Dave and David2 battle to get an old Microchip PICkit 3 working with MPLAB X talking to Dave's new product.
A tale of misery, rabbit holes, Murphy, facepalms, and ultimately success. You get a warts and all journey.
A good example of how a tool that should have just worked, turned into a nightmare due to some bad luck and poor tool protocol and mode compatibility.
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Hi just a little impromptu rent video because I'm trying to get this microchip Picket three actually working. I've got a new product that has a pic 24 F in it and I thought yeah, no worries I've got Picket Three. It's always worked for me, you know I'll be able to program the damn thing Wow Big mistake Anyway, I just wanted to show you this: Yes, I'm shooting this with my webcam. so I'm going to do some screen capture and stuff like that here.

So let me just take you through the problem I'm actually having with this thing and the new MPLAB X software. So I'll switch over to the desktop here and I'm still in the bottom corner. Although by the way, if anyone wants to know, I'm using X split to actually record this. So I've got my microchip Picket three.

Okay, let's plug it in and I have no I've not used the new MPLAB X or new. It's been out for a couple of years now, but it's been a couple of years since I've done a pic project. So I've used Mplab before that and I also use the standalone software to actually program this thing as well. and I you know I really haven't had too many issues with it.

It's just kind of worked, but Mplab X does not work with the thing. now. Mplab X I've actually installed. It was like a 500 mega den load or something.

And the rant? number one. You don't get anything with it. It's just like the Ide right? So for a 500 mega download, it's ridiculous. So you don't get the compilers, you don't get any extra configuration stuff it gives after you finish installing it gives you a bunch of options to go to the website and download all these additional stuff.

Well, buddy, hell, why can't you include it? Anyway, what it's got now there. They still have this standalone a programming software, but it's now called the Mplab IP E and a integrated programming environment. So here's the icon for it. I'll load it up and it's You know it's really quite good.

It's better than the old one. it's more comprehensive. So I plugged in my get three and you might have seen down in the bottom corner that it actually recognized it. And check it out, it recognizes my pet kit three.

Okay, there's the serial number. No problems whatsoever. If I if I disconnect my pet kit 3, it should vanish. Yep, Ok I plug it back in.

So all the drivers everything seems to be working just fine and you know I can choose like 24f I can choose the device I won't choose the exact device I've got because it doesn't matter because my problem extends to the fact that it doesn't. The IPE does not talk to my pet kit 3 even though it recognizes the damn thing now. I Believe this connect button here is supposed to connect to the MP and to the picket 3 and if we do that, we'll find that just sits there and spins its wheels, does nothing and will eventually come up and say cannot connect to the damn thing. Why? it's bloody ridiculous.

Ah unbelievable. Anyway there it is. Connection failed. Ok, unbelievable and I can actually and it's got the Advanced Mode here normally and by default it puts you in simple mode.
So if we go in, the default password is microchip yeah thanks for that is I Can understand why they're doing this because it's designed to let's remember that password that's I'll change password No. I don't want that logon because they put these passwords in because this integrator program environment designed to be used for in a production type environment. So you know when you've got production workers you don't want them going in and around with all these advanced settings you'll notice down the side here. We've now got all of these you know set in so we can go in and change all sorts of things.

Production Mode: Look at all these options and environment settings, memory settings, or high external power. Everything right? So you don't want production operators around with this sort of stuff. Generally you want to limit them to you know what they're particularly doing. But hey, in my experience have extensive experience in the production environment and they always find out the password so it doesn't matter anyway.

But there, um so right It recognizes my pick you three drivers are obviously working. It will not connect if I go in and say manual download and so I thought oh okay, it needs to update the firmware even though I've got auto I had auto download. firmware actually ticked. Okay, so it didn't recognize that my firmware was out-of-date I thought Okay, haven't used this thing for a couple of years downloading new firmware.

It's sure fine. You know, no problems I expected that. but even when I manually go to manual download firmware, please wait while I Here We? Yep, please wait. While it locates the file.

here, it is Picket 3 firmware, dot, gem file, whatever the hell that is. Anyway, it's a kind of spin its wheels again and you'll find that it simply cannot connect to this. Pick it three. Why Why the hell does my old Picket three? It's still the same Picket Three I Believe the hardware hasn't changed, right? but why can't it just detect that you know the firmware is old and upgrade new firmware and work there it is.

Connection failed. So and yes, I've tried to plug it in to my target device and of course it won't talk regardless of a voice select it because it's not even talking to the picket three. So actually you know I searched around when on the you know, when on the interwebs and looked at various forums and you know other people have been having similar sorts of problems. Let's talk about problems with Windows 8 and Windows 10 and stuff like that.

but I'm not I'm using Windows 7, right? So anyway I asked on the Eevblog forum so thank you for everyone who actually replied. EUV Blog forum is the best place to ask like I had a response within you know minutes. There's so many people. how many people are active at the moment? I mean just as I'm recording this here we go.
There's 963 yes in 215 users on online at the moment. just you know, ready to chat and answer questions and these are the active users in the last 60 minutes. It's just it's just crazy. So I do everyone on the eevblog forum? so I asked him here.

You know I'm getting this issue when people are saying yeah, apparently this is like you know it's unreliable as hell. this thing, it's just, you know, horrible apparently. So yeah, thank you very much Microchip trying to use your bloody parts and picket three doesn't work. A lot of people are say don't even bother using the picket three, just get the ICD three.

it's much better. Well that doesn't Whether you help me that's couple under bucks and they don't have it so you know I thought be able to use my picture three no worries but no now they're talking about some people. Sorry I want to go into detail here but they're talking about. you know I may have to load in the old version of Mplab because there's new MPLAB X which is like they've changed.

You know the whole look and feel of the thing. I'm not sure about the underlying code and everything, but they've changed a lot of stuff in MPLAB X So there's pretty much the old Mplab and the new MPLAB X And apparently if you do that, then maybe I can actually download the firmware file for this. It doesn't recognize it. and by the way, I can't even use the pic kit for the original pic kit 3.

Programmer software will not actually talk to this either. like the old version that they've actually done away with. Now it's being replaced by this integrated programming environment. It you know I Did I rant about the IP E This integrated programming environment.

This is my other rant I wanted to do is that why can't you download this separately? The integrated program environment the IP E Some people just want to get their pet kit three and just program a pic. That's all they want to do. They want to update their product or do whatever they don't care about. MPLAB X I Don't care about the source code Oh care about compilers I Don't care about any other crap.

They just want to program it. You've got to download the 500. Meg As far as I'm aware, the 500 Meg MPLAB X Just so you can get this little IP E programming software. Bloody hell make it available separately.

idiots. Unbelievable like I Don't know maybe there is a way to download it separately, but like anyway, money. If there is, then I apologize. but if there's not, then bloody well fix it.

So anyway, so apparently I can try. As somebody else also mentioned that I could try and use the MPLAB X to download this dot jam firmware file manually and then somebody else was talking about modes or something that this thing can go into different modes that you have to change using the IPE but if the IPE or the old programmer software. but if it won't work, if I won't talk to it in the first place, then how the hell do you change modes? It's just crazy and everyone's saying yeah, yeah, you know, had issues. Yep, it's unreliable as hell.
There are some conflicts if the firmware and the if the firmware on this and the IP AE do not match. the auto upload will repeatedly fail. There you go. Auto update.

That's what. I'm failing, so thank you very much. KL 27 X ie. plug the device in, hit connect, it, downloads new family, but it's broken.

Yep, like it's absolute horseshit. Yes, thank you very much. My thoughts Exactly KL 27 X It isn't explained. It's horseshit that it isn't explained somewhere.

Easily accessible document or sticky or a FAQ or anything like that. I Know this is in complete and utter horseshit. I Agree, There is. So so yeah.

KL 27 X Seems nobody's talking about. Ah, you can find the yeah fo5 the Picket Three jar I know where that is yet? There we go. Firmware: So I can? maybe So what I'm going to do now is gonna stop this. I've been ranting long enough I'll have a play around with the MPLAB X to see if I can.

Actually people are talking about generating a dummy project file and then loading in the firmware and then trying to download the firmware to this manually. So yeah, but why there's not an option in in? you know the IPE To do that like update, you know you saw it right. I tried to update this thing. it's got a manual download firmware I tried to do on a select of the right file.

It does not do it. So maybe MPLAB X and what have I got? a failed pic kit 3 I don't know. Is it bricked I don't know. Do I have to crack it open and somehow connect to some sort of hack into some sort of internal ICSP bus or something like that to unbreak it or whatever? I've got no idea.

Anyway, I'll go now. try MPLAB X and I'll get back to you all. Won't bore you with the details are try and do the firmware manually. but ah listen, you know I've already wasted like a couple of hours on this trying to freaking get this thing talking.

It's ridiculous. Bloody microchip. Stupid tools. Unbelievable.

Alright, so here I am in the Archives of Microchips development tools because yet they no longer support the original Wah. Mplab only support MPLAB X So here we go Mplab Ide archives and I will download up. Where is it I will download. Guess I'll download the latest version 8.9 to install that and see if I can get lucky updating the firmware.

And then maybe the plan is if it updates the firmware in that, then it'll then talk to the newer Mplab x and it'll update the firmware for the MP Lab x. That's a plan anyway. Um, by the way I didn't show you the screenshot where I Actually you know it wouldn't even connect. Here it is.

It wouldn't even connect with my previous the old Pickett 3 programmer software got some stupid timeout error message or something like that and somebody asked do-it-yourself audio I see if I have tried a separate computer? Yes I actually set up all these download the tools again on a completely on a different machine. It was fairly clean machine and know exactly the same problem. once again run in Windows 7. So anyway, on stores get back and here's another little rant and trying to download it.
it's failed twice. It's 111 Meg download and in it. For some reason my internet works. So is it the Microchip Bloody website.

Now it's only gotten to 11 Meg and it's frozen. They got to like 50 mega 70 Meg before before it froze. now it's 11 Meg and it'll eventually come up saying failed network error Unbelievable. And I did actually go in here and try and create a project in peel a box to see if that I could like auto download the latest firmware just before I do the Mplab eight, the older one and of course some because as I did I rent at the beginning yes, it didn't come with anything.

any compilers so when you choose your device it says yeah, look that there's my pit kit three, it's all there. Everything's hunky-dory but no compilers found so I can't actually continue creating a project. not even a dummy one I Go! I Guess that's understandable. Alright, so I'm not going to rent too much about that.

so I'm actually downloading the I don't know the XC sixteen compiler cuz the 24 F So 16-bit chip. so I presume it's the X16 compiler for the damn thing that's downloading slowly. no has that one has that one frozen? - I have download I've tried a dozen times to download the MP Lab IDE 8.9 - and it keeps failing. Sometimes it gets the 10, Meg's sometimes gets 270 Meg and it fails like a dozen times.

There's nothing else wrong with my Internet God I Hate technology, Hate the Internet Oh and nope I tried Firefox as well to download. Note: Look, it failed. Full install of the XC 16 compiler. No, it got to like 40 Meg or something.

a lot 80% of the way there and what? Murphy will get you every time. This is where you know this sort of will happen. When you you know you got to get this deadline, you've got to get your project finish. You got to get you up finished or whatever.

And now it's you know, before some trade show demo I Know nothing freaking works off for you. Unbelievable. And there's David - there is Cameo. He's back.

He's back for the New Year. Finally, I'm installing the compiler, but only because David - actually had happened to have a copy on his laptop here. So yet I am download anything from Bloody Microchip. Unbelievable.

And we're just trying to get to the project properties here, trying to find the project properties. and David couldn't do it either. And well, now you finally figured out. Its this little spanner thing here.

So that's changed from the original Mplab, hasn't it? III think it's got its got like that I think they used to have a project thing up here. Anyway, it's been years since I've used it anyway. this tiny little spanner thing. So you click on this little spanner thing and then we get in here.
And hopefully now, what do we do in Picot 3. No, there we go. Picot 3. Then there's a firmware.

So if you go to the top end of program option firmware. Yeah and Then use latest firmware, it's already done. It's already ticked. Yep.

So when you load your program it should. So I've got to have a dummy program though, right? I can get some kind of load in something and HelloWorld program so they need to because right upload code the other way. All right. So I can actually download yeah I'd like a firm way.

Yeah. so I can get okay. alright we'll get back to you. There we go.

It's trying to connect to the Picot three-note connection failed so yep doesn't work in Mplab x All I did was hit the the doubt. what is it the read device thing up here and just know it didn't work and finally got it. but David had to download it on his notebook and it downloaded first go. so go figure.

I've tried two different browsers on this and I can't download anything from my Mplab. So anything from microchip at all Arc yet standard location? Whatever. Okay, yeah, whatever. yeah, whatever.

yeah, whatever. Next, just install everything. Come on, Go Silver Sovereign. Unbelievable.

Been sitting here for a couple of minutes and it's just doing nothing. Absolutely freaking nothing. Oh alright. finally got it to work and it would like to install the device driver.

I'm presuming yes I want to install it because maybe it's an older driver and it will work with the picket three so that's worth doing like. it may mean that I can't talk to MPLAB X but I can uninstall this and reinstall MPLAB X That's fine. So I think I'll go install or or will Murphy get me and I've chosen the wrong option Anyway, we'll see. Oh, this doesn't look good.

four bytes expected, zero bytes received. fail to properly connect the Picot. sorry my target device. Yeah, I might set up and now set up a project and see if it does it, etc.

But as it stands, Nope. I Installed Mplab 8 which at previously work with I think I was using 8 point something or other and previously worked and failed to and it just does not connect anymore so he'll microchip tools seriously suck. You hold onto your hats. We realized that we were using a really old version of the Picot programming software like version 1 and but that's what was on the Microchip website.

That was their version, but we got Version 3.1 Google archives. Okay, so we'll install that and maybe Bob will be our uncle. Here we go. We might have it.

This is what we're hoping for. Look at this: The Picot 3 Operating System Version 2.0 It must be updated. You bet your us we want to update it. This is the one.
Yep, I Remember using this one. Ah, Version three. There you go. Picot Three Operating System must be updated for it can be used blah blah blah.

Download a new operating system, You bet your ass we've actually got it. Bear Bear board. We were getting desperate we will go to actually hook up a pit kit to to the in circuit serial programming port on this thing which is the wrong pitch. sorry my leads not on long enough to show you it's the wrong bloody pitch.

Pin pitches not point one inch bastards anyway. Ah but apparently the clones you can buy on eBay You can get like 16 dollar clones or something delivered from Hong Kong They have the correct pin pitch apparently. Okay download, let's see if this works. Ah, come on.

Yes, yes I heard it. Yes, it's a reboot. e sound. Ah, we might have it.

Yes, Come on. Victory Dance Work. Victory Dance. Do Dance Dance! Oh yeah, engineers don't dance.

Whoo Whoo Yeah, there we go Oh big gangly arms there. Bingo. That was it all we had to do. well.

Okay, well no we still haven't tried it with the MPLAB X and everything else. but um, at least we're getting somewhere. We've updated the firmware well it was never going do do do da no no it wouldn't know. Completely sweet.

All right. All right here we go this: I should have remembered this I Remember now I Remember using Picot version 3 Picket Three Programmer software version 3 and yeah, anyway I've now got it hooked up So I've now got done along I'll show you the pin pitch. By the way, there's the stupid or is it yeah there it is. Check it out.

Stupid pin pitch wheel that's not point one inch. that's the internal in circuit program in header. So I'm going to plug this into my product. My super-secret product I can't tell you about that uses a Pic Twenty Four F V DD on Picket Three so we'll turn it on and then we can try and it should detect a device if I Remember rightly here we go.

So let's just choose the Pic 24. Can I just do a read. No, no okay now I'm just bumming around. Try to use this thing I Haven't used it for years.

just use it all the time. It's amazing how you forget things. you know if you don't use them for a while. I mean you know it's a couple of years.

Used to use it extensively to develop for and program all my micro watches and stuff. Anyway, I'll get back to you, no device detected. So yeah, I'll find a board that that could be the product I Haven't tried to connect to it before, so yeah, we'll try and find something to connect to and then we'll try it on. MPLAB X This is going.

What are we being on for at least half an hour now in recorded footage but we're like spent all day on this. Seriously stupid. I Can't shut down the bloody software. Ah David - can't do it either.

Why? Unbelievable. Alright here we go on back in the Mplab x IP e All these terms are confusing. Anyway, it's just detected the picket three. Let's see if it can connect.
No, no, it's like we got the same no. Looks like we've upgraded back to the software. No, that doesn't work. Connection failed gray Wow The target circuit may require more power, blah blah blah Yep.

But but did it Update: Could not be restarted? No I don't think Update: If it updated the firmware, it would have gone to do it with the USB connect thing again. Probably. So no. I don't think anything magic happened there.

Okay, back to MPLAB X Sorry Mplab 8 Oh, this is just so bad. Not even Mplab 8 can't connect to it. Download. Pick your operating system? Sure.

Oh oh oh. I Wish we had that. Uh oh no. we're West we're still recording.

We're still recording if you hang on. hold on to your hats. We forgot about one thing. This mode.

You remember We told you about the mode at the start how this thing are different modes. Here we go look at this. Revert to Mplab mode. Here we go: Clicking: Ok, we'll program there so that it will restart into bootloader mode.

This allows communication with Mplab software. Oh I In me, this Mo can alternately activated by holding down the Picot 3 button during USB plug in. Nobody told us that there you go, you can hold yet cuz there's a button on the front of this stupid theme that you can hold it down. Do it, cancel and try to do that like that.

No, no, no I want to know I don't know, it's telling us it can do it I Want to try and do it. No change is made to the program image. It's just a mode right? So you hold down the button. if you're having problems connecting, hold down the button.

This could be it. This could be the Holy Grail. Kick it. hold it down during USB plug in and maybe you get some different LEDs flash or something.

Here we go. What is that? There we go? Yep I heard it reconnect. Yep, yep has been reverted to converted to MPLAB mode exiting GUI Crash instead like and the only way to shut it down is to go into to actually kill it in Task Manager this is unbelievable and and it won't and it'll and you have to do it a couple of times because it puts up a fight. Alright so you got a yep Wow Okay now where do we go from here? Mplab IPE Perhaps let's go straight into the new IPE the integrated programming environment and let's see if we can connect.

Yes, Yes, whoo Yeah, we did it. That's it. Oh Probably after like a day of around with this thing I Reckon all we had to do was probably hold down the button on this thing to put it. it wasn't going good and put them at all.

Oh a night? Well yeah, maybe some firmware? Ok yeah, all right. all right. maybe it was old firmware. but I so the key I Think here.

Oh, hang on. Failed to download firmware. connection failed. hang on.

But at least we actually connect to it with the new IP e MPLAB X So this is a big step. Ah, to Target Device. Oh yeah. Ok, yes, yes, we don't get Y X I Don't have a target device hooked up? That's fine yet.
No, no, that's that's good. I think we're rock I think we're cooking with gas. So the I So the trick was this thing with the whatever firmware was programmed into here would only talk to the Picot 3 Programmer software Version 3.1 It would not talk and connect to anything else. Ok I'm going for broke I Got it hooked up to my new product.

and yeah, apparently in the jar file that we looked at before, it contains all of all these different hex files, the jam file was apparent like it was just a list of the text list of those files. So the hex files there was all different modes. So depending on which chip you want a program, it looks like this thing will download programming firmware to your pic kit 3-2 then that program at your target device. So that's why we get in.

This failed to download firmware down here. So here we go: I have now selected the correct device. It is plugged at night. Hang on! I haven't applied power.

so let's apply power. target circuit from the tool. You bet? All right? So we're going to apply power and we are going to connect. Let's see what happens.

See what happens? Just got those damn Asterix is again the target circuit make our we're still getting that error message. Okay, may require more power in there. Okay, well that could be that could be true. So I don't know if I can actually power the target on here.

Haven't actually tried it. All right? We'll try another board, try another target. He's an annoying quirk of this software. Any giant time you change the target device, it resets this power target circuit from tool check box.

Ah jeez, Thanks Microchip! Yeah, it's a safety measure. Sure, it was decided by committee some I'm actually trying to connect to a Dizzy Lent chip kit. so hopefully I got the pin outs correct because it's a bit of a bit of a mess. There we go.

Um nope. No, it doesn't like that it's downloading the software. We might have success. Can we show that to the webcam? Yeah, here we go, it's going to be sure.

I Hang on I'll go full screen. go full screen. sorry we're using Dave's what is this Microsoft Surface yeah thing and it's downloaded. This is MPLAB X Yeah, yeah.

Yep. and it's downloaded the new firmware? Yeah, because it wasn't Oh, there we go look. it's doing stuff. Yes.

Oh done. That's a win because we think it was in Mplab mode which of course wouldn't work with the IPE through whatever. Okay, that's reading the chip. We won.

We actually read nationality. it's flashing at night. Our well note, we have one, we have spoken. We have spoken well.

I'm like it. We are 7 spoken to our chip kit and yep, so we can now read yeah I got to read complete Now we can have a look at once on that. Seriously, this has been a solid day's work. It's probably been a day and a half.
Well, we haven't worked on all day. today. Every day we've been around with the other things. Ah, we got a new scope that was exciting.

New scope turned up. No. I should be able to do it now. so let's disconnect it.

Let's go live. Sorry about this. SuperDuper Long video. Let's plug it in.

I'll load up Mplab MPLAB X IDE sorry I got to switch back to the screen here and can we edit the existing one to change it or is take take longer? Just go phone you. Yep. file new microchip embedded la blah blah yep 32 and then scroll to that one. Yeah Sweet Picot 3 good Yep, Whoo! that'll let that software I'll do.

microchip sucks to or just M like finish. Alright there we go. Okay, so we're in like Flynn and now we just read right? Yeah, let's go read device memory connecting the programmer. so was it just? yep.

There we go. There we go. Yeah cuz it doesn't it? Firmwares fine so doesn't have downloading you. it's downloaded firmware before I do yeah ok it automatic us.

We had the configuration setting to set to auto download firmware. There you go. so it works. Ridiculous number of steps to get that work.

Yeah I know crazy. We spent all day. both of us had a shot. Yeah, the all the stuff on the forum helped but ultimately it didn't do the business until we do.

Misleading. Yeah, well no no a few people were right about the mode. That mode said in that mode setting made a lot of difference but was definite right. But we had yeah, yeah, but we had to.

The key was to download the three-point-one programmer software in order for it to update the firmware to actually rec talk to it to update the firmware chicken and egg thing. And because that's probably last software I used with my pet kit. three would have been that version 3.1 programming software probably four years ago or something. Yeah, right now you know that would have been last thing I used and obviously it had the firmware on it and nothing else.

liked it. So whoo. So recompete. Weird.

Yeah, this is great. So now how do I call? where's my microchip sucks project up here. let's go into my microchip. Do I have to load it or am I just in like Flynn How do I sort of set as yeah, set his current or active produce at his main project? There we go.

Boom right? 24f I'll plug it back into my product now. Yeah, can't let you see it secret. It's pretty cool though. Isn't it day of my new project? Yeah yeah and it's getting cooler as the days go by.

How long? Oh no. It's another prototypes due in a couple of we I yeah and another few weeks I'll get another prototype, but there was a big goof with it. anyway. I'm developing a product in conjunction with somebody, my company who shall remain nameless.

Anyway, let's uh, so that is that, right? So it's connected. Now all we've got to do is we want to go into the Spanner theme right? Because we want the Picket Three and we do want to apply power. So we're going up Power Target so it kept that setting beauty. Something works in microchip.
Alright, X is actually really you a your urine MPLAB X Fanboy, It's a lot better. It's a lot better a lot of people complain about MPLAB X I've only ever heard complaints about Asians Horrible right? Oh yeah, right. But once you're used to it, its right. Yeah, Okay, so that's it.

So I've selected that. so let me try and read: No yeah I Got to scroll down here. hand is downloaded new firmware all the different. Yes for the different because this is a 24 F as opposed to a 32 F Completely different series.

So the the pic kit I mean that's just dumb I mean you know like I Actually now then I recall I think it has to do this. I A Glee Remember because the tiger device does not match expected device would you? Oh okay, so there it gives me some weird hex code. What do I like to continue? Well I'm just reading. It's not like I'm programming it right.

so let's just go. Okay I wouldn't why you would over with your voice I'm going to read come on. All right here you go. This is actually a photo of the pic 24 F J in my product.

Um, and it you can see it is exactly the same as what I've got set over here. 24 FJ 64g a 310 right? Yet it's telling us. oh, would you like to continue Miles, Cancel. let's do it again.

So let's read: read device memory main project and it says the IDS do not match Why microchip? This is more microchip. Funny business here we go. What? I Like to continue? You bet your ass I Want to continue and if it ruins the firmware in my product I Am NOT going to be a happy camper? Um, of course now that I've supposedly got a working MP letter pit kit 3 I can redownload it but I've only got the source code after recompile read complete. There you go.

Yep. Ok sweet. so it well it talks, it's talking. Bingo the ear.

That's the end of the video folks. all done and dusted. that took like a days I Pissed away a day, day and a half trying to get a stupid pic kept three working I mean that's just disgusting and everyone on the forum says like similar things and various other forums that's a pain in the ass. All these different firmware versions and and it modes and crap like that.

it's just that's ridiculous. Yeah, when it works you have no problem like before I Really have never had any major problems with Pick Things in the past and using I developed several projects with picks many Actually, we're in program using the Picket three or not many you know, three or four and no problems whatsoever. But yeah, when I dragged this older picket three out of the out of the jump in, it caused no end of problems and that was completely non-obvious It was a lot of around but we finally got it. So sorry.
That's probably like 45 minute video and like a sope. it'd be pretty quick, but no it wasn't. so they have it. microchip.

Ah man, it's a dog's breakfast. It really is. all the development stuff for this. It's a mess.

I Pick it three I mean and how old is that? Five years when did I do my original rant on this thing? Yeah, it was felt like the video 20 or something. It was like five good. five years ago and they haven't come up with an update for it. It's ridiculous and microchip are on the verge of buying at Mill as well.

So you Atmel fanboys out there? Well, you might be forced to eat some of this. MPLAB X dog food. But yeah. anyway.

um, it worked in the end. And now that I've got the correct firmware on here, I'm surely give no more problems whatsoever and I'll probably work a treat. I'll load my source code in. Everything will work fine because David Ii says Mplab X works fine.

He's developed several projects with it. Fine, it's fine. There you go. He says it's fine.

They should put their link back on their side. Oh yes, Oh my God. Yes, yeah. Because yeah, like.

The only software that worked here was version 3.1 of the Programmer software which is not on Microchips website. Where is it? Where's there lately? Where's there Buddy? Here it is. Here's all their archived stuff here. It is down the bottom standalone program picking from kept poking to it.

There's my cursor picket. three standalone programmer app. Version 1 Oh, we didn't say it. that's really father.

That's funny. Alright, sorry Microchip, there it is. Picket Three Programmer App and Scripting Tool Version 3.1 That's embarrassing day. Scripting Tool and Scripting Tool that's why I like I didn't like I just went programmer app.

That's what I wanted Standalone program app okay sorry I apologize Microchip. Maybe I'll edit that out I don't know. Oh but yet not it's there. Ok so if I use that, we probably would have saved or actually I might have saved most of today's most of the most of the work today.

probably if we downloaded that. able to talk to it. Damn it. Yep.

downloaded there I downloaded the Standalone Programmer app when I should have downloaded the programmer app and script in Tool Version 3.1 Wow Ok, yep, fail. sorry Microchip. didn't mean to bag you that much. but yeah, like your stuff is still crap.

Actually, we just realized David - made exactly the same mistake downloading that standalone programmer software as I did so he didn't have any pre-existing thing I just told him download the Standalone Programmer app and try it on his machine and he downloaded the wrong one too. so you know and and it was familiar to we I didn't in twig because it was. it looked like the programmer standalone Programmer tool I was familiar with. it wasn't the correct one.

but ultimately this is a failure of MPLAB X and M and the older MP lab as well to properly recognize you know this. this firmware having like different modes and firmware and crap that doesn't talk to each other. You've got to have it in some stupid mode and there's no universal you know, obvious like big you know, bold text on the on the website that says you must do this or in the it's just not anyway and many people on the forum ultimately could helping some respects, but ultimately didn't nail it down either. So that's with the collective nerd power of some people on my forum as well.
So geez it. what? like unless I didn't follow somebody's instructions precisely but I try to. But yeah, it's ultimately MPLAB X is just needs to handle the firmware for this thing better. It's just ridiculous crazy.

Catch you next time you you.

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18 thoughts on “Eevblog #841 – microchip mplab x pickit 3 woes”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brent Marinelli says:

    The holding the button while plugging in the PCkit3 was the gold nugget I needed.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars rchandos says:

    Microchip gets the award for most user unfriendly software. Every new version of MPLab X is worse than its predecessor.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Darron Vanaria says:

    7 years too late but I found this information stating that the PicKit3 doesn't supply power to the target board by default (default setting is no power to target). This needs to be enabled, and then the MPLAB IDE should recognize the connection:

    Powering the target device from the PICkit3
    Some people have trouble with the PICkit3 because it is not providing power (Vdd) to the target device. This results in the target device not being found by the programmer, and thus programming fails. The MPLAB X IDE reports "Target device was not found. You must connect to a target device to use PICkit 3." I've even seen hardware modifications to the PICkit3 to enable it to provide Vdd.

    Well, the PICkit3 can in fact provide Vdd to the target, without any modifications! This just happens to be disabled by default. To enable the feature from the MPLAB X IDE:

    In the "Projects" window, right-click on your project and select "Set Configuration" → "Customize"
    In the new window that opens, select "PICkit3"
    From the dropdown menu that currently says "Memories to program", choose "Power"
    Enable "Power target circuit from PICkit3"

    Now you can simply connect the five wires (Vpp, Vdd, Vss, PGD, PGC) from the PICkit3 to the target device, and program away. Just make sure you don't try to power an entire power-hungry circuit from the PICkit3, since it is limited to about 30 mA (or something, various sources quote different values).

    Or, if you're using the MPLAB X IPE instead of the full-blown IDE:

    Load your hex file, choose the device type and programmer and click "Connect"
    Choose "Settings" → "Advanced mode" and log in (how silly is this?) with the default password "microchip"
    Click on "POWER" and enable "Power Target Circuit from Tool"
    Click on "OPERATE" and program away…

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Parth Electronics says:

    This programber copy protected ic??

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jim Thompson says:

    The Pickit 3 and Pickit 4 will not program unless you turn on the power,

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Hollfelder says:

    Dave Jones. The “Scotty Kilmer” of electronics …

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brumby0 says:

    AVR was king, always just worked…. Kicked the PIC's ass when it was still Atmel.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Youtuber112 says:

    U saved my day, Thanks

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars drstrangelove09 says:

    now we need a flowchart that describes the steps!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ngô Tùng Dương says:

    Your whole day of making this video saved me in no more than 40 minutes.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars I Tinker with Things says:

    Hmmm… totally off topic, but I have to mention that I'm not the only lunatic that is using (at least) 3 web browsers 🙂

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Monchi Abbad says:

    Put is in a different windows usb-port windows (7) has a problem with resetting devices when you reinsert them into the same port.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Turner says:

    My PicKit3 Stinks so I went back to the 2. Maybe this video will help me 🙂

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rendon Greeff says:

    You should hate Microchip.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars steve c says:

    In 2021 this is still a problem, their programming software is 1.2 Gb! I got a Pickit 3 on Ebay and installed MPLab. It makes the lights flash but the Pickit 3 doesn't put out any power to the programming socked so it can't read in or do anything. The whole thing is a fraud!

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars capistor says:

    Completely agree with this rant. I'd say you went a bit gentle with this rant. if it was me i'd be throwing f words cause this has wasted so much of my time. 2 months to be exact. part of the reason is that this IDE and the whole community and its documents are not at all beginner friendly. you literally have to find an old dude with white 1 feet long beard to learn this thing from. microchip has a good internet presence but they don't know how to utilize it. if someone's a beginner and they want to know about oscillator settings and how it all works well good luck. . ye they have a "document" explaining the different modes .but to be honest its all just useless for beginners. i have had it with PIC micro. i will try the ST products or something else to learn this thing on. if anybody is thinking about getting this as their first step to microcontroller world. DONT! JUST DONT! SAVE YOURSELF THE MISERY AND MONTHS OF TIME and get something else.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PAKURWA INTERNATIONAL says:

    i am facing the same problem even after reverting it to mplab mode it gives target 0x0 invalid device error how can i resolve it

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anuj Arya says:

    made a product based on their new avr Tiny0 series 8 bit mcu, and had this problem where the atmel studio 7(with pcikit4 or atmel ICE) would report the mcu signature would not match to the one connected. They have these problems till date. We had problems with this even in the production. really bad experience.

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