LIVE Scope Draw
๐Ÿ’— Likecoin โ€“ Coins for Likes: @eevblog/dil9/hcq3

And am I Live I think I'm live. Haven't been live on the main Eevblog channel for a while. Hopefully this works. Please forgive the housekeeping upfront, but we're going to draw some scopes.

Nope. I can't see myself live on my main channel. YouTube You know there it is there. it is.

just took some time. There was some legatee lag. All right, Live Scope Draw. Hang on Is anyone watching anyone bother to turn up? Oh what's hang on? Hey hello yeah people are turning up.

yes, they are sixteen thumbs up already. Two thumbs down. Yeah! I don't want to win a scope. Thumbs down or anticipation of not winning Anyway, sorry I'm just going to do some housekeeping here.

Pop Out Chat I'm just going to UM try and include the chat window here and screen capture I Hope this works I'm using Edge for this. Yeah, it worked well that David recommended Edge. He said it would work, didn't work on Chrome didn't work on opera, haven't tried Firefox Anyways to do with I'm using Xsplit to record this and when you try and capture a pop-out window instead of a screen it, if that programs writing is using GPU acceleration, it just appears as a black window. So yeah, that's can I size that I don't know sorry I've goofed it now haven't I gifted Edges shirt Someone says yeah.

Alright, anyway, it works for this so that's what I'm doing. Please excuse the crudity of this video I didn't have time to build it to scale a lot of paint it I'll just tweet that I'm I'm now live. Hope that works. Just tweeting Alright, okay, we're gonna draw screens.

A bit crowded here. That's alright. we'll survive. No, you can't enter if you've already.

It's too late. It's too late. All right, let's do it. I'm giving away a whole bunch of these puppies which I found in a dumpster.

Of course it's the key side 11 the DSO X 1000 X series 1102 G So it's a fully kitted out 100 megahertz model with the function gen building these puppies away. So let's do it. What do I promise I Promise one. From the YouTube comments of my previous thing which is over here, here it is Tada.

We had 18,000 almost 19,000 views and 5,000 comments. There it is 5,000 comments. so 5,000 and 28. So I guess technically you could still enter if you haven't but if you've you can only post once in there.

so if you've already done it, then don't do it again because you'll get disqualified. So I'm going to give one away on your from the one out of the 5,000 from the YouTube comments on that video one to the forum thread which is over here and that is locked already so you can if you haven't entered that. I Believe we had like three four hundred, almost 480 entries so good odds there. And I'm also going to give one away.

it's going to be a captain's pick captain's pick so it means I get to choose and no correspondence will be entered into from all the forum entries. You have to plead your case. Why? Why you wanted to scope. So there you go.

Um, hey, I'm not showing Ip's there good because I'm not not logged in. It's good otherwise it shows all that stuff anyway. Yep, let's do it. Shall we? have? The tools have the talent all right now.
Hopefully I can drag this end. just gonna work and go fullscreen. Getting good at this. Getting good at this.

Hope them puppies don't buy it. Yikes Hello from Alabama Get on with the draw. Dave Alright reading the comments you carried away in comments. You can waste your life in comments.

but now someone's going to win. So what I'm going to do is with my this is my Youtube video. This is the YouTube video here and I use a plug-in called - buddy - buddy. However you want to pronounce it and it's really good.

It's it's a paid plug-in but what it'll let are it doesn't you know. Anyway, there is a it sits under here. there's an option - there's an option under here There it is to pick a winner. So I can actually call up this pick a winner thing.

If you're a Youtuber and you're not using tube buddy, Get it? Seriously, it's really freakin' good. It does. I couldn't list the amount of stuff that it does. It's unbelievable.

So here we go. You're watching from work. Have you bosky ready? Used to be like old? B or something. didn't it back in the games that had boss mode back in the game still have boss mode.

the the name comes around so that if your boss came around and you're playing playing the games, you'd hit the boss key and it would pop up with like a fake spreadsheet or something to make it look like you're doing real work. That's great. Used to be a thing in the 80s and the 90s I don't know anyone? anyone still know? Oh by the way I haven't checked I Assume my audios okay. sure people would have complained I'm pretty sure it is.

I can tell based on the level here or is is audio good? I'm sure. yeah, people would have been screaming. All right, everything except the kitchen sink and - buddy. Yep.

audio spot-on All right, that's good. All right. Yeah, someone say NBN sucks. Anyway, let's go all right.

So I'm going to pick a winner. It's on this particular video so there's five that you saw it. like five thousand and twenty eight comments. So drumroll.

I'm going to pick a winner and it picks a random comment from that one. So unless I deem this person to be a troll or something like that, Yeah, I know and troll or some other troublemaker, this will be the winner. You ready? ready? Standby Here it goes. Pick a winner.

It's doing some random crap I don't know where it gets its seed from is and re. One comment done this. the scope please we smiley face there's Andrey Can we can I no I don't want to can I open in new tab I just go off screen here and have a look. Joined in 2007 has one subscriber Anyway good Anya is and Ari you've won a scope.

Oh by the way I forgot to mention you're liable for all import crap if your country sucks ass and you have that sort of stuff. sorry I don't think there's much we can do so contact me is Andrey I'll try and contact you but it's hard to like contact if you don't contact me within a couple of days. I'll do like a redraw. so if I can't contact you I'll give you a give it a couple of days.
So yep, not here. are they is Andrey it's not here Congrats anyway no no I better write that down I guess I got the video already done. It's alright. Ah, tabs open.

It's okay. Here's Andrey no idea where is Andrey is from YouTube doesn't tell them a backhand not and I go in there and about nothing. All right. Congratulations right? So let's pick one from here.

The Eevblog forum there were, so we're going to use the web you Later program that we used last time. Thank you too! Created by HW A Ord K hardened Hardware over I'm sure it stands for something that I'm too dumb to interpret at the moment. the Eevblog wobbly to mark to program which puts in the forum thread. there is the forum thread up there and it's already I've already gotten all the posts and it's there's 300 you can see here.

there's 382 unique posters and I can I'm excluding myself of course and there I can set a minimum post count. So by the way, for those who want see all the names there they are. there's all the people who've entered. it's all there we go.

knock yourself out, make sure your name's there I'm sure it is and I can filled it. So if I still like save the 50 post count that I said I might actually do in here there it is 50 posts or something minimum then if I filter that it drops down from 382 to 247. So that's a bit brutal. So if I go down to say 25 pose 277.

How about 20 posts 292? How about 15 posts? Hello? Do you want to go 306? That sounds good I'm gonna say 15 posts is a reasonable. You know it gives a chance for the newbies to have a go, but you know 15 posts. What do you think David 15 posts he's not in 15 posters. Okay, sound reasonable.

Alright, everyone think that's reasonable. Let me know if you think it's reasonable. Thumbs up or thumbs down if you think 15 limit is reasonable. 15 post limit.

Got away for the YouTube lag. Got away for the live lag. Done some posts to make it to the 15. Well, you the you won't automatically win I'm going to go into another window and vet your account.

By the way, I'm gonna vet your account to make sure that they're reasonably good quality posts, not just padding. 15 is generous. It's reasonable 10. Why? Cuz you've got 10 Post tins.

not many Oh Chop-chop Chad his YouTube field. It is it. Oh okay. reasonable.

Everyone's thumbing it up. Okay, what's this? Live chat? All messages are visible there we go. I'm now looking at all. All right, Someone likes 25.

Iran Then one thumbs down. Someone's given a probably just some secret sign I've just done and someone or screen capture that and you know I think that I mean yeah, whatever. All right. I I Just like that it's over 300 I Just okay.
I'm gonna run with that here. we go. Start the draw. Yes.

I'm gonna draw I'm gonna draw here. We go and start the draw. Yeah, why not? Let's do it tomorrow. I Like how it goes through that.

That's a nice touch. It's a nice touch. All these names say oh okay, right. Oh yes, that's right.

Okay, sorry. I haven't used this in a while I've got to push the button and like I I won't look at the screen. Alright so I like close my eyes and push the button. Here we go.

Alright and a lot of people complain that oh my number just flashed up. My name just flashed up before I press the button. Alright here we go. I'm gonna count down to the three two, one click TXE Scientist Serbia Hope that's not a a country that has crap import restrictions or any sort of restrictions.

I'm 73 posts THC Scientists sorry I don't know what THC Scientists off the up. Oh whoops. Oops hang on. hang on I gotta fix something.

You fix this stupid window here. Yeah, we go Alright sorry I'm just going to a while search for just do a quick check but for 74-73 posts I think we're I think we're good. Search for members to do hold on to your hat is TXE scientists actually here Serbia is the guy who write some skill in is his name he writes F in view is he from Serbia TX a scientist oh I Just got a 502 bad gateway error on the Eevblog forum. We are changing servers.

by the way, of the Eevblog forum servers changing. There's a thread somewhere on the forum if you can get there because of the bay gateway errors. Yes, we're going away from Hostgator We're going. we're setting up.

We're gonna have three servers. Actually, it's all details are on the forum thread. We're going to have a main server. plus it's not really a backup.

It's like a live redundant server. So there's going to be two servers, two dedicated servers running the website and Evie booth for them. and there'll be a third, which will be like a cPanel one running other websites and stuff like that. But there'll be three dedicated boxes.

Bloody hell is it down. I Can't believe the website night. Hang on. You know.

I think the websites gone down. Would you believe it? Live? No, No. Hang on. No, no, no, it's still going now.

Something's wrong. We should have reacted. It's normally very quick. Unbelievable.

The websites going down? Well, that's that's embarrassing. Minute there it is. I'm getting an error five to two connection timed out cloud Flair's working the Eevblog for the Eevblog servers down again. Oh man.

at this stage I can't move quick enough. All right, that's embarrassing. Anyway, so all right, tentative winner is THC scientist with 73 posts Congrats I'll verify that and try and contact you or contact me as well as the YouTube winner please and we'll get your scope to you somehow. hopefully like sir.
I Don't know anything about like Serbian customs and stuff like that I Don't know if we'll have a problem, but we'll do our best. We'll do our best right. The third one I'm giving away today is the captain's pick. I Get to choose from all of these awesome So that's the right.

Get that out of there all right? So how many people we got? By the way, how many people we've got? 582 527 I Guess it's a time zone. It's like 12:30 p.m. here. So I guess all the Yanks are sleeping now aren't they so? but I do normally attract more even when I go live on the second channel.

Maybe? no, No. nice to see a live scope drawer. boring right side is working for you now. Okay man, how embarrassing.

Seriously. Okay, well. I'll go back and search for members. Yeah, it's too slow.

Nah nah, it's a dog. Anyway, no, it's not working for me. Maybe it's an astraying gateway thing. Oh no, no, no.

Hang on. Yep, Yep. search just came up. Yep, yeah, it's back.

Yeah, it's back. Glitching the Matrix. There you go. THC Scientists joined in 2013 So longtime forum user, longtime forum user thanks to Times location.

Oh I won't tell you the location because that's I'm just getting my own. It could be private info show posts, no connection problem. Forum: SMF was unable to connect to the database. This may be caused by the server being busy I did What does everyone jumped on? The server has it crashed? Maybe people are actually checking out the the forum live? Maybe I don't know, but it should.

It should handle. It's got more than enough. The current server has more than enough resources to handle almost any peak load on the forum. I Can't believe that's the case, especially with like 520 people.

That's nothing. Okay. Anyway, Alright, sorry, we're gonna have to do that later, right? So I've looked through all 20 is no 16 pages, all 480 posts and I've picked someone who I think is worthy and drumroll. No correspondence will be entered into the winner of the captains pick Dave's pick is from all these entries.

Tada Happy Hippo Happy Hippo Who's only made one post and that's okay. at least you joined the forum, which is kind of good that because they weren't in the other draw, Happy Hippo The reason I chose Happy Hippo Happy Hippo is a student I like giving it to a youngster, is a student who is working on doing maximum PowerPoint stuff and things like that. And the reason that Caleb congratulations Caleb Caleb has his own website and this is some of the stuff he's working on. This is cool and has even got like a PDF there's an under the chat window here.

There's like a PDF link of the stuff that he's working on so this is great. This is terrific. So I think a very that you can see a scope there. it's just an old analog one I think he says here he's got an old analog scope yep and can Was looking to save up money to buy a new I go but now can get other stuff with this scope.
he's from Yankee land don't know where but congratulations Caleb you know the Captain's peak for the scope I am an absolute sucker for anyone who publishes stuff so that was to me that's always going to tick all the boxes is that is done. A stint at Tesla Powerwall support and stuff like that resume and about me about me. there's Caleb looking pretty dapper there. so Caleb is into the alien engine is sustainable future all that sort of stuff which I'm into too which is awesome.

so he's worked at Tesla energy and well they'd like work experience kind of stuff. so there you go I think hope everyone is happy with my captain's pick there. Yep valid winner, good choice. It's a bit how you doing 502 arrow yeah so sorry if I didn't pick you but no correspondence will be entered into so you know how to win contest in the future have a bloody website publishes stuff I'm just a sucker for anyway.

you know, like for people who publish stuff. Yep when I was a boy we have one megahertz bandwidth and we were grateful. Yes! I Got to admit my first scope was a twenty Meg I saved up all my money I saved up all my money from all the jobs as odd jobs I was doing and stuff to get my first scope which as a kicker Soui 50 20 20 megahertz dual channel analogue job 50 megahertz 50 Makers 20 megahertz 20 megahertz dual channel analogue nice scope. We know we know when is the next may obey gas Randell I've had a mailbag half shot for like three weeks now.

It's embarrassing all the all the sitting on the floor because I did a couple of spin-off videos from it and yeah I just got sidetracked. So now I need to actually shoot more content to put back into the mailbag anyway. you are really YouTube now displays the chat window when you're playing back. Does it really? It embeds it in the video I didn't the other day when I did it.

Hmm. do you have any advice for an EE that can't find a job? There's always a job if you're good enough. I'm not saying you're not good enough, but you're probably approaching it the wrong way. I've done advice videos I've done a couple of videos with advice on getting jobs and things haven't I job tips and stuff like that taste stuff to the interviews.

Have the website like like Caleb here, right? You know you put this in your resume right if his resume can't came across my desk and I've looked at thousands and thousands of resumes in the I've worked for and hiring people and it's just you know, if you've got your own personal website like Caleb here and you you know you show all this sort of stuff, you go. Yep, like you know I am Yeah right, that person's going to get the interview right. Definitely, it shows you know enthusiasm for the topic and commitment and and willingness to share and openness. And you know, like willing to probably put yourself out there and publish and like it.
It's just like you stand head and shoulders above everyone else you really do in the usual window players. Okay, I'm gonna check that out when I press stop and it's processed I'll see if it has the chat window I didn't think it it would do that I Can't see how it can do it unless it embeds it in the video. That's why I copy and embed the live chat in the window Oh Tube Electronics I Just can't. old analog scope.

It's probably fine I Am radios and stuff. Yeah, it's getting old 20 Meg Dual channel analog how Eli must as they? yeah of course any any competent engineer in in in this business who wants to hire someone is going to ask this unless you know you get your dumbass managers who just you know hire based on you know what suit they're wearing or some like that. No, they're doing it wrong in anyone that you want to work for. Trust me, anyone that you want to work for is going to judge you based on the stuff you've done.

so you know if if they don't tip like if you go to a job interview and they don't seem to give a toss about the stuff you bought in and you should be bringing the stuff you bought in If they don't get excited about that and they don't care about your website, they didn't even bother to look at it. you know, ask like I did you have a look at my website that I put that I included prominently in my page? You may and if they go I know we didn't know then they're a bunch of you know, boring us managers are with it and you don't want to work for those people. No, you want to work for the enthusiasts? Yeah I want to do more factory to us Elias I want to just gotta get off my lazy ass and there's a lot going on at the moment. So um she out out from Finland anyway I think that's it isn't one on the forum.

one on YouTube one as captain's pick. Alright so thank you everyone who entered and thank you keysight for well whoever put them in my dumpster thank you very much. Well try and get a scope to you. contact me if you're the winner.

I'll try and contact you, but if no, if I don't get any response in a couple of days there will be a redraw. And yes, I still have to give one away on Patreon and on the supporters section of the forum. but that'll be done privately and stuff. So yeah, and I've got one here which is going at the next Eevblog meetup.

I Physically got one on the floor here of course was in the dumpster. Did you win? No, you didn't win. Zoom it. Who won anyway? I Don't want this to turn into a for our live show, but it probably will want it to do.

How about repairing the microchip programmer by microchip program I Assume you mean the data I/o Universal Programmer I Tried to work on it the other day, but my next step is generating a the original floppy disk for it. but there's 720 K floppies and the external USB floppy that I've got is refusing for whatever reason to format 720 K floppies. So I'm like I'm stuck unless I can fire up an old machine with an old floppy and do it that way or something. I might have to do that.
but yeah, it's bloody annoying. Yep, 20 K frothy. So I might get out an old dust laptop or something with a floppy drive in it and boot it up with a my old IBM L 40 SX or something like that. thanks Jay hates ourselves a live mailbag I Thought about that this morning.

actually for some reason cuz I felt guilty that I haven't actually done the damn thing. Yeah I'm Way behind on the OOP I'm Way behind on that. Yeah, like I thought about it and then you know it is a multiple cameras the one in the front so but you want to keep the look and feel the same, you know I could just do the hands thing. you know? maybe I could just you know how I used to do mailbag which was not me as a talking head with the knife sitting at the bench opening the things I just like open them in front of the camera with my hand, you just see my hands Pompey but I don't know, it's just not as polished.

it's not as polished I could, but it'd end up like it would be like two hours long. like the May it would seriously be two hours long because the typical mail bags like 40 minutes or something I think in an average mail bag and and that would equate to probably maybe like at least an hour and a half and that's unless I open less stuff. it's just it's just much more polished I think and probably some people would like it. and then I get distracted.

all the comments and everything else and it's like I turn into a two-hour live show every time. Who knows that might be more popular than the edited polished mailbag. but anyway, yeah, you should enable super chat I thought I had super chatty enabled. Was that only on the second channel? Maybe it's only yeah, it might only be the second channel I did have super chat I do have on the second channel I Tried it the other day.

it's only three hundred and eighty-three people watching now. Two hundred and three thumbs up. Seven thumbs down. Yes, no.

I have tried that. Michael Ouisa I've tried the format AE / Ta d / and nine doesn't work. It doesn't work. There's something physically wrong that started like like it tries to.

it says format in 720 K but then it doesn't do it. So there's something with that drive. that's yeah, it's pain in the ass. Hmm.

yeah, a lot of people said like not many people said they like the live shows in the last survey that there wasn't many at all. Yeah, but the thing is I've got to buy the drive I've got to buy the floppy Jo I've got to just buy another floppy drive. or I can do as I said I can go down to the bunker and deatta a old laptop out out of the archives that has three and a half inch floppy. or I've actually got a three and a half inch floppy I can if I can find an old desktop machine I can use that if it's got a like a floppy head up.
So I'm gonna after it's just paint us Really? Yep, Anyway, I've yeah, I've been reliably informed it does not work unless you do 720 K floppies. So yeah, that's holding me up at the moment. Yeah, yes, the second channel is Eevblog - just wait for one to come up in the dumpster. Yeah, yeah.

I Don't take that. There's lots of those machines in the dumpster. I Just don't take them unless they're like a modern high five or a seven. Now that's like shitty.

but I've got a lab full of bloody computers I Gotta stop. it's a sickness. Hmm yeah. live shows are great for those who like them, but then people who like the mailbag you subscribe for that.

You know, mailbag might give you know eighty thousand views or something for a good mailbag, even a hundred thousand or more. And those people probably aren't going to like. a live mail bag is just grinds on for too long. So it's it's.

kind of yeah. yeah. but maybe I should run like a monthly live show on the main channel and actually announce it. You know? Here I am I'll be asking I'll be taking questions for the next three hours, you know? Yes.

I saw you? can't comment Argit? Well yeah, I've got to go by and go Tech but I've got to buy either buy a floppy drive or try and hack one together. No. I don't know. Tear Downs Barbarika I don't know.

high drives like everyone likes something different. A video with another Youtuber is like you have to do something special I wouldn't mind doing it, but you got a yeah, all the winners been picked. You wouldn't you know? you got? it's got to be done right. You know to do the collaboration thing right.

I'll shut up about the TS 100 soldering iron. You have no clue how many people have asked me about the TS 100 solder and I and most of them are from people who already own it who want me to validate their purchase for them. Oh yeah, borrow the floppy. Yeah, good point.

Who take the floppy drive out of the programmer itself? Yeah, of course. Yeah, yeah, good point. Odd me on him. compulsive your honor Now I did go to bed at like 2:30 this morning.

Can someone please tell Studio Studio what I did with the $300,000 oscilloscope I found in the dumpster. Can someone please inform him you don't own the eye and you just think it? Okay, This is great. I can do live shows all day and just yeah yeah yes. Yes, the TS 100 is probably a fine portable solution.

that's probably nothing more. Very few better as a portable solution. I would be guessing just. you know based on the superficial things that I've seen, but that you know people want me to somehow think review it as a bench soldering iron solution.

It's just ridiculous. Oh yes, yes, the yep. the $300,000 scope is stored at the Altium headquarter. Yeah, the Altium him at the Artyom headquarters I've got yep or 10,000 square meters.
The Altium headquarters yeah, Eevblog is down again. Is it? Yep. As I said before, we are changing servers reminds me I've got to go do that right now. so I better go.

I've got all like actually pay for this new server haven't actually ordered it yet I've got the details and I've got to go pay for it. We get three new servers, three brand spanking new servers, add a new host. See ya who shall remain nameless at the moment I guess now I don't have a TIG welder I don't know how to world? It's nothing I do anyway. When will I sell more of my kick-ass multimeters? You're talking about the 121 GW Still sorting through issues with that, aren't we? David Yeah yeah yeah.

not happy about me issues we're having but you know happens. you know I we just have to deal with it. Sometimes happens someone's got to deal with it and who you're gonna call for All ye Ghostbusters fans yeah I just happened to get a bad floppy I like it's a Teac you know I thought I hear ya I still would have one on eBay it was a Teac you know tech used to be the leaders in floppy drives one point I didn't even know it was some Patrick's Day was it okay. Seems the Ghostbusters song you have to do a four Hours Live About Religion.

Oh yeah, I could easily do a for our live show about religion. How many would turn up? They'd shut you to bits. Shut my channel down for hate speech. Unbelievable.

A revised cheap multimeter shootout. Ah yeah, maybe it's hard though. Shootout: So hard for I'm still down? Yeah no. I'm sure Gene if knows about it.

Gene if as the it's my, it's the Forum penguin who takes care of the Forum and the server and is setting up the new one very kindly for us. Does a lot of work behind the scenes to make sure that I won't go into the issues Michael There's a forum thread on it, but there's a couple of other issues we've found that aren't on there yet and we're trying to deal with those. So yeah, unfortunately. Oh boy.

All right now for okay, the forum is fine for some people. Instead for others, check out Electro Booms video on Creation he posted the other day. What What creation? Oh on on creation always in Creationist theory Oh later IBM Really are the Birth of Electron a story of all of creation? Ok, does it is? it is the religion? Is it A Is it a poke in the eye to to religion is that? I haven't haven't watched that one. The induction energy experiments.

Oh dear. 7 million volt Taser Oh, he's going into the high energy stuff. free energy debunking. He's probably he's done a few debunking now, hasn't he? He's probably the only other one.

Maybe. Yeah. I'm sure there's others. Well, then there are others, but not like large channels doing it debunking.

you know myself. Thunderfoot And he's starting to do some and it's great. Like there's just not enough people doing debunking z' and stuff. Oh, and a near-death multimeter experience won't happen with Model 121.
GW it's it's passed you will certification. It's safe and fine. It's just legally pain in the ass things with the software we do, we just, you know and we don't control the software so we can't just sit here and fix the code ourselves. We have to rely on others.

And yeah. anyway. Mm okay I can't I can't have this turn into a live show. Probe compensation now I didn't sorry Now this is like gonna I could just be here for hours.

This was just turned into a fly. A live show I didn't want it to be. it's just supposed to be the draw. Bloody Ed that's annoying is it? no.

I'm gonna show an ad. Go away All right? Um, yeah. thanks everyone for joining joining me for the live draw. So I'll try and contact those people.

If not, there might be another draw which I might even do live. it's probably on the second channel. don't do it on the main channel again. So anyway, thanks, Catch you next time.

How do I shut this thing down I know what I'm doing I'm professional video blogger I think I press no I didn't know I was about I was about to press the wrong thing I was about to press local recording cuz I'm so used to doing that bye.

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20 thoughts on “Eevblog live scope draw”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Oliver Van says:

    SneakPeeks. …:)~ Mine, mine, all mine * <3

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ghrey says:

    Perfect captain's pick ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Boris Avramov says:

    How to comment ":)

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Horusaem says:

    Maybe you should salvage a floppy from the Mavica ๐Ÿ˜‰

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Car Ram Rod says:

    Dang man, just found your channel. Oh well, maybe I can convince my wife to let me get one.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ahmad Huseynov says:

    Hello Dave. It is out of topic but I want to buy ucurrent gold. It is out of stock in eBay, in Adafriut it is written that it is discontinued. What is the problem? Where can I buy one? Thank you. Regards.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stefan Rink says:

    Dave, Did you close the right hole on the floppy? Also you happen to find an Amiga in a dumpster, you could use that to format a 720k floppy with ados. You could also check if the floppy in the programmer is a standard drive and use that to make the disk. (oh just got to that part of the video, never mind the last one)

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Florin F. says:

    ursANDrei sounds Romanian urs=bear Andrei=..Andrew:p

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris Molloy says:

    hello from canada

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James says:

    We never see David anymore ๐Ÿ™

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars thebighat99 says:

    I know there has been a mistake i dint get my notification of wining a scope.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mr. Stokni says:

    me pls!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sigma Male Rules says:

    give me 11111111111111111111

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Antoine Roquentin says:

    pick a winner, chicken dinner

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tim Savage says:

    When I interview software engineers, I want to see your GitHub ๐Ÿ˜‰

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Unpopular Opinion says:

    I thought patreons wrre entered in the drawing?

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lawrence L says:

    coffee needed, too early!

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DAVID GREGORY KERR says:

    Clean MPEG4/SPDIF date OK didn't even lock up, you should really have a server running AMD EPYC 7601 processors and 15TB of RAM.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Reg says:

    Congrats to all winner though ))

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Reg says:

    Nooooooo, Early morning here in the uk so only watching replay ((

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