A 1 hour tour of the Australian Synchrotron.
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Oh okay, so this red floor is actually disconnected from the rest of it. Yes, this is the isolation joint here and the red floor is part of the office in the lab space and is connected to the building and then the white floor. It's a lot thicker and that's the floating slab. What's the difference between a synchrotron and a Cyclotron? The cyclotron doesn't store the beam whereas the the synchrotron can ramp up in energy and store the beam.

So you will see a lot of cyclotrons in hospitals where they just need to generate a energetic beam to produce radio pharmaceuticals. So there they actually don't need to store the beam. What they need to do is smash the beam into material and make it radioactive so they can inject it into the patient to do imaging and diagnosis. Whereas here we want to store the beam because we want to use the photons that are emitted by the beam as they circulate.

So the acceleration in the circle generates synchrotron radiation which is what we what we use. Whereas the other facilities by and large want to smash particles with target and that's the Large Hadron Collider that wants to smash particles into particles. Yep the medical facilities. Here's an example of a cyclotron.

Yep, where the beam spirals out. Ah Ryan You have a an energetic beam and you smash it into a target. God Whereas with the storage ring you and a synchrotron, you ramp up the energy to some value and then you keep it at that value because you're looking at the radiation that's emitted by the stored beam, not smashing into anything. And what is synchrotron radiation? Can you give a dummy's guide for what radiation is? what it is? It's essentially like you think of the radiation emitted from a radio transmitter.

It's It's the same principle in a radio transmitter. you're accelerating an electric charge. You're disturbing the field lines of that charge. So if you have a static charge, you just have a charge.

and you have field lines coming off that. and so there's no change in those field lines. As soon as you move that charge, the field lines change. And what are oscillating field lines? Well, an electromagnetic wave Oscillating electric and magnetic.

So as soon as you move the charge, you generate radiation. So synchrotron radiation specifically refers to, in in most cases, a relativistic charge generating high-energy radiation. So, but at in terms of the physics, it's more or less the same principle as a radio transmitter. And it's but.

But the term synchrotron radiation is used in Astrophysics with the high-energy processes out there and in the universe, and also with particle accelerators for high-energy beams. From here, we can see very interestingly the different types of radiation that's produced by the Australian synchrotron in front of us. Here we have a conventional style infrared lab. We get a very nice small spot and our infrared ring at very high resolution infrared scan.

So that's one of the advantages you have with the synchron. How do they scan? How do they scan? We move the sample? That's it. But I Thought: I had like a resolution of nanometers or something. But this is a long wavelength infrared so it doesn't make sense to have the other ones.
The other ones do. they have 100 nanometer and how would they steal those? Would they still do it? Actually, the physically mechanically mechanically move the sample. the beam the beam right would jerk around too much. but if they steer at stable mechanical stages, yeah, Russ Have you steered for one? then it's not the right steering for the other and we've got 14 stations to consider.

I Got it? I Thought each beam line would be able to steer its own. Once it comes out, not it would be able to steer it. It's not entirely. Yeah, it turns out that it's more stable moving the sample.

Got it. Okay, and then you can see that going up higher up in energy. There's a ultraviolet and soft x-ray beam line over there and that doesn't require much shielding either because the x-rays are absorbed by only a few millimetres of stainless steel. And then over there the big aqua turquoise leadbox that contains a beam line which does protein crystallography where you shine a beam straight through your sample and that's in the hard x-ray regime.

So you get the long wavelength, shorter wavelengths, and then the shortest wavelength. We can go over and have a look at the end station of the soft x-ray A little more detail can they be picking? Those beam lines be positioned effectively anywhere along the around the storage ring? Or do they have to be in specific locations? Those specific reasons they're more or less anywhere. But they: They are driven by special magnet arrays, so there's a set of magnets which store the beam and confine the beam and then in between those magnets, you can generate interesting paths for the beam to go and all. As long as you preserve the symmetry coming in and the symmetry going out, you can actually wiggle the beam back and forth in interesting ways and generate a particular wavelength that you're interested in.

Or you can tune the wavelength coming down your beam line so it doesn't disturb the wavelengths coming down the other beam lines. That's why we're in the optical white Tom's optical one. Before we saw that yes, they were able to change the wavelength into optical for use exactly to determine the quality of that. Now this is some impressive shiny metal.

We love this stuff. Tell us about this. This is essentially taking advantage of Einstein's photoelectric effect. So you put a sample in vacuum.

in one of these chambers, you shine the soft x-rays on to the surface of the material. The material will then emit electrons via the photoelectric effect. So electrons are bound in an atom. You add energy through an x-ray that then liberate s' the electron from the material and then it goes through this electron energy spectrum analyzer.
So this is this hemispherical detector. There will measure the energy of the electron that comes off the sample. So you have a known energy of photon coming in onto your sample, a known energy of the electron coming out, and from that. Then you can then deduce what's going on in your sample.

So you measure the known known properties, and then you can determine some unknown properties of the material. Because effectively, what this whole facility synchrotron Facility is is just a light generator. Basically, isn't It is that the correct term to use Light in a very light, our general sense wavelengths. Can you go from infrared up to so to be? to to use the physics term, you're taking a slice of the electromagnetic spectrum.

So you're going from the long wavelength end of the spectrum of infrared all the way up to the hard x-ray end of the spectrum. So you're going from you know, less than evey up to hundreds of ke V in in energy and and everywhere in between. And you can tune the magnets that are dedicated to the insertion device beam lines and adjust the energy of photons that are that are coming out. So photon Again, photon.

This physics term for a packet of energy. It's light. It's electromagnetic. so we use kind of interchangeably light photons, x-rays, Infrared.

It's more or less the same stuff. You just have to modify how you analyze it and what type of information you're going to get out of your experiment and how you probe matter. So if you want to just look at the surf of the things, you use the low energy photons. And if you want to do some more penetrative work or do some some imaging, or do some other x-ray fluorescence analysis, then you need to have the higher energy x-rays.

Because you can do 3d x-ray imaging with this thing. Can't you? You can't In fact, we've done that on our medical imaging mainline. Yep, But once again, that's done by moving the physical object around to scan it and then that gives you a 2d result and then they process it into 3d. Is that? Yes.

So you just do the mathematics of the CT analysis Grinder computer tomography. So if you get if you get information along along a line in your sample and you move that that sample around, then you can combine all the other bits of information to the juice. What's happening in in three dimensions and all of that's done with the one storage ring. You can do all these different experiments off the one without having to change what's in the ring.

Now, because the ring the ring has, it have has its constraints to store the beam stabili. but then you have some degrees of freedom on each of the individual beam lines and on the end stations looking at the photon beam. and in fact on one beam line. they've done four dimensional imaging where the fourth dimension is the elemental composition.
So not only do you get a density profile and in fact you could probably call it five dimension so you get you get a dent, you get density, and you also get elemental composition. and if you get all that over time as well you unfortunately you need a static sample because it takes too long to take all the images from all the angles to have the sample also being dynamic because as soon as that sample is is dynamic and it's not stable. On a timescale of days, you need days to take a measurement Something you'd need many hours. so the sample needs to be static on a timescale of more than days.

Otherwise this the time over which you're imaging it, it's not, It's not valid. Then the mathematics won't be valid because you've took this angle at one time, this angle another time. If you if you don't make the assumption that you're looking at the same thing, then the maths doesn't work because if something's moved then you saw it it from angle and then you saw it from another angle and you don't know which way it will have moved so it needs to be stats allowed. You know time limitations as well.

And for those really fine surface measurements where you're moving the sample, how do you ensure it doesn't move over the course of a couple of hours? Likely you know if you get mine a little earthquakes somewhere, can that sort of or if you've really got good anti-vibration tables. A lot of really good anti-vibration tables and you can see you can see even here with these pumps on the ground. Here they can isolate those vibration you can see there's various and springs and because they would certainly couple a lot of even even the fans in the you know some fans interacts and things like that you'd have to be very careful about. So yeah, you just have to be careful about how you enter you it So it's just very well engineered and precision controlled so that you can within the time scale of your your measurement.

You can ensure that that's not a limiting factor, that the vibration, it's not a limiting factor. Enable being able to make the measurement. and who sets up these beamline projects to universities, bid or do companies bid or any of them private or are they It's It's a collaboration, so there's there's in-house knowledge as to how the beamline can perform, what the parameters are, what type of samples can be used and just experienced with doing scientific experiments. Then there are universities predominantly that come up with the ideas for the experiments, and what often happens is that the universities and the research is there have the research groups that are working on the the implications or the the applications or the use of the data that's generated here.

So sometimes the scientists who are doing the measurement here they will know how to take the data and and and generate the information that they need and then the researchers will then apply that to their particular area of research and turn that information that data into new knowledge. So often the users here, they use the scientists here to get their data, but then they take that data away to their lab and analyze it and apply it to their particular project that they're working on and the same data could have broad application. Potentially it could, but because it because there are so many settings and so many parameters and so many variables. But it's it's very hard for the researchers themselves even to keep track of that, let alone for that to be communicated for someone else to use that data.
There are some exceptions, like you also asked about industry. There are some industry and the most obvious ones are the mining industry and the pharmaceutical industry. They could come in with a very standard type of measurement. You know what's the elements in in this sample, You know where are the proteins in this particular sample and then they can go off and say right, we've got you know, gold in them there hills Or we have this particular type of protein which we know does XYZ in a biological system.

And if they want just to have that information, walk in, have the service done, walk away, and keep all that information for themselves. They have to pay for that. There's only a small percentage of people that do that. Most of them are pie-in-the-sky research projects where they come in with a grand idea.

it gets reviewed, gets given some beam time, and then they walk off, and they may or may not come up with a great discovery. And it's just part of fundamental research that we try and discover what's going on in nature. and we use these fine bits of equipment here to to study in as good of details we can. what's happening out out there, and in nature.

How does this facility compared with other synchrotrons around the world? It's very hard to do a direct comparison because each each lab will have their particular world-beating technique. Or well beating because it covers such a breadth of photon range. Such a breath of science discipline, Such a breath of equipment that it's very hard to come up with an all-encompassing response to that. I can highlight a couple of things.

For example, on the accelerator, we've set a world record: low vertical beam immittance more or less the beam size, and that's down to about a Pico meter beam. So so when we especially adjust our skew quadruples and really - now our beam stability, we can get a world record Low Beam which is about a meter Pico meter. That's the thickness of the of the beam, the the thickness, or the diameter. It's A It's a 1 Sigma thickness of the beam and it's all to do with the magnetics Essentially Yes, yes, tuning.

Tuning the accelerator. On another example on the on the beam line there they have a very clever detector which can detect in less than a few milliseconds on maybe a few hundred nanometers spot size it can detect the they come the elemental composition on that particular point on a sample Wow And so it scan the sample and so you scan the sample and so you can get in kind of hundred nanometer steps, figure out what percentage of what elements is on each on each point and so you can get up, come up with these elemental composition maps on an incredibly fine scale. One of the things that they're using that for is to look at where the micronutrients is in grains. So you take a bit piece of a piece of rice, a slice it up, put it in the beam and scan the the sample along the beam and find out where the essential nutrients are in that grain and then you will in your agricultural research.
You will then try and optimize and get the most nutrients into the grain that people are going to enjoy because you might find that ninety percent of it is nothing. It's just useless. Well, the problem is that most of its in the husk. All right.

And it's kind of culturally the case where you take the husk away and read the wild rice. All right. I'm here with Tom and he's working on one of the beam lines. The Visible Light beam line.

Is that correct? Yes. Tell us what you're doing. So this is the optics beam line at the Australian Synchrotron. So we use this beam line for diagnostic purposes.

This is what? what? Sort of? Diagnostics So these we use Diagnostics to find different our properties of the the electron beam which is located behind yep behind this one. we have from the the synchrotron itself. One of the properties of electron beams and even proton beams when they get high enough energies is that they actually output radiation when they are put in inside a magnetic field. Yeah, this radiation and go around a bend.

When they they they have to be going around a bend. Don't think without with the application of a magnetic field that would generally be accelerating right in one form another. So as it can be seen that the yeah, the radiation is output in. As we said earlier in the visible spectrum, here, we use the visible spectrum because it's easier for diagnostic purposes, right? It's quite hard to use the IR, UV and X-ray regions for diagnostic purposes, and okay, maybe dangerous too, right? if you go into those higher energy? sure.

So this beam can then be used to actually diagnose different properties of the the electron beam itself in the synchrotron. So this thing can be output onto our optics bench which we have here. Yep, and this. these optics benches have to be very precisely leveled don't they? And vibration free as well.

Vibration free. We are actually the floor we are standing on of the whole facility right is actually damped. So Wow how do I do that? Today is a spring based or it is I think it's floating a former F1 with fire. Oh What? I Recall it.
Interesting, but I I'm not a hundred percent sure about that one. but again from what I recall up there. but this theme is can be output onto any of these and using these different like optical optical mechanics and lenses we can find things like the different the fuel part of the machine itself. The fill pattern is the amount of electrons in a given bunch throughout the throughout the machine.

We can also find the we can diagnose instabilities in the bunch. so if we find that there's an instability, we can either correct with them correctly before we lose the beam. And it is important not to have any of these instabilities because the beam lines want to have this as constant. Sun Radiation Yep.

Output generally in the X-ray UV and IR Rajan for the natural, the natural biological purposes. Mmm-hmm How do they change the wavelength of what's coming out of a synchrotron? Is it One continues at one wavelength in the synchrotron? Then you can change it when it comes out of a beam line. Or so. How does it? How does that work? Each of the beam lions uses their device called an insertion device to produce the actual radiation.

The insertion device in itself is effectively. There are actually multiple types. There's a weak look as an undulator, and then there's bending magnets. God, we use bending magnets.

Yeah, in the optics. Then one the we've actually just installed the superconducting we got excellently in the last the last week or so. Great t-shirt slogan Superconducting Wiggler. So that's so that that's just being.

It's also a Wiggler is actually an insertion device. So instead of a bending magnet which has a single magnet which will which will bend the beam we saw under like the beam backwards and forth right and this will produce kind of waves of electromagnetic radiation at the specific frequency. Man-boy at a specific frequency got it with the the higher the actual magnetic field, the higher the energy because it's going to bend on the shorter, shorter bending radius. and this one is designed to produce visible light at what? And it's post isn't it? It is bottle being the beam is pulsed at approximately 1 gigahertz.

Hmm. each punched link is 23 because there's 23 Pico seconds. So it takes quite advanced equipment to pick up conventions, different properties of those of those 23 per second lunches. Hmm.

we can see here that we've got a visualizer. Yep, so you can. with this beam line in this key you can determine the quality of the if the beam itself in the synchrotron. That's what this room's for.

Yeah, basically gone exactly okay. And is that an ongoing measurement noise? Do you still periodically or before a critical its measurement? Or we do a lot of things ongoing? Yeah, We have a control room which is located on the other side of the facility and that we use generally electrode electrode trade pickups that are actually placed in the beam itself. Oh, we can use also the optics bench and mainly we use the optics bench. Worth developing a new type, some new types of arming systems to actually take these vegetables and then we can go have a look at some type of they don't take it out of.
Excellent. Let's do it Alright you give us a look at some data. Okay so what we've got here is the the outside of the the optics of M1 so we can we use all these years of process or all the data and as you can see over here we've got from the VM itself inside the beam. So each of the beams will have different things like being positioned Ronda and other devices that can detect are different like electric, electric and magnetic fields actually produced by the electron beam.

All right. So as you can see here we've got this one which is the Amanda This is a lost detector apparently yeah according to it into its label which is being picked up on this scope. Here you have Scylla scope so this is using at 600 yeah make it heard oscilloscope twice stuff so we have a slightly a slightly larger yeah. So let's get over there and these are all signal amplifiers.

Oh no each of these a lot of this is actually timing. These will be even uses triggers the for each of the samples that you're taking out. got it? So you can get the the trigger for the actual if you can get different triggers to help you clean up your sample of it right? Okay so what we've got here is one of the computers that's we are used to for diagnostic purposes So as you can see here there are a few different hues to keeper so keep an eye on different of parameters of the beam. Yep, as you can see here we've got the beam current the current per injection because we're currently at a mode where we're constantly injecting rather than allowing the beam to reduce in energy and then doing a much larger injection because it produces that much nicer beam for the for the different beam lines.

But the beam current is still 200 milliamps 200 so is that the injection ones modulated on top of that? Or how does that? So they so it effectively you lose the actual beam due to difference. Like the word it's like attenuation but it it's the the non physics word for attenuation. Okay this is what we got here is the beam current being displayed over a time scale over hours? So why do I have a little sore tooth pattern in it? So the sawtooth is due to the loss of the the slow reduction of the actual the current and which will be lost due to the fact that the vacuum isn't actually a perfect vacuum. there are particles in the bit.

Okay so there's a lot but if it was perfect then you it would be well and if we continuous wouldn't it going to be lossless it would be licensed. Yeah though there's always going to be different things which can remove it including instabilities as well. They can also result in loss of loss of beam current. so we've is that B So does the one the one beams use for all the different beam line projects isn't it? So yes so they all chap off the one they all tap off the one being.
yeah we have one. We can actually go to this diagram here which displays the the synchrotron we have here so we can move that one across. Yeah so what we have is the beam starts right here at the electron gun. The electron gun puts a Duran 90 ke V 90 kV electron.

It's about three times the regular TV CRT or something like that about that. Yeah! And then we go into the the Linic which is the linear accelerator. This will accelerate using a bunch of RF cavities up to 100 MeV Yep, We then pass through to the the the Learn Act to booster ring. The booster ring is the actual synchrotron itself, right? The the outer ring is actually not a synchrotron.

Oh, it's a storage ring. isn't ordering? Yeah, Yep. The the electrons then passed into this booster ring and they are. They are given the energy up to three GeV and once they achieve this 3G of energy they can be inserted into the injected into the storage ring itself and then the the electron beam will continue to pass around this storage ring being given a given a man of energy each revolution to account for energy loss and to the vacuum.

Only is that is that the only loss or do you get lost around bins and yet loss around bearings? Which and that's that. loss in energy is actually the secret on radiation itself. Oh of course yeah Energy's got to come out. but in theory if you had a perfect storage ring you could put a pulse if you could store it in there in indefinitely if you didn't extract any energy from it.

If Synchrotron radiation didn't exist, time you've been. Anytime a charged particle is bent, is bent. And bent is another word for accelerated. Yes, physics is accelerates, not actually accelerating in speed.

it's it's changing and it's changing direction. Yep, it's an acceleration in any axis. So what we've got here is the each of the beam lines. Mmm that can be installed.

So we currently have 91 Spits, the newest one being input lately right? the which if we just back up a bit we can actually see the the new medical beam 100k. So like the radiotherapy so next to it yes it is the the imaging and medical being one. This is where we've just installed our latest insertion of us which is a superconducting, weaker, superconducting Wiggler Whoo-hoo which is called using liquid helium. It's negative 270 degrees Celsius Very very cool as a lot of people have and I take it that light on the outside is to tell you that that's in operation.

So each of their lights it's just tells you what stage it's in. So if it's green wood or people can go in yep and they are engine, that's you should I Don't go in, don't go unless you have to. Yeah, and red means the beams on got a so as you can see. Okay so you can't go in those rooms when the beams on.
Okay, go in those rights. but we can go in the web. But the optic one. We were just in here but with unit optic one.

Yeah because it is at the the end of the beam on itself. It is actually not next to the the storage ring itself. Between there in the storage there there is thick sheets of cement to protect us from the radiation right? Cement is better than lint cement. something.

Our cement is cheaper and lighter. Why do you use electrons in there? You said you could use Positrons You can. You can use our protons. Oh sorry for shaking these protons.

but electrons due to their their much lower mass actually produce a single radiation at much lower energies. So if the the amount of radiation produced is inversely proportional to their mass, the Iya factor of M to the 4 or 80 to the 4 because E and M proportional. So we therefore using an electron which has a rest mass energy of 511 at 511 kV is better than using the the 1g the 1 GeV our proton got it and this is an this facility is a 3 3 electron volt. Give your electron facility.

how does that fair in the world scheme of synchrotrons is over. So 3 3 GeV for light sources is quite a common kind of common energy right? So most Ster generation light sources are around 3 GV. You can get some much higher energies up to like 9gv though for the the LHC which is which is accelerating the protons, they are working up to 14 tera electron volts, 14 Terror Electron. Incredible.

And that's a great t-shirt By the way, Physics is the bomb! I Love it and we have some engine big engineering here. Tell us about it, We do. These are the magnets that actually used inside the storage ring so each of these has a specific purpose for the beam. We've got the the dipoles which we use for the actual bending of the maintenance of the the beam.

So these are the dipoles are also known as bending magnets so they allowed the beam to actually continue in the approximately circular. Awesome! Yeah, it's not actually that's a circular, it's a misnomer. It's straight Bend Straight bend. Very very.

the bar 50 cent piece like right? Yes, so these are the the quadrupole magnets, the quadrupole magnet to use for focusing and and D focusing the same way in which an optical lens focuses though with a magnet with a quadrupole magnet, when it beam passes through there you can't actually focus in each axis at the same time you must focus in one and D focus in the other due to with the way the electric fields are. But we can still use the common optics principles that if you focus the focus in focus again you can actually decrease the the beam. So then then we also have the sex department which is used for a higher-order effects on the beam and these is for changing things like the chromaticity beam which is actually the the spread of the energy, right? That's what Chromaticity? That's a chromaticities right? And these are there. That says not many turns in these, but they're like almost busbar like yeah, how much current goes through these dear? Have any idea Marks gonna tell us right? I'll say over 100 amps because you might.
You might see that they're actually different sets of windings. Yep, so there's the primary set of windings under here. Yeah, Are these different set of windings with different number of turns? All right. These magnets can also be used to generate a dipole field in this direction, a dipole field in this direction, and a skew quadrupole field which is a quadrupole like the ones over there that rotated.

Got it? So you can do coupling correction when the beam meant to be oscillating purely up and down and purely left and right. Sometimes you get something word: spirals, round, oscillates in one plane and then goes into the other plane. You can then correct that. Got it? You can fix that in in real time.

Fix that dynamically In real time. Just statics. It's a static setting. Oh, just static setting, right? Okay, you said it.

And basically what you're doing is if the magnet isn't installed properly, it might be slightly off axis. Mm-hmm So instead of focusing being in this the true vertical plane, it would focus it slightly in that plane and so you would then wire up these coils to slightly correct that. Here we've got the The Deluna, which is the weather beam starts. Yep.

So as I said before, they we've got the electron gun. Hmm. Inside Here we need or output at the the 90k UV beam. that's A so that's a thermal.

It's just heat jumping, right? Yes, so thermionic thermionic emission? Just that. that's pretty boring. I Guess that's just another pretty didn't ends an old TV Yeah, right. Okay, the the cathode then outputs that and that goes is injected into the linear accelerator.

Yep, which we've got here. so we've got here. You can see the the bunch of key so nobody can go into the Lunik bands get stuck in there while we turn the machine on right. So it's actually dangerous technically inside there? Yeah, well, there's throughout the the machine there is radiation being produced right? So and this is what all the the large thick walls that we have surrounding the facility upon can absorb all this radiation, right? Okay, so these are all the thick concrete walls.

So yep, as you can see around here, goddess allows us to reduce the amount of the the dose. That's the people that work at the facility yet? Okay, is there a maximum amount of time that they're allowed to spend in the facility like around here Or there we go. Hey, we can see inside. Whoa.

I'm being irradiated right now. Terrific. Oh I better cover my private parts as I've walked past. it could be in trouble So there right? so we can actually see why it's blue in there.
I can see like I can't get it on camera. it's just a bit is not. Come on. just a blue light.

Folks, that's boring so there is a limit to the the amount of dose you're allowed to get. Yeah, Okay here. Okay, Oh, I can say that. So what we've got here is the Klystron amplifiers and the peak power of 35 megawatts.

35 megawatts? That's ridiculous. That's incredible. So these are the the actual power source for the the RF systems in the linear accelerator and allowing the beam to be accelerated from 90 kV up to a hundred million electron volts or 100 mega electron volts, right? And it does that in what 10 or 15 meters or something like that? Approximately 10 meters, right? And obviously these are very efficient. I would presume statement because if you're producing that much energy, any percentage waste has got to come out of heat.

So and then they're not that hot folks. There's a bit of warmth coming out of there, been dissipated in the copper accelerating structures. Got it? These only come on for 10 micro second hour bursts I Can Today that's a peak power that's so high. but the duty cycle is very low.

Alright, so the average power is actually relatively low. Got it. And these are all our power supplies. Are they power supply systems or control racks? 14 sectors? Yep.

Power supply rack for the multiple magnets, right? Electronics To the beam, position monitoring and vacuum. Got it. And there's so that we 14 of these stations all up 14 for in the story. Got it Because this outside ring.

This is the storage ring on the outside, Correct. and then on the inside. here is our booster and Vinick in the booster ring Up We go. Yeah, The linic is pointing towards us, underneath earth.

Oh, concrete in the vault? Yep. And then it goes down underneath our feet, around into the booster. right? So this? Yep. So that's the inner circular booster ring.

and then where does it shoot out into the into the storage ring on the far side where that blue connects to the storage ring. So we could build a linear accelerator which is 30 times as long as the one we have here right? and get to 3gv. But what we've done is we've done a more efficient technique where we put it through this booster ring where every Lappa does. It gains a little bit of energy and so you keep passing it through the same RF field.

so it would do probably million laps. A million laps in Cacak and in half a second it right and then get extracted into the storage ring where it can stay for days at a time. All right, what have we got here? Okay, so what we got here is the outputs of some of the beam position models that we have inside the story itself so we can see each of these will have an output single with chicken which is additive up here so these can be used as a youth primarily to know the Ins position tonight, to make sure the beam isn't going to actually run into any of the the walls, right? The beam pipe itself. So what diameter is the beam pipe? It's stainless steel, isn't it? This stainless steel.
and it is a approximately a couple centimeters right? And does it need to? Really thick walls a little? Is it just like a regular sizing? Oh, you mean a maybe that It's a pretty regular, right regular thickness, like a couple of mill. So there's no need for extremely thick walls. And and they're all straight sections, Correct. So the sections in here yes, they're all straight.

Yeah, and the actual curvature itself comes from the parts inside the dials right. And so you could actually build this facility as a straight line if you really want to do. Yes, there are facilities around the world where there are completely straight facilities like the one in Stanford Hi Guys is a good example where you effectively use the principle in the linear accelerator and continue that for many, many kilometers, right? Okay, but this is I guess more space efficient. Much more space efficient Yes.

But does it would it cost more a facility like this because you have to have the you have to have the curvature in it I know you would. I Would say that the the circular facilities actually costs a fabulous beach. Is it a much smaller region actually? After cover the linear accelerators like Sanford is four or so kilometres yet will her core so it's quite a large facility. can write as so you could imagine the cost of making the tunnels I think everything like that.

so they actually that's they actually bury that one underground. They actually tunneled that out. A lot of that is I'm right. okay boy he said is there any reason why it has to be underground or a cosmic radiation thing or is it a it's um I think it's to put it on the clay for stability but I'm not sure that makes it.

And so what we got here is actually a bit of a rubbish signal because I don't have anything. Oh and check it out folks. Yes at this multi 100 million dollar facility we have a breadboard really ends a quick prototype. Oh I've been making lately and it uses a 741 op amp at a triple five timer.

Ah no Ah damn it. Come on, we need to have a triple five timer here. So what we can actually see is the signal from one of the being position was itself mm-hmm Each one of these is an indication of the the amount of electrons right in each of the bunches. So and for each of these is one revolution.

Mm-hmm Oh okay, it's done a full cycle of the storage or surgery all right. So the frequency at which each of these large bunches look there is our 1.3 and megahertz right? So if we can, we can actually zoom in and see - to an extent due to the bandwidth of the scope right the each of the different answers so that you can't see them as well. Like I said there to limit the visual buncher's of course they are the individual bunches of one nanosecond 23:23 picosecond Goolsbee right 600 scope will never be able to pick them up? Would they even would the sensors be able to pick them up? A lot of the senses can't pick them up, right? No. I should say they where.
Apparently we have built One of my fellow colleagues has actually built a system which works on the single front radiation to pick up these 23 per second advantages. Wow, that's impressive. Physics in its own right, Isn't it? Because it's A? It's quite an impressive. So it's art and science just to design the detectors, just to see the position of these things flying around, let alone the equipment in the beam lines that's designed to analyze the exactly stuff.

A lot of this we're we end up doing blind to a lot of the things on the very small scale, right? Okay, part of it like I just did like possible sorry I'm putting in my system and then we'll be right. So it's just an Op-amp low-pass filter and that's it. Yep, Oh, and then this do we. What it's gonna actually do is find, Um, find the different changes in the the amplitudes in each of the single bundles.

Yep, and this will be able to take what's called a tune which is a it's their tune is the actual oscillation which is the the beam oscillates at. So this will be able to detect the tune without the necessity which at the moment we actually epoch to under like to do a small perturbation of the beam. Hmm. So this will allow us to actually pick pick up completely passively, right? which is it's important for the the actual synchrotron radiation output because if you're continually motivating the beam to get the people with the beam lines so happy about the flickering I Was just about to ask um, you know what? Because you've got so many potential, up to what 14 potential scientists all working on their own little project at the end of it at their individual beam lines or nine? I Think you said yeah? I Mean how can you just go in and change the main storage so then you know you're going to upset their experiments if you do that? So I assume it has to be well planned agreed by all parties involved and we've got a very.

We've got quite a well-planned structure. Yeah, we'll have different times for the users and the moment we're currently in use of em. We have times for machine studies which is generally the the physics and the operations group cuz it for us to use the Machine and to do diagnostic purposes and play around with Breadboards environment, breadboards and stuff like that to fix any any problems with the machines is around the same time as maintenance and machines that is generally overlap of it. Yep, so yeah, and then also to have personal lives beam so that we aren't always using the 200 gram beam.

So a lot of the stuff I'm working on uses we single bunch beams too, which gets in. rather than having two hundred two hundred milliamps spread out over approximately on microsecond or so. we're talking about about 10 milliamps spread out over a nanosecond, right? So it's quite a bit. Yeah, so that is the storage capacity of the Ring 200 milliamps about two million.
So that's the maximum storage capacity. We can go slightly higher, but that's the the maximum or which is its state safe? Why is it specified in milliamps like that? Because I that's the first time I've heard that term. news is only used for these storage rings Or is it is that terminology also used for the the accelerators where they smash the atoms together. So we I think we mainly use milliamps just due to the fact that it's it's a flow of electrons, isn't it? It's a continuous flow of electrons effectively surfaced in a vacuum.

Get instead off? Exactly Yep, rather than in the media. But yes, like places like the LFC do use it in cities rather rather than merely a current because I noticed you've got a real-time display on your website that displays the current said in and it's all in Milliamps. It's like because 200 Milliamps sounds like nothing to us Engineer: it's it's quite small in comparison. No, it comes out of the wall, but also in a vacuum and it is quite a different.

Yep, it's a different ballgame, Got it? It's also a very Giga electron volts yes, which is three billion volts per post of course. Yes. So yeah, it's not continuous. otherwise we'd be are powering the whole city of Melbourne It was continuous.

Maybe How much energy does this whole facility use? About 4 4 megawatts or megawatts? For me, do you have to have an on-site power back? There is a there's a power generator and a backup but if we look we lose. Got it our and that is blue for no other reason than that. It looks cool, right? We cool with radiation. You know, ramping magnets? All right.

Based on a principle that was actually invented by an Australian physicist Mike Oliphant and he invented the Synchrotron acceleration principle where by you synchronously ramp the magnetic field as you increase the energy of the particle so it stays on a fixed radius. Now that way you don't need a big long accelerator. you can top the energy up on each revolution because as you increase the energy of the particle, you also increase the magnetic fields so that stays on a fixed radius. So these are all diagnostic and power supply racks.

These are also used. They've got some of the supplies for the cooling. As you can see from the the orange cloaks say a lot of the acquisition system is also here. It's a bit noisy in here folks.

We have a lot of a lot of rack equipment so we can also. this is where some of the the outputs from the BBM's inside the beam. so every but these are the strip line BBM's And then we've got their button VPN Switch? No one this one. It's a lot of a current transformer that's measuring the amount of current that's in the storage ring.
Oh ok so that that box there is the storage ring yeah, pirate ring once the booster so you can see this this storage during direct current. the current transformer measurement. How often does this? How often does the facility stay up and running? Is there like fires very often? or we're up and running essentially 99% of the time that we schedule. So we've got one of the best records in the world for maintaining the beam availability.

The other thing we've just done in the middle of last year is to introduce a continuous top-up where instead of allowing the beam to slowly decay in the storage ring every couple of minutes, we just trickle feed a little bit of current into the storage ring and so the current stays essentially constant. At 200 milliamps. We noticed that on the wave form before, there's like a sawtooth waveform and that's what it seemed right in. You can see the sawtooth if you zoom out over a day, it looks, looks flat and if you don't do continues top-up In about 8 hours it decays by about 40% Okay, what level is it still actually usable For it's it's usable even at very low currents.

But the problem is that you get these thermal drifts and so you have to either keep adjusting your equipment because with a very high heat loader at 200 milliamps with all the x-rays on your say, your mirror or your sample and you have to adjust it as the heat load decreases or increases whereas if you keep it constant then it'll reach thermal equilibrium and that will get to be much more stable. Transfer line where the two rings meet right and the booster ring extracts a beam of 3gv and injects it into the storage ring where it stays stored for up to a week. If everything goes well, then we have to stop for a maintenance and give things a bit of a look under the bonnet and kick the tires. And Tom said this whole facility is floating or is dammed in some way.

So if you look at the pylons here, they connected deep down into the earth on one end and up into the building on the other end. but they are decoupled from the concrete floor where the accelerator sits. So if the building vibrates then that vibration is damped by what is serendipitously a clay clay clay soil underneath and that also dams out any road noise. and the concrete slab that is over the top of that that the building is over the top of that is not connected to anything.

It is floating on that clay bedding and so as that dries and as that moves and slips around as much as the much as it can given the constraints of the pylons, then we just readjust about that movement, but it's not directly coupled to any of the other structures. To isolate the core vibration you.

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28 thoughts on “Eevblog #836 – tour of the australian synchrotron”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jason Larnach says:

    I love watching technical people open up when they realise the questioner understands them.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Randy Havard says:

    It's crazy how far technology has come in 100 years

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stephen Campbell says:

    There was a UFO sighting over the grounds of the Westall High School in Melbourne in 1966. Do you think that has anything to do with the research conducted at the Synchrotron which is north of the the school. Any researchers making black holes, wormholes or time-space manipulation?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dominic Bouchier says:

    Dave is annoying when he doesn't understand what's going on.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dominic Bouchier says:

    CRT television for the win

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars movax20h says:

    1pm of beam width. How do you even measure that? Small atoms are about 100pm.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DEEREMEYER1 says:

    In the diagram the "storage ring" doesn't seem to be "hooked up" to the "accelerator" and if you "store" particles or beams or whatever in the outer ring after "accelerating" them in an "accelerator" inside of that outer ring presumably it's "centripetal force" that's going to let the "beam" or "particles" make the "jump" out into the outer "storage" ring. Got a question. How do you get them out of "storage" and make them "jump" back into the "accelerator" without "violating" the laws of "classical mechanics" and make "centripetal force" suspend itself to allow the particles or beams to "fly" toward the center from the outside AND if there is some sort of "exit ramp" that allows the "jump" inside out and particles/beams to "exit" the accelerator and take the "exit ramp" out to the "storage ring" while still traveling "forward" as well, how do you "reverse" the particles/beams so they can "exit" the storage ring on the same "exit ramp" but in the opposite direction since the ramp angle is unchanged?

    One more question. What is the "deceleration" rate of particles/beams once in "storage"? They can't be in a "vacuum" and even "photons" are subject to the "law of gravity" and "air resistance".

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars N8AUM says:

    I have one in my garage

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Su Cui says:

    Okay, Iโ€™m a dummy and got lost in his introduction…

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DEEREMEYER1 says:

    Yes. Real "particle accelerators" are "buried" to shield them from "radiation" – "cosmic" and "atmospheric" – as well as shield the "environment" around them – people, animals, plants, electronics etc from their radiation. This bullshit about "clay" and shielding from "vibration" is pretty damned funny given that "clay" is very "plastic" and "viscous" compared to "rock" and "stone" and its a very good transmitter of "vibration". And that white "floating slab" supposedly "separated" from the red "outer ring" by that tiny gap and some silicone caulking certainly is connected through all that "overhead".

    4 megawatts is all that facility uses? That's 4 million watts. About 5300 horsepower. Granted that's a fair-sized "gen set" but its about what two "medium-sized" diesel-electric freight locomotives will provide with ease. Of course if you're using gen sets OR "grid power", THAT FACILITY IS GOING TO "VIBRATE" WHERE THE CURRENT IS PUT TO "WORK" I.E. AT THE "ACCELERATOR". ELECTRICITY IS "FORCE" WHEN YOU USE IT TO POWER AN "ACTUATOR" AND THAT'S WHAT ELECTROMAGNETS ARE.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DEEREMEYER1 says:

    Uh, your "sextapole magnet" has 6 "poles" making it a "hexapole magnet". Its still bullshit since there is only one "magnetic pole" possible – "north". With "south" being to "north" in "magnetism" what "negative" is to "positive" in electricity. The "north poles" of magnets are drawn to "south" poles of other magnets and "oppose" each other because they are "positively charged". The "south poles" of magnets don't do shit to each other.

    How do you get a beam of only 200 milli-amps (2 tenths of an amp) at "35 megawatts" with a very short "duty cycle" given W=VA and "duty cycle" is a DIRECT-CURRENT "CYCLE" AND THE AMPERAGE IN A "CIRCUIT" IS CURRENT FLOW WHILE VOLTAGE IS "PRESSURE" AND A "CONSTANT FLOW" AT A "STABLE" AND "CONTINOUS" AMPERAGE MEANS THE "VOLTAGE" HAS TO BE CONSTANT?

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DEEREMEYER1 says:

    Thickwalls of concrete to protect you from the "synchrotron energy" you just stick your hand in front of but that's "safe" because you're at the "end of the line". Which is where you "optically" test and diagnose the "beam" before you "lose it".

    This is from right after you got your "undergrad". In what? Underwater basket-weaving and swimming pool management?

    Here's a question for a "particle physicist" if there"s one "around". If you can separate, isolate, manipulate and accelerate a "particle" what DON'T you already know about that "particle" that "colliding" it with another "particle" will tell you? And how do you use "electromagnets" to create "particle beams" using non-ferrous elements? Which are…all but one of the elements? And spare me the "paramagnetic" and "diamagnetic" bullshit. Ferrous does not mean "magnetic". It means "conductive" to magnetism. If a metal is drawn to a magnetic its "ferrous" and if that metal is supposedly "pure" and is a non-ferrous elemental metal, the "seller" of that metal is a liar.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DEEREMEYER1 says:

    A "perfect vacuum" WOULD be "lossless" because you can't "conduct" energy through "no matter". Which is what a "perfect vacuum" is.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars vinzent1992 says:

    what an extremely annoying background "music"

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Horochov says:

    Love the danger signs – no "do not touch! Electrical appliance", just useful things: "forklift operating area", "415 volts". This is definitely designed for professional users.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Markiss Boi says:

    This is Awsome DAVE ๐Ÿ‘- Australian Synchrotron
    As TV all they ever show is overseas stuff & paid๐Ÿ’ฒ usa ch10 old crappy series suppose OZ tv guys aint got any mulla๐Ÿ’ฒ
    winner NBN connected -6/2018 (Y) im in youtube 85% of the time Now i know its full of info ๐ŸŒ๐Ÿ’ฌwot?

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars slap_my_hand says:

    …and what is it used for?

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars lnpilot says:

    It works, bitches!
    (As opposed to religion, which doesn't do squat, other than oppress and dumb down people).
    That's the T-shirt, you should have worn for this video, Dave!

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zach Z says:

    Can it be used to make women hot?

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ansh Bhatt says:


  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Inesophet says:

    cool, a friend of mine was there last year.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cracktune says:

    that poor intern never saw Dave comin!

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SoCalFreelance says:

    Seems like that place would have modern high end electronics to give away for teardowns every so often

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars klingest says:

    "Superconducting wiggeler" <– Great word to say, when you wanna impress somebody about your super high tech job.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Djordje Lukovac says:

    Dave ,teardown of Lecroy 64XI ???

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mrbluenun says:


    I understood some of what was said, and was pretty pleased when I anticipated how things would happen and so be necessary to take precautionary adjustment etc!
    Really interesting video super so!

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ranger N. Brandt-Steggen says:

    Thanx for this awesome Video! Now i've got a new weekend project ๐Ÿ˜‰

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Karl Oestreich says:

    probably one of the best videos I have seen on here in a long time. Thanks.

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