing. we just don't know because it wasn't open like this one.

But anyway, they chosen Pit and curiously check this out microchip as well for the that's a lot of pins on there for the Wi-Fi Mojo I Didn't know microchip. we roll in their own Wi-Fi modules or whatnot. so they obviously you maybe got a real good deal from microchip to do that perhaps? Hmm. Anyway, so yes, they've changed the platform completely, so obviously it's not.

Well, it might could be built on some of the same code I guess as the Analog Discovery, but a yeah, it's just like a different architecture so maybe you can reuse some routines. But yeah, totally different. and as far as the analog input circuitry goes up, you won't find like the same differential capability that you'll get on the Analog Discovery, so that's a bit of that was actually quite nice. Um, so, but this is a low performance.

You wouldn't expect it single-ended. We've got a microchip 10 megahertz Op-amp on here. there's one of those for each channel, there's another one on the bottom there. and they just got various I gain ranges with these up muxes here.
And here's the schematic. You can work it out for yourself. and there's various I gain ranges that they've put into this thing. So yeah, it can go from a reasonable I think oh, plus minus 20 volt range is it right down to a relatively low one? So that's alright.

No worries, you don't really need on a portable thing like this. 20 volts is plenty. Then you've got the Old Fashioned Lmv three to four in there and that just goes. The analog didn't the ADC The 10-bit in sorry.

The 12 bit two megahertz ADC is built into the Pic32 there, so there's not much else. We've got an F T 232 of course. Classic for your USB interface. It looks like we have some power supply stuff up there.

3.3 volt low dropout rig and well, there's not much else. A couple of switches here. What is BT in P and BT in our well, don't get it. As for the function generator are the DAC for that is not built into the Pic32.

they're actually. here's the schematic. They're actually using an R 2 R ladder network to actually do that. It's a little bit.

how are you doing? I mean maybe they were right. Is there are there any Pic 32s with a duck? Oh, and this schematic actually says plus minus 5 volt output on both of those dual channel power supplies. so I I Don't know. Their marketing specs are a bit out there.

Anyway, The hardware is very basic, pretty much what you'd expect apart from the R2 our letter duck there which is a bit surprising, but it all comes down to with this sort of thing comes down to the software. So let's have a look at how you can connect. You can connect either to via the Wi-Fi or USB I believe. Um, why I It would be nice if it was backward compatible with the Waveforms software, but they've got this new software, presumably because they've got entirely new Pic32 in here, so it has to be its own product.

That's it. It's a bit of a shame. I Don't know why they couldn't have taken the analog discovery and got the price point of that one down a bit more by just using a different you know converter a chip you know, I Think they use the like Oh yeah, they used a big 14 bit expensive, one on the hundred, makes samples per second 14 bit and then a little discovery. why you wouldn't reuse all that you know, Good software that they'd already written and just get the price point down for this one and just work.

No. Wi-Fi No strange, all right. So let's actually plug this thing in and give it a bell, shall we? I'm on the product page here. it's actually of course you can order the thing, but it's actually quite disappointing.

Yes, they have a PDF schematic and a datasheet, but that's about all she wrote. For all the good stuff, you've actually got to go to the resource center down here and you go check it out. We've actually got everything. looks got Fritzing parts.

The schematic: Rev F in PDF the schematic changelog looks like it may not have the original worst schematic file I'm not sure that could be in the github repro, but look, it's got a thingy verse 3d printable case, the acrylic case, zip files, presumably the mechanical CAD package. whatever. They use all sorts of stuff. it's fantastic.
and more than that, look at all the tutorials getting started with the open scope MZ the setup and all sorts of jazz. update the firmware calibration Wi-Fi setup which will try out all sorts of stuff. So there you go. We can go into the getting started, but basically what we want is the setup here.

So we'll go into the setup. and basically if you want to run this on Windows or Mac or Linux you've got to download this digi lint agent which I have downloaded and it sits in the bottom corner down here and well there it is. Digital Ant agent And as I said, the waveforms live. It looks like it's only available online because if you go in here and you launch waveforms live, it simply takes you to a tab where you can add your device.

Ok, well, great, but yeah, I much prefer a standalone program because if the internet is dead, the interwebs is down, then your product is useless. All right, let's see if this thing works. Let's plug it in. I've installed my Digi Lint agent plug it into the USB will do the Wi-Fi later I heard a beep and I guess Windows I think I believe I believe it's a serial port anyway at a device agent localhost I believe that's what we do and we just go.

Plus, connecting to it's only one comm 3 so that's got to be it cuz I don't think I'd ordinarily have a comm so I guess open. It's a bit clunky. Retry em in a firmware update required. Now be taken to the update firmware wizard.

That's nice that it kind of okay, so out of the box swear. what? Up to current firmware point? Oh wow, we're way behind way behind. All right. we'll update that.

Let's see if the firmware transfer in the hex file. It's all pretty seamless at the moment. Yeah, there we go. Lights are flashing, everything's hunky-dory reconnecting.

of course. it's got a reboot. The firmware? come on, you can do it. Done! I'm Kelly Devices anchor you'll be now and taken to the calibration wizard I Guess it's nice that it takes you through your wizard like this.

Connect ah, where they what? I got it? Why do I have to calibrate this thing? I mean what are we actually calibrating like the R2r Ladder network or something? I don't get it. Hang on. Alright, so got to connect the solid red wire to the solid orange, solid blue to solid white. Of course they don't include any like little jumper pins or anything in there kid.

or you get us, the the female should I get any male pin. So I had to get those and ready to calibrate. so this must be calibrating the the DC to the to DC power supplies. So anyway, let's go.

let's begin and I don't know and like it would have been much easier if you surely they could have designed it without needing calibration Anyway, should take about 30 seconds. Come on, you can do it. That's a long time for a May It's probably like stepping it all the way through or something like that. would've been nice if it told you what it was actually doing and why it has to do it like hey, it's important that we calibrate.
Sorry for the inconvenience, but it's important that we calibrate that bloom. Here we go: Sauce calibrated ideal for calibrated a These are our send his difference. Okay, so there we go. Okay, maybe they're just calibrating out a little bit of error there just to get better specs which is all hunky-dory presumably all reference back because I don't I'm not sure if there was an external voltage reference chip on here, but they might be using the one built into the pic32 ADC Done I Guess I can save that for as be employed the instrument, but we lost when powered down.

What? What? Are They seriously telling me that they have to reload this calibration for every time you pal this up? No way. that's an epic fail. If that's the case, that's just ridiculous. I Got a storage location flash.

Okay, flash. Say it. So I gotta save it to the I'm saving it to the built-in flash on there and then right. Done.

Okay, surely it won't require me to redo that. Hmm. Anyway, there you go. Okay, we can now set up Wi-Fi and all that sort of stuff which we'll do later.

Okay, presumably you can't set up the Wi-Fi Of course, without plugging in, the USB calibration is done that's stored in flash. Surely it can't be serious. Anyway, Done. All right there you go.

Host name, open scope. Can we just open it? Connect in? That's what we want. There you go. Millivolts: 500 millivolts per division thank you very much and trigger in the middle.

Beautiful. all right wave. Jen It's not an arbitrary waveform. gentle was so it's just a basic function Jen but you can go up to it.

Looks like three volts. peak-to-peak is the highest you can go. That's okay. You know, for a device like this, that's fine.

You can offset in 100 millivolts steps up to what? plus minus one and a half so that's pretty groovy. It's good to have the ability to DC offset and the frequency is Can We I mean presumably we can just type in 100 if we just type in 100 and can we no kill it like set wave Jen freak like 40 kilohertz? What? 100 like I can't press ENTER and like 100k and I just press like 9 like I've been twice if I can just type in 100k and then press Enter So what? I can only go up in steps I can't do any finer steps? That's nuts and there we go. We turned it off and on. Everything's on by default.

so the wave genes on by default is it is that? I assume that switches off the output. Hmm. Anyway, let me see if I can hook the function gin up to the scope and see what's what. Now one of the problems here is while all the wires are color-coded okay, great.
You know you're out in the field using this thing and you just want to hook it up. Um, you've got to remember what colors are what I mean There's no labels on there. You know this sort of price bracket? I Guess you wouldn't expect individually labeled, but yeah, you've got to know which ones what. You've got to label them yourself.

So yeah, that's not terrific, right? If we scroll down here, they've got a pin out printout, but this is basically useless. It's not color coded, it doesn't really explain anything with any of these things do so that's I Don't even know why they bother having that. But luckily down here they have this nice color-coded pin out. Anyway, we've got A and we've got the grounds here.

The analog inputs: Silla Scope 100 arbitrary waveform generators saying arbitrary so we didn't see any arbitrary capability. Maybe it is deeper inside there trigger and trigger out which is nice trigger external stuff and then your eight dotted. Well, eight, seven I Guess maybe the triggering can be used I Know, do night. Okay, D 1 to D 10 and then they've just got looks like, you know, just dedicated pins on the micro it like.

That's a little bit confusing to people who don't know the microcontroller labeling and stuff like that, but they're just the microcontroller pins. Would have been nicer to extract that outer layer, but just a small thing, right? So let's have a look here. I've got my ARB Gen output yellow connected to Channel 1 input. Over here we've got our trigger settings.

We want Channel 1 trigger line level mere 500 millivolts, whatever and oscilloscope Channel 1 oscilloscope channel 2 which we can just switch. Well, yeah off. So we've got it. Doesn't switch the grid off, it just switches the waveform off.

Ok, no worries, we've got 500 millivolts per division. so forego like that. Yep, no worries. Plus minus 25 and we go down to our 2 millivolts per division.

That's alright. Anyway, let's let's give that a little run and see. Oh Single Okay, where's the auto trigger? we're getting zippity-doo-dah Oh there we go. We're in like Flynn Alright, we gotta turn our see I Don't like that negative like that.

That's just. it's just wrong. It's just wrong And the horizontal here it is. There we go.

So let's can we go single shot. It just takes forever. Run: where's our trigger point? can I like I can't right click on here I Can drag across? Ok, that's cool I can't do anything with the right button so but we can and yet we can drag that window across there. Ok, the distortion here we're seeing is of course our sample distortion.

So abort. Geez. Alright, level. Well, let's go down to zero.

We want to trigger on zero and run right? Why is it not okay? If you're zooming far enough, you actually get to see the sample points. It's kind of nice and you zoom out. it gets rid of them of course. just to avoid clutter that's crew.
B Where armed force trigger? There we go? No. I've switched mine. no wonder. I'll switch my oscillator off.

It's on now. Sorry, it's yeah. when it's blue, it's on and you can't change stuff while it's on. That's a bit annoying.

Okay, so let's single. There we go. Now we're talking alright. that kind of makes sense.

and if we whoa, whoa, look at all that sample. Distortion Wow What's going on there? Did that. Like what? it's just armed and re trigger Wow Hey there it is again. Geez, that's a problem isn't it? Wow, that's glitchy.

Yes, that's ridiculous. You can't have that. that is so buggy. Not that's that's an epic fail right there.

Well, we get the sample distortion if we zoom right in like that. or it. Yeah, yeah, you can see it in the top window. I Like you know they have the typical magnified window at the top.

that's better look. the amplitude was jumped look and that sample. Distortion So we're not seeing that unless we go right out. Maybe we'll get it again.

but geez, that's yeah. look at that. That's ridiculous. It's terrible.

Muriel So Why? The trigger level here doesn't have a hook? So why It doesn't like have the ability to go plus/minus on the trigger level and like you have to actually type that in? so I don't know what's going on there? anyway? I Sent my trigger level to 2 Volts and it's still triggering. Why is it still triggering Single shot idle? Okay, so it must have some sort of auto auto sample there because then if I change that down to one volt, it should. I've got to reduce single. Do I know? look I'm going trigger level one volt, it should be.

It should trigger at that point there at one point. I Like the little info there that comes up with the voltage in the time relative to the zero point, how do you get back to zero? How do you reset the horizontal back to zero? Sent a view on trigger. huh? There we go. Easy peasy, Lemon squeezy.

Okay, so it's triggering on zero volts. No point. five Five hundred millivolts. It's triggering on five hundred.

Yeah, it's gonna make an idiot out of me. I Don't know why it wasn't triggering before and then if we go one point five should still trigger. just. yep.

But if we go one point six, it shouldn't trigger should just sit. there are mean. yep. so that's all good.

All right. No workers got to abort that. Run it armed. No, there is no auto so that's it.

Okay, so a pretty rudimentary not happy that you can't adjust the wave Jen in real-time without switching it off. I Mean that's just annoying limitation. It's not a showstopper, but geez, it would have been nice too because if I run that right now, it's not doing anything until I switch the wave Jen on and I can't modify anything I've got to stop it Triangle please and switch it on. Go there we go.
Square wave please sir. Oh, that's sample corruption. Well, how do you get sample corruption like that? That's remarkable. Hang on.

We haven't turned on the way. it's updating, its updating, but we haven't turned on the wave Jenna What there and now it's stopped. What it's like, it's inverse. What? what? Oh yeah, yeah, sorry, sorry.

cuz I just off said add my yeah. so the offset works. but gee, geez, what's going on? Wow. this is nigh nigh.

It's pretty clunky, not the least bit impressed. And the logic analyzer? well. what can we do here? Geez. I'm on a full HD screen here like it.

you know, 1920 by 1080 and it can't fit all the stuff in there I've got to do like a little slider. Well Ok, granted, if I got rid of my tab bar out like my thing up there or I went to fullscreen and a proper you know I wouldn't have to do that. but yeah. okay.

Data corruption Wow yeah, show you the sample rate, number of samples like let's go 100 samples. There we go. You're that. Okay, so that works.

It's just I don't know. The UI is just a bit clunky. don't impressed. Ah, bode plot in.

Okay, now we're talking. Yep, let's go to calibrate. Okay, got to calibrate it first. Soren Orange to solid yellow.

Yep, calibrate. So I'm gonna calibrate the bode plot and we're up there. We go. Frequency one Hertz Okay, took a bit.

Ah, pretty big steps there in the end goes up to one megahertz. Okay, start back to your circuit. Click start. Well, my circuit is connected directly so let's see the direct response.

and of course it's scalar. That looks really bad, but it's not. Look at the it's actually really quite good. Look at the amplitude the DB amplitude over here.

it's just auto scaling right in so it looks bad. but look I can't like right? like I can't click on that like I can't control shift use my scroll wheel anything. Anyway, that is like that. Trust me, that's flat.

If I was able to zoom out on the amplitude, the what and the why Steps: I can't even adjust export chart calibrate auto-scale Yeah, well, can all this guy can't even adjust the amplitude over here? How do I do that doesn't seem to be there? That's crazy anyway because it's so mind you like point double o 5 dB There is like it's nothing right? So that's rule. a flat. If you had that set to like a you know, a 60 DB scale or something like that, that would be flat as attack over the frequency range. So yeah, if we put an RC filter in there, we'd see the response.

Okay, Whoop-dee-doo are the number of steps Okay, we can do a hundred and there we go. It's gonna take a bit longer, but that's kind of cool, but very primitive though. Um, yeah, not terrific, but you know, usable. I Guess you know for education stuff.

although I still think that the analog discovery is a better educational tool than this? were. well, data corruption and why is it it's gone? Wow, that is incredible. Another one. and I'm not touching I don't think I'm touching it.
So maybe that has something to do with this sample calibration problems that we had before. Anyway, not really impressed by this. How do I stop I can't stop it I can't stop it once started. oh dear, oh dear.

I'll get back to you right? I'm not sure if that locked up or just took forever, but I just had to like go up here to the URL and just reload the damn thing and that worked. What I do like is that show device pinout is here so that's quite nice. You can pop that up in the software. Someone there was thinking so what else we got reset device and reinitialize.

Um, like, but there's no multimeter thing like you know it's You could have had like multimeter functionality. maybe that's on the windows sorry. like the phone version I don't know. We can't click on the math thing down there.

Anyway, you know, not hugely impressed. Let's go over here. Set in zoom on center. Oh okay, mouse will zoom on Mouse control mouse wheel Ok.

gives you the hotkeys. Okay, there you go. Change volts per division. vertical pan shift + click & drag ok shift + click and drag.

There we go. That's just move in that but that's not 30 good that doesn't highlight area and zoom but we don't zoom on. Mouse will control mouse wheel ok and I'm just playing around with the simulated version of this so you can actually try out the software yourself. You just choose the simulated version and if I actually hold down the shift key I figured out how to do the vertical there.

So hold down, shift and use your scroll wheel and then I can just highlight the one I want and then drag that up and down and then you can of course drag your trigger point here. So that's all Ok, You know all your stuff is not too bad, but the waveform generator is like really pretty basic. I mean I can't find a way to serve a way to step that in smaller increments I Just you know. 5:01 Nah, bummer.

And I can just hold down control and of course zoom that in and out. That's alright. And the mouse functions here. we've got you know.

Frequency period. Like nothing fancy. like you can't like adding equations or do any cool stuff like that. It's just, you know, it's pretty.

Basically like you can't even gate, you can't even Like highlight a section and then operate on that. It's just the entire memory or waveform. I'm not sure if that's over the memory Ranger and over the entire memory range. all the waveform window range.

I presume it's window based whoops and I was actually gonna go back in I'm back at the office now I don't have access to the units are running the simulator and it the bode plot work again because of I don't have a new firmware I never never the hardware attached though. Anyway, it does have FFT capability. It looks pretty rudimentary. nothing to write home about there at all.
It's like 600. Hertz There you go. What? Ah, because I didn't change my there we go. It was on 600.

Yep. so it's johnny-on-the-spot but like yeah. okay. rudimentary stuff and it's got a data logger as well I can't check on my simulation? Alright, let's give the analyzer a try down here.

I've turned on Channel 1 channel 2 I've hooked up an I squared C signal and I've just gone force like that because I haven't figured out how to trigger from the I mean I'm triggering from the logic analyze a bit. like where's that? like saw? like what source? what channel? What like I don't get it anyway. Like here's our two signals: a 182 I'm not sure if you are yo can we expect? No, we can move them but we can't. Can we expand them anyway? we can hold down control and we can zoom in like that.

That's alright. So let's force. I Don't like this. like why does the green up? Hang on? Yeah, why does the green line go down like that in the middle? I Don't like that at all.

That's quite disturbing. So anyway, there we go. We got our I squared C but like there's no protocol, analysis or anything but looks of it with C and it's like like no auto timing pops up and things like that. You know I Know this is early-stage for the software and stuff like that, but it would have been nice to see.

it's really pretty rudimentary. you know? maybe it's good enough to see a signal, but I can't even see a way to trigger from the like. Oh I Hang on. If I turn off my what if I turn off my scope.

Here we go. Okay, so we're now freerunning. There we go. Why? that line is still down This? that's our center.

Is it high? That looks like yet negative and positive? So that cell said it can't even go back to the center and can't even stay there Wow Look, it's jumping back. That's terrible Muriel All right. So with like but how do we treat it from its source? logic analyzer but how do you choose? Well I went to the trigger section here and it says any oscilloscope or logic analyzer channel. but if I change the trigger source to logic analyzer I have more configuration options.

Each channel and the logic analyzer can be set to a rising edge to watch the video stop. Ah, that's sorry. That's when the configure comes up and you can choose your channel. okay, excellent and a trigger mask.

Okay, so it's got rudimentary stuff. So Rising Edge of there is the first channel, our clock or whatever. Alright, let's see if we can connect to the Wi-Fi Shall we? Wi-Fi Status disconnected. Why I Want to connect? I've already set up my password for my SS ID which is the NSA because we want to hack into the NSA's Wi-Fi and I it's not there RTFM Again, Okay, it looks like we have to.

might have to re enumerate up here. Tada. There we go. One nine, two, one six, eight, one 129 and we don't want to say that.
All right. I Think we're in like Flynn Now Done we are Wi-Fi connected. Okay, now we should be able to add a device networked. Ah I Forgot what the IP was.

Dole 129 Okay, are we in like Flynn Connected and connect to the vise and navigate to the instrumentation. Connect in da, we're in. We're in analyzer. Yes.

Run force Oh Where's that stuff for 4c? No likely do. Don't rego. Oh, come on. I Don't like this I Like, where's my analyzer gone Like it hasn't even popped up here with the channels we've got Analyzer? That's the digital I/o I'm sure that works a treat, but I've got not sure how I got my channels up there before and it's and by the way I don't particularly like how its overlaid on the way for on the oscilloscope screen I Mean like it's great if you're doing mixed signal analysis of course, a logic analyzer stuff and the analog stuff as well at the same time? I mean you can time correlate everything? That's fantastic, but if you just want to run the digital analyse and then you should just be able to run the digital analyzer.

No, it's almost as if it hasn't connected, right? Well I Downloaded and installed the waveform live I was like number 102 in like a hundred and one or something I'm and sure enough I can connect to it and connecting to the voice. Bingo! But I cannot get this thing to actually run and do anything I can't force it I can't get a waveform up I don't know what the deal is I just cannot turn on the way of Gem because the logic analyzer is running. So if you had dreams of being able to use the logic analyzer with the wave gen and the oscilloscope all at once, it looks like it can't really do that. All right.

I got it. I Had to actually repower the hope and scope itself and wait a minute for it all to initialize again. I reconnected and bingo. I've got Blair yeah.

single shot. There we go. So yeah. I think I'm back I think I'm back in business.

There you go. Channel One, Channel Two for your analyzer. Let's can we actually try and trigger now? Maybe pretty please. The cherry on top.

It's really frustrating on a phone screen. really. I don't know how to get? don't know if you can get rid of this panel it doesn't look like and get the waveform fullscreen of course. better on a tablet or a phablet or one of those stupid newfangled things.

But yeah, on a phone, it's pretty cramped, but you know it's like it's gonna work. There we go. Oh, it's tiny. tot like yeah, we can zoom that way.

Okay, oh my goodness. Force. Let's run force force. How can I like consuming those waveforms? Anyway, you've got like cursors down here and stuff like that and not particularly fast.

logic analyzer one you can't Eliza one like yeah, type time, track voltage. You know there we go. we can track stuff, but what has it stopped? Anyway, it kind of works, but absolutely useless on the phone. useless as tits on a bull I can't read that at all I can't see any data on that whatsoever.
And if I try and like pinch and like I can't can't do anything I can move back and forth and once again, let the trigger thing. but that's not even the center of that waveform view. And there's no like trigger delay that I can actually set for this logic analyzer to allow me to like. It's just triggering on that positive edge so it's not like I can you know wait for a new packet or something like that to do that? So that's you know, it's pretty useless.

Oh like how the blue this waveform view down here is actually auto scaled and zoomed in to show you the data whereas this one over here is full screen if we go like that, should now match. Kind of like that. so that's pretty jazzy. A significant offset there.

there's a 40 millivolt offset Wow sorry, yeah, 40 millivolt offset. That's a lot is that inherent in the channel? I Thought we calibrated this thing anyway, so that's not terrific. But yeah, I like how that Auto zooms in vertically. That's really quite nice.

But yeah, there's no trigger hold-off or anything like that trigger delay to allow me to, you know, reliably trigger on a packet after a dead space or anything like that. Nothing basic, and there's looks to be no decoders in it. And the interface for the phone is exactly the same as the one you get on the web, which is kind of understandable. So yeah, it's just exactly the same as the Windows version.

I Don't know what else to tell you there. It's kind of sort of does the job if you want to squint at it, but pretty useless for logic analyzer on a phone. So I think oh, I call it quits there I've pretty much seen enough. So the open scope Mzd what is it 79 US dollars or something like that I mean it's reasonable value if it's Sucher purposes, but it's got a few quirks and the software's missing.

It does have the full Open Source in the github. haven't really checked it out, but it all seems to be there. but I don't kind of get it when they had the excellent and a little discovery and the more mature software involved in that I Don't know why they couldn't have just cost cut this down to a cheaper version and utilize that software well. I Probably know the reason actually is because this is all closed source.

This is not open source at all either. the software I don't think is open source or the FPGA and protocol and all the stuff inside of here. whereas this is fully open source. presumably you can get the firmware for the pic and everything and there's and the software and the whole works.

Here's a clip talking about what it's written in I don't know. It might as well be written in Klingon in JavaScript as well as Klingon for our application. Software is called Waveforms Live and it's developed using common web frameworks like Ionic 2 and Angular 2. Most of our code is written in typescript and JavaScript and will be available on Github.
when running Wave Ones live in the browser, you can connect to the Open Scope via USB or with Wi-Fi If you connect with Wi-Fi you can actually load Waveforms live from the open scope itself. So yeah, I Don't see that the open source nature of this adds a lot. I Mean you know 99 plus percent of people are not going to care? I'm not gonna dwell it. utilize the open source.

you know it's it's nice warm fuzzy marketing thing and that's great. I You know I fully support like open source. Fantastic. But ultimately at the end of the day people are just going to buy this and use it with the off-the-shelf software.

But it does mean people can write their own software and do all that sort of stuff. I Don't know I Just would have liked to see the cost down, cut down price version of this even if it was closed source. I Think could be more competitive and utilize all the sulfur the more mature software that they've got written for this thing and maybe add-on like. but of course this one's got the Wi-Fi It does ultimately work, but yeah, like not very good on a phone.

They haven't optimized the interface for a phone, it'll work fine on a tablet. I'm sure you know if you had an 8 or a 10 inch tablet and you know full HD screen and just work like your desktop. but yeah I don't know I Can't see a huge market for this one I mean this one's absolutely killing it in the educational space and even in the hobbyist market. Even like this is like 270 dollars I think I don't think they have like the I don't even think they had like the student discount for this anymore and don't quote me on that.

but yeah anyway, this one is a bit pricey, but it's a really quite a much nicer tool than this open-source one. but it is only 79 bucks. so I don't know make your own evaluation on that. but I I Find it hard to think that this is going to get a big market, it just needs more mature software and also you know like it doesn't have the nice side differential input that this one had and other stuff and you got to dig around a bit with the calibration on here which sort of you know took the excitement off a bit for this thing and they don't know? well I guess you could design a matching interface just like digi lint.

You can get this which just plugs in there and then you standard BNC attachments. Nothing stopping you doing that for something like this. So yeah, I can't really give that one a thumbs up. at this stage it might you know I what are the competing ones with like a interface like this? which does it all with a Wi-Fi interface on offhand? I'm not sure.

so really, it would depend on the competition. This is the only thing out there in this particular niche space for that sort of thing. then. Well, you know it might be valuable to you, so it'd be interesting to compare with others on the market.
But yeah, it needs a bit more maturity. I Think the open scope it's getting there. There's some nice aspects to it I like, but there's just too many little fiddly negative things. anyway.

I hope you found it useful. If you did, please give it a big thumbs up. And as always, discuss down below: catch you next time.

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26 thoughts on “Eevblog #1056 – digilent open scope mz review”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Oid Polar says:

    This is when one good idea is getting commercial adjustment, web UI is the only you've got

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PeetHobby says:

    Useless toy!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Retro Jack says:

    I see they've pulled this product due to all the negative feedback.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MrHeatification says:

    Please make a video about ADALM2000 it is much better

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars thePavuk says:

    They stopped production of this device.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Henri Coderre says:

    BTNP and BTNR – BTN = button?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars GW Barr says:

    I read enough comments to know that several people agree with me. Dave, you should RTFM before you pan a product. Your criticism of this product is largely unfair and unfounded. I'm disappointed in you.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marix D says:

    It's not a bug, it's a feature.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lilian Sirbu says:

    I am wandering if it is possible to use it as a sound card for PC

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars B M says:

    Might be ok as a launch pad for a personal scope development project as a learning tool, bit even for someone starting out it's not much use as an actual tool.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Conor C says:

    I couldn't stop laughing at the genuine "disappointment" that he experienced in the GUI review "aaaaw yeeeaaaaa……." "aaaaw…." !!! it's gr8

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pรฉter Rรฉfi says:

    Jumped to 149$ ๐Ÿ™

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Evile Gaming says:

    As an amature on a shoestring, my only takeaway is if you cant afford a $5000 'scope you have no right doing electronics. Must be nice being a millionaire you-tuber with manufacturer gifts thrown at you every time you open the mail.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 321ooo123 says:

    Typical Dave: "I can't figure out how to do this in this software, so it must be crap." Reading the doc or the manual is too much of a hassle, apparently. And it would be understandable if he used only user-friendly software… but I know he uses Altium, not exactly the definition of "user-friendly"!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bruce Gann says:

    Did he say that you could load Waveforms from the Openscope itself?

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sablanex says:

    Web based clients are the worst

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Combat Engineer says:

    The Amazon link isn't working, mate.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chaos Corner says:

    What is AVC in this context? Never mind. It's ADC. I know what that is ๐Ÿ™‚

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gacheru Mburu says:


  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jason A says:

    Too much complaining, especially when you seem to jump the gun on many of those complaints. Epic fail.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tiago Lima says:

    Hello. Good morning , I would like to establish a conversation with you in order to clarify some doubts regarding the bitscope. For example, can I read any signal with it, and have the voltage value available to handle using Raspberry pi3 with python?

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jason Knight says:

    Probably be a billion times more useful on the software front if it ditched the dumbass frameworks; the hallmark of people using web technologies when they are unqualified to be doing so.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars bewing77 says:

    The BNC adapter for the Analog Discovery works for this one as well, don't know if anyone said it already.

    Waveforms live works offline.

    Calibration is saved to builting flash or SD card and has to be reloaded from that on powerup yes.

    You can type in anything in the value fields and then tab to another box or click somewhere else to set them.

    Logic analysis missing is an issue, it does seem to be on it's way though.

    Can't say much about the Android app, the iOS one works pretty well.

    Is it a fantastic product? No, but it has it's uses if on a budget. A friend of mine who pretty much only works with audio range signals has it and is very satisfied. If it gets logic analysis I might be interested myself, depending on the usefulness of that, looking at the price point of other logic analysers that is.

    My issue however with some of Dave's reviews is that he doesn't really spend any time using the product outside of what he does during the video. For stuff he really know well like PCB-design, analog circuits etc that is fine since he can look at stuff and say something valuable about it, but when it comes to using the product that's not enough to give much of a review at all. At times it's really face-palm material when Dave fumbles about like a fool trying to do something, failing and giving the product crap for it even though it's a no-brainer if you check out the manual, or spend a couple of hours using the thing.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nulano says:

    I will definitely consider this, but at that price it should definitely come with a case at the very least.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars companymen42 says:


  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nolan Manteufel says:

    Dave, love your channel. I bought the OpenScope MZ after watching this review and seeing the incredible ease of getting it setup and running. I haven't had the same luck.

    My board initially connected, tried to update firmware…failed to update, and now won't connect. Very frustrated. I've been struggling with it for three hours and haven't even gotten to the "Calibration" step.

    Do you think this is something they broke with an update? Or were you just lucky? Can you make a follow up video exploring this? Thanks!

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